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Thread: Marina Habe - Daughter of Eloise Hardt

  1. #1
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    Marina Habe - Daughter of Eloise Hardt

    I was reading a book about Ava Gardner which mentions Eloise Hardt being in London, trying to overcome the terrible death of her daughter who was murdered in LA. I have had a look on the internet but there is very little on it. Does anyone have any info on it?

  2. #2
    meryn Guest
    I found this link regarding her daughter:

  3. #3
    1karenhb Guest
    Who is Eloise Hardt??? Did read the link regarding her daughter.

  4. #4
    Kathyf Guest
    Strange story

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1karenhb View Post
    Who is Eloise Hardt??? Did read the link regarding her daughter.
    She was a not very well known actress. Another strange thing was that she was in the horror film 'Incubus'. A number of people associated with the film had some serious bad luck and it was reckoned that the film was Jinxed. The murder of her daughter being one of the pieces of ''bad luck''.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by meryn View Post
    I found this link regarding her daughter:

    Thanks for the link Meryn, it fills in the details, although I had no idea there might have been a Manson link.

  7. #7
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    I submitted that information on several times, but apparently they didn't want it posted on HARDT' listing.

    If you ever get to see the unedited footage from MARILYN MONROE'S unfinished film [SIZE=3]SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE[/SIZE], she (HARDT) was the actress who played NICK' (DEAN MARTIN) secretary. There's a scene included of NICK asking her her opinion about a married woman hypothetically being stranded on an island for X years and should she be expected to remain chaste.

  8. #8
    curio_butterfly Guest

    Eloise Hardt

    Does anybody know if she's still alive? I know her daughter (Marina) was born in 1951 and was murdered in 1968 but what about Eloise? Dates of birth etc. Tried searching the internet but wasn't successful yet.

  9. #9
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    From what I can find out HARDT (still) lives in CALIFORNIA.
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  10. #10
    curio_butterfly Guest

    Eloise Hardt

    thanks. Where did you find that if you don't mind me asking? I've been trying all these sources like I said on the net but nothing. Thanks.

  11. #11
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    I used to do investigative work, so I know which sites to utilize to find people. It appears that HARDT has 2 homes in California, 1 of which is in the Palm Springs area. She is about 85 years of age. I cross referenced and did not find her listed amongst the dead with SOCIAL SECURITY.
    Helping Young Men To Turn Around For Over Twenty Years !

  12. #12
    curio_butterfly Guest
    thanks for going through all that trouble. I read somewhere that she had just managed to put her demons to rest about five or so years ago. If anyone's interested, I can try and find the link. It was an article written by Michael Hendrix for the L.A. Times if I remember correctly. His father married Eloise Hardt in 1972. It's a very moving article.

  13. #13
    gleemonex Guest
    The article states that she attended the University of Hawaii, which is where I graduated from:

    I'm assuming it had to have been the Manoa location she was attending as UH Hilo wasn't established with that name until 1970.

  14. #14
    curio_butterfly Guest
    again, thanks. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with the death of her daughter but then isn't this the perfect board to explore this with people who understand where you're coming from and can maybe help. Any little piece of info helps. Tried to find out where she was buried but find-a-grave didn't have anything. Maybe it's the idea of the unsolved mystery, like the article said, good catholic girl but did she somehow know the Manson family? It could have been a random meeting, a friend of a friend taking her there.

    I thought I saw Eloise Hardt in an uncredited part on Married With Children as a customer in the shoe store. It looked a lot like her.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by curio_butterfly View Post
    again, thanks. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with the death of her daughter but then isn't this the perfect board to explore this with people who understand where you're coming from and can maybe help. Any little piece of info helps. Tried to find out where she was buried but find-a-grave didn't have anything. Maybe it's the idea of the unsolved mystery, like the article said, good catholic girl but did she somehow know the Manson family? It could have been a random meeting, a friend of a friend taking her there.

    I thought I saw Eloise Hardt in an uncredited part on Married With Children as a customer in the shoe store. It looked a lot like her.
    I understand exactly where you are coming from Curio Butterfly. When I read about this first in the Ava Gardner biography I was intrigued. The murder of the daughter seemed so odd and why was her body found up at Mulholland Drive? The Manson link makes it even more intriguing but where to find the information??

  16. #16
    curio_butterfly Guest
    Glad I'm in good company, Skeletor. I need to get the Ava Gardner book and read it.

    From what I gather, they abducted her in her own driveway, drove her up the hills, raped her, stabbed her to death and then dumped her body on Mulholland. But why not bury her in the woods where they killed her in the first place? And who the hell was it? Her mother heard a male voice yell 'go' and that was the last anyone ever heard of the girl. She was 17 and petite so pretty much anyone could have taken her. But I keep thinking, was it someone she knew and trusted? And why her? If Manson was a white supremacist or leaning that way and she was Jewish on her father's side (which they would have known about since he was a famous writer) does that explain anything? Though her father was openly critical of the U.S. government. Or was it something about her being this beautiful young girl (as in all teenagers are beautiful) that the killer had to crush like in the Nick Cave song Where The Wild Roses Grow? I always thought she looked sad in that picture on the Manson site, wistful. It would be interesting to find old classmates and / or people who knew her. Though I'm sure they would be really thrilled at us asking these questions, not. I think I posted some of what I said here somewhere else already but it is an obsession and I'm glad I'm not alone.

    A friend of mine, who is extremely intuitive, started writing some stories when she heard several songs from the late 60s without doing any research. We did some fact checking later and it sounds like she was writing about the Manson family. Basically portraying them as followers of some sick and twisted leader and trying to understand what would make people follow this kind of sick and twisted leader. I don't know why she would pick the Manson family though she was always interested in that time but it got me interested reading her stuff. Though I'm willing to admit that I'm reading into her stories since I'm consciously looking for facts. Actually, the more I think about it, the more what she wrote sounds like the murder of Marina Habe or what might have led up to it. But like I said, it might just be me jumping to conclusions because I really want to solve this mystery. Though if she does have that talent, there might be possibilities there . . .
    Last edited by curio_butterfly; 02-09-2008 at 08:25 AM.

  17. #17
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  18. #18
    curio_butterfly Guest
    that picture gives me a jolt every time I see it. Wish there were others around. She looks sad in this one, thoughtful.

  19. #19
    RaRaRamona Guest
    What a story. She was very pretty. What a haunting photo.

  20. #20
    curio_butterfly Guest
    Does anyone here know the area around Beverly Hills where she lived? The article said the house was on Doheny. I keep seeing a small house, like a small bungalow, set apart from the others, white walls. But the photos I found of Doheny all show apartment complexes or mansions. Of course pictures from the late 60s would be ideal but that might be wishful thinking. Speaking of which, did anyone manage to find any other pictures of Marina? Just wondering, would be interesting to see.

  21. #21
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest
    This makes me so sad. Where is she buried? Is there anyway someone could post a picture of her grave?

  22. #22
    Lisamarie Guest
    This is sad I remeber reading about this....Its heartbreaking to think her mother witnessed her final moments......I know it was before her time but the murder mimics hillside stragler a bit...and only a bit. How very sad. She looks like a Manson girl ya know the dark looks .....but I dont think she had anything to do with sonds like they used her up and threw her sick and sad.

  23. #23
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest

    you mean in terms of looks she would be someone the Manson Family would go after / feel drawn to? I agree with you about them using her. Though to what purpose? A human sacrifice? Imagine if we somehow managed to solve this murder. This whole story just breaks my heart, the mother staring on helplessly, those sickos speeding off into the night. I think one of the articles said that she had been up on the farm, Manson made a move on her and she refused his advances. On the other hand, it does have Hillside Strangler elements.

    Where did you read about this? Do you remember the magazine / sources?

  24. #24
    Cataroo Guest
    I just read this on another website:

    Bill Nelson tied Marina Habe to Tex Watson saying that Marina Habe went to the University of Hawaii and that Tex had met her there when he was in Hawaii, presumably when Tex was involved in a drug run. She came home for Christmas and was found dead by a jogger on January 1st 1969 just about two miles from a house where Tex Watson was staying at. Bill was convinced that Tex had killed Marina Habe soon after she got to Los Angeles as there wasn't even any smog in her lungs when the autopsy was done.

    The entire article is here:

  25. #25
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest
    and her mother did see and hear a man. So it would have been Tex Watson who brought her to the Manson ranch / hideout. Wasn't there also a step-brother who wrote an article on her murder many years after it happened? And wasn't there something about a biker gang? Meeting Tex in Hawaii makes sense in a way, she could have been trusting because he, too, was from California. And the smog issue, makes sense as well. How would you find out where she's buried?

  26. #26
    hotmama Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Skeletor View Post
    Thanks for the link Meryn, it fills in the details, although I had no idea there might have been a Manson link.
    lets see?? i do not get it. was she killed and then her car was driven back to her house?? splain??? (yes that is my ricky ricardo joke) did she know the men??

  27. #27
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest
    She was driving home from a friend's or boyfriend's house (both articles I read said something else) and her mother saw her car pull up in the driveway at 3.33a.m. or something , then a man standing by another car saying something like 'go' and that was the last anyone saw of Marina. Not sure what happened to her car.

    One article said that she had known Tex Watson and she was up at the ranch. I'm not sure where this is coming from (which source) and I might have it mixed up with someone else but I think she ran with a pretty international crowd, people from Finland and Switzerland as well, something like that. Although, seeing this written down, I think I really have her mixed up with someone else.

  28. #28
    Lisamarie Guest
    Yeah poor girl! She had those dark haunted looks they liked so much back then. Poor thing...wish we could get ahold of crom scene pics......

  29. #29
    RoRo Guest
    interesting story....sad when a person is killed this way and no one knows who did it or why

  30. #30
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Skeletor View Post
    I was reading a book about Ava Gardner which mentions Eloise Hardt being in London, trying to overcome the terrible death of her daughter who was murdered in LA. I have had a look on the internet but there is very little on it. Does anyone have any info on it?
    Ummh in all the excitement about this thread, I forgot to ask you the most important question. What's the title of the book you're referring to? Cheers

  31. #31
    Omerta Guest
    Chicago Tribune 1/2/1969

  32. #32
    Omerta Guest
    Last edited by Nick; 05-09-2010 at 11:37 PM. Reason: Hotlinking. Changed by publisher request.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrnorrischangestrains View Post
    Ummh in all the excitement about this thread, I forgot to ask you the most important question. What's the title of the book you're referring to? Cheers
    Mrnorris - I can't find the book now but this is the one (Ava Gardner:Love is nothing):

    There is only a brief reference to Marina's mother in it which is where I first heard about the murder.

    OMERTA - That is some seriously impressive digging. Looking at the details it seems such a strange death - no robbery or sexual assault which leaves the question why would anyone want to murder her???

  34. #34
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    Wow, such a sad, mysterious story. The autopsy report does state she appeared to have been raped, both anally and vaginally as there was dilation, swelling and contusions in those areas.

    Someone had also attempted to strangle her, then stabbed her in the throat and chest. Really unusual, though, that there was little blood at the scene, according to reports.

    Poor girl, she was very pretty, as was her mother.

    On edit, there's another thread on this forum about Maria Habe
    Last edited by Demgirl; 01-09-2010 at 09:20 PM. Reason: link to another thread

  35. #35
    rippeyjim Guest

    friend of marina

    Quote Originally Posted by curio_butterfly View Post
    Glad I'm in good company, Skeletor. I need to get the Ava Gardner book and read it.

    From what I gather, they abducted her in her own driveway, drove her up the hills, raped her, stabbed her to death and then dumped her body on Mulholland. But why not bury her in the woods where they killed her in the first place? And who the hell was it? Her mother heard a male voice yell 'go' and that was the last anyone ever heard of the girl. She was 17 and petite so pretty much anyone could have taken her. But I keep thinking, was it someone she knew and trusted? And why her? If Manson was a white supremacist or leaning that way and she was Jewish on her father's side (which they would have known about since he was a famous writer) does that explain anything? Though her father was openly critical of the U.S. government. Or was it something about her being this beautiful young girl (as in all teenagers are beautiful) that the killer had to crush like in the Nick Cave song Where The Wild Roses Grow? I always thought she looked sad in that picture on the Manson site, wistful. It would be interesting to find old classmates and / or people who knew her. Though I'm sure they would be really thrilled at us asking these questions, not. I think I posted some of what I said here somewhere else already but it is an obsession and I'm glad I'm not alone.

    A friend of mine, who is extremely intuitive, started writing some stories when she heard several songs from the late 60s without doing any research. We did some fact checking later and it sounds like she was writing about the Manson family. Basically portraying them as followers of some sick and twisted leader and trying to understand what would make people follow this kind of sick and twisted leader. I don't know why she would pick the Manson family though she was always interested in that time but it got me interested reading her stuff. Though I'm willing to admit that I'm reading into her stories since I'm consciously looking for facts. Actually, the more I think about it, the more what she wrote sounds like the murder of Marina Habe or what might have led up to it. But like I said, it might just be me jumping to conclusions because I really want to solve this mystery. Though if she does have that talent, there might be possibilities there . . .

  36. #36
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    MARINA HABE would've turned 65 years old today ............
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  37. #37
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    In the summer of 1964, Marina then 12 toured with her mother Eloise Hardt and Lloyd Bridges with his son Jeff
    in a stage production of HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. This image is from July 1964 when they were preforming in Maine.

    marina 4.jpgMarina in 1967 aged 16
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  38. #38
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    ohh I'll have to read more about Marina.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkstracy View Post
    ohh I'll have to read more about Marina.
    I found this to be very interesting!
    Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.

  40. #40
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    Thanks Mansfield I'll check it out in a bit.

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