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Thread: Princess Diana

  1. #151
    cachluv Guest
    OT, I disagree.

    The Goldmans' aren't trying to bring their son back. Their position and their actions are not ones of denial. O.J. never admitted to it officially so they in fact do have right to hound him till his dying day. IMO.

    As for Mr Fayed, if I felt my loved ones' death were questionable and I felt I knew something or was firmly convinced of something I would have my mouth open too. ESPECIALLY if there's even a whiff of foul play.

    Do you also think the Twitty/Holloway family should just get over Natalee's disappearance and probable death and just move on? Regardless that no one has paid for it yet and it quite apparently wasn't an accident of her own accord. Should they also just move on?

    I can't agree with you dear. Sorry. The guilty indeed need to be hounded and NEVER let up upon.

  2. #152
    Noelle Page Guest
    By the way, I want to take back anything I may have said in this thread or elsewhere about Prince Harry being a slacker. As it turns out, he's a pretty brave soldier. I have new and profound respect for him.

  3. #153
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    He has been over there for two months or so. The Ministry of Defence asked the press not to let on he was in active service in Afghanistan and so it has only just got out that he is there.
    I am a sick puppy....woof woof!!!
    Carping the living shit out of the Diem. - Me!!

  4. #154
    Jack-O-Lantern Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by neilmpenny View Post
    He has been over there for two months or so. The Ministry of Defence asked the press not to let on he was in active service in Afghanistan and so it has only just got out that he is there.
    Leave it to those lovely keepers of the 4th estate to fuck. everything. up.

  5. #155
    Noelle Page Guest
    Agreed. Could no one make the morally right decision?

    Funny, though, I heard the story was actually broken some time ago by an Australian teen magazine--WTF?

  6. #156
    Noelle Page Guest
    From a wire report:

    "But Harry, third in line to the British crown, didn't seem overly happy with his homeland's press, who have given generous coverage in recent years to his partying escapades in the nightclubs of London and elsewhere.

    "I don't want to sit around in Windsor," he said, referring to his barracks near a royal residence outside London in a pooled interview in Afghanistan last week, released after the blackout on his whereabouts was broken.

    "But I generally don't like England that much and, you know, it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general s..(expletive) that they write."

    Understandable sentiments, but probably not the best thing for the Ginger Fox to be quoted as saying. He's a pistol.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noelle Page View Post
    From a wire report:

    "But Harry, third in line to the British crown, didn't seem overly happy with his homeland's press, who have given generous coverage in recent years to his partying escapades in the nightclubs of London and elsewhere.

    "I don't want to sit around in Windsor," he said, referring to his barracks near a royal residence outside London in a pooled interview in Afghanistan last week, released after the blackout on his whereabouts was broken.

    "But I generally don't like England that much and, you know, it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general s..(expletive) that they write."

    Understandable sentiments, but probably not the best thing for the Ginger Fox to be quoted as saying. He's a pistol.
    Harry reminds me of his mum in this respect. And that's a good thing.

  8. #158
    Guest Guest
    The one thing that irritates me about Mr. Al Fayed's claim of murder is he only speaks of Diana and Dodi...Henri Paul died too!

    I can understand his grief...but how many inquests is it going to take to satisfy him? until one says it's murder? I don't think Paul was as drunk as claimed notice how we haven't seen the survelience from the bar??? where it was claimed he consumed so much alcohol? his own family stated he wasn't a heavy drinker...yadda yadda...point is...they are gone...the inquests aren't discovering anything new or will he just accept that they are gone? they are not coming back? probably never

  9. #159
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    verdicts in

    LONDON - A coroner's jury ruled Monday that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed through the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997.
    New criminal charges were unlikely because the incident happened in France outside the British authorities' jurisdiction, a court spokesman said.
    Last edited by Serendipity09; 04-07-2008 at 10:51 AM.

  10. #160
    TrueBlueAngel Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Serendipity09 View Post
    LONDON - A coroner's jury ruled Monday that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed through the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997.
    New criminal charges were unlikely because the incident happened in France outside the British authorities' jurisdiction, a court spokesman said.
    And we've waited 11 years to hear the obvious! DOH!!

  11. #161
    Andrea Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SlippyInvader View Post
    I just found this pic of Princess Diana just after the crash but not sure whether it's a fake or not.
    I think that one's proven to be fake. And, wow, re that website. Beware of the video of the child with rabies!

  12. #162
    NOVSTORM Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Layla331 View Post
    I found this surfing around and didnt know if it was already on here somewhere but i figured id post was one of the most shocking id seen and im not sure if its valid or not...
    The picture on the bottom left is the one that was in the newspaper that I saw and the shit hit the fan for them printing it. The one in the car was taken by a photo tog andshe was saying oh my God over and over yet thus paparzi did nothing to help her. That is definately Princess Di.

  13. #163
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    Six months and six million pounds and we are back to square one. What a colossal waste of time and money.
    I am a sick puppy....woof woof!!!
    Carping the living shit out of the Diem. - Me!!

  14. #164
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    And it probably won't be enough to satify Dodi's old man.
    Some people just need a high five.... in the face.... with a chair...

  15. #165
    MbalmR Guest
    Almost reminds me of the Kennedy family spending all that money to find John-John's body in the ocean, only to dump him back in it a few days later.

  16. #166
    sassie Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dearheart View Post
    The one thing that irritates me about Mr. Al Fayed's claim of murder is he only speaks of Diana and Dodi...Henri Paul died too!

    I can understand his grief...but how many inquests is it going to take to satisfy him? until one says it's murder? I don't think Paul was as drunk as claimed notice how we haven't seen the survelience from the bar??? where it was claimed he consumed so much alcohol? his own family stated he wasn't a heavy drinker...yadda yadda...point is...they are gone...the inquests aren't discovering anything new or will he just accept that they are gone? they are not coming back? probably never
    But, Mohammed Fayed did not request the inquest. An inquest is SOP for any British national killed overseas and returned to Britain for burial. Usually, it's a half hour procedure in a dusty courtroom.

    The inquest into Diana's death took so long to happen because Mohammed Fayed tied up the evidence from the French investigation with lawsuits in France. (It's also SOP that evidence in a court case is not released to another investigative agency until all preceding court case are adjourned.)

    And Fayed hasn't thrown millions into this inquest. He hasn't needed to. He's gotten the British taxpayers to fund the investigation into every wild allegation he's made. Since his son died in the accident, Fayed could have said that space aliens came down from Pluto and caused the car to crash - and the British inquest investigators would have had to consider and disprove that. He knew this and he took advantage of it from the beginning. In the end, he destroyed what little privacy Princess Diana had left to her, cost the taxpayers millions upon millions, wasted the time of the court and the investigation team, just to end up with the same findings.

    It's too bad the British people can't vote him off the island.

    (And possibly Henri Paul wasn't that drunk - but even people who haven't been drinking at all can momentarily lose control of a car, which is what he did. One drink or seven-it isn't going to sharpen the reflexes. )

  17. #167
    Jack-O-Lantern Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by sassie View Post
    But, Mohammed Fayed did not request the inquest. An inquest is SOP for any British national killed overseas and returned to Britain for burial. Usually, it's a half hour procedure in a dusty courtroom.

    The inquest into Diana's death took so long to happen because Mohammed Fayed tied up the evidence from the French investigation with lawsuits in France. (It's also SOP that evidence in a court case is not released to another investigative agency until all preceding court case are adjourned.)

    And Fayed hasn't thrown millions into this inquest. He hasn't needed to. He's gotten the British taxpayers to fund the investigation into every wild allegation he's made. Since his son died in the accident, Fayed could have said that space aliens came down from Pluto and caused the car to crash - and the British inquest investigators would have had to consider and disprove that. He knew this and he took advantage of it from the beginning. In the end, he destroyed what little privacy Princess Diana had left to her, cost the taxpayers millions upon millions, wasted the time of the court and the investigation team, just to end up with the same findings.

    It's too bad the British people can't vote him off the island.

    (And possibly Henri Paul wasn't that drunk - but even people who haven't been drinking at all can momentarily lose control of a car, which is what he did. One drink or seven-it isn't going to sharpen the reflexes. )
    As if Al Fayed wasn't already one of the most hated men in I'd say that would be an understatement. I hope he's happy now. Asswipe.

  18. #168
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    I feel sorry for her boys. They have to grow up without a Mother and live with her death forever. I understand Fayed has lost his son, but the driver was someone he knew and also I believe if the driver wasnt drunk, they had worn their seat belts and the press didnt chase them, they would be alive! Simple as that! It's a sad death. No one was killed or whatever. Its time Fayed just let it go and rememebered his son.

  19. #169
    interrestedintn Guest
    I will never forget hearing on the news that night that she had died. It upset me so badly. I heard it at about 11:30 p.m. I guess maybe a little later. I started crying and called my friend Stacey to tell her. We were both a little fascinated by Diana and how well she carried herself in the face of all that controversy. I told her, "Lady Di is dead." She said, "No she's not, she was just in a bad car wreck and they've got her at the hospital, you know they're not gonna let her die." I think she was in denial that someone like Diana was really just a mortal like the rest of us. I told her, "No honey, she's dead, it just came across the news." She said, "Oh really? They actually said she's really dead." I told her yes and it was just a surreal moment. We both cried. It really was sad and I felt so sorry for her sons......still do. She truly was a lady.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by sassie View Post

    It's too bad the British people can't vote him off the island.
    He owns a nice shop though.
    I am a sick puppy....woof woof!!!
    Carping the living shit out of the Diem. - Me!!

  21. #171
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    It cost a pound if you have to go to the loo in Harrods.
    Some people just need a high five.... in the face.... with a chair...

  22. #172
    Steve Guest
    There's good money to be made handling dookie.

  23. #173
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    Diana died due to to the driver being over the limit and going too fast, because they were being following by photographers.

    There's no one killed was an accident, very sad but an accident.

  24. #174
    Tugboat25 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne View Post
    Diana died due to to the driver being over the limit and going too fast, because they were being following by photographers.

    There's no one killed was an accident, very sad but an accident.
    Amen sister.

  25. #175
    SquirrelNutZipper Guest
    I just found this thread. Interesting read.

    One thing though to add...last March while visiting Paris we were taken through the "tunnel" where the accident occured. I always thought, from video on the news, that it was a long tunnel - it's not. In fact, it's just a bit bigger than something we would call an overpass.

    Completely surprised about that. I was also surprised that there were packs of tourists taking pictures of the Ritz. No one tried to hide their curiosity - they were just snappin' away. No mailboxes though.

  26. #176
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    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN

    Princess Di

    Can't believe there isn't a thread for her already. If I missed it please merge me.

    I saw a documentary the other night from the reporters experiences of who was there that night. I learned that there are tons of pictures out there that were taken right after the crash and that many were confisicated by the police. Anyone know of any?

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  27. #177
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    There was one floating around awhile back that could've been her. I just Googled it and found these two. Not sure they're real or anything, though.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  28. #178
    Noelle Page Guest
    The poor, poor thing. :-(

  29. #179
    Glamrock Princess Guest
    If it is her, then she was smashed up pretty bad, poor Diana.

  30. #180
    sunshine74137 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glamrock Princess View Post
    If it is her, then she was smashed up pretty bad, poor Diana.
    Was she dead on the scene or did she survive a bit, can't recall

  31. #181
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    I seem to remember another thread about Di, but I'm not completely sure.

    From what I've read, her face was not damaged. I think what killed her was that, because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, her body was tosses so that her heart was displaced.

    Well, Sunshine, she was alive and sort of semi concieous. At least I have heard she was telling people to leave her alone. Now that could be a rumor. Anyone?

  32. #182
    Glamrock Princess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by sunshine74137 View Post
    Was she dead on the scene or did she survive a bit, can't recall

    I think she was alive at the scene of the accident, but died in the ER while being resuscitated.

  33. #183
    Noelle Page Guest
    Yeah, everything I've read says her face was pretty much undamaged. I also read she moaned "my god" or something like that....she was distressed and agitated but incoherent. So sad.

  34. #184
    Frank 'N' Howie Guest
    I remember when it happened sooo well...I was prego at the time with my first and I sat on the couch and cried like a baby...She was an icon of my generation...I sat and watched "the wedding" and I was just little...I still can't believe she is gone...

  35. #185
    Guest Guest
    poor Di..............

  36. #186
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    I loved Diana...she was a classic..... this is just like JFK and 9/11....I will never forget where I was...I spent the entire week glued to the TV

  37. #187
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    I know the second one is real. I don't think the first one is. The first person on scene was a Doctor who found her alive and said her face was untouched.

    She had four heart attacks and was "gone" for over an hour before they declared her.

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  38. #188
    halogirl5 Guest
    She was bleeding from her ear and nose, otherwise her face was not damaged. Pictures do exist of that but according to Ken?Lennox, a photographer of Di since she first came on the scene he stated (I'm paraphrasing), "If she survives these will be the most famous pictures of her ever, if she dies they can never see the light of day." The first guy, a reporter/pap who reached her didn't speak much English at all, he said 'Be cool, help is on the way". Can you think of anything less comforting than someone who has only got as far as CD2? For fuck's sake its not the 80s! "Be cool," indeed. Sorry Anyway. She said 'What's happened?' and looking at Dodi said 'My God!'
    She may have said more but the guy didn't speak English so those were the only things he recognised. How ironic...
    From the above photos the black and white bottom one is the real one.( See Scott's site).
    For ex is from Northampton, a bike ride away from Althorp House, Diana's family home. When it all happened he rode up there with his friend, typical teenagers, wanting to know what was happening. Got chatting to the policeman on guard. The policeman said that she is not buried on the island on the estate, she is of course buried in the family chapel with the rest of the Spencers. The island story is a red herring, to keep people from prying into her death too much. Guess i fucked that one up then.

  39. #189
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    Here's the phone published in Chi that Italian magazine. So I know this one is legit.


    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  40. #190
    Noelle Page Guest
    Thanks Halo for the clarification and etc. Yeah, I thought about that whole "be cool" thing, too. Though I imagine the poor thing was so traumatised, what difference would it make.

    Here are my two teeny-tiny Di tales. Once was driving on Fifth Ave in NYC. A sedan in front of us was stopped and blocking the lane, as a small group of people waved like mad at whoever was sitting in the back seat. This being NY, we were like, "WTF, get moving!" Maybe even beeped. Finally the sedan peeled away in a conspicuous and rather self-important manner, while the people on the curb kept waving like maniacs. Went home, turned on the news....Di was in town, doing something in that place at that time--it was her in the sedan! So I was once annoyed by Di in traffic. Geez, glad I didn't get too aggressive. But I do remember her driver was kind of aggressive in pulling out, which is food for thought. She was vulnerable, but probably didn't worry about seatbelts.

    The other story was, a friend of mine worked Di's dress auction. I of course asked, what was she like? Friend said extremely polite, professional, and humble: just wanted to know, 'where do I go, what do I do?' No airs at all.

  41. #191
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    scott has the story on diana in findadeath: directory, then 'diana, princess of wales'
    pull the string!

  42. #192
    Adiposeur Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by howDIDyouBUYit? View Post
    I remember when it happened sooo well...I was prego at the time with my first and I sat on the couch and cried like a baby...She was an icon of my generation...I sat and watched "the wedding" and I was just little...I still can't believe she is gone...
    Are we twins? I was also preggo with my first when she died. I remember that long holiday weekend and being home alone when I saw it on the news. Then, I watched the funeral coverage and bawled like a baby. I had my son about a month later.

    I too watched the wedding. I got up to watch it on my little B/W tv!

  43. #193
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    I know, Adi. I was in the hospital with my newborn. My baby was born Aug. 28, 1997, and that night (it was the next day in Europe) was when she was in the accident. I cried & cried.

  44. #194
    I♥TinyTim Guest
    I bawled like a baby when she died; watched her funeral, and everything. I felt really bad for the boys losing their mom. Such a tragedy that could have been avoided. She could have been still alive today. She could have been able to see her two boys grow into such handsome, fine gentlemen. I hate thinking about what could have been... Because it can never be.
    Last edited by I♥TinyTim; 09-17-2008 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Correcting my dyslexia

  45. #195
    DeadRinger Guest
    She died about five days before by birthday, and her funeral was on my 22nd birthday. One of the saddest days of my life....

  46. #196
    Jane_Doe Guest
    I remember it vividly. It was even more weird because my mam really looked like her when she was younger, I've still got a picture kicking about of my mother looking amazingly similar to her somewhere.
    I think I remember it mostly because my mother was devastated, and I'd never seen her like that before. The whole nation was in mourning too. I was only a kid at the time and remember going downstairs to watch cartoons early in the morning, and the news came on every channel. I woke my mam up and told her, I'm sure she thought I was fibbing.
    Sadly, I wasn't.

  47. #197
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    I so remember her wedding, because I was in Hong Kong that day. At the time, HK was still a British territory, and the city was dressed up and everyone was so excited. Lots and lots and lots of wedding day junk like commemorative plates, fake rings that looked like her engagement ring, scarves, coffee mugs, tea pots, you name it.

    I remember the day she died too. I turned on the TV to watch something else and the story of the crash was on the news. She hadn't died yet, or at least they weren't reporting that she had died. It was late afternoon here in LA and I remember my husband coming home and me telling him about the crash. I said something to the effect of "If she dies, there will be hell to pay," and just about then they announced she had died. My husband and I were totally shocked and just sat in a complete daze.

    I still cannot believe she is dead, it just seems so unimaginable.
    Any day above ground is a good day.

  48. #198
    trose Guest
    I remember it like it was yesterday - I still have a whole boxful of royal press releases, newspaper articles and such on it. I was just stunned that someone I saw as so vibrant could be gone so quickly.

  49. #199
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    my husband and i were in london a month before the royal wedding...what exciting times. i still have a lot of goodies of charles and di at their engagement...
    pull the string!

  50. #200
    Noelle Page Guest
    Remember when that engagement was announced? You thought, "Oh look at this shy, unassuming girl, what a nice queen she'll make one day." No one foresaw the holy hell she would unleash upon the royal family.

    They should've found a way to accomodate her, though, In terms of star wattage she was imo the most electric/nagnetic personality on the planet. Just off the charts. I would like to have seen her mature.

    Oops, I meant magnetic, not nagnetic. I'm making a lot of Freudian slips these days.
    Last edited by Noelle Page; 09-17-2008 at 08:37 AM.

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