I've seen the video as well. I remember it was online and it was a while back when I first heard about the Bud suicide video. She was mentioned as well so I did a search and it came up. It was a few years back for sure. This all reminds me of the Selena morgue photos and the family covering them up. For a long time when one searched for them NOTHING came up. Nowadays once in a blue moon someone gets ballsy and posts them for a millisecond :P. Maybe one day it will be the same for this video.
I wish I remembered. I did a google search on her name because she was mentioned on the site where I watched the Bud video.
I would be scared to post it online. You might get the big fat lawsuit slap!
Who knows that may have happened. I mean think of how many people were threatened with a law suit for the Selena aka Subpoena photos.
OK, this is interesting: http://media-blogs.blogspot.com/2008...ide-video.html
The entry reads like "Engrish" or a bad OCR scan, ("Immediately before joining WXLT, she worked in the traffic department of WTOG would later report that her painted her mother and Greg as her closest friends Christine Chubbuck suicide video. Several years before her Christine Chubbuck suicide video, Chubbuck television at New York University. During her years at Laurel, she started a small tongue-in-cheek younger brother Greg came to live in the Florida home.") but what's really interesting is the one and only comment in the comments section: nmalave said... why did u remove the video of Christine Chubbuck committing suicide?
I hope you get an answer! I would love to see it. It's so strange that no straight video of her is online either. There would be much less interest in her I think, if it wasn't so hard to find info on her life. For me, it's the fact that she came to do this in the first place & we can't find enough backstory to ferret out a reason. I've mentioned this before, but she reminds me of my mom. They look so similar! I've always thought that's what caught my interest the most.
It could be that like you, someone thought they'd find the video there & assumed it had been removed. I wonder how they could have posted it (the vid) just last year and only have one comment. It looks to me like the title led the commenter to believe the video of the suicide had been there at one time. More than likely it never was.
Not sure if it was mentioned or not before but there is an FBI training video which has her suicide on it. Maybe this is what was released online that some of us saw?
Yes that's been mentioned plenty, actually. I don't know how most of us would happen upon an FBI training video though. Is that something that's readily available? Just curious, I'd never track something like that down. Of course, the Thai motorcyclist grossed me out for weeks after I saw it. I always heed the warnings, thanks.![]()
I have been perusing some of the boards out there--my Lord, I find a lot of junk, as well--and this also confirms from the Police transcripts that part of Chris' suicide WAS aired. Transcripts are available from the Sarasota Police Dept for under 10.00, and is around 46 pages long.
this person, whom I have encountered on a few message boards, states this:
"Since you would want more information on Christine, if you contact Bonnie in Records at the Sarasota County Sheriff's Dept. in Sarasota, FL. and ask for the transcripts from Christine's co-workers interviewed by an officer on the morning of July 15, 1974 after Chris shot herself, you would find comments and information that wasn't in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. It isn't expensive: under $10. for 46 pages. They take check or money order; not credit card (they're not set up for credit or debit cards). It's part of the Freedom of Information Act.
Yes, Christine was nervous. She was groping for hair just before she committed suicide. It's mentioned by a female co-worker/camera-person, "Shay", who is listed in the above transcripts. The videotape, which was the size of a manhole cover in 1974, was given to the family; and the station director/owner. Yes, in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, a woman reporter was having breakfast at home; and saw Christine's long dark hair fly upward after she shot herself from behind her right ear, and saw Christine's head fall forward violently, hitting the desk. Then Christine's torso slowly slid down the desk, and she fell on her right side on the carpeted floor next to her chair. That last part wasn't seen by the viewer, but by the Sheriff's Dept. (mentioned in the transcripts). So the viewer *did* see the quick action, before the camera trained on Christine was cut."
I am confused. Why is there any debate over whether or not the act was televised? I thought it was made clear by the people there that the camera was not cut in time b/c of course no one knew it was going to happen & there wasn't a time delay. They said it at least once in the E! special too.
I don't think the debate is on whether it was televised or not but rather if it's online or not. Or maybe I'm reading this all wrong.
Many people seem to claim that the suicide was not actually seen on live television--that the cameraman was able to "cut" away in time. However, it appears to have been seen in households across America for a few seconds.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! Yes, after the screen goes black you can hear a man's voice say "Oh my God... she's has gone and done it!!!" The horror was caught on audio for a minute or so after the screen went black. I knew I saw it on one of those death tapes. I can't remember which one though!!!I think it was one of the 'Banned in America' series tapes?
No, it was the real tape. On the tape the narrarator says something like... in this footage we see an American news reporter commit suicide on live TV. Then you see her sitting at the anchor desk in front of a blue screen. She does the blood and guts part and bang!!! She kind of slumps over sideways, the screen goes black, then there's total silence for a few seconds (I would imagine the people who witnessed it were in shock) then the "Oh my God.....she's gone and done it!!!" It wasn't a renactment it really was her. It's been probably at least 15 years ago that I saw it but, I remember it vividly because it was quite sudden and shocking. There wasn't any blood or guts just panic from witnesses after they realized what had happened. At first they thought it was a joke.![]()
They are big - and bloody heavy, too! Here's one with a MiniDV tape to give you an idea of the size:
That beast there would hold roughly two hours of broadcast-quality video. They're called "quad" tapes, still used in a lot of broadcasting facilities well into the 90s.
Chances are that there just isn't that much of "Suncoast Digest" that was kept. The shows would probably have been recorded at the time (perhaps for someone to document guests and topics for the public file, as per the FCC's licensing requirements, or maybe in case a guest said something 'newsworthy') and then wiped soon after if they were deemed of no further use. The tapes were expensive - incredibly expensive to a tiny TV outfit in the early 70s - so they were reused routinely. It's for that reason that there is a lot of missing TV from the 50s to the late 70s, in addition to the expense of needing new tapes all the time, storage costs would be astronomical.
There is so little of the BBC's output that was kept up until the 70s for these reasons. One or two episodes of a show was retained, and the rest was junked. There are 108 early episodes of Dr Who that are probably gone forever, for example. The BBC almost junked the entire first series of Monty Python, too.
I hope the link works.
It lists a televised suicide as part of the lineup.
this one also. Has anyone seen these tapes? I know alot of these faces of death things have reps of being false.
spikensmith, you'd best be careful--you could get addicted to the search as well! Let me go find a short audio of Suncoast digest that was edited only to portray Christine's segment. Last time I looked, YouTube was down for maintenance so I could not post it.
Bah, the one I saw was removed by the poster. However, you CAN watch a short segment of one of her shows that was featured on "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," found here, and also features interviews with her Mom and brother, Greg:
There are also a few photographs of her included as well, that I know some people said that they would like to see.
I still don't understand how showing her doing her job...as a newscaster or heavens sake...is disrespectful.
Interesting. Someone join the yahoo group!![]()
I's nothing but a sh-t yard of SPAM!!!
Oh. I was hoping for more than the two pics we see all the time.
Yea, actually they have some great photos, the ones you see all the time and a few screen shots from the boulevard movie. There are some news paper clippings that are awesome.
ogrish is closed???? wtf?
She was so beautiful. I love the pic of her smiling so big! Thanks Anna.
no problem. I'm reading through the news articles now.
Old newspaper article
Another, about the memorial service. Story is on the right side of that page.
I find it interesting that she allegedly states in her suicide note that she wanted to do this and wanted everyone to see it. So even in death she is being denied. How sad!![]()
I swear this friend of mine swears she sdaw this as well on one of those banned from tv things and explained it to me the exact same way and the narrator comes in and says here we see and american news reporter committ susucide on live tv and it cuts to her sitting in front of a green screen....she swears its out there !!! Im telling you who do I have to lseep with ??? LOL....
I keep thinking its out there someplace....
I remember her sitting in front of a blue screen. For some reason I remember the music that lead into her speech, and it was like they were coming back from a commercial break. At that point you can't hear what she says because the narrarator is doing his lead in ,on what is about to occur. You only hear the 'in keeping with channel 40 blab, blah, blah and bang!!! Her head hits the desk, and she slumps down...screen goes black and then the audio keeps going ,and you hear silence for few seconds, and then you hear "Oh my God... she has gone and done it!!!!" It seems like somebody said "That's a really bad joke" or something to that effect. I remember it was quite shocking like.... I can't believe she did that. I was probably sitting there with my mouth hanging open. At the time I had no clue who she was, and had never heard of that incident.
I never saw it on the internet anywhere. I saw it on one of those real death movies. Yesterday, I sat and searched for every real death movie out there for several hours. Boy, there sure are a lot of them!!! Later today, I'm going hunting again.
I rented it about 15 years ago at one of our local video stores. I had heard of the 'Faces of Death' videos, and had just moved away from home. That type of movie was taboo under my parents roof so, as soon as I got married and got my own place, I started renting them. Hubby doesn't approve of my death/gore facination. It's out there somewhere, I swear. It's just finding it that's hard.
I searching today......we will find this damn footage some place....
If it was out there we wouldve found it already.
I even did a Baidu search and nada.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
its there too many people have seen it ...its just lost it all those archives someplace ......its out there
There are at least "two or three" of those big "Chubbuck manhole covers" somewhere out there. They are gathering dust. Hopefully they are away from sunlight and intense heat. If one stays preserved it could surface eventually. I'd just like a Suncoast Digest episode...is that too much to ask? Weatherman? Greg Chubbuck?![]()
I'm seriously starting to wonder if which ever movie I saw that on is completely banned in the U.S. now? It's somewhere... I've seen it. I'm starting to wonder if her family found out that somebody copied it,and put it in one of those real death movies, and got an injunction to have it removed from that movie? I suppose anything is possible. Her family made sure it was never released publicly so, I could see them taking a production company to court ,to have the footage removed from the movie. Still .....if the movie was ever mass produced up until that time, somebody would have to have a copy of it somewhere. I know that these type of movies were a hard sell back then so maybe they weren't mass produced at the time? The only place I ever saw those types of movies was at video rental stores. Now, you can buy them on line everywhere. The mystery deepens........ *cues creepy music*