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Thread: Schlitzie

  1. #601
    Cynthia Guest
    I'm glad Schitzie still has people looking after his gravesite. If I lived in the area you can be sure I would come by regularly to see that it's tended to. I hope people who are in a position to come by will do so. Schlitzie surely deserves it.

  2. #602
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Columbus, Ohio
    Cynthia, we are planning on meeting on Feb. 20, 2010 for a reunion of the Schlitze memorial. Hopefully you will be able to attend. We are still planning what we would like to do that day.

  3. #603
    monroe62 Guest
    Please don't use 409 next time to clean the stone. Doing research on proper cleaning of gravestones, one of the don'ts is abrasive chemical cleaners that can do damage.

    Here are some tips for renewing and sealing granite counters.

    Protect Your Granite

    You should re-seal granite every one to two years (or every 6 months to one year if it gets a lot of use). You should use a non-toxic sealer on food preparation areas. Sealing granite creates a non-porous layer on the surface, which protects the naturally porous granite, and will help prevent stains and damage. There are many granite sealing products on the market, as well. Don’t use products that have acids, because strong detergents and corrosive liquids dull the polished granite surface.

  4. #604
    monroe62 Guest
    Second part that didn't come through...

    A less expensive alternative, however, is car wax (in a can – not the liquid spray wax). Car wax contains virtually the same type of sealant as the specialty granite seals, and will do the same job if used according to the directions. In fact, some sealers are just relabeled car wax. Higher-end granite sealers are called impregnators, which penetrate below the surface to basically clog up all the pores. You can find cleaners at hardware stores or get them from a stone dealer. Remember to always test these cleaning methods on small discreet area for color fastness or granite damage.

  5. #605
    Kugmu Guest
    409 bad
    I fail

    Did some looking around and found this:
    ??How can I clean a granite gravestone, and is there anything I
    can apply to it to prevent more staining??

  6. #606
    ChargerBill Guest

  7. #607
    Jack-O-Lantern Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Colicky View Post
    I think it is an interesting twist of fate that this thread has resurfaced at this time.

    One year ago on this date, I had just ended a brutal run at the hospital of double shifts and had 1 day off before repeating that same long run of double shifts again. I needed to do laundry, run errands, clean the house, sleep.....and all I could think about was Schlitze. It was 1 year ago today that I made the call to Queen of Heaven Cemetery and started the drive to get his grave marked. When I think about all that we accomplished in such a short time, it seems unreal. In this one short year, we came together as a team, and raised funds from all over the world to mark this poor man's grave. We came from all over the country to honor this man's life and celebrate our accomplishment. People are still coming to honor Schlitze's memory by visiting his grave and leaving small mementos. Last year we were strangers on a message board, now we are friends, and in a few cases, some are like family.

    I worked a double last night, and have to a double again tonight. Some things will never change . Once again, thanks to all that helped with this wonderful accomplishment.
    I'm still in awe of you guys--it's such a wonderful thing you did (and in Joel's case--are continuing to do!). Schlitzie is smiling down on all of you at this very moment!

  8. #608
    Micah Harris Guest

    Smile Announcement For Schlitze Fans On Anniversary of His Death

    Hi All You Death hags and Schlitze fans (with a special shoutout to all those with whom I was privileged to share his graveside service in Feb)!

    On this, the the eve of the 38th Anniversary of his death, I am pleased to announce that I have completed the rough draft of my book on Schlitze Surtees, beloved sideshow figure from the MGM classic "Freaks."

    There is still work to be done, but this is a significant milestone that I have been working diligently to meet in time for this anniversary of Schlitze's passing.

    I will be gathering a list of names of those of you on FindaDeath who kindly contributed to his finally getting the dignity of a gravestone last year, to be included in an appendix to the book.

    Of course, all who have contributed to my store of information by generously sharing the fruits of their own research into Schlitze will receive acknowledgement as well. So will those who personally knew Schlitze and kindly shared their memories with me.

    One person who fits in both categories is Findadeath's own Verne Langdon! Verne, you have a significant cameo on pages 388-389 of the current draft of the manuscript -- get ready for your close-up!

    Thank you all for your interest in the little guy! I like to believe he's aware of your genuine affection and is smiling in Paradise; that, like Lazarus, the beggar who knew so much disadvantage in this life, Schlitze now has first class accomodations at Abraham's side, enjoying a banquet that goes on and on forever.

    Micah Harris

  9. #609
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Columbus, Ohio
    HURRAH! CONGRATULATIONS! Micah, this is fantastic news! I would like to kindly remind you that I get an autographed copy since I bought your breakfast at DuPars.

    I can help you with the list of names, I kept track of everyone that contributed.

    I can't wait to read your book, you should be very proud of yourself. I know how hard it was to find true information on Schlitze. Kugmu and I were recently discussing how we need to start making plans for the 1 year anniversary of the Schlitze memorial. Do you think your book will be ready by February 20?

  10. #610
    Micah Harris Guest

    No Collicky, I haven't forgotten I owe you . . .

    Thanx for volunteering to set me up with the info on the contributors to the grave stone. And, yes, you and Kugmu both have autographed copies coming!

    I've been working on revisions tonight after posting, and I'm really pleased with what I've got. And I can be really critical of my stuff. But I'm enjoying reading over and revising this material. A very exciting time for me.

    Thanx always for your interest and support, and most of all for spearheading the movement to get Schlitze his headstone and a bit of dignity that eluded him in life.


  11. #611
    Guest Guest
    Sounds interesting

  12. #612
    SenorMuerto Guest
    That's GREAT news, Micah! I'm really looking forward to it!

    "One of US!"

  13. #613
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hollywood, California
    Hi Micah, this is great news. Congratulations on the end of the project, I cannot wait to see it.

    What I would recommend, is to contact anyone you want to mention in the book first, before publishing their names. I know some people donated anonymously and want to keep it that way. It's just a good idea to check that out beforehand.

    Believe me, I've found that out the hard way.


    Hero Worship - They Deserve it. I preserve it.

  14. #614
    Verne Langdon Guest

    Schlitze's day - 2010!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colicky View Post
    Cynthia, we are planning on meeting on Feb. 20, 2010 for a reunion of the Schlitze memorial. Hopefully you will be able to attend. We are still planning what we would like to do that day.
    Colicky, this will be GREAT! I'm hoping KUGMU can be instrumental in getting the 20th Of February Officially Declared Schlitze's Day by the Mayor Of Los Angeles, with perhaps a luncheon at Philippe's, and maybe a photo enshrined in a gold frame on the wall of the Paul Eagles Circus Club Room there, in Memory of our favorite little fellow.

    It would be terrific to have Scott once more conduct his Schlitze Tour, including a graveside visit, and maybe a trip to the studio (MGM) and soundstage where FREAKS was filmed, and a study of the location of the hotel where the cast stayed during filming.

    Micah owns a costume that purportedly belonged to Schlitze - although at the moment Micah is working on organizing the final draft of his Schlitze book and doesn't plan to make it out, maybe he could see it clear to send us the costume to incorporate in our graveside salute.

    All things are possible - we have some lead time now. Anyone have any ideas to contribute?

  15. #615
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Columbus, Ohio
    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to let everyone know that Micah Harris is close to publishing his book on Schlitze and would like to include a special section listing the names of people who contributed to Schlitzes's stone.

    Micah is a college professor who was present at the Schlitze memorial on Feb. 20, 2009.

    Since I was the one who collected the donations and am the legal guardian of the his remains, Micah has asked me for the list of all that contributed. I am posting this here to let everyone know of this for two reasons. One, so everyone is aware what Micah is doing in case they are interested in reading about Schlitze, and two in case anyone DOES NOT want to be included on the book. Only names will be provided, not amounts donated.

    If you do not want your name published, please e-mail at

    Hats off to Micah! It was due to the hard work and extensive research of Micah and Verne Langdon that brought Schlitze to our attention!

  16. #616
    Jaxxx Guest
    Happy Birthday, schlitze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #617
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Southern Indiana
    Just found this thread. I am so impressed with how kind hearted people are on this forum!

  18. #618
    Shadowcatcher Guest
    Searched Amazon for Micah's book but no luck
    finding it. Is it out yet?

  19. #619
    RedRevolver Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Verne Langdon View Post
    The pleasure is all mine, Axl.

    I don't know about any "greatness", but I just had a hot dog for lunch and it reminded me of carnival days long gone, and it made my day (that and your kind words, Axl. T'anks!)

    I knew Shlitze from many years of carnival exposure. My Aunt and I haunted the midways always seeking out Shlitze, plus I worked fairs and was almost always stationed next to (and sometimes IN) West Coast Shows or Foley & Burke (the BIG show in those days!).

    Shlitze was a star back then; one of the TOP 10-in-1 performers on the circuit.

    His "act" was pretty much limited to being talked about, usually by George Surtees or Dolores his wife - "He has the head the size of a coconut and his brain is even smaller. Say 'hello' to the nice people, Shlitze," then Shlitze would manage something vocal that could have been taken for "hello" or "halla" or even "heeeeah", and would do an odd little wave, then look up at George or Dolores for approval.

    Anytime either of them would make an out-of-the-ordinary quick hand gesture, Shlitze would cower and put his hand and arm up to shield his face and head, giving me the impression he'd been smacked a number of times.

    I would say his was about the intelligence of a five year old or so, but he was extremely difficult to understand. However, there were moments when he'd look at you ... really AT you, almost INTO you, as if he fully comprehended the moment and the fact you were watching him.

    When people would gather at his "stage" or sectioned off area, he would sit there applying saliva from his mouth to the face of a quarter or even a penny someone would give him, as if he were cleaning or polishing it. Sometimes he would look away from you, or just stare down at the ground, and appear apologetic, as if saying "I know I don't fit in anyplace, but I always try my best."

    I tried a number of times to engage him in conversation, and he always seemed interested in me, but couldn't really converse completely. I'm sure he understood, but the communication skills weren't all there.

    As is often the case when one observes a physically or mentally challenged person, I am very emotionally affected. I've had encounters and friendships with several besides Shlitze, and the "there but for the grace of God" adage can't help but come to my mind. We seldom realize entirely how fortunate at the LEAST we really are.

    Shlitze was very dear. Affectionate, not angry or hating. Were it not for his circumstances, I can't help but believe he would have been a very loving, caring father or mate.

    But given his condition, he was utilized in a manner and lifestyle, albeit on the surface "exploitative", that afforded him an interesting, colorfulful - although sometimes rather cruel - existence.

    The alternative, being locked away in an institution, would have been a fate far worse, I believe.

    God rest his little soul - his beautiful new gravestone would absolutely DELIGHT him. "Pretty", he'd try to say.

    What a marvelous thing you all accomplished! You have my deepest Gratitude, and - I am very certain - Shlitze's as well.

    - Verne
    I know this thread is old, but I signed up just to say how saddened (I did cry) I was by this. He deserved more than he got, although I do respect what he got was better than the alternative. The idea of anyone frightening the poor man to do their own bidding is just abhorrent to me.

    Anyway, I also wanted to say how good this thread makes me feel about the world. It was nice reading, even three years on, the steps and story of how you guys got Schlitze his grave stone - it's sad that he's still buried with two other people (and, in fact, anyone is forced to be buried with anyone else).

  20. #620
    ralph90255 Guest
    I just found this website. I have not seen Freaks, but I read a lot about this great "little man". What you guys did for him is great! I only wish I would have known this was going on so I could have donated for him. All of you have a special place in heaven. I am sure when you all get there, he will be waiting there for you with a big smile and a great big hug and a big "thank you for making me feel like a big man!". May god bless you all!!!

  21. #621
    Sam Spade Guest
    Hi, guys, first day here and my first post, and what better way to start off than to congratulate all of you who made this happen, what an achievement for a web site to and a bunch of people from all over the world to organise a permanent marker for someone most had never met.

    Well done.

  22. #622
    cherubim Guest
    Oh. My.

    I have no idea how I reached this thread (yes I could check my browser history but quite frankly...nah)... but to say that I have read it, followed the 'trail' to find-a-grave, then to find-a-death (I have been there before!) and watched the moving videos of the ceremony for Schlitzie and been moved to tears goes someway to expressing how the actions of others can affect you.

    I live in the UK - have no idea who Schlitzie was (until I turned on my google-fu) - but the actions, intent and generosity displayed here and elsewhere on the internet regarding a person that perhaps the majority of you never met, overwhelms me.

    I think in all of us, there exists a need for our life to matter to someone, somewhere, and be remembered.

    Bless you all for doing that for Schlitzie.

  23. #623
    Join Date
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    Columbus, Ohio
    3 years ago today was the day we all came together and celebrated this man's life and the accomplishment of the board marking his grave properly.

    Verne Langdon and Joel (Kugmu) are gone now, and I am in Ohio on this date. Schlitze is not forgotten even though all of us who helped make this happen, by contributing their time, money, and thoughts and prayers are separated. I sent 2 bouquets of flowers, with one of them from his friends at Find A Death. I also sent pinwheels, balloons, and a banner / fluttering ribbon thing to decorate the grave.

    Once again, I am humbled to have been part of this.
    Last edited by Colicky; 02-20-2012 at 11:49 AM. Reason: Grammer

  24. #624
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Rest in peace, Schlitzie. And Verne and Joel too.

  25. #625
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    btw, great job, Colicky

  26. #626
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Finnegan View Post
    Rest in peace, Schlitzie. And Verne and Joel too.

    I second that Finnegan.....and God bless you Colicky, you have been Schlitzie's angel.....

  27. #627
    In the documentary "Sideshow: Alive on the Inside," Ward Hall said that Schlitzie think it was funny if he saw somebody make some kind of mistake, pointing and exclaiming, "You see! You see!" I dunno, from his "conversation" in "Freaks," he seemed pretty unintelligible. But Ward Hall was/is a talker, and part of the job is playing fast and loose with the facts.

  28. #628
    1karenhb Guest
    I totally agree Colicky.

  29. #629
    matchbox10 Guest
    I think this really goes to show how much Schlitzie accomplished. We all have hardships and joy in our lives but very few of us earn the right to be immortalised in the hearts and minds of so many.

    I just watched Schlitzie's belated funeral service and I certainly intend to pay my respects at his grave. I live in the UK so perhaps I'll stop off in Paris and pick up a hat with a loooong feather on it.

  30. #630
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    RIP sir.

  31. #631
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I don't watch the show, but found a (fairly G-rated) American Horror Story: Asylum clip with a character that looks like an homage to Schlitzie.

  32. #632
    Angelique Guest
    I've heard about the memorial about a year ago , it's wonderful to see how everything started.

    God bless you !

  33. #633
    Join Date
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    Columbus, Ohio
    I sent flowers, balloons, and pinwheels to Schlitze's grave on February 20, to mark the 4th anniversary of the the Schlitze memorial. I will be there in person on the 5th anniversary, so if anyone wants to join me, you have a year to plan and save!

  34. #634
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    S.E. Pennsylvania, USA
    I found two of Schlitzie's other film appearances. If they're already part of the Forum, sorry for the duplicate post. For those not wanting to watch the entire films ...

    In "Meet Boston Blackie", FF to about 0:50:55 which is the start of the carnival scene with Schlitzie as "Princess Betsy", but don't blink or you'll miss him.

    In "Tomorrow's Children", FF to about 21:55, Schlitzie is in a courtroom scene dressed in male attire with a head of hair AND a beard !! Same as above - don't blink or look away from the screen or you'll miss his appearance.

    "Tomorrow's Children" deals with US government-enforced sterilization, and thinking back to Monty Clift's courtroom scene in "Judgment at Nuremberg", Max Schell does cite contemporary US laws that (much like the Nazi's laws) forced people to be sterilized. So Schell's argument was, who are the Americans to condemn the Nazis when they were committing the same acts against their own citizens ?

  35. #635
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Central Florida
    good the second one....he looks like a totally different person with a beard and hair
    To my Father. Even though you have crossed the plane, you will always be with me.
    You were not just my Father, but my hero. My life has been a poor attempt to be like you
    You taught me music, vocals, and how to fight. I can only hope I am half the man you are
    When I close my eyes I can see you. And finally, Thank you Dad. for everything.
    March 1934-July 2016

  36. #636
    Probably becase it is a different person, although some sources indicate it's Schlitzie:

  37. #637
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    S.E. Pennsylvania, USA
    Probably becase it is a different person, although some sources indicate it's Schlitzie:

    I agree, that is most likely a different person, based on the slope of the forehead, etc. I posted this based on the data on IMDB and on that brief courtroom scene. At first sight I thought it was a thinner Schlitzie. To be honest, I was so disturbed at the sad, injured look on that poor soul's face in the courtroom I didn't watch any more of the movie so I'm glad I didn't see him handcuffed in bed !! Thanks for posting the link, it's an interesting website. Many of that site's photos are more graphic than the exhibits I remember seeing in the Mutter Museum (I hope they fixed the glass case the 'Soap Lady' is in. I leaned forward to read the plackard above her and got a whiff of sumptin' sumptin' that indicated she's not all that airtight in there).

  38. #638
    I think Schlitzie's "appearance" in the "Tomorrow's Children" doc is an example of citogenesis:
    Don't know when it was added to IMDb, but it was added to the Wiki in December 2008.
    The person in "Tomorrow's Children" has more of a resemblance to this person, who appeared in "Island of Lost Souls," also listed in various places as Schlitzie: I think I'm going to send a request to delete some of this info from Schlitzie's IMDb page (like his date of birth and real name)--since the fact is. . . we just don't know for a fact.

  39. #639
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The two look hardly anything alike.

  40. #640
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    If someone had the time they could place the best stills from the various clips thought to be him and a genuine photo of him and compare the different aspects of his face.

  41. #641
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

  42. #642
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I've been reading this thread from the start (as i didn't knew who Schlitzie was) and I loved what you did for him.
    Does anyone have the ISBN number of Micah's book because I really like to read it. ( I tried finding it on Google but I couldn't find it)
    Some compare Elvis to God.. I mean He is good, but He is no Elvis

  43. #643
    Since the last update on it was four years ago, when it was 'close to publication,' I think it's safe to say that as of yet, it is still unpublished.
    Last edited by Slick SKillet Mayhand; 01-31-2014 at 08:59 AM.

  44. #644
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Southern Indiana
    Little Schlitzie, bless his heart. Thanks Scott and everyone on FAD that worked so hard to give him his much deserved headstone and respect. You guys are the best.

  45. #645
    Looks like Micah Harris's plans fell through on the book, but Steve Belgard is attempting to put together a documentary on Schlitizie. Unfortunately, it appears to be crowdfunded, and whether or not he'll be able to get enough money to finish it remains to be seen, but we can hope.

  46. #646
    Join Date
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    The Sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick SKillet Mayhand View Post
    Looks like Micah Harris's plans fell through on the book, but Steve Belgard is attempting to put together a documentary on Schlitizie. Unfortunately, it appears to be crowdfunded, and whether or not he'll be able to get enough money to finish it remains to be seen, but we can hope.
    Rose Siggins was in it.


  47. #647
    And while Micah Harris's book plans never materialized, another author penned this Nobody's Fool: The Life and Times of Schlitzie the Pinhead: Griffith, Bill: 9781419735011: Books in 2019.
    Most references show Schlitzie as having been born in 1901. I found Schlitzie in news archives back as far as 1909 in a traveling carnival, so either Schlitzie is older than his 'official' DOB, or there was more than one Schlitzie. And possibly both of those are true.

    Belgards's doc hasn't been updated since 2017, and shows an expected release date of 2023.

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