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Thread: Christine Chubbuck

  1. #3101
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Finally we have the audio of "the tape" but without final part:

  2. #3102
    Join Date
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    San Diego CA
    hmm, I am not convinced,

  3. #3103
    Join Date
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    I agree with Robert Butler's comments on the video. Not only that but the poster only joined YouTube four days ago, and that's his/her only content. It's the equivalent of getting n supposedly great deal on eBay from someone with no other items listed and no reviews.

  4. #3104
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfr View Post
    Finally we have the audio of "the tape" but without final part:
    Yeah, I don't think so.

  5. #3105
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    The video has been made private guess they realized that they couldn't pull the wool over people's eyes

  6. #3106
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    She/He added the new one with transcription:

  7. #3107
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    They are claiming that it was recorded on a cassette tape, I still say fake unless they release the whole thing, as she goes right into her blood and guts speech.

  8. #3108
    Join Date
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    Fake as fudge.

    "Please do not request me to release the rest of the tape" = bait from an attention whore.

    If anyone had access, the footage would be all over the place by now.

    Bet, if you asked that guy the right way, he'd say he had the Pizza Hut outtake from Poltergeist, the fabled poolside footage from Ferris Bueller AND the Dick Cavett Rodale show.

  9. #3109
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    also they are claiming that after Christine finished the story she went into the blood and guts speech, actually the tape jammed and while the newsroom guys were trying to fix it, she said I'll just read something I prepared then, and went into her blood and guts speech, she didn't get to finish the newscast.

  10. #3110
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    The names mentioned toward the end of the video with the incident at the Beef & Bottle all check out. Orlando Sentinel has the same names and incident written about and pictured two days later. Easy to research and fake I guess, but it's a level of detail I wouldn't have thought it'd have so you never know. Currently more convincing than the previous video!

  11. #3111
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    I am still calling fake on this one, there are no background noises, if this person were recording it onto a cassette tape, according to the poster the person told them they were recording it before they left for work so they could listen to it on the way there, I highly doubt that story, there would have been background noises under the news recording, ie dogs barking, someone moving around, cars passing by and other noises, having lived into the generation of recording onto a cassette tape from a tv or radio I rarely ever got a song or something not to have another noise included. Also cassette tapes and players were very expensive back then and not many people had them, you have to remember this was the generation of the 8 track which didn't phase out until 1982 when tape players and tape machines became affordable and cassette players were not put into cars until 68 and still were expensive, so they didn't become mainstream until about mid 70s.
    Last edited by pkstracy; 03-09-2021 at 07:12 PM.

  12. #3112
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    I agree with Tracy. The person who made it might as well have said the tape was autographed by Chubbuck too.

  13. #3113
    Join Date
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    Wow this thing is still going. Guess I got some catching up to do.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  14. #3114
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Lots of new fake videos and sound recordings out there, Ichles.

  15. #3115
    Guys. Normally, I would jump in and say fake, but the voice sounds awful close to the few clips we've seen. I....think it might be real; I'm not kidding.

    I'm going to repost this video:

    Listen to her voice in that clip and then listen to the audio. It's identical.

  16. #3116
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    The voice sounds more "Southern" to me, plus a few stammers and pauses whereas the real Christine sounds more fluid in her delivery to me.

  17. #3117
    Join Date
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    Exactly CWC its fake

  18. #3118
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    He/She has re uploaded it this morning with the "full audio" i.e. her final monologue and a gun shot. It is only 2 minutes long. I have to admit that it sounds pretty convincing but I thought she was on for 8 minutes that morning, doing some state and national before going into local stories.

    There is a very convenient audio defect before "Christine" starts with "This weekend being the typical of the recent rash of violence..." Can anyone make anything out of the noise before that line? To me it sounds like a different female voice speaking like possibly segueing into "Christine's" part of the show.

    If this person who made the video were to post her entire piece I would be more likely to believe its authenticity. The locals stories check out but it would be considerably more difficult to fudge national news without someone who was there calling b.s.

    Here is a link that also says that she was on for about 8 minutes before she did what she did.

    It sounds real but I don't think it is.

  19. #3119
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    The person made their videos private, I'll have to look it up but another person said that they compared her voice to the tape and it sounds like her. Damndirtyape, if you can put a link to the new uploaded video, that would be great as the ones here in the thread as I said they made private.

  20. #3120
    Pm’ed you! I’ll be curious to know what you think

  21. #3121
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    I have my doubts the ending after she shoots herself, does not sound like what I remember hearing or seeing she slumped and then slid out of her chair also at the end the person recording it would have said "oh my God or did you see that?" or some kind of shocked response, not a flat wow...even the loader is saying they have their doubts as well.

  22. #3122
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    Got your message about the new recording Michael, but I'm short on time. Just checking moderation stuff. I'm not gonna open it yet, so it'll show as a new message when I do have some time to give it a few listens using a variety of sound isolation software. I'm sure you're familiar with that type of software. For those who arent, it's the same stuff used by producers to layer voices with instrumentals during the recording process.

  23. #3123
    I know what you’re talking about! Report back if you notice anything fishy.

    If this person who made the video were to post her entire piece I would be more likely to believe its authenticity. The locals stories check out but it would be considerably more difficult to fudge national news without someone who was there calling b.s.

    Here is a link that also says that she was on for about 8 minutes before she did what she did.
    I wondered the same thing. This post may mean nothing if SomeChick is about to pick up something indicating fakery but I don't think that will happen.

    I don't buy the "someone was recording the tv to listen later" explantion. I think that's an attempt to shield against a possible lawsuit because of a supposed injunction that was put in place. I remember years ago in this thread someone tried to find proof that an injunction was even put in place to begin with and they came up empty handed. So all this "injunction" talk maybe a lot of hot air.

    Anyway, the reason that this isn't the full eight minutes of that broadcast is due to the fact that it is likely this audio isn't sourced from a Live Broadcast or the original tape. It's possible that it's surviving audio from the copies that were made afterward by the station director. Years ago, someone contacted a former WXLT employee (he appeared on that E! Documentary about Chrstine in 2007) last name was Rickard and he claimed that copies were made but eventually destroyed in the 80s. The creation of copies is also mentioned in this quote from the New Yorker from 2016:

    "On the day Chubbuck killed herself, Smitty got a call. “I went down and I saw the tape. I’ll never forget—our program director was dubbing version after version. And we’re going, ‘What are you doing?’ And he’s saying, ‘Everybody’s gonna want this, CBS, NBC, they’re all gonna want it.’ We’re like, ‘You can’t show this shit! This is horrible.’ So the family got involved, and the owner put a clamp on it.”
    Would that stations mentioned in that quote, NBC or CNN, need eight minutes from that broadcast when they're just going to cut it down to the speech and then the suicide? I'm sure making copies of that two inch tape was difficult even when all of the equipment was readily available. So it's possible a descision was made, in order to save time, copy the last couple of minutes, rather than all eight. Or it could've just come down to conserving tape, possibly.

    Also, for anyone curious, there's an ongoing thread over at Lost Media Wiki Forums with some interesting insights.

  24. #3124
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkstracy View Post
    The person made their videos private, I'll have to look it up but another person said that they compared her voice to the tape and it sounds like her. Damndirtyape, if you can put a link to the new uploaded video, that would be great as the ones here in the thread as I said they made private.
    Here is the video before it was made private. This is not the complete version though.

  25. #3125
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    And this is allegedly the complete version.

  26. #3126
    Join Date
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    All fake.

  27. #3127
    Quote Originally Posted by SomeChick View Post
    All fake.
    Did you notice something in the isolation software you mentioned that pointed in that direction?

  28. #3128
    It's been a long time since I have posted on the forums but I ran across this tonight. I don't have time to research its authenticity and I hope I'm not posting a duplicate of this link that someone else has already posted, but wanted to get it on here asap.

  29. #3129
    Join Date
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    This one is a fake. Its already been discussed earlier in the thread...

  30. #3130
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Hey Michael
    Could you confirm this:

  31. #3131
    I saw this pop up recently on Reddit..I’m skeptical.
    It looks like her, it matches the description of what she was wearing (black and white checked dress), and I seem to remember a description of her hand down at her side (holding the gun) video has surfaced to match the image.

    Also she was said to be filmed in a tight close-up as this all went down according to someone who was actually there. I’m not sure if he meant throughout every second of the broadcast or just the shooting. This discrepancy is why I’m skeptical.

  32. #3132
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    That video has proven to be fake awhile back.

  33. #3133
    That's not the same black and white video we've all seen. The still image surfaced on 5/13/2021 on The video however is "private".

    In the comment section:
    The title of this image contains a YouTube link, but the formatting has been changed to all lowercase. We were able to brute force the correct link on the LMW Discord (props to RNO for being the one to find the correct link), but the video is privated

  34. #3134
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    That's cheap, fake and fakely colored with De-Oldify software, which employs blobs of blue and orange to vaguely give an illusion of color. Plus the set isn't lit. None of the real clips are in the dark and filmed a half-mile back from the desk.

    Kinda cute, too, the PTB of the alleged Lost Media Wiki "decided" that this topic was no longer to be pursued.
    Interesting operating model for them, too:
    -Build website dedicated to discussing lost media
    -Have people discuss/tease about lost media
    -Develop "feels" and disingenuous scruples about certain lost media involving famous on-air suicide
    -Insult people who want to talk about lost media
    -Close topic about lost media and, again, insult participants
    -Continue to solicit donations to keep discussion forum going

  35. #3135

    This video does a break down of the two video/audio leaks. They pointed out certain things that took me a little by surprise. If the audio is real (personally I think it is) this video hints at the likely source of the leak. A copy was given to the police. The open air recording can probably be traced to the police department. They probably recorded themselves viewing the tape in order to write the transcript for their police report.

  36. #3136
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    The link I posted back in April is broken, but this link should work. It is the audio leak mentioned in the previous post. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Edit: If that link doesn't work try this one:

  37. #3137
    Not sure if anyone has seen/heard this but skip to 26:34 and then listen. This is supposed to have been discovered as of 5 days ago.

    This was located as well as the infamous Wicked Witch On Sesame Street episode (which btw I won't link you can search for that)

  38. #3138
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    Quote Originally Posted by bustakita View Post
    Not sure if anyone has seen/heard this but skip to 26:34 and then listen. This is supposed to have been discovered as of 5 days ago.

    This was located as well as the infamous Wicked Witch On Sesame Street episode (which btw I won't link you can search for that)
    This is the same audio from the video that we keep debating if its real or not. The Audio was discovered in 2021

  39. #3139
    I'm 99.9 percent certain that audio is real. I talked to someone who said they had confirmed with the station owner's late wife that the video still existed prior to it being made public. They are a chief curator of classic television and he seemed quite certain it is authentic. I don't know why I never thought of this, but the audio was likely created for transcription purposes.

    This video explains the likely origins of the audiotape in question:

  40. #3140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael555 View Post
    I'm 99.9 percent certain that audio is real. I talked to someone who said they had confirmed with the station owner's late wife that the video still existed prior to it being made public. They are a chief curator of classic television and he seemed quite certain it is authentic. I don't know why I never thought of this, but the audio was likely created for transcription purposes.

    This video explains the likely origins of the audiotape in question:
    This Video shows us nothing of the suicide of her.
    Carolyn(1958-2009) always in my heart.

  41. #3141
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    Nothing new here......

  42. #3142
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  43. #3143
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfr View Post
    I saw it the other day and assumed it was 'the' tape for a moment but it isn't. It's a full episode of Suncoast Digest that she presented and the uploader got it from someone who also put it on his page. No one seems to know when it was filmed though.

    The uploader...tapesignal also has a tumblr about Christine. Their aim is to try and fill in blanks, humanize her and show she was more than just her death.

  44. #3144
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    I figured out where that Alaste person on YouTube got the audio. It was an audio recording made by someone with Sarasota PD. I was going through the police report and there is one, pg 19 of the pdf That recounts word-for-word the 7/15 audio. It was typed, so not transcribed live. There are redacted parts of the police report where victim/perp names appear in the recording. *Conspiracy time* That has to be it. He had to have gotten it from a retired officer.

  45. #3145
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    Could be but i remember someone trying to get the tape a reporter wrote in asking for it, they said it had been destroyed and that the station owners wife had the original and she vowed it would never see the light of I am still not convinced.

  46. #3146
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    Quote Originally Posted by damndirtyape View Post
    I figured out where that Alaste person on YouTube got the audio. It was an audio recording made by someone with Sarasota PD. I was going through the police report and there is one, pg 19 of the pdf That recounts word-for-word the 7/15 audio. It was typed, so not transcribed live. There are redacted parts of the police report where victim/perp names appear in the recording. *Conspiracy time* That has to be it. He had to have gotten it from a retired officer.
    Do you know "retired officer" 's name ? for example Geoffrey M. ?

  47. #3147
    Quote Originally Posted by pkstracy View Post
    Could be but i remember someone trying to get the tape a reporter wrote in asking for it, they said it had been destroyed and that the station owners wife had the original and she vowed it would never see the light of I am still not convinced.
    This tape was an audio tape. Not the actual tape. I'm not sure what the reporter requested but whoever had a look at the request likely assumed they were referring to the actual video of the incident.

    If someone had to transcribe her actual words for their police report of the incident wouldn't someone record an audio tape (fairly easy in 1974 if I am not mistaken) so they can type it up rather than viewing that video over and over. Would the police have even had the equipment at the station to play this (it was recorded on reel to reel Quadruplex videotape )?

    So wouldn't it be easier to just turn on a tape recorder and let it run so you can have a reasonable audio recording to finish the report? It just seems like the most plausible explanation.

  48. #3148
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    Shows back then recorded their footage, what the reporter wanted was a copy of the actual newscast video, and hard to believe but VCRs were around back then, they were invented in 1956, and didn't become popular until 1967, of course not a lot of people had them, until they became more affordable in the late 70s and into the 80s, and still even then were still expensive for most people. Other than reel to reel audio tape, there was video footage of that day recorded, the police had a copy and the widow had the original and claimed it was destroyed after her husband's death, it had been locked up in a safe deposit box he had.

  49. #3149
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    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    pk is right about the cost of a VCR for home use, back then. My mom bought one for my dad in 1981, for their 25th wedding anniversary. She paid $1,200 for a new one. Adjusted for today's prices, that would be $4,500. Even blank video tapes were expensive. Each one cost $30. Yes, that was for ONE blank video tape!
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  50. #3150
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    You're right What tha, my parents didn't get one until about 86 or 87 paid about two hundred to three hundred dollars for one.

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