I liked him in Tommy Boy
I liked him in Tommy Boy
shit feels like more then 10 years to me. What's crazy is the projects he was suppose to be in but never was due to his death.
1) The Voice of Shrek (weird... I can't imagine it being anyone but Mike Myers)
2) The lead in Cable Guy (again, that role seemed perfect for Jim Carey)
3) A role in Ghostbusters 3 (thank God that never came to be, 2 seemed like a good place to end that franchise)
Been 10 years? Damn.
Stay in Drugs. Eat your School. Don't do Vegetables.
i'm shocked. where does the time go.
He's been gone for TEN years? I can't be that old yet...
My favorite Chris line...whenever the bills are a bitch (which is almost every month, ha) dh and I look at each other and say "we could always go live in a VAN down by the RIVER...."
(now please tell me that IS a Chris line and I'm not so old I've forgotten who said it...)
Wow, ten years!
I was in Chicago driving down Lakeshore near his apartment when I heard about it on the radio.
My favorite; though I liked them all; had to be the first appearance of Matt Foley; Motivational Speaker.
During that sketch; you can see David Spade struggling hard not to laugh out loud.
Here's a link to the SNL transcript of that Matt Foley skit. I can't believe it's been ten years.
Check out this link to the Schmitt's Gay parody
I was never a Chris Farley fan. I was just scared to watch him. He was just a large person, both in size and personality, and he sweat so much I swear I thought he'd have a heart attack in the middle of a skit and just die right on TV. It just seemed like an accident waiting to happen. I do admit he did have some funny stuff, but it really wasn't my cup of tea. I do hope he's in heaven tho. Must be one heck of a heavenly SNL reunion show playing for the angels!
It's a smell that once you smell it, you'll never forget it.
I've worked in hospitals for almost 20 years, and I've kind of gotten numb to seeing a dead body. But there are some that the image will stay with you. I bet Chris Farley was one of those for the people who found him.
LMAO, when I go to death scenes with bad decomps the cops are always burning coffee grounds on the stove.
Nothing really helps.
But in regards to Chris's pictures, there really would have been little to no smell with Chris. He was dead less then 24 hours I think.
I have already mentioned this, but what is coming out of his mouth and or nose is called a foam cone and it is usually seen in OD's (esp heroin OD's), Congestive Heart Failure deaths and sometimes drownings.
It is thought to be from the mixing of pulmonary edema fluids and air in the lungs.
Chris might have smelled a bit when he was moved, but I doubt there was much of a smell at all.
He had not started to really decompose, his skin was intact and in good condition. I know it does not look like that to those of you who do not see this on a daily basis, but he actually is in pretty good shape (for a dead guy, lol)!
There is an E True Hollywood story on Chris Farley starting tonight.
I miss him everyday...
I do too .. growing up, the eye doctor I used to go to looked just like Chris Farley .. I told him that one time and he said he gets that all the time .. LOL![]()
I miss seeing what else he could have done! I think I loved his "Zagats" skits the most .. just how he would always crack up Adam Sandler .. and just seeing him dressed as a woman was hilarious!!
^^ it's hard not to after seeing those skits!!
"How about "Mario's Restaurant"? .. Mini-Pizzas and delish desserts make this Italian eatery a must! Ravioli? Holy Cannoli!" I crack up at his face when he says this! I couldn't find a "good" version on youtube to post
Matt foley has got to be one of the funniest sketch comedy skits ever
remember when he and Patrick Swayze try out for chippendales!! Priceless!
^^ that is a great sketch .. and yes, Matt Foley is great too .. I love the one where Christina Applegate was the "guest host" and she was in the sketch .. she and David Spade were constantly hiding their giggles throughout!! Love it!!
I think you're right, Aries. Since he was a star, he probably could have found decent women, but his low self esteem made him feel like he had to pay for sex.
I have seen all kinds of death pics, and his is the only one that affected me; it haunts me and I wish I had never seen it.
There are also men who are still sold on the madonna/whore thing. They go to prostitutes specifically because they don't want to have sex with nice girls outside of marriage, because in their minds nice girls don't do that. If and when they marry, they may even eventally go back to using prostitutes behind her back. Sometimes if caught they'll claim that the wife "wouldn't do what I wanted her to", but quite often the fact is that they desperately doesn't want her to. As the character in Analyze This said: "She kisses our kids with that mouth."
this is hilarious
\and this one
Yes those are my feelings exactly about him too. But I have to admit, that SNL sketch, motivational speaker with Applegate, honestly when I first saw that I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life, I still do and had a soft spot for him ever since. This is the reason I will never look at his death photos after what I have heard said about them even by the true blue death hags (not a weenie like myself), because I want to continue seeing him in the same light I did when I first saw that sketch. I am going to go watch it now .
Leeny, why'd you link to an online phone store?
Matt Foley was unfortunately one of those characters they chose to bring back every other episode, until the novelty was long gone. I can't remember more than a couple of the repeat appearances (I can mainly just remember the Spade/Applegate one), but I do remember when he was brought in by a Mexican father (Michael McKean) to motivate his children, and insisted on speaking in Spanish despite the family speaking English. Of course, he warned the kids that they'd end up living "EN UN VAN CIRCE DEL RIO!"![]()
Nobody could run face first into a steel I-beam like Chris Farley could.
The imagery there of his death is enough for anyone! As this site attests! We all find it hard to see but cannot stop from looking at it! He is better known now Im sure for his death imagery than his life efforts!
Theres a debate... !
I was strangely attracted to him. I could have went for a big guy like him.
Really? I didn't there was much demand for a guy who once wiped his ass with his own hand...
(Well, according to Jay Mohr's whiny SNL book, that is. But there's so many other inaccuracies and falsities in that book, make of that story what you will.)
Nobody was surprised when Chris passed...He was obsessed with Belushi.
I love this guy...always have.... he would have done so much more if he had not passed, IMO
One of my all time favorites. I love the quote, " You kids better pray to the gods of skinny punks that this wind doesn't pick up, cuz if it does I'm gonna sail over there and shove an oar up you ass!" LOL
I read this thread from time to time and it amazes me to this day that he is still touching lives...I just hope that there will be someone that learns a lesson from his death...Then it will not be in vain...I love you Chris...
Kinda have a question. I was checking out his pics this morning and I noticed that in the second one he looks extremely purple. More so than in the others. Is it my imagination?
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
Hey hags - does anyone know anything about the hooker that spent that last night with Farley and took the photos? I've always wondered, as I've read before that she profited from the sale of the pictures. Snapping the pics is callous enough, but then to leave him that way? I wonder if she perhaps watched him o.d/die, if the camera was just on her, or if she went to get one AFTER he'd died.
ya or the hooker that killed belushi?
Oh my god, I was just reading about Belushi's hooker today! I got on a link-line at Wikipedia...something having to do with people born in Hamilton, Ontario and after several clicks, I landed on Cathy Smith. That's your hookerI was tickled to learn she was born in my hometown.
Check her out:
OH, and I see you're Canadian and nearby. I'm in Waterloo.
I guess that's just the way of that lady. She wanted nothing to do with Farley's death and just runs away.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Didn't know that was a thing...
If you ever catch a rerun of the SNL show hosted by Mick Jagger, in the end, when everyones onstage saying good-bye, Mick rudely bypassed embracing Chris. I guess Fat sweaty men arent Micks thing. I think Mick respects PPL that take care of their bodies.
You could only guess how Chris felt, being put off By MJ.
Chris was star-struck, and this star treated him like shit. Catch the rerun if you can
Last edited by charlesmansonsbabygirl; 08-31-2008 at 01:21 PM.
may the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house
Nothing worse than getting the cold shoulder from someone you idolize...
I liked Chris Fareley. I was shocked at his death. Having read a bio of him, he was feeling lonely and down. It was shocking what that prostitute did to him. I saw the death pics. They were on the internet and there was no warning they just came up i was like woahwhat was that stuff coming out of his mouth. Did she put the rosary beads into his hands knowing he was dead or was he praying himself. I know he was a Catholic. Those pics were really out there.
Thanks for the info, y'all.
Now I'm gonna try and find that Mick Jagger clip just so I can hate him more than I already do. Rubber-lipped femme-bot!
He looks the most purple in the first one to me, but are you talking about the fact that in the second one more of his body is viewable at that particular shot and you can see that not only his face but his back is very discolored as well?
If that's what you're referring to I definitely see it.
Last edited by norah; 09-02-2008 at 10:40 AM.
??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson