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Thread: Deadly Nurses

  1. #1
    SEL2323 Guest

    Deadly Nurses

    From Biography Channel....

    "The city of Vienna, Austria, was outraged by a spate of barbaric murders in the 1980's. They occurred not in the backstreets, but in a place of healing, inside the walls of one of Vienna's largest hospitals. Waltraud Wagner and her nursing colleagues were overworked and frustrated with a thinly-resourced health system. To ease their workload the nurses revenged patients who demanded too much of their time. The victims were all elderly, many already close to death. No one suspected anything when patients on Ward Five began to expire. Helping to evade detection, the nurses employed a cunning method of execution they called 'The Water Treatment'. To investigators, it would be a forensic first. "

    They would actually hold the patients mouths open with tongue depressors and pour water down their throats until they drowned. They figured they wouldnt be found out because fluid in the lungs would be a common ailment.

  2. #2
    Lisamarie Guest
    whaaaat????? I love Vienna too!! Note to self dont go to the hospital there.. Thast awful and evil!!!!

  3. #3
    endsleigh03 Guest

  4. #4
    lostsoul23 Guest
    I wish I could remember the guy's full name, I remember it was Donald something...he worked at the Drake Center here in the late 80's/early 90's and was a nurse who was found guilty of killing numerous patients, mainly those that were senior citizens.

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