I think Mariska looks like Nelson Sardelli. Could be her father.
I think Mariska looks like Nelson Sardelli. Could be her father.
nice pic...thx
Pics of Jayne: Always welcome!
Great picture! Thanks for sharing!!
Diane C.
Wow..thanks for sharing that. I don't believe I have ever seen it. Working that white dress....she was beautiful.
She looked so much like Anna Nicole.
What a shame, what happened to Jane...
If you look at the pictures of the accident, it looks like her head came off, but it was just her blonde hair piece. What a mess that was! Her little dog got killed too.
My parents saw performing in something or other at the old
PAINTERS MILL MUSIC FAIR 2,3 years before she died. My mother said that JAYNE came out into the audience and sat in some guy's lap while she sang a song. My mother was about 5 feet from her, and said that she had gorgeous skin. Mom said that she'd never thought about her one way or the other before, but that MANSFIELD was very good that night and kept the folks well entertained.
Isn't there a photograph of Jayne kneeling before Anton LeVey and sipping something from a chalice? I think it was a satanic ceremony.
I swear I saw that somewhere.
Yep, I've seen that one. Creepy. What was she thinking ?
BARBARA McNAIR, SAMMY DAVIS JR. were also followers of his for a while. In the picture, if I recall correctly, JAYNE is drinking from a goblet, like someone taking communion.
I think the Gus Stevens Supper club where she had her last performance was destroyed in Hurricane Camille, but they re-built it (and closed some time in the 1970s) and the second location was later turned into Surf Style shop on Highway 90 (which was fucked up in Katrina but has already re-opened). My brother used to work at Surf Style and said the place was haunted (but he didn't anything about it supposedly being the former Gus Stevens club). Its sad how little most people in Biloxi know about this, even I just recently started trying to find out shit about it.
Last edited by Jack Raines; 10-18-2007 at 10:18 PM.
Legend is that Sam Brody hated Anton LeVey.
So one night Sam and Jayne visited Anton and Sam fondled some black nude carved lit candles so Anton put a curse on Sam saying he would die in a year. He warned Jaynes she could also die if she didn't stay away from Sam.
I am sure this is a bullshit story but I did get it out of a book!
Just thought I would add it to the post.
Interesting Danny but I still wonder why people even bothered with that creepy LeVey character.
I wouldn't want to live in his neighborhood, let alone go over to his house.
Im so glad you posted that pic , I live in New Orleans and whenever I go that way I think of her....I have always wondered what kind of show she put on and have talked to some old timers that remeber seeing her perform that night. Its so hard to imagin a ledgend bit the big one just down the street...the death pics are amazing...I would love to see the autopsy pics....the accident pics are not too clear..you can just make out alittle of her face...whats left...hey anyone know anyone who saw her show that night ? Would love to hear about it! Poor Jayn! She was beautiful! Post more pics form that night if you have them. thats amazing thanks!
Here is some info on LaVey and Jayne:
amazing photo. i've seen alot of photos of jayne, doing some project with my kids on crimes, therefore, researching her daughters tv show Law and Order:SVU. I was on a Jayne kick for a while, trying to find out all I could. But thanks for posting the white dress. Yea, Anna Nicole favored her.
she was gorgeous!
Have you noticed something, Jayne and even Marilyn Monroe, they were not "stick thin" ladies, they were voluptuous (I like that word!! sorry I'm sure the spelling is wrong), THATS why I like what I call old Hollywood...they were not so fake as now a days...they were sexy at any size!!
Why do I feel so bad for her little dog.........I always cry when pets die.....
Love this shot. SOPHIA LOREN looks down her nose
This shot was taken during a 'Welcome To Hollywood' party given for LOREN in 1957. MANSFIELD was NOT invited but crashed the party and created a sensation with her low cut dress and lack of undergarments.
sure don't look like to me that Sophia is looking down her nose...more like looking down Jayne's dress! I can see Mariska's face in this one...
Here's the pic of Mansfield and LaVey at a black mass.
Jayne really was serious about satanism, that much is sure.
Aries, the accident pix are on this link:
Yes I see Mariska's too.
Don't you just love Anton's cute little horns??
(I guess satan never told poor little Anton just how ridiculous he looked).
anyone have that anton lavey / jayne mansfield photo?
There are some really good pics of what the the car looked like post-wreck. You can see Jayne's blood all over the side of the car.
Pretty horrific...
I can't get over how much her daughter looks like her. AND her grandson.
You could just go ahead and post that in the thread where you posted the other Jayne photo, or in the Jayne Mansfield thread - you don't have to start a new one for it (not trying to be a jerk, just trying to be helpful!)
Last edited by firegilnotguns; 10-19-2007 at 04:01 PM.
here are some other angles of that famous encounter. sophia looks pretty nice too!
Lets be honest, if jayne hiccuped sophia might have lost an eye!
Last edited by hrhdiesel; 10-23-2007 at 03:14 AM.
Was Jayne trying to copy Mae West or was Mae West trying to copy Jayne?
Which was it?
- Hi, another one here from New Orleans. I posted this in another thread, but when I was a kid my mom worked at the New Orleans (Now Louis Armstrong Int'l) Airport, and the story was that while Jayne Mansfield's (supposedly) decapitated body was waiting at the airport for transport to the funeral-- some baggage handlers fondled her famous bosom. To this day, I think about that whenever I hear mansfield's name, since that's all I knew of her until I was an adult. Kind of a nasty rumor, but it was rampant at the time.