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Thread: Farrah Fawcett

  1. #201
    John Connor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Meli View Post
    Damn, I was born well after Farrah's hay-day, and I feel more pain and sympathy for her passing than Michael's.... maybe because she seemed sweeter and more genuine then he ever did.... or maybe because she tried to put up a good fight against cancer. I know at the end of the day, I feel sorry that the world is minus Farrah, and not Michael.....

    addiction is a disease... as far as I know... if people can cut someone else's head off on a greyhound bus and be forgiven because they are sick, I have less of a hard time forgiving Redmond, and feel pity he missed his mother's passing... he will feel that pain tomorrow,next month, in the years etc... compared to the man who beheaded someone on a bus.... Id rather feel badly for him then someone who is so "far gone" they will never be someone who can earn sympathy. Again RIP Farrah

    I am a big Farrah fan. Always was. When I was a kid I wrote her many letters and she did write back and sent me pictures. I never thought of her as sweet though. She always seemed like a distant entity. Mind you that was well before the internet where we know every time someone has a shit. There was something special about her. She was a true airhead and to all who have never seen All Of Me, her Playboy video, it is something to see.

    As for her son, I'm sure he has his own pain. It's not my place to forgive him and I'm sorry for him he's in this mess but I know where drugs can take you. At the same time he's also got fucked up in his blood. From Ryan for sure and Farrah was not a saint. She was great though. I used to go to Zellers and buy silver frames for her pictures. I was about eight. How sad is that? My brother and I had a war one day and he ripped the corner off a Farrah poster. I chased him down the street in my underwear with a knife. Good times.

  2. #202
    radiojane Guest
    What? who the hell's forgiven greyhound guy?

    I'm glad you feel for Redmond. I'm not saying this isn't hard on him. He did lose his mother. But come on. He wasn't schizo. He was just enough of a dumbass to smuggle drugs into jail while his mother was dying, meaning he missed her last few months on earth. He should feel like shit for a while. I'm sorry, but there is just no comparison there.

    Whatever. Moot point. Whatever he feels he feels. And his mother is gone. I just don't like hearing the violins go every time it's mentioned he's in jail. He's where is sorry ass should be.

  3. #203
    John Connor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by radiojane View Post
    What? who the hell's forgiven greyhound guy?

    I'm glad you feel for Redmond. I'm not saying this isn't hard on him. He did lose his mother. But come on. He wasn't schizo. He was just enough of a dumbass to smuggle drugs into jail while his mother was dying, meaning he missed her last few months on earth. He should feel like shit for a while. I'm sorry, but there is just no comparison there.

    Whatever. Moot point. Whatever he feels he feels. And his mother is gone. I just don't like hearing the violins go every time it's mentioned he's in jail. He's where is sorry ass should be.

    I don't think anybody is saying he doesn't deserve jail time but one can feel a little symapathy for anybody who loses their mother and couldn't be there.

    Here's one of Ryan's great performances:
    Last edited by John Connor; 06-26-2009 at 03:45 AM.

  4. #204
    radiojane Guest
    I don't know, you tell me, you've got the monopoly on it right now

  5. #205
    GoldwynGal Guest
    Okay... Time out..

    Different subject:

    Did anyone see how fab she looked at the emmys or the oscars or wherever they had the angels and all the other Spelling showgirls out for a tribute? I'm pretty sure she was sick then but she looked damned good.

  6. #206
    radiojane Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Pat Bateman View Post
    That's what I was thinking. I don't like O'Neal but I feel for him in this instance. I feel for their son also. It's Redmond's own fault that he was in jail when his mother passed, and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life.
    Rest in peace Farrah.
    give the man a cigar.

    I should be more clear. I don't feel for Ryan more than Redmond, in fact if anything, I more suspicious of Ryan's motives. My main beef with Redmond is he let his dying mother down, and I'm sure that made things that much more difficult for her. Was it all his fault, probably not. But yeah, makes me a little mad.

    as much as I think Ryan is slime, I really hope this isn't one of those cases where the partner/wife/husband whatever helps the other through a long illness and then dies right away after a lightning fast illness, like Dana Reeve or Eddie Albert's son. It happens far too often.

  7. #207
    Meli Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by John Connor View Post
    I am a big Farrah fan. Always was. When I was a kid I wrote her many letters and she did write back and sent me pictures. I never thought of her as sweet though. She always seemed like a distant entity. Mind you that was well before the internet where we know every time someone has a shit. There was something special about her. She was a true airhead and to all who have never seen All Of Me, her Playboy video, it is something to see.

    As for her son, I'm sure he has his own pain. It's not my place to forgive him and I'm sorry for him he's in this mess but I know where drugs can take you. At the same time he's also got fucked up in his blood. From Ryan for sure and Farrah was not a saint. She was great though. I used to go to Zellers and buy silver frames for her pictures. I was about eight. How sad is that? My brother and I had a war one day and he ripped the corner off a Farrah poster. I chased him down the street in my underwear with a knife. Good times.

    hehe Nice... good times and good memories

  8. #208
    rockalittle Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldwynGal View Post
    Okay... Time out..

    Different subject:

    Did anyone see how fab she looked at the emmys or the oscars or wherever they had the angels and all the other Spelling showgirls out for a tribute? I'm pretty sure she was sick then but she looked damned good.
    The Emmys...?

  9. #209
    beatlebaby4 Guest
    RIP Farrah. She is out of her pain now. She is with the real angels now in Heaven.
    I pray for her family - her poor father and son, Ryan and her friends. What a sad, sad day in Hollywood. Fly free sweet angel. You will be missed.

  10. #210
    burgtwngrl Guest
    I was surprised that Letterman didn't say anything about either star last night.

    BTW, Does anyone know how to get The burning Bed and Small Sacrifices DVD's ? I would love to own them.

  11. #211
    beatlebaby4 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by burgtwngrl View Post
    I was surprised that Letterman didn't say anything about either star last night.

    BTW, Does anyone know how to get The burning Bed and Small Sacrifices DVD's ? I would love to own them.

    I would go on Amazon - try there, you may have some luck.

  12. #212
    Join Date
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    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN
    Or Ebay

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  13. #213
    guardmom2008 Guest
    I was surprised too that Lettermen did not mention the deaths.

    RIP Farrah, you are finally free from your pain and suffering.

  14. #214
    beatlebaby4 Guest
    Don't forget that Letterman tapes around 5pm. Michael's death wasn't confirmed at that time. Farrah's was of course and it is surprising that he didn't mention her. Maybe tonight he will pay tribute to both of them.

  15. #215
    burgtwngrl Guest
    I watched 20/20 on Farrah last night. I still feel overwhelmin saddness but I am glad she is not suffering anymore.

    I feel for her Father, Friends, Redmond and Ryan too.

  16. #216
    burgtwngrl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by beatlebaby4 View Post
    I would go on Amazon - try there, you may have some luck.
    Thank you

  17. #217
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    What 3rd world country do you live in that doesn't allow 'the gays' to marry ?

  18. #218
    guardmom2008 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by beatlebaby4 View Post
    Don't forget that Letterman tapes around 5pm. Michael's death wasn't confirmed at that time. Farrah's was of course and it is surprising that he didn't mention her. Maybe tonight he will pay tribute to both of them.
    Thank You!
    I agree maybe he will do both tonight.

  19. #219
    beatlebaby4 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by burgtwngrl View Post
    Thank you
    Quote Originally Posted by guardmom2008 View Post
    Thank You!
    I agree maybe he will do both tonight.

    You're Welcome

  20. #220
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    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN
    Dateline was tough last night. It broke my heart when they showed her son seeing her for the last time and he called her "Mommy."

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  21. #221
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    A lighter anecdote.

    My 16 year old son, who is all about GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, didn't know who Farrah was. So I pulled up her famous poster and he was like, "WOW, Mom, she is hot!"

  22. #222
    burgtwngrl Guest
    I hope Letterman does say something!

  23. #223
    burgtwngrl Guest
    I blame Ryan for being a bad influence on his kids for Redmond not being able to be there.

    maybe that's wrong to say but every mother wants her baby or babies holding her hands at the end.

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Watson View Post
    A lighter anecdote.

    My 16 year old son, who is all about GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, didn't know who Farrah was. So I pulled up her famous poster and he was like, "WOW, Mom, she is hot!"
    Lisa my 23 year old daughter didn't know who Farrah was! I feel as though I might have failed her as a mother. LOL
    Wanna see my grandkids?

  25. #225
    RaRaRamona Guest
    A friend of mine posted this on facebook:

    When Farrah Fawcett got to heaven God granted her one wish. She wished for all her children to be safe, so God killed Michael Jackson.

    Awful! But I laughed.

  26. #226
    TallulahDahling Guest

    RIP Sweet Farrah.......

    Farewell to "Double F" (that's what she called herself)

    A beautiful, brave lady who fought til the end. I am in awe of her strength. God bless dahling angel!

  27. #227
    Bee1001 Guest
    Farrah was so beautiful, I'm glad her pain has ended. And I must say, they picked a gorgeous picture for her page on FindaGrave.

  28. #228
    MorbidMolly Guest
    [quote=John Connor;821894]I am a big Farrah fan. Always was. When I was a kid I wrote her many letters and she did write back and sent me pictures. I never thought of her as sweet though. She always seemed like a distant entity. Mind you that was well before the internet where we know every time someone has a shit. There was something special about her. She was a true airhead and to all who have never seen All Of Me, her Playboy video, it is something to see.

    As for her son, I'm sure he has his own pain. It's not my place to forgive him and I'm sorry for him he's in this mess but I know where drugs can take you. At the same time he's also got fucked up in his blood. From Ryan for sure and Farrah was not a saint. She was great though. I used to go to Zellers and buy silver frames for her pictures. I was about eight. How sad is that? My brother and I had a war one day and he ripped the corner off a Farrah poster. I chased him down the street in my underwear with a knife. Good times.

    Indeed !!!!!!!!

  29. #229
    MorbidMolly Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Karma View Post
    Lisa my 23 year old daughter didn't know who Farrah was! I feel as though I might have failed her as a mother. LOL


  30. #230
    debeth88 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Miho View Post
    Dateline was tough last night. It broke my heart when they showed her son seeing her for the last time and he called her "Mommy."

    *sheds tear*

  31. #231
    debeth88 Guest
    Every girl wanted to be Farrah. Who didn't want to be her with that beautiful face, dazzling smile and flowing hair. But there is something else that people tend to forget (when someone has such breathtaking beauty) she had talent. Her acting in the "Burning Bed" showed what she was capable of, just to name one. She was more than a pin-up poster in some adolescent boy's room. RIP Farrah.

  32. #232
    MissLissa Guest
    I was never a huge Farrah fan.Never understood the fascination with her. Jaclyn Smith was my favorite angel. Always thought she was the prettiest and classiest. With that said,when I watched the documentary my opinion of Farrah changed. What a brave and classy Lady. When they showed the part where she got the news about the new tumors and it showed her crying, I just lost it. That documentary showed what a truly amazing woman she was. We lost a good one. She will be missed. RIP Farrah

  33. #233
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    I have to say that hers is one death pic that if it surfaces.. I don't think I could look at it. I want to remember her the way she was.

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  34. #234
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    She looked so frail and sick in the most recent pictures of her, I think I'd take a pass on a death photo, as well. I always thought she personified that carefree all-American girl look.

    I've failed as a mother as well, because my son thought Charlie's Angels were Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz. He thought Jacklyn Smith was just a designer for KMart and had no clue who Kate Jackson was.

    Kids these days!

  35. #235
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    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Watson View Post
    I've failed as a mother as well, because my son thought Charlie's Angels were Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz. He thought Jacklyn Smith was just a designer for KMart and had no clue who Kate Jackson was.

    Kids these days!

    *LMAO* Ok I must be a bad person too. I have no idea who Kate Jackson is and I only know Jacqulyn Smith for her K Mart stuff


    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  36. #236
    burgtwngrl Guest
    I found a Farrah T-Shirt that I'm going to buy... here's the site It says Farrah Fawcett everyone's Angel now

  37. #237
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    I always loved her gorgeous smile.


  38. #238
    Bidmor Guest
    After viewing Dateline's tribute to Farrah last night, it that struck me she had one thing in common with Katherine Hepburn (other than being an actress), and that was fierce determination and independence.

  39. #239
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    Did anyone happen to find this article? According to this surgeon, there's a chance that poor Farrah' "German treatment" may have hastened rather than delayed her death. It's a long one so I'm not copy-pasting. I'm going to copy it for my own records in case I'm ever tempted to fly overseas for a cancer "cure."

  40. #240
    the corpse bride Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rickenbacker View Post
    Sigh. All that time spent holding up her poster with one hand...

    Every generation has their sweetheart, their fantasy girl. Farrah was certainly that for a lot of guys my age. She's certainly one of those celebs whose passing actually touches me.

    Cancer freakin' sucks.
    I spoke to my significant other about Farrah and the poster. He said " I wished when I was a teen that I could date her". I told him "I think that what you wanted was a weekend at home with her WITHOUT your parents and the family there." He grinned and owned up that was true.

    I am so glad he has good taste in women.

    And you are so right: cancer royally BITES!

    Thanks for letting me share.

  41. #241
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    Its terrible that this icon has been reduced to a smaller section because of michael. She was the 70's = a true icon. RIP dear angel.

  42. #242
    Danse Macabre Guest
    RIP pretty gal Farrah. You'll live forever in my heart <3

  43. #243
    the corpse bride Guest
    Is anyone aware that the group ALABAMA wrote a song about her called "she's got that look in her eyes"? Randy Owen of Alabama said it was a tribute to her beauty. The Video shows a man's devotion to Farrah and how his girl gets him a replacement poster of Farrah's poster.

  44. #244
    Northern Lights Guest
    Alabama - She's Got That Look In Her Eyes

  45. #245
    Chippersmith01 Guest
    I agree 100% with this.

  46. #246
    the corpse bride Guest

    Thumbs up

    I personally plan to get my S.O a framed copy of that poster for Christmas. How could I be jealous? If I were a guy, I'd feel that I'd want her too!

    And if I lost him to a poster, then I never had him to begin with.

    One fine looking lady. Rest easy pretty lady.

    And cancer totally BITES the big one.

  47. #247
    knothere Guest
    wow rip

  48. #248
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    And if I lost him to a poster, then I never had him to begin with.

    If I lost my husband to a poster, we had problems I had no idea about.
    Wanna see my grandkids?

  49. #249
    Northern Lights Guest
    Jailed Son Allowed To Attend Farrah Fawcett's Funeral

    Farrah Fawcett Funeral Set for Tuesday,00.html

  50. #250
    Northern Lights Guest
    Farrah Fawcett: The Golden Girl Who Didn't Fade,00.html

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