he's is one of my favorites, too.
There's a funny and bittersweet scene involving Jim Croce in the US version of the series Life on Mars. Sigh...
My father was a huge fan of Jim's and was devastated when he died. As a kid, he played Jim's records for me constantly, and I became a huge fan myself (note my avatar). Other than Fleetwood Mac, it was the only music we agreed on. After Dad died, I couldn't listen to any of Jim's stuff for over a year. I still tear up when I listen to Time in a Bottle, and I never stop giggling at Roller Derby Queen. I like to think that Dad's listening to Jim in that big concert hall in the sky... and I'll always be thankful to Dad for introducing me to some of the best music I've ever heard.
I truly think that Jim Croce was the greatest story teller in music. No one could paint a picture like he did. And WHY has he never even been nominated for the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame?
"I'll have to say I love you in a song" just came on when I started reading this thread. Weird!
For years I have heard the story that Ingrid had no idea her husband was killed until a friend of hers had called her after hearing the bulletin on the Today show. True? Ya'think Ingrid would have learned about this BEFORE Barbara Walters & Frank McGee ( then hosting Today ) had reported it.
Wasn't his death a few days or weeks after the television premier of "She Lives" which was a rip-off of "Love Story"? Croce did the music soundtrack of that made for TV show and I thought it was really good back then as a movie but have never seen it since. It starred Lucille Ball and Desi Arniz's son.
New book about Jim Croce, by his widow:
Love his voice and songs, takes me back in time.
Remember when he died they were basically penniless according to his widow
I was surfing looking for info on this and found this interesting thread on Topix... http://www.topix.com/forum/city/natc...OUS6CCMU535/p6 ... do not know if I believe all the conspiracy stuff but I would love to get the files from the university that are mentioned....
my brothers middle name was chosen from one of his album that opened up (maybe photographs and memories album which was a greatest hits) it mentioned his son Adrian and my parents liked it and gave it to my brother as his middle name.
Last edited by Gabby; 08-05-2013 at 12:15 PM.
Forty years ago today:
You will continue to live on through your beautiful music.
For that, we are forever grateful.
Those morning shows are on the east coast and are 3 hours ahead of California time. It is sometimes with these accidents they say they will release pending notification of family. I have no idea if this was true then. Sometimes I hear that local cops come to the door to tell you.
I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death; I am not on his pay-roll.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
I have the new book but haven't read it yet. I don't want him to be an ass.
I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death; I am not on his pay-roll.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
At the time of Croce's death in 1973 NBC's Today was pretty much the only game in town when it came to those morning news shows. CBS had Captain Kangaroo and one hour of the CBS Morning News which wasn't even seen in a good chunk of the country. ABC wouldn't get into the morning news game until 1975 with "AM America" which later would be re-named "Good Morning America' when they managed to sign up David Hartman to host the show. FOX and the cable nets like CNN didn't exist and the few independent stations on the air at the time morning programming was pretty much limited to cartoons, old sitcom reruns like "I Love Lucy" or religious shows..very very few offered much in the way of news at the time.
With Croce, my guess is that somebody had identified Jim's body and either he/she or the police had called up WDSU-TV in New Orleans which was and still is the biggest NBC affiliate in Louisiana ( the networks tend to pay attention to its biggest stations first ) and WDSU had contacted NBC News and the story aired on Today. Now as to why the person who identified Croce's body but failed to contact Ingrid is a mystery. Now as to why the police didn't contact Ingrid maybe they felt since somebody had already said the body was that of Jim Croce perhaps they felt no need as to contact Ingrid. Just a guess.
Last edited by choff; 09-27-2013 at 06:22 PM.
Jim looked like a cross between Groucho Marx and Klinger from M*A*S*H, but what a great singer!! Much missed.
Whenever we think if any of you appreciate his songs. I also want to know what type of an effect you think he had on the songs business and the audio of modern musicians.
To the tune of "Time in a Bottle"
"If I had a nose full of nickels,
I'd blow them all,
Here is a link to Jim's final concert at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana on Sept. 20, 1973. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iycVUJcHFsY
According to witnesses and timing of the crash and all, it appears Croce, Muehleisen and the others on the plane were dead within 15-20 minutes after they finished the last song (Which was "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown"). Croce wanted to get the heck out of town. At the end of the concert, you can hear him simply say "See ya!" to the audience. Concert attendees have reported that they left the stage quickly. Then, they entered into eternity...
Last edited by reving19; 01-04-2014 at 12:55 PM.
I'm uncertain he has had a big influence on music, although his style was distinctive and his writing reflective of the image he portrayed in photos. I do recall thinking at the time of his death, "Here's another guy who has just made it and gets whacked". As far as being penniless goes, it's true that recording companies tend to rip off their contracted artists, but the artists make it back in concert. Now if Croce's group was carrying the whole expense of his tours, that's another thing.
Last edited by Poo Bah MCGee; 01-06-2014 at 06:40 AM.
Has anyone read the book by his widow and her second husband?
The reason a dog has so many friends is because he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
I read that the pilot didn't reach altitude and hit pecan trees at the end of the runway which lead to the crash. And that this was attributed to him suffering a heart attack.
Supposedly Jim Croce's group were to fly out in the morning but Jim decided to leave that night. The small town they were in had no taxis, so the pilot is said to have "walked and run" to the airport, eventually being driven the remainder of the way by a police car who picked him up.
Did the physical exertion the pilot suffered getting to the airport contribute to the heart attack causing the fatal crash?
3 months before Jim died he hosted an episode of The Midnight Special tv program. At one point while Jim is announcing the guests Wolfman Jack whispers for him to "slow down". One has to wonder if impatience lead to his early departure from this world.
That is a good observation , Melisscious.
I remember his music when I was a little girl. I had heard that he was killed, but at the time I didn’t know how.
The reason a dog has so many friends is because he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
I was a fan of his music.
I remember being up early one morning and the Today Show was on - they announced he had been killed.
"Reality is an undefeated champion"
Jeff Bezos