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It's hard to find a real princess now a days.
We have lots of them
My "where were you story" is that I was in LA at that time. I was there on vacation and had just spent the morning and afternoon at the Universal Studios (getting wet in the Jurassic Park ride). Unfortunately, Dearly Departed Tours didn't exsist at that time, otherwise my stay there would have been more fun. But anywho, I watched some television on my hotelroom and then came on the news that Diana and Dodi were involved in an accident in Paris. Very soon afterward they said that Dodi had died. I was almost glued to the television. And then, at about 19.30 the news broke that she had died too. At that moment I was ironing some T-shirts and immediatly I put my hand on my mouth out of pure shock. Luckily I used my empty hand, otherwise I would have knocked myself down with the iron
. The next morning I had breakfast with an elderly couple from Scotland and I told them what had happened. The woman said with that wonderful accent:" I'm sorry this has happened, but I always thought she was a very silly girl". I'll never forget that. I never saw the funeral because I flew home that day. But it was a strange week.
Last edited by Linnythepooh; 12-11-2009 at 08:21 AM.
Some people just need a high five.... in the face.... with a chair...