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Thread: Elvis Presley

  1. #151
    Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger Guest
    He's dead.

  2. #152
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger View Post
    He's dead.
    I don't know according to some people he is still alive.

  3. #153
    Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger Guest
    Danny62, put a shirt on for Christ's sake. I feel weird talking to some shirtless, shaven dude.

  4. #154
    Darrianne Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MPetro108 View Post
    This is an interesting thought, although I thought Elvis didn't care for Nashville.... When did he express an interest in selling Graceland? Again, it's my understanding he planned to stay there... I could be wrong.
    I don't think he would have sold it either. It was a home he bought for his Mama and his daddy did mention selling it once after his Mama died and Elvis reportedly said "I don't care how many homes I own, I will never sell Mama's house." I got this from one of the tour guides when I visited there in 1990 - this discussion supposedly took place when Vernon was talking to Elvis about spending money - and the fact that he had just bought the ranch....

  5. #155
    Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger Guest
    I had heard that toward the end, when he was struggling with the lack of privacy, the drugs, etc., that he had talked to some people (father, Thompson, Priscilla, Esposito) about getting rid of his hangers-on, selling the property (where he felt trapped by the gawkers) and generally making changes in every regard. I mentioned that I thought he would have gone back to his country roots for two reasons: first of all, his later presence on the charts was relegated to country tunes and secondly, since he was getting older and rock-n-roll had now changed and been taken over by more progressive acts, he wouldn't be able to stay contemporary in that genre and would have gone back to his country roots. I'm not saying anything that isn't supported by what was going on when he died. His later music (if you define it by the charts) was country.

  6. #156
    Darrianne Guest
    Danny, don't put a shirt on! We like you for the eye candy!

  7. #157
    Catherine of Siena Guest
    Aries 65, we don't believe or disbelieve based on rumor. In this matter, we trust our highly developed 'fruit-dar', which has never failed us in the case of a fellow american. That is how we know that cage is a fruit. We have been fooled by people from other cultures, however, and our 'fruit-dar' does not work so well in those cases. We can also confirm that Elvis was NOT a fruit.

  8. #158
    Catherine of Siena Guest
    Re: The 'marriage' of Lisa marie Presley to Miss Michael Jackson. The reason: Miss Jackson acquires a 'beard' and (the grossly untalented)Presley thought she would get a recording contract through Miss Jackson. Thus the reasons for the 'marriage'

  9. #159
    Rev.josh Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by joplinfrk View Post
    Not to mention the fact that he sang "Blue Christmas" in the middle of June. It was almost as if he knew he wouldn't see Christmas of 77. Hmmmm.....nah, he's dead.
    I'm not a conspiarcy freak, but I do believe he could be alive.

    I have felt this way since I was 6 yrs old.

    I think alot of it for me and others is that his death photos and other things are so shrouded by secercy.

    All I want is autopsy photos.......

  10. #160
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger View Post
    Danny62, put a shirt on for Christ's sake. I feel weird talking to some shirtless, shaven dude.
    I feel weird talking to Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger...I mean the visions I am getting...

  11. #161
    Lobsters Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by candleinthewind View Post
    If Elvis was alive he would have shown himself when Lisa Marie married Michael Jackson.
    Oh you better believe it. I still hear the rumbling from him rolling in his grave.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    I feel weird talking to Uncle Milte's Huge Wanger...I mean the visions I am getting...
    No offense Danny - but I thought you were a Gay man until I saw a thread where you mentioned your wife in it!

    That photo in your avator sort of made me wonder for a second - sorry!

  13. #163
    magblax Guest
    Hey...No hatin' on Danny!!!

    Elvis left the building 30 years a heartbroken, self indulgent, drug induced haze.

  14. #164
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aries65 View Post
    No offense Danny - but I thought you were a Gay man until I saw a thread where you mentioned your wife in it!

    That photo in your avator sort of made me wonder for a second - sorry!

    Oh your fine! At least until I can see uncle milte's Huge Wanger...then you never know!!! LOL

  15. #165
    Shano Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aries65 View Post
    That all may be true, but it's still cool to see those photos when all we've seen is the downstairs mainly.

    I agree! Very cool! Thanks so much for posting them. I went to Graceland in July and toured (for the 2nd time, Yes I know I am lame) the downstairs etc. I did the Platinum Tour. Well worth the $35.00.

    Thanks again!

  16. #166
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Shano View Post
    I agree! Very cool! Thanks so much for posting them. I went to Graceland in July and toured (for the 2nd time, Yes I know I am lame) the downstairs etc. I did the Platinum Tour. Well worth the $35.00.

    Thanks again!

    I wish they would open the upstairs to see where Elvis bit the dust!!

    I don't think that will ever happen though!

    I hear they are changing graceland...hope they don't ruin it??

  17. #167
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    I wish they would open the upstairs to see where Elvis bit the dust!!

    I don't think that will ever happen though!

    I hear they are changing graceland...hope they don't ruin it??
    The upstairs will probably never be opened - main reason is structural support, the stairs cannot handle the traffic...also, when Elvis was alive you were only allowed to go upstairs if you were invited...Family members used to tell how they would call Elvis on the intercom to ask permission to go up if they needed to talk to him...

    The changes that are planned will not affect the Mansion or the immediate grounds...they are planning changes to the plaza, hotel and corporate office areas...

  18. #168
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    Wow, fascinating stuff on Elvis! Keep it coming!

    Part of the whole reason we are still so intrigued by Elvis is that so much is shrouded in secrecy and smoke and mirrors.

    I'm due to go to the library tomorrow and now I must read a couple Elvis bios. I've read the Memphia Mafia book and hello? Bitter much, guys?

  19. #169
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaFlyBoy View Post
    The upstairs will probably never be opened - main reason is structural support, the stairs cannot handle the traffic...also, when Elvis was alive you were only allowed to go upstairs if you were invited...Family members used to tell how they would call Elvis on the intercom to ask permission to go up if they needed to talk to him...

    The changes that are planned will not affect the Mansion or the immediate grounds...they are planning changes to the plaza, hotel and corporate office areas...
    Thanks for the info. I was hoping they wouldn't touch the inside of the house. I am hoping to take a tour one day.

    At least they keep the downstairs as it was in 1977!!

  20. #170
    magblax Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Watson View Post
    Wow, fascinating stuff on Elvis! Keep it coming!

    Part of the whole reason we are still so intrigued by Elvis is that so much is shrouded in secrecy and smoke and mirrors.

    I'm due to go to the library tomorrow and now I must read a couple Elvis bios. I've read the Memphia Mafia book and hello? Bitter much, guys?
    "Last Train to Memphis" and "Careless Love" by: Peter Guralnick
    read them in that order...and throw out the one by Sonny West and "The Boys".."Bitter much is right"!

  21. #171
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    Thanks for the recommends, Mag!

  22. #172
    GlitterGlam Guest
    DeltaFlyBoy, They have a BIG road ahead of them to try to fix up Whitehaven. It's worse than ever. Two people were killed around that area a few weeks ago on different nights. Sad

  23. #173
    magblax Guest

    Signed the Wall on his 30th Anniversary. I wish I had a Death Hag Sticker!!

  24. #174
    Rev.josh Guest
    For a guy who is 26 and became obessed with the "death" of Elvis at age 8-9 those pics were a dream come true.

    Incredible, whatever you believe about this man (alive or dead) you have to love these pics, especially the one of his vanity area!

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shano View Post
    I agree! Very cool! Thanks so much for posting them. I went to Graceland in July and toured (for the 2nd time, Yes I know I am lame) the downstairs etc. I did the Platinum Tour. Well worth the $35.00.

    Thanks again!
    I was there in July also - but I paid for the $30 one (altho it only cost me $27 with my AAA card!)

  26. #176
    Bake Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lobsters View Post
    I wonder if Lisa Marie ever let Michael Jackson in there??
    Michael wouldn't want to sleep in Elvis's bed...he'd want in the casket with him! Or buy his bones and display them.
    Last edited by Bake; 10-17-2007 at 06:07 PM.

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bake View Post
    Michael wouldn't want to sleep in Elvis's bed...he'd want to be in the casket with him!
    I don't think he would have been able to get inside since it was spinning too much!

  28. #178
    erin Guest
    WendyK, your pic scares the shit out of me. LOL.

  29. #179
    JGrier Guest
    I lived in Memphis for 3 months about 18 years ago. Drove past Graceland everyday going to and from work but, never went in. Wish I would have.

    It always amazed me that Graceland sits on a 4 lane road very near a shopping center and there is a gift shop(store) across the street with one of Elvis' planes in the parking lot.

  30. #180
    Darrianne Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by magblax View Post
    "Last Train to Memphis" and "Careless Love" by: Peter Guralnick
    read them in that order...and throw out the one by Sonny West and "The Boys".."Bitter much is right"!

    I must agree with this opinion! Much of that book was hurtful and hateful...especially knowing he had a daughter that could/would one day read that......

  31. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlitterGlam View Post
    DeltaFlyBoy, They have a BIG road ahead of them to try to fix up Whitehaven. It's worse than ever. Two people were killed around that area a few weeks ago on different nights. Sad
    Yeah, I know...EP Blvd was always scary at night when I was there and seems to be bad at all hours of the day now...but Jack Soden is serious about turning around that area, at least north to the I-55 interchange, so that the fans wont feel threatened when they come...from what I understand, they now own a couple of the apartment complexes in the area and have a very strict no tolerance lease clauses on drugs and crime and are trying to get the riff raff out of the area...

  32. #182
    Jazbabee Guest
    If that room had been left intact and untouched it would have to be the funkiest, nastiest, dirtiest room ever. Imagine layers of dust, mold, etc that would have accumulated unless it was hermetically sealed or seriously temp controlled - lolol

    Seriously, the ostentatious gaudiness does seem in step with the style/taste of Elvis. But these pics seem older, and have Linda Thompson in them. When did they miraculously surface ? Or could they be Photoshopped, or altered with some other technology. I don't believe it was stated that Nic Cage gets credit for the and when did these photos pop up ??? Seems to me if they were authentic, someone would have sold them for BIG BUCKS to a magazine or other media venue - lets face it - ya just gotta wonder ??

  33. #183
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jazbabee View Post
    If that room had been left intact and untouched it would have to be the funkiest, nastiest, dirtiest room ever. Imagine layers of dust, mold, etc that would have accumulated unless it was hermetically sealed or seriously temp controlled - lolol

    Seriously, the ostentatious gaudiness does seem in step with the style/taste of Elvis. But these pics seem older, and have Linda Thompson in them. When did they miraculously surface ? Or could they be Photoshopped, or altered with some other technology. I don't believe it was stated that Nic Cage gets credit for the and when did these photos pop up ??? Seems to me if they were authentic, someone would have sold them for BIG BUCKS to a magazine or other media venue - lets face it - ya just gotta wonder ??
    Thats a good question. Since I am the one who posted the thread I found the link about 2 years ago so its been on the internet for awhile. I just thought it would be an interesting thread to post!

    Gotta love the 70's decor...

    And if they have moved everything out of Elvis's room how did Nicholas Cage sit of Elvis's bed?

  34. #184
    GlitterGlam Guest
    Shano, I've been to Graceland at least 10 But it's only 10 minutes from me

  35. #185
    GlitterGlam Guest
    I really, really hope they can clean up the area. I've read on Elvis boards where fans were robbed while staying at the hotels around there. A friend of mine came to visit and he was being followed by a very persistent prostitute lol.

    I don't know if you ever went to the Circle G Ranch that Elvis owned in Horn Lake, MS. They turned his and Priscilla's honeymoon cottage into a flower shop and now it's empty. I hope they don't tear it down. They were supposed to build an Elvis theme park there, but the plans fell through thank goodness. That would have made traffic hell for me.

  36. #186
    rustysgirl Guest

    Thumbs up Elvis........................

    I love him. There will never be anyone like him. He's gone. I am going to Graceland in March. Never been there. He was one of a kind. Great job on the new message board your site!

  37. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by JGrier View Post
    I lived in Memphis for 3 months about 18 years ago. Drove past Graceland everyday going to and from work but, never went in. Wish I would have.

    It always amazed me that Graceland sits on a 4 lane road very near a shopping center and there is a gift shop(store) across the street with one of Elvis' planes in the parking lot.
    And it's in the "ghetto" also. It's all pretty run down before and after Graceland on that main boulevard. Pretty sad, really...

  38. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaFlyBoy View Post
    Yeah, I know...EP Blvd was always scary at night when I was there and seems to be bad at all hours of the day now...but Jack Soden is serious about turning around that area, at least north to the I-55 interchange, so that the fans wont feel threatened when they come...from what I understand, they now own a couple of the apartment complexes in the area and have a very strict no tolerance lease clauses on drugs and crime and are trying to get the riff raff out of the area...
    Luckily me and my friend were just passing thru Memphis and cleared on out of there after the tour before it got dark! We left Memphis and went up the road about an hour or so before staying the night and then went to Loretta Lynn's Ranch for a spell the next day.

  39. #189
    bulldog0728 Guest

    Originally Posted by DeltaFlyBoy Graceland has never said that the house is exactl
    ok to clarify a few things, the above link is pictures of the upstairs of graceland. if the above poster were an ex employee of graceland he/she would know that the stairs from the kitchen lead you to the main foyer stairs, there is no alternative way to get upstairs, there are steps from the jungle room which would lead you up to the sundeck (added to graceland when elvis had the den/jungle room added on) but no way to enter the upstairs from the sundeck unless you climb through a window. if there is argument i do have pictures to support these answers, trying to keep find a death the mot accurate out there. also if you get the movie This Is Elvis, the very beginning of the movie they reenact the day elvis dies, they show him enter the front door, but then the filming takes place from the rear of the house but it goes around the front showing you the way graceland was decorated linda thompsons way, up the stairs into the bedroom and the they show the actor laying on the floor in the bathroom trying to revive him. a little foot note i want to add is that priscilla says he raped her, but when you watch the movie she was begging him for sex he just didnt give it to her the way SHE wanted it to me rape is such a strong word implying that he beat her held her down and left her in the gutter which was clearly not the case. elvis could have had any woman in a second why would he rape priscilla that he nailed millions of times before, priscilla is an ugly deceiving bitch that would be no where without elvis. furthermore i dont believe she is a genious for opening graceland as vernon did it first, you could just only go to the grave. anyone would have figured to open the house and charge to get in. elvis built that, she married her way into it then took over lisa maries inheritence for her vision. i have done extensive research on graceland so if there are any questions ill do my best to answer them as accurately as possible.

  40. #190
    bulldog0728 Guest
    on my dearly departed tour this last september (the 11th) Scott told me his buddy has pictures of the 8 ball he "found" at graceland while doing inventory you can see the 8 ball on the FAD elvis write up, also pics of the said person trying on elvis's jumpsuits upstairs, i think it would be appropriate for scott to post some of these pics on this thread.

  41. #191
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog0728 View Post
    ok to clarify a few things, the above link is pictures of the upstairs of graceland. if the above poster were an ex employee of graceland he/she would know that the stairs from the kitchen lead you to the main foyer stairs, there is no alternative way to get upstairs, there are steps from the jungle room which would lead you up to the sundeck (added to graceland when elvis had the den/jungle room added on) but no way to enter the upstairs from the sundeck unless you climb through a window. if there is argument i do have pictures to support these answers, trying to keep find a death the mot accurate out there. also if you get the movie This Is Elvis, the very beginning of the movie they reenact the day elvis dies, they show him enter the front door, but then the filming takes place from the rear of the house but it goes around the front showing you the way graceland was decorated linda thompsons way, up the stairs into the bedroom and the they show the actor laying on the floor in the bathroom trying to revive him. a little foot note i want to add is that priscilla says he raped her, but when you watch the movie she was begging him for sex he just didnt give it to her the way SHE wanted it to me rape is such a strong word implying that he beat her held her down and left her in the gutter which was clearly not the case. elvis could have had any woman in a second why would he rape priscilla that he nailed millions of times before, priscilla is an ugly deceiving bitch that would be no where without elvis. furthermore i dont believe she is a genious for opening graceland as vernon did it first, you could just only go to the grave. anyone would have figured to open the house and charge to get in. elvis built that, she married her way into it then took over lisa maries inheritence for her vision. i have done extensive research on graceland so if there are any questions ill do my best to answer them as accurately as possible.
    Yes, I am a former employee and I've only made two statements about the staircase 1. they dont use the front staircase to access the upstairs when someone goes up there and 2. that the staircase cannot withstand all the traffic and that is one of the reasons the upstairs was never opened...when standing at the bottom of the stair case and look up the door that leads off to the left goes to the staircase into the kitchen -

  42. #192
    Jazbabee Guest
    Hey Danny - I did forget to say Thanks for the link in my earlier post. Although I have some skepticism, I did find the bathroom pic interesting, because it looks almost exactly how I had imagined it.......I find that kinda eerie !!!!! It was almost like deja vu !!!

  43. #193
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    Does anyone remember watching that TV show that was put out in 1991 called "Is Elvis Still Alive?" - which was hosted by Bill Bixby and they offered all these "clues" that say he was?

    I had taped it when it was on and found it last year when I was burning VHS to DVD - and that one was still in good shape!

    It was all based on that book and tape that woman Gail Brewster/Brewer (something like that) put out that had all the clues in it.

  44. #194
    Darrianne Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aries65 View Post
    Does anyone remember watching that TV show that was put out in 1991 called "Is Elvis Still Alive?" - which was hosted by Bill Bixby and they offered all these "clues" that say he was?

    I had taped it when it was on and found it last year when I was burning VHS to DVD - and that one was still in good shape!

    It was all based on that book and tape that woman Gail Brewster/Brewer (something like that) put out that had all the clues in it.
    Seems I do remember that. Is that the one where they showed that photo - supposedly taken of Elvis through a doorway - it was all dark and shadowy - and they claimed it was him taken like 10 years after his death? You could see the outline of a man and that Gail chick said it was Elvis.

  45. #195
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jazbabee View Post
    Hey Danny - I did forget to say Thanks for the link in my earlier post. Although I have some skepticism, I did find the bathroom pic interesting, because it looks almost exactly how I had imagined it.......I find that kinda eerie !!!!! It was almost like deja vu !!!
    Your welcome!

    That 70's gaudy look gives it the Elvis touch. I mean if you see pics of the rest of the house it seems to fit. I did hear that supposedly they cleaned the bathroom before the help for Elvis came...botom line we will never know what really happened!

  46. #196
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrianne View Post
    Seems I do remember that. Is that the one where they showed that photo - supposedly taken of Elvis through a doorway - it was all dark and shadowy - and they claimed it was him taken like 10 years after his death? You could see the outline of a man and that Gail chick said it was Elvis.
    Did anyone ever notice how young elvis looks in the pic in the casket. I mean he had like a "triple chin" and was grossly overweight but in the pic he looks like he is in his 20's!!!!!!

    When you think of the early movies he did the face seems to fit that era!!

    Look at the pic and let me know what you think?

  47. #197
    knothere Guest
    poor danny shirt on shirt off decisions decisions lol

  48. #198
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by knothere View Post
    poor danny shirt on shirt off decisions decisions lol
    I think I need to change my pic..

  49. #199
    atlantis Guest
    The book by Gail Georgio Brewer which claimed he was still alive was, to the best of my knowledge, debunked. From what I have read, the man who was supposed to be E in the tapes came forward later to say that it was a hoax. I did read the book and I did hear the tapes. When I read the book, it did raise a lot of interesting questions like why weren't his life insurance policies collected after he died? There were a lot more than that but I can't think of them now. My dad was a friend of hers and she gave him the book and tapes.

    Okay, here's something I am sharing that may or may not have y'all laughing your asses off. It has always been a running joke in my family that Elvis may still be alive. We were just kind of torn. Well, my grandfather died in 1993. He was a player in the country music industry here in Nashville. He had met Elvis a time or two and had friends that knew Elvis well. My father's girlfriend set up an appointment with a psychic by the name of George Anderson who is based out of Manhatten. They booked a session with him. My dad's girlfriend made the call to book it. She gave only her first name b/c they requested that only first names were given. My dad and his two sisters ended up going. The session was mind blowing. I know there are quacks out there but this man said things that he COULD NOT have known, even if he had my family's last name, which he did not. Towards the end of the session, the psychic got a strange look on his face and said "your dad is telling me Elvis is there with him. Does that make any sense at all?" BOY DID IT! I have the whole session on tape and have listened to it over and over again. It was astounding. I now know Elvis has left the building, no ifs ands or buts about it. I know there are quacks but this man is not one of them. He gave us incredible info, just too much to name here. Take this info however you want to. Just thought I would share. Also, John Edward did a reading for the daughter of Carl Perkins. He told her many things about her dad that he could NOT know. I read about it in John's book. They were talking and John said "okay your dad is showing me a big, gold, flashy belt. Does this make sense?" She laughed and said yes, Elvis had given her dad a big, gaudy Elvis jumpsuit belt and he hung it on his wall. That's another thing that has cemented the fact that he flew off to Jesus on Aug. 16th, 1977.

    Anyway, take it as you like. Just thought I'd share.

  50. #200
    Darrianne Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    Did anyone ever notice how young elvis looks in the pic in the casket. I mean he had like a "triple chin" and was grossly overweight but in the pic he looks like he is in his 20's!!!!!!

    When you think of the early movies he did the face seems to fit that era!!

    Look at the pic and let me know what you think?

    I always attributed that to the fuzziness of the picture - and the fact that it was probably taken with a little camera - and snapped very quickly. They also probably made him up as best they could to fit the young and sexy Elvis.....?

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