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Ok so I have noticed all this talk about pac coming back in 7 years....I never once heard this I do know of the 7 day theory which in all actuality makes perfect sense. Want more info on it search youtube. But the "return" of Pac will be (if true) in 2014 as in Machiavelli's (I spell it the correct way) book the art of war he in fact states to die at 25 2+5=7 and return at 43 4+3=7 and so on....Now this is some of the seven day theory The Facts! 1. 2Pac died on Friday 13th (September 1996). This was exactly 7 months, to the day, after the release of All Eyez On Me (released February 13th 1996).
2. 2Pac's time of death is recorded as 4:03 p.m.(4+3=7).
3. 2Pac was shot on the 7th of September.
4. 2Pac survived 7 days. (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 'died on the 13th....)
5. R U STILL DOWN (Remember Me ?) was released on November 25th (2+5=7)
6. In the Toss It Up video, he also smashes the mirror, perhaps a reference to 7 years bad luck
7. In Tupac's last movie ''Gang Related'' his badge number is 115(1+1+5=7).
8. On Jon B's CD "cool relax" the song "Are You Still Down" featuring 2pac is track 7. Tupac is on track 7 on daz's new album
9. Tupac is on track 7 on daz's new album
10. In the movie, "Gridlock'd," when Tupac and Roth are in the diner and they glance up at the menu, all the L's are upside down 7's.
11. On the song, "White Man's World" if you listen very closely at the beginning, there is a voice in the background saying, " 7 years, 7 years, 7 years...
12. He died when he was 25 years old (2+5=7)
13. 2pacs funeral was cancelled the day before then created the next day noone saw the body
In Tupac's song, "No More Pain," he says, "A heart of a soldier with the brains to teach a whole nation..." Is he referring to Jesus or Machiavelli?
The video, "I Ain't Mad At Cha, " was released only days after Tupac's, "death." It depicts Tupac being gunned down much of the way he was really shot.
"I Ain't Mad At Cha," is also track number 13 on, "All Eyez On Me," and Tupac died on Friday the 13
In the, "I Ain't Mad At Cha," video, Tupac dies. In his next video, "Toss It Up," his name is Makaveli.
In the, "Hail Mary," video, there is a gravestone that says, "Makaveli." It is cracked and there's a hole in front of it; this inplies that Makaveli rose from the dead.
One of Machiavelli's books is, "Discourses Upon The First Ten Books Of Titus Livy," which it's claimed Tupac read in jail. In Book 2, Chapter XIII He says, "a prince who wishes to achieve great things must learn to decieve..." This is very similar to verses in some of Tupac's songs.2Pac got the alias "Makavel" from a 16th century Italian philosipher named Nicolas Machiavelli. Machiavelli wrote 3 books: The Art of War, Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, and "The Prince". 2Pac had supposedly read Machiavelli's books several times. In Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, Machiavelli writes that "a prince who wishes to achieve great things must learn to deceive". In "Makaveli the Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory" it says Exit:2pac, Enter: Makaveli. Is the only way for 2Pac to live the life he wants to deceive his enemies by faking his own death and living on as the unseen.