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Thread: Rebecca Shaeffer

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonRabbit View Post
    It's not his looks that really bug me it's an interview he made that pissed me off. The way he acted. Wish I could find it!
    He described how he murdered Rebecca Shaeffer as if it were a movie he watched. He acted really weird.
    I know what interview you're talking about. He tried to make it all sound dramatic and made sound effects and stuff like he whipped the gun out and shot her like he was badass. He was obviously pleased as punch to be the center of attention for once. An investigator said that she was shot at an angle, as if she were bending over slightly and the gun was below her (not pointed straight at her like Bardo claimed). The guy said Bardo was making up the whole whipping out the gun thing and they think he had the gun in a bag and act liked he was rummaging around in his bag to get her a card or something and then shot her. Bardo did say she got pissy with him but who wouldn't? Some strange, early man looking dude coming to your apartment and bugging you before you have to go to work? I'd be pissed and "whiny" too.

    Bardo's whole claim was he tracked her down because she had become a "Hollywood whore" and he was going to punish her because she was in that film Scenes from a Class Struggle where she appeared in bed with Ray Sharkey. So yeah, dude wasn't "crazy" in my book. I mean, he's screwed up in the head for sure and isn't connected with reality but he knew what he did was wrong. Now he's linked with Rebecca forever which is what he probably wanted.
    "You live alone, creating your life as you go." - Edie Sedgwick

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Υou can watch him here at 22:37' (the reasons he killed Schaeffer)

    Also this is from an old article:

    «Los Angeles Times, October 22, 1991|ANDREA FORD | TIMES STAFF WRITER
    The man on trial for stalking and killing Rebecca Schaeffer gave a graphic account of the actress screaming "Why, why?" as he gunned her down in the doorway of her apartment building, according to a videotaped interview played in court Monday to bolster his insanity defense.
    Bardo said Schaeffer answered the door and spoke to him about a post card she had sent him in response to a fan letter. She smiled at him, said, "Please take care," and shook his hand as he left.
    As he walked away, Bardo said, he remembered he had a letter and a compact disc he meant to give to her, so he decided to return to Schaeffer's apartment.
    "She was in her bathrobe and I was thinking this is the wrong time. She's taking a shower," he said.
    "She said: 'You came to my door again.' It was like I was bothering her again. 'Hurry up, I don't have much time."I thought that was a very callous thing to say to a fan."
    He then showed how he pulled the gun from the bag, aimed it at her and fired, mimicking the sound of the weapon.
    "She was just screaming," he said, imitating her cries. "She was going: 'Why, why?' . . . I was still fumbling around, thinking I should blow my head off and fall on her."
    Bardo on the tape also discussed his interest in other obsessed fans who attacked performers.In 1988--during a trip to New York City, where he unsuccessfully sought to meet pop singer Debbie Gibson, to whom he had also been attracted--Bardo said he visited the spot where former Beatle John Lennon was killed by Mark David Chapman.Later, he said, he read a People magazine article about Arthur Jackson, who attacked and nearly killed actress Theresa Saldana.
    From the article, he said, he learned that he could hire someone to find out Schaeffer's address. Bardo subsequently hired a Tucson private detective, who obtained Schaeffer's address from the California Department of Motor Vehicles».

  3. #153
    StewartGilliganGriffin Guest
    She didn't die in vain. This article is on my homepage which is MSN

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Houston, TX
    and the fuck wad turd still lives, eating 3 times a day, sleeping, probably watching tv. ugh makes me fucking sick

  5. #155
    Mammy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PiggyTx View Post
    and the fuck wad turd still lives, eating 3 times a day, sleeping, probably watching tv. ugh makes me fucking sick
    He did get shanked a few years ago and was stabbed eleven times. Damn shame it didn't kill him, but I hope he was terrified and I hope it hurt like hell!

  6. #156
    Join Date
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    toronto, canada ( Etobicoke)

  7. #157
    gas_chick Guest
    25 years today. So hard to image her pushing 50.

  8. #158
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by gas_chick View Post
    25 years today. So hard to image her pushing 50.
    Wow. 25 years. That is hard to believe.

  9. #159
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    Jun 2008
    I swear she's in a 90210 episode. Her name is even in the credits. Can't remember which season but the one where some buyers want to put a mall where the peach pit is. But I can't find it in her IMDb profile

  10. #160
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    Mossy and wet
    Report this to IMDB; if you can prove to them she was in the episode, they will update her profile.

  11. #161
    babyblujems Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SelenaFan View Post
    I swear she's in a 90210 episode. Her name is even in the credits. Can't remember which season but the one where some buyers want to put a mall where the peach pit is. But I can't find it in her IMDb profile
    It would have to have been in Season 1 if she was in it at all as that season aired starting October 1990 and she was murdered July 19, 1989. When I looked I did not find anything mentioning an episode like that in the first season so I think it's probably someone else you're thinking of.

  12. #162
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Mammy View Post
    He did get shanked a few years ago and was stabbed eleven times. Damn shame it didn't kill him, but I hope he was terrified and I hope it hurt like hell!
    this def is good to know. and like you said, damn shame it didn't kill him ala Dahmer

  13. #163
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gas_chick View Post
    25 years today. So hard to image her pushing 50.
    Wow. Time flies.

  14. #164
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    It's pronouced Fee-Shed.
    Watching a show on her death right now.

    Always have felt terrible about what happened to her. She seemed like a sweet kid. Apparently she was even a nice enough person that her co-star Pam Dawber let her live with her and Mark Harmon for a while. And, Pam didn't want her to move to that apartment she got killed at either. If she had only stayed things would have been different more than likely.

    I seriously wish that asshole that did that to her would just kick off already.
    You robbed an international house of pancakes. How waffle-Harry T. Stone

    Twitter: @rchamberlain87 Follow me if you want. Just play nice.

    Only the good die young....

  15. #165
    StewartGilliganGriffin Guest
    I'm watching it too. Thought about posting about it. It's on ID for those interested. I mean this with all due respect... she was so hot.

  16. #166
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    Is it the "Dead on Arrival" show? Think it will be on here in about an hour.
    The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.

    There are two dates in time they will carve on your stone, and everyone knows what they mean, but what's more important is the time that is known, in that little dash there in between.

  17. #167
    StewartGilliganGriffin Guest
    Yes Wholigan. That's the one.

  18. #168
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by StewartGilliganGriffin View Post
    I'm watching it too. Thought about posting about it. It's on ID for those interested. I mean this with all due respect... she was so hot.
    Honestly, she didn't do all that much for me, but to each his own, I suppose.
    Sincerely yours,

  19. #169
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Another senseless murder by the hands of a mentally disturbed person. She was such a lovely, kind person which ultimately led to her death by opening that door, trying to be polite. No one deserves what she got but at least it prompted change. RIP Rebecca


    Schaeffer's death helped prompt the 1990 passage of America's first anti-stalking laws, in California.

  20. #170
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzyChick View Post
    Another senseless murder by the hands of a mentally disturbed person. She was such a lovely, kind person which ultimately led to her death by opening that door, trying to be polite. No one deserves what she got but at least it prompted change. RIP Rebecca


    Schaeffer's death helped prompt the 1990 passage of America's first anti-stalking laws, in California.
    Glad something good came about her awful/sad death.
    Carolyn(1958-2009) always in my heart.

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