Greg Kihn has passed away. He was 75:
Greg Kihn has passed away. He was 75:
I remember he was big on MTV back in the day. I still jam to The Breakup Song when I hear it on the radio. Sad disease. RIP.
Aww, this is sad. I was in Junior High when The Breakup Song came out. Sometime when my friend and I would pass each other in the hallway, we'd sing the part of that song that goes: "ah ah ah, ah ha ah ah ah". If you know the song, you'll get it.
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
Bummer. I liked his stuff.
Kihn once spoke about an episode when his band was opening for Chuck Berry. The promoter asked Greg to give his headliner the "you're on in 10 minutes" heads-up. Kihn opened Berry's dressing room door to find the rock'n'roll legend sitting in a chair casually munching on a sub while being serviced by a groupie on her knees. Seeing Kihn's stunned look, Berry replied, "I'm not ready yet. Finishin' my sandwich".
OMG thats insane LOL I love that song