We love Miho.
In an effort to avoid doing any housework today, I've been reading up on Dodi Fayed. He was a pretty fascinating character if lazy spoiled rich kids who thrive on trouble interest you at all.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around Diana and Tina Sinatra dating the same man though. Small small world.
French practice is to stabilize at the scene as much as is possible, not to rush to the hospital. It's difficult to say if, for instance, the accident had happened in the UK or in North America, where the immediate concern is to get a victim to a medical facility, she might have been saved-given the massive internal damage who knows, but it is possible-the hospital was only five minutes away ( I once geekily drove from the tunnel site to the hospital to see how close it was).
"The gore of the tomato dribbles from your lips..."-Brother Theodore
I second that completely. I think she caught on so much because despite being a royal, she was so lonely, and so much like the rest of us. A lot of people were saying that Catherine could be the new Diana. While I like Catherine, I don't think Diana is a figure that will ever be replaced on any scale. She was one of a kind. What guts it took to stand up for herself and use the media to her own advantage when the royal family and her cheating husband tried to destroy her. Most would've coward in the corner against the power of those people. She was a smart lady. She knew how to use the media to fight back, and leak stories of her own. But there is such a vulnerability there in her despite all she had. Very unique character indeed.
She was unique alright. But I really wonder how bad her personal life would have crashed and burned had she lived. She was a train wreck. A Monroe, an Anna Nicole, just slightly classier with better handlers. She had good intentions, but she was so damaged.
I have to disagree with your assessment of her, particularly relating her to Anna Nicole and Monroe. I think she had her issues but she had an awareness of her broader place in the world and the ability to have empathy with others far outside of her sphere of experience that both of those women were totally incapable of feeling or expressing.
Her work with people dealing with HIV and her groundbreaking land mine awareness work was fearless and personal.
I can't imagine Ann Nicole having any of that awareness.
She was also by all appearances a good Mum and I saw no evidence of serious drug use.
I have very superficial awareness of her life so it may be there and I just never heard about it.
I remember sitting with an Arab woman who emigrated to the US from the UK after Diana's death. She was an engineer for one of my clients. She was wearing a traditional head covering and this was pre 9/11.
She shared how beloved Diana was among the poor and working class Muslim community in the UK which I found out until she started talking about her charity work in that community.
Also she said Arab women and girls in the UK were all totally bought into the fairytale of the Dodi and Diana love story and she and many others were totally convinced they were murdered by British intelligence to prevent the future King from having an Arab half sibling.
I am not at all saying this has any factual merit but I am saying this well educated and otherwise totally reasonable woman believed it as Gospel.
I liked her and I think she was in a tough spot but I think she would have lived an interesting and dignified life had she not died or at least I prefer to tell myself that. But hey what do I know. I appear to have the summer flu along with half the people I work with and had to cancel two flights and a trip to Germany this week.
I know that photographers were following Di on the night she died and afterwards news cameras were there but kind of stupid question here- was the accident actually caught on video tape? Were there news cameras or papparazzi cameras just before hand following?
The tunnel did have cameras-nearing the entrance, within I believe, and again near the exit. All were turned off that night, a point noted in both the French Government's report and in the UK Commission report.
"The gore of the tomato dribbles from your lips..."-Brother Theodore
And because of that, conspiracy theories abound.![]()
Everyone must die but not everyone has lived
If I recall (and this could be wrong) they said simply that it was common practice to have certain cameras on and certain cameras off at various times. There were cameras all along the route the car traveled, from the Ritz through Paris to the Pont d'Alma Tunnel, but apparently none caught the car, either being turned off or too distantly placed..
"The gore of the tomato dribbles from your lips..."-Brother Theodore
The photo at http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31749_16...-10391698.html is so creepy! I don't think she would have aged that well. Have wondered if the public would have become disillusioned with her.
Diana didn't like competition and didn't always play fair, so as a mother-in-law she might have made things tricky for a daughter-in-law.
I saw that in another forum and thought, she would look just like that. Beautiful and relaxed.![]()
Everyone must die but not everyone has lived
Given how much she loved her boys, I think she would have welcomed Catherine with open arms and guided her far better than Charles and her moronic family. Her love for her boys' happiness was always paramount.
I don't think she would have looked that old...
I agree.. I think they made her look way old ... although that does express all the torment in her young life.. She is still missed so very much !!
There's more to the truth than just the facts. ~Author Unknown
Happy 50th Birthday!
Happy 50th! My grandfather died Dec. 28 and was born Jan.1
talking about dying near your birthday, my grandfather was born 09/29 and died on 09/28... missed his 82nd birthday by a few hours... how's that for close!
I can well see Diana if she had lived, spending most of her time away from England, still seeing her son's frequently, continuing to be of service and moving away from the public limelight.
Diana craved and enjoyed connection and family. Her son's provided that for her, and a daughter in law would be another joy in her life.
Catherine's been well prepped for protocol, and will be a good marketing tool for the monarchy.
Diana's independent spirit, refusal to be treated less than, her giving nature, her humanism will be remembered.
I agree.....she would have looked a lot better than that in my opinion.
She was naturally very attractive and had really good skin.
I also think she would have filled out a touch as she got older and not appeared so bony featured which can also make people look much older than they are.
On the day of Williams and Kate's wedding, a mate of mine went-"where's Princess Diana? She's running a bit fucking late isn't she?"
I was just reading on the net today an article saying how pessimistic we've become in England .If only Diana were around to add a bit of joy and glamour.Instead we keep getting crap comments from the witch Joan Collins trying to flog her book and Helen Mirren flaunting her mannish body .Diana's death just seemed so conveniant for the royals .......
today was 14 years.... RIP
Here she is at the premiere of Crocodile Dundee 2!!!!
Last edited by Tiffany; 08-31-2011 at 04:24 PM.
July 1, 1963
"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid"- John Wayne
I was so stunned and sad. 14 years. RIP.
It's hard to believe it's been so long. When she died she was, what, 34? That seemed old to me but I've since hit that milestone and passed it. Now 34 seems really young.
In that baby pic she is soooo like her son William ,thanks for sharing .
Forgive me, I got this picture among others in an email. If I have to post the source, I will just get rid of it but I love it.
RIP - she still would have been beautiful.
In Loving Memory of Timothy Houdek, October 22, 1969 - January 8, 2013
My awesome dad: Harry Houdek, September 8, 1933 - November 20, 2013
Words can't convey how much I miss you both. RIP with love.
I think that picture of Di at 50, alive today, doesn't do her justice. She would've been a lot better looking than that. RIP 14 years
I agree with you who think she still would have been beautiful and turning heads at 50. I loved that she basically said "F" you to the Royal family. They seem like major douche bags.
To understand the living, you got to commune with the dead.
They are. They only mix with other people at balls, polo matches,parties for the gentry,hunting,and all the other trivial pursuits rich people have that preclude mixing with the public ( apart from opening buildings where they mutter gratutious remarks before they are whisked away in their Rolls back to the safety of their decadent surroundings.) They haven't got a clue how the average person lives which is why Diana stood out like a sore thumb.
So what exactly did Princess Diana die from? She died AT the hospital correct??? She was alive after the accident????? I read somewhere possibly here, that her aorta from her heart was completely severed or even separated. {Or something to that effect}
Last edited by Tiffany; 09-02-2011 at 11:19 PM.
Pyt, I used to think I knew the answer to that but there has been so many discrepancies over the years,I wouldn't know the true answer.She was alive at the scene - then comes the doubt over why she wasn't taken to the nearest hospital and why it took so long.I'm sure someone will come on and say what it actually says she died from on the death certificate.But she could have died from incompetitant responders,deliberate sabotage to ensure she didn't make it... so many conspiracy theories.
I recall not long before she died there was a pic of her in the press with a swollen belly - there was speculation that she might be pregnant.Then she told the press she was going to announce something really big soon, and then she was dead.Embalmed ,which was rare apparently .Charles - of all people - her despised adulterous ex got there first.........
You can tell I think it was foul play and we'll never know now.Al Fayed did he everything he could, poor man. Sorry if that didn't answer your question directly,just wish she was still here.
best wishes