While I agree with what you're saying, I'm reminded of the Abdication Crisis. The Queen was 10 when her uncle gave up the throne for Wallis Simpson. She saw the effect the whole thing had on her mother and father; the Queen Mother never forgave Edward VIII. She blamed him for the early death of George VI. Maybe after seeing the stresses and trouble that caused, the Queen thought that what she was doing was for the best.
I would hate to even think to see the picture, but according to yahoo.com news, there is a rumor that a "new" gruesome picture from the night of when she died is leaked. I have seen only one picture of the crash from the font and it looks like Diana is laying on her back, her head is turned to the left and there is blood everywhere.
Show them Don't show them. Whatever. From an American perspective I've seen JFK's head blown apart so I don't see the big deal but different strokes for different folks.
pyt- where did you see that?
^ ^
In Dallas don't you remember when brain matter sputtered out onto Jacqueline's crisp pink suit?
Shejay-are you aware of the rumours re Prince Andrews' parentage?
It's been known for years here that his father was Earl Carnavon-The Queen was supposed to have had an affair when she discovered Phillip was carrying on with her cousin! (He's had plenty of dalliances!)
Last edited by Alice_Layne; 05-13-2011 at 08:54 AM. Reason: correcting link
BREAKING NEWS: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20110513/...exploitative_1
Last edited by Tiffany; 05-13-2011 at 07:41 PM.
Hey I'm just the messenger lol. but yea I agree however some people are just curious as to what this movie will entail in it...
That first picture is fake, it's from a british car crash :
excerpt from a 1997 article about that picture :
A spokesman for Paris criminal police told Reuters today: "This is not a picture of Princess Diana's accident. It's a fake." Rescuers in the picture were not wearing standard French emergency services gear, he added. Also, a three-digit emergency phone number in the background--999--was not a French number and appeared to be British.
The new documentary "Unlawful Killing" won't show any new pictures, they will just show the image that rjbrasher posted :
A spokesman for the filmmakers said: â??The picture has been published in full before, in many parts of the world. We acquired the image from an Italian magazine, which had already published it in full. It is also widely available on the web.
â??We are therefore not publishing anything that the rest of the world has not already seen elsewhere.â??
Those images are fake I believe. Personally, I have no problem withn the image being shown in this film.
I have seen the trailer for it-what worries me is it starts with pics of Prince Phillip-when he was young. He attended a 'nazi' school and his brothers in law were nazis. Factual yes, but he also served in the Royal Navy and fought against the Nazis. The trailer is trying to infer Phillip is some sort of creepy sinister Nazi type.
I hope the film really checks its facts and doesnt contain silly inuendo like that-else it will discredit the whole project.
That said, Keith Allen is hardly a respected filmmaker!
I watched some docs he made about Tourettes and it was real 'lowest common denominator' type stuff-cheap insensitive laughs etc No doubt he thought it was groundbreaking/taboo busting.
Think he should stick to acting!
Last edited by Alice_Layne; 05-14-2011 at 08:06 AM.
Youtube wont allow me to paste the link here-if you want to see this trailer, search for Unlawful Killing posted by 2Di4.
I can't speak for thr trailer - have not seen it. Duing that timeframe there were quite a few British Fascists. Go over to Wikipedia and check out Sir Oswald Mosley
Yes, there were British fascists. There has, to the best of my knowledge, ever been any rumour that Prince Phillip was one. The House of Windser was very much anti-Nazi, and for then Princess Elizabeth to marry a known Nazi would never have been allowed.
Prince Phillip had three sisters, all married to German princes. They were not invited to his wedding with Elizabeth, nor to her coronation. To this day, they are rarely mentioned.
The only argument I have to those photos possibly being real is that if you click on this link and scoll past the pictures, there is an article titled "The Horror In The Tunnel":
It talks about how the black and white picture from Italy, with Diana still in the backseat of the car is pixelated, so we can't see how graphic her facial injuries were. In some of the other links posted above, about the Italian black & white pic, it is not as pixelated and you can vaguely see a few gashes on Diana's face.
I can't be sure if the graphic pics that claim to be of Diana are real. I would think with the major impact the car had with the pole in the tunnel, Diana's face wouldn't be as uninjured as the first doctor on the scene claims it was. I think he might have been trying to be tactful about it, so as not to upset Diana's family or fans any more than they already would be.
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
Can someone please repost the link for the unpixled pic?
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
This is the one I was talking about, Miho. If you look around Diana's eyes you can vaguely see scratches and gashes.
BTW, sorry if the previous website I posted is too "far-right". I wasn't posting the website for political reasons, only for the article and blog about Diana.
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
Oh, since we're on the subject of pictures, any pics of Dodi, Henri Paul or Trevor at the crash scene, out there?
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
Thanks What Ta :-)
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
Did they ever disclose where the rest of the people were found in the car?
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
There are always theories regarding her death. I do know awhole lot of questions that have not been answered do not add up. When documentaries such as this appear there are always "those" who will do what they can to make it seem this is just a stupid movie filled with lies.
Then there are those that say after almost 15 years we should leave it alone. You got to wonder what have they got to hide?
Whenever records are sealed for a period of time it means there is something to hide. Aka Kennedy
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
What a terrible waste of a beautiful person. I hope Kate fares better.
I do that Henri Paul's legs were crushed, and Dodi's jeans were ripped open down the crotch, which is weird. The impact must've been horrific.![]()
Everyone must die but not everyone has lived
^^ speaking of Arnold & Kennedy- someone said Arnold's news event is makes the Kennedys look like saints. Ha I don't think so... Kennedys will always be worse with the Kennedy curse, alcoholics, murder..etc. **I know off topic**
Would Diana, if survived have been perhaps paralyzed from the waist down? Neck broke? What do you think her injuries might have been ?
Her leg was broken so she would of eventually walk with a limp. I doubt she would of been paralyzed but she would of had health issues from the accident for the rest of her life..
I'm still trying to comprehend how much impact the car must have had with the pillar to seperate her heart from the vena cava. This doesn't seem like a very common occurance in a car crash. Especially if you're in the back seat.
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
Originally Posted by "What Tha....?"![]()
seperate her heart from the vena cava
Had to search for where I read this before. It was posted in this thread previously:
I'm guessing that this previous post is factual. I had to google what the vena cava is. Still not quite sure I understand what it means. Any Cardiologists out there?
Closest I could determine, the valves that are attached to the heart were ripped away from the heart at the time of impact. YIKES! What a way to die!![]()
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "
Yes I'm assuming for something like that to happen the car had to have hit the object at... I"m only estimating and guessing here, what 125mph..??? Someone please do explain because I too am interested in learning how a heart can literally, break apart, from an autombile accident.
I'm not an expert, but from what I've read the princess was thrown so violently (no seat belt) that she ended up on the floor, facing the rear of the car, one leg bent under her. One of her earrings was found embedded in the dashboard of the car. The car was going about 65 mph, and became airborne at the entrance of the tunnel. (I've been in that tunnel. Those pillars are wicked looking) It hit the pillar, spun around, coming to rest facing the entrance of the tunnel. Her heart was literally torn loose.
Everyone must die but not everyone has lived
Just reading that makes my stomach turn. I'm almost glad Diana is at peace.
Her injuries and everyone in the car's injuries were awful. Given that she was reported to be conscious and after the accident appeared to be aware of what was going on around her I hate that the last memory she has was the paparazzi swarming the car and snapping pics of her and the other as she was dying.
Death hag though I may be these guys turned my stomach and it upset me that they were never held even partially accountable for accident, drunk chauffeur aside.
Yes she was even talking ; Diana said something like "my god what happened?". My stomach is just turning knowing she was conscious.
She didn't say anything. This was verified by the physician on scene. She was out of it. A small blessing, perhaps.![]()
Everyone must die but not everyone has lived
On the documentary that I saw the first doctor who found her said the only thing he heard her say was "Go away" and "stop."
I also remember in that documentary they said the hospital was very close by, but it took a very long time to get there because of her heart condition. She would flatline and they would have to stop to revive her because of the injuries.. Let me see if I can find it somewhere...
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
The one I am thinking of is called Diana: Witnesses in the TUnnel
"I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."
SHAZAAM! Once again, Miho's on her game! Thanks Constitution State Gal!
"So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "