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Thread: Liberace

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Queen, please! Why did he keep it in the closet? He was so obvious! Oh, and with those rhinestone capes...fierce honey!

  2. #2
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    I got a book of Rolling Stone magazine photos one year for Christmas and my mom was looking through it. I said something about Liberace being gay and she was totally freaked, had no idea. It was one of the funniest memories I have of my mom, that she was so naive about that sort of thing.

  3. #3
    Tombstone Tourist Guest
    LIBERACE WAS GAY?????!!!!!!

    but but but he was married once?!?

    I went to his museum in Vegas TWICE. I must have been the only straight male under 40 in the place. It was a slow day on a Tuesday and I spoke to the museum employee for over an hour about his music, pianos, and memorablia. Turns out she was his sister! She was really great - probably because I really didn't give a flying rat's ass about the whole gay/AIDS thing.

    My favorite Lee quote while he was wearing one of his famous fur capes on stage to the ladies in the front row:
    "Go ahead, touch it - you paid for it"

  4. #4
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    I love that quote, too! Yes, haven't you heard? Libby was a Rump Ranger..(I can say that, they're MY people!)

  5. #5
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    I feel sorry for Lee, actually, that he was so closeted. He must have been so unhappy, fighting that every single moment.

    He was such a showman! Such glitz and glamor! His music is totally dated and cheesy these days, but he brought a lot of musical joy to a lot of people.

    That Rolling Stone picture, BTW, was total high CAMP and great.

  6. #6
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    That was horrible what that Scott Thorson did. Meany! All Libby did was love and take care of him.

  7. #7
    Tombstone Tourist Guest
    I remember right after he died there were competing Liberace movies on two of the big networks!

    And yes, I did know that Lee had a keen eye for the young lads. Afterall, who could forget that photo on the cover of Rolling Stone with Scott "BoyToy" Thorson?

  8. #8
    Bellfire Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by joplinfrk View Post
    Queen, please! Why did he keep it in the closet? He was so obvious! Oh, and with those rhinestone capes...fierce honey!

    I still laughed when I think about how he sued someone for labeling him gay and won. You have to understand that being gay isn't always an acceptable thing. I go to Methodist church so I know how they feel about gays. God says not to judge but we don't hear that when it comes to things that we don't understand or subscribe to for ourselves. I was talking to a lady about Unicorns and she admonished me yet I was the devil but then she started talking to a little girl about a tattoo the little girl had on her arm. (It was water based but there are lots of people that go to church and they have tattoos and God says he doesn't like tatooes or things that alter you from the way he made you. They ignore that because it doesn't suit them. I know I digressed but my point is he didn't feel safe telling people who he really was. It's sad though because beleive it or not God loved him anyway.

  9. #9
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    I was working at a bookstore years ago and while writing down a mans birthdate for a check he had written, I noticed that his birthday was on Christmas. Jokingly I said, "did you know that legend has it that people born on Christmas are said to be vampires?". He freaked! "That's not very Christian!", he said. Geez....mellow out people!

  10. #10
    Bellfire Guest
    I was suppose to be born on Christmas but I kicked out early. (December 4th) Like they say in the music world try your best to open cause that act would be hard to follow lol. (Love you Jesus)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone Tourist View Post
    My favorite Lee quote while he was wearing one of his famous fur capes on stage to the ladies in the front row:
    "Go ahead, touch it - you paid for it"
    I liked that one, too.

    Another one of my favorite Lee quotes happened as he was getting out of his custom limo. As he was quickly surrounded by adoring, fawning female fans he turned to a young boy in the crowd and said "See what you get when you practice."

  12. #12
    djdeath-hag Guest

    married.....and life after....

    Some of my favorite gay men were once married to women, most importantly, my sweetheart, who is also a death-hag.....and reading this over my shoulder!

  13. #13
    dbrian Guest


    Wladziu Valentino Liberace -- May 6, 1919 - Feb. 4, 1987

    This guy was interesting to me--in a hard to stomach him sort of way--those blue-haired ladies with money to burn kept this guy going for years. From what I heard he knew how to schmooze the little old ladies. I recall he was in the Batman TV show one time. And what was the deal about his brother George that he referred to? I guess Vegas ended up being his sanctuary. Any idea what this guy was worth when he died? And how did he amass all that dough? Surely not from his Vegas gigs?
    Last edited by dbrian; 11-03-2007 at 02:25 PM.

  14. #14
    deathybrad Guest
    Yeah, he was a real ladies man...

    I suspect some of his money (if he had any) was left from the libel lawsuit he won.

  15. #15
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Anyone else ever see his last boyfriend???
    It's Freaky!! The guy had plastic surgery to look like Lee!!!
    He got the chin, the cheeks and the nose!!
    Weird, Wild Stuff (a bow to Johnny Carson).

  16. #16
    firegilnotguns Guest

  17. #17
    dbrian Guest
    LOL ya that is freaky! Talk about loyalty above and beyond!

  18. #18
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by firegilnotguns View Post
    I just saw this thread posted from the main page so I replied.
    I would have mentioned the original had I known about it.
    It doesn't belong in the Actors and Actresses section either.

    dbrian, you messed up twice!! Ha!

  19. #19
    dbrian Guest
    Liberace was in the movies too. He wasnt that great--but he was in them.

  20. #20
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dbrian View Post
    Liberace was in the movies too. He wasnt that great--but he was in them.
    I was just messin' with ya dbrian.

  21. #21
    dbrian Guest
    Hey no prob. I was just sayin the dude was in movies--but sheesh they were bad! lol

  22. #22
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Come on Bri, just 247 more posts and you'll be a senior death hag.....Get posting!
    I expect big things from you, just like I expect big things from Danny62.

  23. #23
    poppie Guest
    I was fortunate enough to see Liberace perform in Las Vegas. Unless you have been to one of his concerts, you ain't seen nothin! He was fabulous and put on a terrific show. And, I was not one of those blue hair old ladies you are taking about. I don't know if the museum he had in Las Vegas is still open. When I went thru the place, it contained a lot of interesting things.

  24. #24
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by poppie View Post
    I was fortunate enough to see Liberace perform in Las Vegas. Unless you have been to one of his concerts, you ain't seen nothin! He was fabulous and put on a terrific show. And, I was not one of those blue hair old ladies you are taking about. I don't know if the museum he had in Las Vegas is still open. When I went thru the place, it contained a lot of interesting things.
    I don't doubt it Poppie.
    I'm not exactly in line with the traditional Liberace fans but I can see how he probably put on a great show.
    I would check it out nowadays if he were still around. I bet it was a fun show.

  25. #25
    Danny62 Guest
    In Alice Coopers new book he talks about meeting Liberace.

    I guess after all the fans left Liberace first told them to get rid of all the yapping dogs...he hated dogs truth be known.

    Then he disappeared and came back wearing Levi's a white tshirt and cowboy boots.

    He told Alice "lets go get a beer, no one will reconize me."

    Alice couldn't believe it!!!

    Anyway I just thought I would share that story!

  26. #26
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    He was a showman that is for sure. He was also a hell of a piano player. I think that gets lost in the flamboyance.

    The survival of everyone on board depends on just one thing: finding someone on board who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.

  27. #27
    Kathyf Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    In Alice Coopers new book he talks about meeting Liberace.

    I guess after all the fans left Liberace first told them to get rid of all the yapping dogs...he hated dogs truth be known.

    Then he disappeared and came back wearing Levi's a white tshirt and cowboy boots.

    He told Alice "lets go get a beer, no one will reconize me."

    Alice couldn't believe it!!!

    Anyway I just thought I would share that story!
    i did visit the museum in Vegas it was really nice.

  28. #28
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    Lib's ex, Scott Thorson wrote a book about his life with him, "Behind the Candelabra". Pretty juicy stuff - and Scott even says in the book that he wrote it because he needed the money. Apparently he didn't win very much from that lawsuit!

  29. #29
    Cathy J. Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    In Alice Coopers new book he talks about meeting Liberace.

    I guess after all the fans left Liberace first told them to get rid of all the yapping dogs...he hated dogs truth be known.

    Then he disappeared and came back wearing Levi's a white tshirt and cowboy boots.

    He told Alice "lets go get a beer, no one will reconize me."

    Alice couldn't believe it!!!

    Anyway I just thought I would share that story!
    Liberace hated dogs? If that is true then that book "Hollywood Book of Death" by James Parish had a wrong tidbit. I believe that book said that during Liberace last days he spent a lot of time with his dog....
    and watching The Golden Girls on TV.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppie View Post
    I was fortunate enough to see Liberace perform in Las Vegas. Unless you have been to one of his concerts, you ain't seen nothin! He was fabulous and put on a terrific show. And, I was not one of those blue hair old ladies you are taking about. I don't know if the museum he had in Las Vegas is still open. When I went thru the place, it contained a lot of interesting things.
    I saw Liberace perform at the Shrine Auditorium in 1976... I was only 13 years old but it was and still is one of the best shows I have ever seen. The Shrine was sold out and yes, there were quite a few blue-haired ladies but there were also quite a few others of different age groups, race, etc. The crowd went wild and Liberace ended up doing three or four encores.

    But I do remember on the way home my Mom and Dad talking in hushed voices that they had heard he was, well, interested in men. We all agreed that it couldn't possibly be true!!!

    I feel so sorry for him that he had to keep things secret back in those days. The other thing that really pisses me off even to this day is how some how, some way, some one was able to make the autopsy results public and that Liberace had died of AIDS. It was tabloid fodder at the time, oh how scandalous that he died of AIDS, what a lying slime bucket, blah blah blah... The poor guy who had entertained millions, was so talented and brought joy to people's lives couldn't get an ounce of respect or dignity when he died. How sad.
    Any day above ground is a good day.

  31. #31
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    I am not a huge fan of his but I do recognise that he set the gold standard for performance, you always got a great show. I hear he was loyal to his fans and was always good for an autograph. I have never heard a story where he totally 'lost it' for any particular reason or was offensive to anyone. Not a bad effort in such a long career.
    I am a sick puppy....woof woof!!!
    Carping the living shit out of the Diem. - Me!!

  32. #32
    DoubleZ1013 Guest
    I recall reading the thread on FAD when they exhumed him and they said that his eyes were clouded over so you couldn't tell what color they were (BTW, werre his eyes blue or green? I remember them being kinda light) and that his anus was stretched. Ouch.

  33. #33
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    lee was in the movie,The Loved One".somebody on imdb says it is to the funeral business as strangelove is to nuclear war. MUST SEE!-Death Hag Times

  34. #34
    mgpm Guest
    I always loved Liberace. I hated that Scott Thorson for what he did.

    Funny...isn't it---he truely "hid in plain sight" regarding his sexuality. Loved his humor.

    I've also been to the museum in Vegas. It was really *the* place I wanted visit there.

  35. #35
    knothere Guest

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by knothere View Post
    Wow, that looks pretty masculine - something even Prince would wear!

  37. #37
    Jaxxx Guest
    yeah, I would never guess his sexuality????

  38. #38
    erin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bellfire View Post
    I was suppose to be born on Christmas but I kicked out early. (December 4th) Like they say in the music world try your best to open cause that act would be hard to follow lol. (Love you Jesus)

    you and i share a birthday!

  39. #39
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    2,524 interesting youtube on the autopsy
    pull the string!

  40. #40
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    You haven't lived til you've seen Liberace as a mortician............."THE LOVED ONE"

    What a cast ! This adaptation of EVELYN WAUGH' satire on the funeral rites of Americans is one of the best black comedies of all time.

    " Oh, you don't want to pick that coffin Mr. Barlow; it's not dampness proof ! "-LIBERACE as a very fey funeral director

    Hey Gang.................F I N A L L Y .........................................Turner Classic Movies is broadcasting THE LOVED ONE
    on MONDAY, MARCH 10th at 5:45p.m. !!!
    Last edited by KELT; 03-01-2008 at 11:49 PM.

  41. #41
    Kathyf Guest
    Where did you find this? It looks great!

  42. #42
    Jaxxx Guest
    oh my thanks I must watch this, what a cool idea.

  43. #43
    Danny62 Guest
    WTF, I love bad movies, how did I miss that??

  44. #44
    cachluv Guest

  45. #45
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    Oh, my goodness...WOW!

  46. #46
    djdeath-hag Guest
    Another one to add to my list of things to see b4 I die. Thanks for the advice!

  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathyf View Post
    Where did you find this? It looks great!
    I can't believe you guys haven't seen this. It shows up on TCM every once in a while. It's a complete fuc*in hoot ! ROD STEIGER as a tubby effete peroxided mortician who lives to feed his morbidly obese bedbound mother; MARGARET LEIGHTON produces a pistol when her husband MILTON BERLE calls ROBERT MORSE (mortician) to retrieve the body of their dead pet; and on and on................

    I couldn't find a tentative show date on (nor) TCM

  48. #48
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    I just put it in my Netflix cue...

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aries65 View Post
    I just put it in my Netflix cue...
    [SIZE=4]Aries[/SIZE]- I'm telling you, when you get to see this, you're going to laugh yourself silly !

  50. #50
    Bashterd Guest
    Geez as a movie buff that I like to think I am I have never heard of this. WOOT WOOT a new old movie to see. Thanks for the info we should meet back and discuss when we have all seen it!!!!!

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