For the last fuckin' time -- CONTACT SALLIE QUINN! Marilyn Fletcher doesn't have squat!![]()
For the last fuckin' time -- CONTACT SALLIE QUINN! Marilyn Fletcher doesn't have squat!![]()
Faces of death series was fake.
I see more real deaths on youtube of all places!
Somewhere in this thread someone said faces or traces of death could contain the footage.
I think i remember seeing something about her in a news report. Just her sitting at the desk, not the suicide part. It was one of those news shows in the 80's or early 90's...
Cool to know that the word is out that us 'goulish death hags' are on the case LMAO!!!
BTW....There are several real death series out there... we've got....
Traces of Death
Death Scenes
Final Exits
Banned in America
when I think of more I'll post them. Have at them guys!!!
ya know, everytime this thread pops up on the main page, I get giddy as a school girl.....
"Go to Heaven for the climate - Hell for the company" - Mark Twain
LMAO!!! Me too!!!![]()
![]() edited to warn of graphic video of man dying on stage (heart attack maybe?)
Last edited by baroque1; 05-13-2009 at 11:00 AM.
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
Any Death Hags want to be on his radio show? Its international
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
Sorry to bump yet again and get your hopes up, but you know, that blog kinda pissed me off a little. I consider myself a "death hag." Proud of it too. But, I've seen some photos and videos in my day, (some by pure accident. Thanks google image minus safe filter.) But for the most part, I'm a baby about those things. I still understand that there are many people who want or need to see this, and I am glad to say most of the people on this board have much respect for Christine. Just like Scott said in Dearly Departed 1 going up to Jack Cassidy's apartment, "... [these people]understands that we're not vampires, we're not crazy people; we're just people that are interested in something a little bit different."
and his last blog in which he admitted to being a hypocrite because he watched the Tommy Cooper death tape. Anyhow, he wrote me this morning and asked me to be on his radio show which I declined. Scott said he would be doing a tour at the same time of the show. Anyone else interested? We need a good rep for hags
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
yeah, my comment on his blog said I thought we would like to have known her alive but since she did do it on tv Im pretty sure she wanted her statement to be seen
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
wow that was really amazing ...he juts dropped dead....
Hi Guys!
Well, you know what Oscar Wilde said, there's only one thing worse than being talked about... and that's *not* being talked about. Wow!
I wanted to hop on here and thank you guys for checking the blog out and let you know how amazed I am that since we technically disagreed on a point, I wasn't being savaged. You know what the internet is like, people have been pounded to death in parking lots for less!
I'm glad the following Tommy Cooper post has been brought up, and particularly that I felt like I had been a hypocrite for being so hard on people looking for the Chubbuck tape after watching it. Twice. For those of you who missed it, it's here: In my defence, there *are* some rather ghoulish comments that go unchecked, here and in other places, but I do appreciate now that being a "death hag" doesn't necessarily mean that all you're interested in is watching blood drip. I apologise if you thought I was being too harsh or judgemental.
Certainly the offer stands to anyone from here who wants to come on the show tonight. As I explained to Baroque, we're not arguers and we won't give you a hard time or try and trip you up. It's not that kind of show. What I'd like to do is build on the conclusion of the Tommy Cooper post, and the conversation that followed in the comments section, to examine exactly what it is that draws us to watch this stuff, how some people tolerate it and some turn away. I'd be extremely interested in views like LitaMalibu's, who identifies with the community but doesn't have an iron stomach when it comes to the actual images. (even if I did piss you off!) I think it would also be useful to define exactly what a "death hag" is.
We tape tonight (wednesday 13th) around 6pm eastern time, your segment would be around 6.30 or so and would last half an hour. Skype's the best bet, but we can also call anyone who wants to appear. It's probably not a good idea to drop my email address on here, but if anyone is interested, feel free to PM me your email or Skype screen name, or I can PM you mine. If you don't want to come on by yourself, I'd be more than happy to conference another person in.
Thanks again,
S. =)
I would like to publicly apologize to Spike as I just realized that my reply to him bounced back to me. Sorry if you did not recieve it. I got in touch with Scott the owner of this forum as I thought he would be the most qualified to be your guest and represent "death hags". That took many hours as the time difference involved. As soon as I heard that he would be working a tour I sent my decline to give you as much time as possible to find another guest for the spot. Now I believe you never recieved it. I also got in touch with three other hags that I thought might be good. One cannot and the other two are thinking about it. After that I posted on this thread. So, I do hope someone who is not chicken shit skeerd (like me) does step up and your show is a sucess.
All The Best
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
Oh heavens, there's no need for that. I had some problems registering yesterday, the site wanted a non-free email address, which I don't have. About an hour after I had remembered the password of my AOL address, registered with that and sent the PM to you, I got notice that my registration had been yanked. Apparently AOL is free now! I hadn't used it in so long, I had no idea. I figured when I came back and re-read the thread and saw you had responded that that's what had happened.
I appreciate your hard work!
S. =)
I would certainly love to be on the show...but I have to work...![]()
yeah me too....
That Tommy Cooper video is very creepy.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
Why is their an element of "comedy" in Tommy's death? Hell, I wish I could go out on stage!![]()
Spike, anyone can agree or disagree--we certainly wouldn't skewer you here unless you were perhaps the Octowat in disguise.
I'll be working on the racecar tonight so can't listen to your show--I certainly hope others will be able to listen to it afterwards!
I do have to say, the range of why people look for these things comes in a wide range. Some people are ghoulish, some people interested from a clinical point of view (me), others look at it objectively, and others enjoy the warmth and welcome of this site. As with anything in life, the reasons are colorful and varied!
I stand by my statement that to see what makes a death hag, you would have to take time to read many of these threads, from Charles Manson to the unimaginable horrors of the children reported killed on a daily basis. Where one person may make a joke on one thread, they are genuinely torn on another. A small point is that death hags are interested in the what, how's and why's of any of the situationsWe simply start from the end and work our way towards the beginning. Good luck with your show!
Please let little ole me know too...I still want to do that "grand FAD event" down at WXLT in Sarasota. I figured we could rent a "yellow convertible VW Beetle" like Christine's and spin some mad, drunken donuts in that parking lot. We can still speculate on where she parked her car that day, and can even contemplate her "route"...
Unfortunately, I found elsewhere that people did contact Greg Chubbuck. They did not post the response or if they did, I don't remember. I was too busy being horrified that someone would bother the family for it. I may be curious, but that was WAY over the line, to me. It made me feel awful for him, especially as he has lost a brother and a sister in his lifetime.
And I forgot to add--Michael, I am sure that you did a fine job. You had the courage to get out and do it and you should be proud of that!
Should I go ahead and contact the Sarasota Police Department about acquiring a FULL REPORT of "that day" in 1974? Or is somebody else doing it?
I have posted this before...but here we go again...Read the one entitled "Chris"...
Just get a hold of him...
Its been almost 35 years...
You know what seems rather ironic? If this tape were ever found, in its behemoth format, how many people would actually have the means by which to view it?
he actually is very understanding of the curiosity sorounding his sisters death, he has been contaced by fans companies some he talks to and others he chooses not too.....he is very nice guy..I myself did not speak with him but a producer of a radio show here did and he was very nice and down to earth....and understanding...he know his sisters actions that day are the stuff urban ledgends are made of. Also he has seen the footage .I always wondered that did her family watch....well he said he did .Anyway I do agree its kind of bad to bother him and I myself would not do it ...but you know when something like this happens people are naturally gonna be curiouse ..its out nature .....there is that fine line tho....
Wonder if Greg watched the "home" copy...![]()
The people I saw who had contacted him (which I think is WAY over the line, too, Michael--dredging up the pain of a sibling's death) found him listed in the phone book.
Lisa stated apparently that he is a very nice man and understanding of how his sister's death has become an urban legend..but those people had no way of knowing that when they contacted him. For all they know, they could have brought that pain right back to him. Their boundaries appear rather questionable.![]()
Oooooo....... I remember those pictures!!! They we called 'Natural Born Killers'. That couple dismembered that guy, and did screwy things with his body parts. Those pictures got them some prison time, or the death penalty if I remember right? WTH people film their crimes is beyond me.Thank God for stupid criminals LMAO!!!
Isn't posting people's personal info against TOS? IMO.... nobody should post the phone number,e mail, or residential address of anybody without permission. People have been hunted down and harassed,stalk,or harmed that way.
Mike.... no harm no foul. You've been doing a great job trying to track the tape down. I didn't get to hear the radio interview but, I'm sure you did wonderfully.![]()
Maybe the Chubbucks will invite us over for Thanksgiving this year...and perhaps let us "pour through" Christine's photo album...![]()
Fantastic! Cant wait to listen to it. Thanks M555 for being brave and stepping up to the challenge - I have no doubt you get a wonderful job!
I told my lawyer he's better step it up or we would both end up on an episode of "SNAPPED"
50k on the table. Just to keep everyone updated.
I can't believe how this thread has turned.
I am so glad I was able to listen to the Big Interview! I loooove the accent of the interviewer! Whoohoo! Michael, you were great. You sound very sweet! My favorite part might have been the quip about "porn guilt." LOL You crazy guys!!
I forget now who said this, but the simple explanation that we trace the steps from the end back to the beginning is spot on. That's exactly how it works. CC is one of the people who may have started my death haggery. I do so want to see the moments leading up to the deed but I could not watch It. Y'all know I can't take the oogey stuff. I'd love to see her in action though. More than 15 seconds at a time.
I also agree that she plainly wanted the public to see it but not to get their jollies. She clearly wanted to shock people & make a point. Bless her.
Also, I just caught sight of my sig line after many months of not seeing it, & it's frickin hilarious. I crack myself up a little.
Mike gosh it was like five years ago or so, I don't know it could have been a reenactment. So dang frustrating that we can't find the tape.
As I remember from the E! special, the woman running the camera said something like "Chris, that's the worst joke I've ever seen", or words to that effect. But I'm not sure that went on air, I think the vision mixer cut to black pretty quickly after the shot.
I do like the words the Reverend spoke at her funeral:
"We suffer at our sense of loss, we are frightened by her rage, we are guilty in the face of her rejection, we are hurt by her choice of isolation and we are confused by her message." - Reverand Thomas Beason at Christine's funeral
Last edited by Dixie Girl; 05-17-2009 at 12:53 AM.
That was reported in Sally Quinn's article
As evidenced by this quote by her mother, I do believe that the suicide footage made the airwaves that night:
"Her last act was the most selfish of her life. She brought death into other people's homes." (Also in Sally's article linked above)
Last edited by Dixie Girl; 05-17-2009 at 12:59 AM.
20 seconds is a long time when it comes to video.