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Thread: Marilyn Monroe

  1. #101
    Jack Raines Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by It'sjustme View Post
    The first update link takes you to the picture of Marilyn dead in her bed. The second takes you to the two pictures of her in the morgue. As always, be warned and proceed with caution, the pictures could be disturbing.

    Thanks for those pics! I've never seen that pic of Marilyn dead in her bed before...

  2. #102
    SistaSara Guest
    It was kinda strange but of all the graves I've been to in the past couple of days...Marilyn's had the most energy. I'm sure a lot of the energy I was feeling was from the fact that so many people still go there and pay their respects. I don;t's hard to explain.

  3. #103
    Kareika Guest
    That is truly the greatest cemetary.
    It is like reading a Hollywood history book.
    I'd love someone to publish a guide to that place with backstories and details.

    That place blows my mind every time. Must visit soon

  4. #104
    GODDESS6 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SistaSara View Post
    So today I was in Westwood and I found myself at the Westwood Village Memorial Park. The first person I found was Don Knotts and then Mel Torme. Made my way around to the wall crypts. Found Marilyn's spot. I could see lipstick impressions next to her name. (The work of drag queens for sure ) I sat there for awhile...then after a few minutes I noticed a single security guard had pulled up and was just watching me from his car.

    I then proceed on and found Natalie Wood and Robert Conte. I gotta go back with a directory. That place is like a who's who in Hollywood. Producers, writers, all kinds of behind the scenes people.

    And then there are the graves from the early 1900s. Those are cool too!!! I saw one marker that just read, Baby Henry. I had to stop an give Baby Henry a moment of silence.

    Anyhow...that was my trip to the cemetery today.
    so cool!!!~ i would love to visit there~ i have never been to cali, but want to very badly~ it is on the list of places to possibly go next year for our vaca & westwood is definitely one of the places i want to visit~ it is fabulous you saw marilyns crypt, but i am just as fascinated & jealous about you getting to see natalie woods, i adore her~

  5. #105
    GODDESS6 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by JayneFan View Post
    I'm posting this picture for Lisamarie....a big Marilyn Monroe fan. It's a rare color candid photo of Marilyn in the elevator taken by a fan's small camera on May 19, 1962....the day Marilyn helped celebrate President Kennedy's birthday at Madison Square Garden. She is in the outfit she worn to sing "Happy Birthday."
    that is a beautiful picture of her, thanx for sharing, she looks almost surreal, since she was gone before i was born, she seems so fantasy like~

  6. #106
    dirttrackdemon3 Guest
    those pictures make me sad. i also get disturbed by some of the talk i have heard about people "banging" marilyn and such. no, i didnt know her, she died way before i was born, but its still so sad how her life played out.

  7. #107
    dirttrackdemon3 Guest
    that sounds like alot of fun! so there are alot of stars there huh? gotta check it out sometime. is there anywhere online that has a list of everyone there?

  8. #108
    Lisamarie Guest
    I love goin there, I always thinking to myself...the ledgend of the silver screen, the beautiful angel is just behing this wall....just inches seperate me from the woman in all the videos I have of her being swarmed by paps..singing to the president....and there she lays......My idol...I cant watch a movie without getting teared up..she means so much to me and countless others...tell her hi for me !

  9. #109
    Snoopy Guest
    Westwood is so awesome..and dirttrack..go to up any particular celeb you might be interested in..there are so many buried at Westwood you're bound to find a couple you want to visit there.

  10. #110
    Danse Macabre Guest
    I'm jealous

  11. #111
    dirttrackdemon3 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Ana Cross View Post
    I'm jealous

    SO AM I!!! the best grave i get to visit is shoeless joe jacksons grave in greenville. now...who is gonna finanace a trip out there for me??? i wanna go too!!

    hey, has anyone ever took a piece of a tombstone or anything?? i seen where people chip off james deans stone alot. wouldnt that freak u out to do that??

  12. #112
    different kind of girl Guest
    I think it's awesome you're able to visit these cemeteries that I've read so much about. How sweet of you to give Baby Henry a moment, what kind of energy did you feel from Marilyn's grave? sucks security drove up, c'mon, give people a break.

  13. #113
    Danny62 Guest
    This is cool to check out...picks from marilyns funeral.

    Just cick on the smaller pics to enlarge them. I posted this somewhere else but just in case anyone missed it.

    Seeing the coffin Marilyn was buried in really hits you!!!

  14. #114
    DannaMarie24 Guest

    Lucky You!

    Quote Originally Posted by SistaSara View Post
    So today I was in Westwood and I found myself at the Westwood Village Memorial Park. The first person I found was Don Knotts and then Mel Torme. Made my way around to the wall crypts. Found Marilyn's spot. I could see lipstick impressions next to her name. (The work of drag queens for sure ) I sat there for awhile...then after a few minutes I noticed a single security guard had pulled up and was just watching me from his car.

    I then proceed on and found Natalie Wood and Robert Conte. I gotta go back with a directory. That place is like a who's who in Hollywood. Producers, writers, all kinds of behind the scenes people.

    And then there are the graves from the early 1900s. Those are cool too!!! I saw one marker that just read, Baby Henry. I had to stop an give Baby Henry a moment of silence.

    Anyhow...that was my trip to the cemetery today.
    [SIZE=4]You are sooo lucky. If I ever make it out that way I wanna go there![/SIZE]

  15. #115
    blair Guest

  16. #116
    dirttrackdemon3 Guest
    HOLY FRUITLOOPS BATMAN!! that place is packed with big names!!! that is some sacred land for sure!!! damn ya'll are lucky that get to go!!

  17. #117
    Danny62 Guest

    You can do virtual tours of all the cemeteries in LA on this site as well!!!!

  18. #118
    GraveyardGirl Guest
    GraveyardGurl <~~~~~~~ Jealous!

  19. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    cool lucky you - i hink we my be going to california next year - i must go

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Portland, Maine
    Quote Originally Posted by dirttrackdemon3 View Post
    SO AM I!!! the best grave i get to visit is shoeless joe jacksons grave in greenville. now...who is gonna finanace a trip out there for me??? i wanna go too!!

    hey, has anyone ever took a piece of a tombstone or anything?? i seen where people chip off james deans stone alot. wouldnt that freak u out to do that??
    That would be cool seeing Shoeless Joes final spot. The best I have near me is Rudy Vallee...I doubt anyone even knows him anymore.
    The survival of everyone on board depends on just one thing: finding someone on board who can not only fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.

  21. #121
    dirttrackdemon3 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nytkrew View Post
    That would be cool seeing Shoeless Joes final spot. The best I have near me is Rudy Vallee...I doubt anyone even knows him anymore.

    yea, there is always ppictures of shoeless joe, pennies, baseballs, socks, and even shoes on his grave. they just moved his house to a new spot behind the greenville drive stadium. its a museum now. someone said that they seen pete rose there the other week.

  22. #122
    Danny62 Guest

    The Actual Casket Marilyn Monroe was buried in

    Attached Images Attached Images

  23. #123
    MorbidMolly Guest
    Dude...where do you get this stuff....

  24. #124
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Wow, thanks for posting this, it's pretty interesting...

    I love Marilyn. I heard she was buried in a wig? Am I morbid for being curious about what she may look like now? She was so beautiful in life....

  25. #125
    Guest Guest
    Hey I rem this pic Where's the rest of'em?

  26. #126
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidMolly View Post
    Dude...where do you get this stuff....
    There is actually three ohter pic's I kept posting the link on some posts but no one seeme to is another one.

    You can see the opening just before they put her in!!!

    Attached Images Attached Images

  27. #127
    Danny62 Guest
    Attached Images Attached Images

  28. #128
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Great pictures Danny. I'm assuming that Joe picked out that place for her? If so, I wonder what drew him to that cemetery and that particular spot?

  29. #129
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by EthelMertz View Post
    Great pictures Danny. I'm assuming that Joe picked out that place for her? If so, I wonder what drew him to that cemetery and that particular spot?
    I think at the time Westwood wasn't very well known and he wanted to put her in a place that wasn't well known. Of course once Marilyn got put there it became the place to be buried!!!

  30. #130
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny62 View Post
    I think at the time Westwood wasn't very well known and he wanted to put her in a place that wasn't well known. Of course once Marilyn got put there it became the place to be buried!!!

    I sure would love to visit there!

  31. #131
    Nayzo Guest
    Well, the closest thing I have to a celebrity packed cemetery would be Mount Auburn Cemetery, about a mile from my house, if that. Many local celebrities with graves going back nearly 200 years. One of the first places to be called a cemetery in the US. Also the first to really plan things with landscaping considerations. Truly a beautiful cemetery. I was there in May when my boyfriend's grandmother passed away. I was shocked to find out she was to be buried there, as that's not the easiest cemetery to get into these days (family plot). Anyway, here's a link to the wiki entry, which seems to have an accurate listing of some of the more notable people buried there:

  32. #132
    different kind of girl Guest
    These pictures are excellent, I've never seen them before. Thanks for sharing! And Ethel, I'd like to see her too. I'm sure there are a lot of people here who would, which makes us all morbid. But we already knew that, didn't we?

  33. #133
    kimmer927 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SistaSara View Post
    So today I was in Westwood and I found myself at the Westwood Village Memorial Park. The first person I found was Don Knotts and then Mel Torme. Made my way around to the wall crypts. Found Marilyn's spot. I could see lipstick impressions next to her name. (The work of drag queens for sure ) I sat there for awhile...then after a few minutes I noticed a single security guard had pulled up and was just watching me from his car.

    I then proceed on and found Natalie Wood and Robert Conte. I gotta go back with a directory. That place is like a who's who in Hollywood. Producers, writers, all kinds of behind the scenes people.

    And then there are the graves from the early 1900s. Those are cool too!!! I saw one marker that just read, Baby Henry. I had to stop an give Baby Henry a moment of silence.

    Anyhow...that was my trip to the cemetery today.
    Now Merv Griffin is buried there. My husband & I went the day after the funeral. he is around the corner of the new building close to Eric Douglas (Michael's brother). Also walk into the section where the water fountains are & check out the walls. Brian Keith and his daughter are there along with just a small plague that says something about a guy with a great voice. It's Charlie the Tuna from the commercials. I can't remember his real name. Findagrave is excellent if you type in a name like Don Knotts and click below on Westwood, an entire roster will pop up including Frank Zappa (unmarked) and last time i visited was in August. I've heard the empty spot between the chapel and the water garden will be a temple to Liz Taylor. that she has already purchased the land but not built the building.

  34. #134
    magblax Guest
    [SIZE=2]"Allan Whitey Snyer did her makeup for years and was responsible to do her make up for the last time. A flask of gin was required to help him carry out the promise he had made in jest many years earlier. Marilyn gave him a gold money clip from Tiffany's inscribed with: "Whitey Dear, While I'm still warm, Marilyn." to remind him of his promise. Long time hairdresser to Marilyn, Agnes Flanagan, did her hair. Due to the damage that the autopsy had caused, Agnes had to find a wig similar to the style Marilyn wore in her last movie."[/SIZE]

  35. #135
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Towson, Maryland
    Quote Originally Posted by EthelMertz View Post
    Wow, thanks for posting this, it's pretty interesting...

    I love Marilyn. I heard she was buried in a wig? Am I morbid for being curious about what she may look like now? She was so beautiful in life....
    [SIZE=5]S[/SIZE]ince her hair was in such poor shape, WHITEY SNYDER decided to use the wig that MARILYN wore throughout the film[SIZE=3] THE MISFiTS[/SIZE] for her final appearance. JOAN GREENSON, the daughter of MARILYN'S psychiatrist recalled looking up from the aisle in the chapel right before they closed the casket and seeing , "a shock of blonde hair...." as the lid was closed.

  36. #136
    magblax Guest
    Oops. Here's the link. The info is pretty interesting.
    Joe left her flowers twice a week for 20 fans still leave them for her?

  37. #137
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Warwick, RI, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Nayzo View Post
    Well, the closest thing I have to a celebrity packed cemetery would be Mount Auburn Cemetery, about a mile from my house, if that. Many local celebrities with graves going back nearly 200 years. One of the first places to be called a cemetery in the US. Also the first to really plan things with landscaping considerations. Truly a beautiful cemetery. I was there in May when my boyfriend's grandmother passed away. I was shocked to find out she was to be buried there, as that's not the easiest cemetery to get into these days (family plot). Anyway, here's a link to the wiki entry, which seems to have an accurate listing of some of the more notable people buried there:
    Nayzo, I'm in your neck of the woods! My daughter's class just did a class trip to Mount Auburn last week, and she was born at Mt. Auburn Hospital.

    It's truly beautiful and lots of plant and tree enthusiasts go there to admire the specimens there.


  38. #138
    kimmer927 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by magblax View Post
    Oops. Here's the link. The info is pretty interesting.
    Joe left her flowers twice a week for 20 fans still leave them for her?
    They do and I couldn't believe how many people touch and kiss her headstone. There is a bench in front of her headstone from her fans put there years ago and both the stone bench and her headstone are much darker than any other on the wall. People leave pennies and flowers not only in the flower nook but below on the ground. Last I heard, this is the 2nd headstone for her.

  39. #139
    Jaxxx Guest

    Talking Shoeless JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dirttrackdemon3 View Post
    SO AM I!!! the best grave i get to visit is shoeless joe jacksons grave in greenville. now...who is gonna finanace a trip out there for me??? i wanna go too!!

    hey, has anyone ever took a piece of a tombstone or anything?? i seen where people chip off james deans stone alot. wouldnt that freak u out to do that??
    Oh God, I am so so so Jealeous Shoeless Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. #140
    hoxharding Guest
    Shoeless Joe- I was an extra in '8 Men Out' and got to see D.B. Sweeny as Shoeless Joe.
    Christopher George-always a fan of his. Anyone else see the Italian Zombie film he was in?

  41. #141
    MorbidMolly Guest
    One of the places I want to see before I die....congrats on getting to experience that

  42. #142
    magblax Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kimmer927 View Post
    They do and I couldn't believe how many people touch and kiss her headstone. There is a bench in front of her headstone from her fans put there years ago and both the stone bench and her headstone are much darker than any other on the wall. People leave pennies and flowers not only in the flower nook but below on the ground. Last I heard, this is the 2nd headstone for her.

    The fans are so awesome! Her grave should be adorned with roses. Thanks for the info kimmer.

  43. #143
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by different kind of girl View Post
    These pictures are excellent, I've never seen them before. Thanks for sharing! And Ethel, I'd like to see her too. I'm sure there are a lot of people here who would, which makes us all morbid. But we already knew that, didn't we?
    I love coming to a site where we can all embrace our morbid curiosity.

  44. #144
    Rudy's Girl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by KELT View Post
    [SIZE=5]S[/SIZE]ince her hair was in such poor shape, WHITEY SNYDER decided to use the wig that MARILYN wore throughout the film[SIZE=3] THE MISFiTS[/SIZE] for her final appearance. JOAN GREENSON, the daughter of MARILYN'S psychiatrist recalled looking up from the aisle in the chapel right before they closed the casket and seeing , "a shock of blonde hair...." as the lid was closed.
    Thanks for the info. How surreal it would have been to be there on that day....

  45. #145
    DelightfulDeathHag Guest
    Cool pics danny, I've never seen these before and how in heavens name do you have almost 800 posts??? LOL

  46. #146
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by DelightfulDeathHag View Post
    Cool pics danny, I've never seen these before and how in heavens name do you have almost 800 posts??? LOL
    Believe it or not I try to make my posts with some sort of useful information. For years I spent lots of time seeing who is dead and how they died and this REALLY fasinates me!!!

    I try to add a couple of threads a day on people that have died that we may not know about. Alot of people had no Idea the biker guy "leatherman" from the original "Village People" died.

    I also have a ton of old hollywood type books.

    I have never really had death hags to really discuss this with. I think its time for a break though...I am running out of useful material. LOL

    I actually got lucky and came across those pic's last week. I spent like 20 minutes staring at that casket thinking that Marilyn Monroe was going to be put in it!!!
    Last edited by Danny62; 10-24-2007 at 10:08 PM.

  47. #147
    DannaMarie24 Guest


    [SIZE=4]Hey Danny thanks for posting the pics. I've never seen them befor.[/SIZE]

  48. #148
    SuburbanDeathHag Guest
    The curtained crypt opening that the casket gets put into creeps me out! I love these pictures!

  49. #149
    DelightfulDeathHag Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dirttrackdemon3 View Post
    that sounds like alot of fun! so there are alot of stars there huh? gotta check it out sometime. is there anywhere online that has a list of everyone there?
    Try and click on the "by cemetary" choice on how to search.
    I do that when I take trips to see if I want to visit "anyone".
    And I really want to go to California!! I am so jealous!!

  50. #150
    Mark Guest
    I visited Marilyn's grave back on Marilyn's birthday, on June 1st, with some other friends. It was wonderful experience being their. It was a very peaceful moment being their. I actually knelt down and started to pray. I mean just being their was a dream come true, for any Marilyn fan.

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