Remembering Farrah Fawcett
Remembering Farrah Fawcett
I'm glad that Redmond will get to say goodbye to his mother but they should have let him out to be with Farrah at the end. A mother wants to have her child hold her hand in the end.
i must admit, i was not influenced by farrah's impact on pop culture in any way and can only appreciate her brave fight and merciful death to a strong woman. anyone famous or not, has my respect to endure such pain.
Of the 3 celebs we lost this week, She is the one I will miss. She seemed so bubbly and actve. At 62 years old she was still a hottie. Back in the day anybody who was anyone had her plastered on their bedroom walls. I once had the infamous swimsuit poster, but as a kid you dont thnk to keep these things. My mom rolled it up, stacked so crap on it and eventually it got tossed out with the trash. I remember sneaking out of bed to watch Charlies Angels as a kid from the stairway.
Hmm did I mention how hot she was ever at 62 ? Shes the one ill miss most of the 3 celebs
Last edited by Forever-27; 06-26-2009 at 06:10 PM.
This is the picture that began her career.
I hope she has found peace... she was so beautiful and its sad that the world was robbed of her beauty and her smile so soon. I am sad that she lost her battle yet Im glad she is not suffering any longer. It was a long battle and she faught hard I admire her courage. She will never be forgotten.
I was fortunate enough to get to meet Farrah in the seventies. I grew up in So. Cal, and they had a tournament of the stars in Mission Viejo. She was playing a tennis tourney (I can't remember who she played, I could only remember her). She was the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on. She was kind enough to sign an autograph for me. Unfortunately, I lost it a few years later.
Rest in peace Farrah, you will always remain my dream girl!
I feel so bad that she has died.
Like Ryan O'Neal said Farrah was a hard person to kill.
RIP Farrah!
Sweet you actually met her. Id watch the Tv land show " Chasing Farrah " from time to time and wish shed come out to San Francisco instead of New York or LA to film the show. Id actually make the 25 mile drive west to meet her for a few seconds. Bet you wish you didnt lose her signature.
Last edited by Forever-27; 06-26-2009 at 07:10 PM.
I loved her. I defended her when others left her. I knew something was up before she went public, b/c I just knew she wasn't losing it that young. She was my beautiful first girl crush. I had to have everything Farrah. O.k., so when I'm 15 and I'm still chasing after that Cobra II, ha ha. My dad said, uh...I don't think so. That thing is one of the biggest pieces of crap ever put out by Ford. All I know is that my lovely Farrah was so fricking hot in it!
When my mom was dying she was on a morphine drip and she didn't know anything that was going on which was a blessing in disguise. I wanted to have heart to heart talks with her but I couldn't but for her sake that was ok with me. I didn't want my mom in pain so I believe she really didn't know Redmond was in Jail. That was a blessing I think. she loved him so.
Im watching Farrah's Story, again, but it's even more sad now that she has passed... poor Redmond... him calling her "mommy" makes me just bawl![]()
Her poor dad has to be devastated!![]()
Well Goodnight everyone. I want to take a moment to say to everyone; Your all like a family to me. It's been a rough couple days for us all. I am also dealing with a death of a friend. it's times like this I'm reminded that we need to tell people what we mean to them because you never know when it's going to me a last time.
(((Death had Hugs to you all)))
Getting off here for the night... see everyone in the morning. Maybe tomorrow I'll get through the day without crying
Yeah I am sad b/c lots of kids mess up & now he'll beat himself up over it until he dies. I also agree with those who partially blame his dad. he's messed his kids up something awful.
Good now I don't feel so bad!
Yeah but those commercials could never have done what this pose did. Crazy.
I really hated Chasing Farrah. She looked like such a doofus on that show. I watched a small part of the special that was on tonight. I liked her much better. I could see the sweet woman everyone says she was, not the ditzy bafoon I thought she was.
I thought she was kinda kooky on William Shatner's roast too.
Apologies if we've already discussed this, but how crass could you be? I probably sound like a hypocrite, but I think there's a little difference between mouthing off on a message board and being a celeb and saying this. How long was this before Farrah passed?
So much for Melissa Joan Hart.
I'm so glad Red can go to her funeral
I was disappointed with Ryan's statement. Well,it wasn't really a statement was it? Driving off in his car...Farrah deserved a little more than that if you ask me.
She was great in the tv miniseries Small Sacrifices, where she played the woman who killed/maimed her kids (Diane Downs). As I recall,Ryan played her love interest.
She could really act.
I should've been clearer in my post. What I meant was that you'd have to be thinking that this would bite you in the ass as a celeb.
It's a thought that probably would've crossed my mind (and lips). I like her too, I just think this is going to follow her for a while.
Hugs to you as well, Lisa, and I am sorry.
I was never that impressed with Farrah, although I did love her hair. My friends (I grew up hanging with more guys than girls) all had those posters plastered on their walls. That said, whoever mentioned that because of her battle with cancer, she deserved our respect is correct--it is an insidious disease that literally eats away at us from the inside out. It's the ultimate betrayal--that of our body against us.
Her courageous battle won my respect and my sympathy and while I am sad that an "icon" like she has passed--but am glad that she is no longer feeling that pain.No one deserves it.
with michael jackson death farrah is thrown to the side. but i will remember her as i know the rest of you will. RIP.
Awful as it is to say, with both of two deaths, poor Ed McMahon was sort of mentioned like an afterthought on most channels.
I first saw her in the Burning Bed (too young for Charlies Angels to appreciate her at the time). Such a beautiful woman, an amazing smile, no holds barred actress, and a courageous spirit.
Everyone who battles cancer is a hero in my book. I hope her son finds peace and goes on to live a good life, along with the rest of those she loved dearly.
Sorry, don't mean to go on about Farrah. This is my second post. I remember her from my childhood watching miniseries with my mom. Farrah was amazing in Small Sacrifices too. Very underrated actress.
Anne Marie
Nice to have positive childhood memories evoked amc
I had forgotten she appeared on Broadway in Extremities. That must have been an exciting change for her.
I haven't paged back through the thread. I did see her special where Redmond came to see her. Does anyone know if he got to see her again before she passed?
A real shame she's gone, she didn't seem ready to accept it. I was saddened when I heard of her death and my heart goes out to those that love her.
New York Times intimates that Farrah's anal cancer was sexually acquired:
It doesn't matter how her cancer was acquired, and it is so horrible that they are publishing it, and stimatizing her cancer, like she doesn't deserve as much sympathy.
Belated welcome to the fold, Anne Marie. You should post more often. I feel, like all of Farrah's devoted fans, sad that she couldn't beat cancer. It is a horrid disease that has claimed too many. I know that many here have strong opinions about Ryan & Red yet I suspect that they are both deeply saddened by the loss of one of the most influential people in their lives. I also feel incredibly sad for her dad, who has lost his wife & both of his daughters. I know that he is quite on in years, yet to have the last of them without his family must be heartbreaking.
R.I.P. Farrah
I like her dad. He is a very no BS guy. He told her ten years ago that the dream was over and to pack it up and go back to Texas but she still believed...
Also I remember him saying she had a party and he told Burt Reynolds he couldn't believe how short he was. Farrah was like..uh you can't say that...he really saw Hollywood as very fake.
I'm so glad Redmond will be able to go to her funeral. He seems like a good boy. I just hope he can beat his addiction.