Someone who saw the post showed me other sources using that photo dating back to 2010. I removed it.
Hero Worship - They Deserve it. I preserve it.
I've never been a Russell Brand fan, but after reading his thoughts on Robin Williams, I now have a newfound respect and admiration for Mr. Brand. His words were so eloquent and articulate. They very vividly captured the spirit of Robin and all his wild manic glory, IMO. So cheers to Russell and his moving homage to the man with a thousand characters.
you're free now genie!
pull the string!
I don't how I forgot about this, but I just remember it after being on another board and seeing a comment made about how Robin Williams was such a sweet and caring guy and how there weren't any reports of him being an a-hole to anyone. But he did!
My Sister-in-law once worked as a receptionist for an entertainment lawyer in LA, and she met a lot of celebs - including Robin Williams, who was a client. She didn't have anything really nice to say about him! She's very religious and a very sweet person, so I was a bit shocked when she told me how Robin was basically an a-hole around the office - ordering people around, and also she'd overhear him on one of the office phones, yelling and cussing out whoever it was he was speaking to. She was pretty appalled by him!
Hey Dude. What Dreams May Come was my comfort movie when I was a pre teen. My dad died 2 or 3 (can't remember if it came out in 97 or 98 right now) years before that came out and I remember watching it over and over and being shocked and touched both at the end of it.
Love that one. But, at the same time. I just cannot watch it yet.
You robbed an international house of pancakes. How waffle-Harry T. Stone
Twitter: @rchamberlain87 Follow me if you want. Just play nice.
Only the good die young....
What kind of POS takes a celeb photo of a person in an AA meeting? Just awful. On a happier note here's a nice little story about Robin's USO work. As with everyone else apparently, the troops loved him.
Exactly. Whoever took this is a jackass.
Russell Brand is a lot cooler than people give him credit for. He's very talented and seems to be very sweet, based on what I have read about him.
A complete jackass with NO HEART. If I was with a celebrity I would NEVER take a pic of them at an NA or AA meeting. WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The asshole prick who took a pic of him at the AA meeting needs a good smack in the face. IMO.
You robbed an international house of pancakes. How waffle-Harry T. Stone
Twitter: @rchamberlain87 Follow me if you want. Just play nice.
Only the good die young....
I am sorry your Sister in Law has this memory of him. But I can't imagine anyone who has done the amount of drugs he had and was an alcoholic on top of the depression not acting out at times. I am sure he had many dark moments. I heard on t.v. last night that he was also by-polar. This explains a lot about the manic "highs" he had where he went a mile a minute to the lowest of lows. Sadly, depression can make you think you are the worse, most unworthy person on the face of the earth and make you hate yourself more than anyone else could possibly hate you.
Last edited by Bayou Queen; 08-13-2014 at 08:59 AM.
I read on wiki that kids tormented/bullied Robin as a kid and there is not much about his relationship with his parents except that he tried to make his mom laugh to love him. I think quite possibly like he suffered a lifetime with those issues. Acceptance, or not having acceptance at a young age can be something you never get over......Everyone is talking about depression and 'why' much can be traced back to the childhood..Poor guy, must have struggled his entire life..![]()
Well, this is kinda cool! It's where I live, and where his family is from. Kinda cool, I have a joke for this... but I think it's too early. (I don't think Robin would think so)
According to neighbour, Mrs Doubtfire 2 did it to him
To my Father. Even though you have crossed the plane, you will always be with me.
You were not just my Father, but my hero. My life has been a poor attempt to be like you
You taught me music, vocals, and how to fight. I can only hope I am half the man you are
When I close my eyes I can see you. And finally, Thank you Dad. for everything.
March 1934-July 2016
Zelda has been driven off instagram and twitter by trolls that posted photo shopped pics of her Dad saying they were post mortem, and that it was her fault he killed himself as they were estranged.
Why do some people have to suck so much?
My favorite line in The Birdcage is when he talks about what dancers the crew can imitate.
Just wish he had not done it at home. Someone you love has to find your ass.
Abandon all hope.
I hope they find the person who took that picture of him at AA. That's one of AA's most severe violations. Why do people feel that there are no boundaries when it comes to other's privacy?![]()
In Loving Memory of Timothy Houdek, October 22, 1969 - January 8, 2013
My awesome dad: Harry Houdek, September 8, 1933 - November 20, 2013
Words can't convey how much I miss you both. RIP with love.
What a truly fucked up society we live in.
I feel so bad for Zelda. I know what it's like to lose my father. So, my empathy is with her.
ETA: I just can't help but want to school anyone who says anything negative about Robin. I seriously cannot stand the people who are bashing him on the net. They need to have a seat at the children's table and listen. Also, bashing does not mean a negative story about him. I'll get to my thoughts about that in a minute.
The man lived with depression, self-doubt, self-hatred, etc. I wonder if the ones that are bashing him hard (I'm not talking about anyone on here. I'm talking about the redditors, the TMZ'ers, etc) tried living in his shoes if they could even make it to 63. They probably couldn't even make it to 16.
Yes. But still. To the ones who had a negative story about him. He probably had his bad days and said something not so nice to someone somewhere. But, we all do. We all lash out when we are feeling hurt or restless. So, let's not just say "oh, he said fuck my great aunt Sally once. He was a real douchebag" When we don't know what he could have been going through at the time. And, to the ones who are really going at him that didn't even have stories or knew him. They just need to hush with the negativity. Especially the ones attacking Zelda and the Westboro loons.
So. With that I close. Even though I never did get the pleasure of meeting Robin. I could definitely feel for him. He seemed to have such a kind soul. Yet, a tormented one as well. And that, I understand.
Last edited by Dr. Fishhead; 08-13-2014 at 11:50 AM.
You robbed an international house of pancakes. How waffle-Harry T. Stone
Twitter: @rchamberlain87 Follow me if you want. Just play nice.
Only the good die young....
Robin Williams lived a GREAT and FULL life. How can so many petty humans find fault in his existence. This is what's wrong with mankind.
This is why so many humans are PATHETIC, AVERAGE...and WILL NEVER BE REMEMBERED. Their minds can't CREATE and INVENT and DO WONDERFUL things.
Robin Williams is immortalized now. Will YOU be?
I vote we punt all these jerks into the sun.
I vote we punt them in something that rhymes with punt.
You robbed an international house of pancakes. How waffle-Harry T. Stone
Twitter: @rchamberlain87 Follow me if you want. Just play nice.
Only the good die young....
God, the more that time goes on, the more this death is sinking in, and the worse it's making me feel. This is a tough one. Usually when a celebrity I care about dies, it helps me to watch their movies, listen to their music, etc. But when I think of watching any of Robin's work, I just can't do it. I can't see him or hear his voice, it's too painful. Aladdin is my go-to, childish comfort movie and I can't imagine watching it now. This loss is huge and confusing. I understand he was depressed and I can empathize, but still, I just don't get it. It still doesn't make sense somehow.
If anyone cares, Steven Tyler spoke nicely about Robin Williams' passing on youtube. A paparazzi asked him about it and recorded what he said:
I have to say, since I've been a member of FAD, there have only been a handful of celebrities who's death thread has grown so fast. Robin, Michael, Heath, Whitney.....
Last edited by Jason; 08-13-2014 at 12:56 PM.
He looks like he had decided to just give up in the AA picture. Instead of taking the photo, the person should have gone up and talked to him. Who knows they might have given him a reason to live.
Ugh that AA pic is bothering me. Not just for the obvious reason that some jackhole violated all rules of decency by taking it. If there was a picture next to the word "Depression" in the dictionary it would be Robin's face in that pic. Bah!!! I know I asked before but I'll ask again... How does someone leave a person known to be severely depressed alone for 14 hours?
My opinion is he battled depression probably his entire life.
When you get to that level nothing makes it "better". Fame, money, fancy houses, and sadly not even loved ones are 'enough' to make the pain go away. Couple that with years of drinking and drugs that possibly/probably altered his thinking and self-value opinion over time (even if he was clean at the time of his death, I think years of drugs and drin king affect your mind for the worse) and as I said earlier, so much comes back to a person's childhood....If they did not feel loved or accepted in their childhood then it is very hard to ever feel love or acceptance their entire life.
Bullying from other kids as a child is something many never get over or fully recover from.
And if he was always trying to make his mom laugh to make him feel like she loved him, then my guess is he in general grew up feeling not accepted or loved by his mom and that is also something someone never really gets over. Of course we do not know much of his relationship he had with his mother growing up, not much was written about it. But it just seems like he had a lifelong battle. Sad that he just buried the pain all those years. If he got treatment back when he was young, even as a child or even in his 20's, things might have been different. But as the TMZ report said, when he went for treatment last month and by then he was 'too far gone'...
What I really don't understand is why his family left him alone. Supposedly his wife left to go grocery shopping that day..why did she not have a neighbor visit with him or family or friend while she went out..? Being he was fresh out of rehab, I don't understand. But I guess he is an adult and he probably gave her a big 'I'm okay honey-go ahead and go out!!!' with that big smile of his....she probably thought he was 'fine'..![]()
The type of depression that I have comes and goes. Or should I say, it's good for awhile then the darkness creeps in again. Like a wave of grief. I've learned to notice the signs of it setting in, it doesn't keep it from setting in, but knowing it's coming helps me prepare for it. Not all depression is the same. Some live with it every single day of their lives, some it comes and goes like mine. Either way....darkness is darkness and it's a shitty place to be. I know I'm not the only one who feels that if I could have helped Robin with my love and support, he'd still be here today.
I feel so bad for his wife. People who suffer from depression are VERY good at hiding it and pretending everything is alright. I suspect this is what Robin did. Just look at his body of work, he was very good at hiding it....
Fishhead FOSSIE FOSSIE FOSSIE is a great scene. Bouncing around doing his hilarious manic bit and at the end saying, "But keep it all inside". Hilarious.