I've already started coming up with ideas for business ventures that the hologram could embark on. I've also decided that the hologram should be renamed "3DPac".
Here's a couple of my ideas.
- A photo booth where fans can be photographed with 3DPac. As the video from Coachella clearly shows, he does photograph really well. They could call this venture "Pics with Pac".
- A theme park ride, or permanent museum-quality exhibit. Wherein the tourist could perform in simulated concerts along side their hero. Since the vocal recreation is a part of the technology that went into making the hologram possible, it would therefore be possible to do personalized "shout outs" to the tourist while "on stage". They could opt to purchase either a DVD or a CD of their performance after the experience is over.
My friend just told me that I'm like the Walt Disney of dead rappers. Thanks...I think.