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Thread: Liam payne 1993-2024

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Liam payne 1993-2024

    Former One Direction singer Liam Payne died outside a hotel in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires.
    I've been checking back constantly and they are now ruling his death as a suicide.
    Last edited by Synny; 10-17-2024 at 12:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    Wow, just wow. I have never listened to a One Direction song, but I've been a fan of a few Boy Bands in my day. What a sad way to die. And if drugs or alcohol was involved in causing him to fall, that makes it even more tragic. RIP.
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  3. #3
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by "What Tha....?" View Post
    Wow, just wow. I have never listened to a One Direction song, but I've been a fan of a few Boy Bands in my day. What a sad way to die. And if drugs or alcohol was involved in causing him to fall, that makes it even more tragic. RIP.
    One direction had a few big hits and I was the same way with boy bands when I was a teen. Nsync fan I even had the marionette dolls. There are pictures online of his hotel room.. it's really sad to see, the TV was smashed and there was drugs all over. I guess before it happened he had smashed his laptop in the lobby and was acting erratic. They had to carry him to his room. They are saying possible suicide.

  4. #4
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    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    How horrible! So it wasn't some drunken escapade, gone wrong. It might have been intentional. Wonder if it was some kind of drug, prescribed or illicit, that might have made him more prone to suicide. Guess we'll have to wait for the autopsy results.
    Dating myself here, but my Boy Band loves were Duran Duran and New Kids On The Block, in the Eighties. I would be devastated if something happened to any of these guys.
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  5. #5
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    bluegrass state
    In my world, it would be like losing one of the Monkees, the original boy band. I? saw the TMZ pics. Did anyone else?

  6. #6
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    San Diego CA
    This is sad to read, I haven't seen the pictures, please make sure you're posting links if your are citing a news source so we don't get in trouble. here is the TMZ link 911 audio is at top with subtitles
    Last edited by pkstracy; 10-17-2024 at 09:39 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2024
    South Florida
    Okay, so who pushed him???

    Quote Originally Posted by lulubaines View Post
    In my world, it would be like losing one of the Monkees, the original boy band. I? saw the TMZ pics. Did anyone else?
    I met Davy in person once. He was a jerk. I cried real tears when Mike passed. He and I were friends on Facebook, and he liked one of my comments on his posts about his computer not working, and I'll always remember that.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2013
    COD unsurprisingly was multiple trauma as well as internal and external hemorrhage.

    The Buenos Aires police have put out a statement saying he did jump but are still not sure whether it was deliberate or not but the person who made the call to the police said they were worried about his mental state as he was acting erratically and mentioned there was a balcony in his room. His ex also said he often talked about suicide when they were together.

  9. #9
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    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    So now we wait for the toxicology report. They say packets of Clonazepam was found in his hotel room. This is a very heavy antidepressant, depending on the dosage. I had an uncle that was overprescribed Clonazepam for depression. The first few dosages that he was prescribe weren't working, so the doctor just kept upping the milligrams for my uncle to keep taking. The high doses he was on actually made him suicidal. Luckily, I realized what was going on, and intervened with his psychiatrist. Turns out my uncle was on the wrong kind of antidepressant. The doctor prescribed a different one for him, at a much lower dosage, and that worked for my uncle.

    BTW, TMZ got ripped for posting a pic of Liam, dead on the hotel patio covered in a sheet, so they took it down. I went to TMZ's website too late. Did anybody here see that pic?
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by "What Tha....?" View Post
    So now we wait for the toxicology report. They say packets of Clonazepam was found in his hotel room. This is a very heavy antidepressant, depending on the dosage. I had an uncle that was overprescribed Clonazepam for depression. The first few dosages that he was prescribe weren't working, so the doctor just kept upping the milligrams for my uncle to keep taking. The high doses he was on actually made him suicidal. Luckily, I realized what was going on, and intervened with his psychiatrist. Turns out my uncle was on the wrong kind of antidepressant. The doctor prescribed a different one for him, at a much lower dosage, and that worked for my uncle.

    BTW, TMZ got ripped for posting a pic of Liam, dead on the hotel patio covered in a sheet, so they took it down. I went to TMZ's website too late. Did anybody here see that pic?
    When tmz first posted there was a picture but it was just of his arm and his torso that showed his tattoo. It wasn't bad there was no gore or blood. You can google it and go to images and you'll see it.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2011
    He had been dropped by his record label , his P.R. had quit , his ex had taken out a non contact order and his current girlfriend flew home before him .Plus he was being pilloried in the press .Never the less, he was holding a whisky bottle, his phone and his lighter when he jumped or fell .They haven't established it was suicide yet or whether he fell accidentally (he was having a seizure in the lobby ) .
    I feel sad that so many people are now saying how they loved him and how great he was , he needed a minder / brother/cousin/friend / security - anybody to look after him .I reckon all the trips down to the lobby were made because he was lonely /afraid /cry for help .

  12. #12
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Synny View Post
    When tmz first posted there was a picture but it was just of his arm and his torso that showed his tattoo. It wasn't bad there was no gore or blood. You can google it and go to images and you'll see it.
    The full picture has been leaked. He is lying on his back with his arms stretched open and blood leaking from the back of his head. It's not gory but I'll post a link just to be on the safe side.

    There was stories he was on something called Crystal which is known to make people hallucinate and turn violent easily. He had seemingly been dragged back to his hotel room by friends and went into a rage smashing stuff. In the picture he is wearing a bag over his shoulder so it could be he tried to escape via the balcony and if he was as out of it as they seem to think he was, he might not have realised how much of a drop it was to the ground.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shellie View Post
    The full picture has been leaked. He is lying on his back with his arms stretched open and blood leaking from the back of his head. It's not gory but I'll post a link just to be on the safe side.

    There was stories he was on something called Crystal which is known to make people hallucinate and turn violent easily. He had seemingly been dragged back to his hotel room by friends and went into a rage smashing stuff. In the picture he is wearing a bag over his shoulder so it could be he tried to escape via the balcony and if he was as out of it as they seem to think he was, he might not have realised how much of a drop it was to the ground.
    Someone said he was on every drug on the planet that day including Crack. I have read if you do enough of it, it can drive you right around the bend.
    Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.

  14. #14
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    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    Toxicology report was disclosed on Entertainment Tonight. He was on "Pink Cocaine" which is Ecstasy, Ketamine, Caffeine and a psychedelic drug called 2-CB. Pink Cocaine does not have any cocaine in it, but cocaine was also found in his system, along with Crack and Clonazapam. No wonder he fell off the hotel balcony. This guy was so high, he probably thought he could fly!
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  15. #15
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    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by "What Tha....?" View Post
    Toxicology report was disclosed on Entertainment Tonight. He was on "Pink Cocaine" which is Ecstasy, Ketamine, Caffeine and a psychedelic drug called 2-CB. Pink Cocaine does not have any cocaine in it, but cocaine was also found in his system, along with Crack and Clonazapam. No wonder he fell off the hotel balcony. This guy was so high, he probably thought he could fly!
    I knew a kid back in the late 60's who climbed to the top of a water tower with friends and took some acid.
    He decided that he could fly.
    He was proven wrong.
    "Reality is an undefeated champion"
    Jeff Bezos

  16. #16
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by "What Tha....?" View Post
    Toxicology report was disclosed on Entertainment Tonight. He was on "Pink Cocaine" which is Ecstasy, Ketamine, Caffeine and a psychedelic drug called 2-CB. Pink Cocaine does not have any cocaine in it, but cocaine was also found in his system, along with Crack and Clonazapam. No wonder he fell off the hotel balcony. This guy was so high, he probably thought he could fly!
    I wouldn't be surprised. Lamar Odom said he used to take it and he would hear voices and hallucinate.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2011
    I did my share of drugs back in the day, and looking back I thank God I NEVER got that messed up! Not even close.
    Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.

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