I never understood the attraction at all. I thought he looked like a girl.
I never understood the attraction at all. I thought he looked like a girl.
I became a James Dean out of pure curiosity. The more I read about him the more I wanted to know. He was an interesting person and there is something about him that is unexplainable.
There are only a few death pictures of Jimmy being carrying into the abulance on the gurney. Supposedly, there were some pictures taken of James Dean at the scene with him in his car dead. But again, supposedly those pictures got destroyed. Who knows? His death was tragic so young and so much promise. Also the fact that back then they found him guilty for causing the accident for speeding. Today, it has been challenged or even proven that he was not speeding and it was not his fault.
Anyway, as you guys can see by name handle I'm a huge Jimmy fan.![]()
The photographer Dennis Stock was on the trip in the car behind! He took photos documenting the journey! Its probable he took photos! Maybe not? Paparazzi was different in the studio ruled 50's. Dennis Stock died a few yrs ago and I think I read something about there being photos he had locked away!
Yes, according to Dennis though he destroyed them because he didn't think it was right or so he says. But you like said it is probable that he took some but I guess we will never know.
Does anyone know what became of Donald Turnupspeed after the accident? I know that he refused to do interviews over the whole incident and reporters bugged him till no end. I think he died in the mid 90's; does anyone know if he actually talked about the accident before he died? I felt so sorry for this poor guy. He was known as the man who killed James Dean.
east of eden is by far his best. imho.
i think the reason i love Dean so much is because he was such a death hag!
also, that pic of Dean in the coffin is my favorite of him. and when i first saw it was the first time i realized i WAS a death hag. so i owe a lot to the man!![]()
From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity. ~Edvard Munch
i lost my mother at the age of 23 (last year) but it was so traumatic that i felt like i was that young when i lost her. now when i read about his loss, i feel that much more for him. i feel lucky to have had my mother in my life for as long as i did (though i still feel robbed.)
From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity. ~Edvard Munch
So sorry to hear about your losses, endsleigh and elnoradawn (23 is terribly young to lose a parent!). I'm very fortunate to have both parents and one grandparent living, but have always been fascinated with death since we went to "view" our next door neighbor at the funeral home when I was in 2nd grade. It freaked me out, I cried all night and was scared from that night on that someone I loved would die suddenly.
Sometimes I think I'm a death hag in order to keep myself safe from tragedy-- even though I believe God rules the world with irony. Strange thought, though.
James Dean was amazing as an actor... where was it that they differentiated between decapitation and ohhh, what is that term for severing PART of the head?? Fascinating. Funny I can't recall that word, since I used it like four times the day I first heard it.
It amazes me that people always think Rebel is only about teenage rebellion. The relationships in the story are so complicated...the mom harping at the dad and ruling the home while the dad is mr. meek and mild and jimmys character is being eaten alive by that dynamic...Sal's character wanting a parents love so bad that he sets Natalie and Jimmy up in those roles then rejects them when he thinks they abandoned him as his real parents did...I could go on and on but I won't ...just watch the movie and pay attention the the relationships...it's really great
I'm a huuuge Jimmy fan and I must admit that he is kindred spirit in many ways for me as well. I was gifted a night in the James Dean room by my boyfriend for my birthday this year...he stayed in that room for the duration of his taping for Giant and it was amazing! I love East of Eden but I must say my favorite is and always has been Giant.
To that person that brought up Liz Sheridan: according to her book Dizzy & Jimmy: My Life with James Dean: A Love Story her main reason for not getting hitched (aside from knowing she was too young to wed for her own good) was his known bisexuality. She couldn't handle a guy that was sleepin' 'round...who would? As a matter of fact she addresses this very thing on Larry King on the recent anniversary special they had on Jimmy's death.
Has anyone here read Surviving James Dean by William Bast. I'm eager to see what he really has to say about their "friendship".
I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I'm thankful to still have both of my parents. Jimmy losing his mom at a very young age always makes me so sad. I cannot imagine being only 9 and having to lose my mother and in a way my father. Jimmy had to go and live with his aunt and uncle so in a way he lost both is parents. I can't imagine the pain he carrried with him always because of this.
I'm not sure why I'm such a death hag. The first loss I ever experience was my grandmother at the age 5. It's bizzare that I do not remember her that well but I remember her feuneral in detail. That was the first time I saw a dead body. I guess in many ways it affected me.
The say that the shell of the Porsche disappeared off the back of the truck en route from fla. to Ca. The motor was sold to someone who was promptly killed racing with it. I think there is a story about it on snopes.com
Wow that really does look like him.
Someone send this to me earlier and I WANT one! Really does look like him.
That is QUITE a good likeness...right down to the cracked/chapped lips!
I love it! I so want a collection starting with James..I could not find a price though!
Oooh! That's actually really nice!! These figurines sometimes look kind of cross-eyed and creepy but this one.........I like it......I want it!
Thanks for posting that !!
Is it available life-sized???![]()
Lol Smooch...I like your thinking !
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Jimmy!
Was it my imagination or in Donald Turnupseeds link shown in Serendipitys post theres a link to the accident and it shows what looks like a head and torso on the ground in front of a gurney am I just seeing things because the pic is very grainy. Does anyone know the condition James Deans body was in?
Happy Birthday Jimmy Where Ever You May Be!!
I became a James Dean fan after watching East Of Eden one day when I was just 15 years old. I was blown away, he had it all. The looks and the talent. I then watched Rebel and fell more in love with Jimmy, he was amazing! He was such a sexy man but also had talent, all his films are great. Ok I will admit Giant isn't my fave film but he did a good job in the film.
I remember watching a TV show years ago which claimed James was still alive, they had photos taken from the crash and you could see him sitting up and looking very shocked, but after the show, the photos were never seen again! I've heard all the stories, that he haunts the road where he dies, he's still alive and living with nuns and so on....but he's gone...which is very sad.
James died so young but left us with 3 great films and a history which is amazing to read about.
James, I love you xx
I dont think it has much of a likeness at all, its really tacky I think but Im a horrible purist James Dean lover, So I mean no offense to those who like the doll!
East of Eden is my favorite film, I loved Giant but he wasnt in every scene so it rates 2nd!
Last edited by cherryghost; 02-09-2008 at 03:55 AM.
Sanford Roth was the photographer in the car behind Dean although Dennis Stock did take the coffin photos (as well as many other iconic Dean photos). Roth took some great shots of the "Giant" shoot If my fuzzy memory serves me correctly the Death of James Dean book said that when Roth arrived at the crash site he took photos of the crash and Dean's Body in the car for insurance purposes.I think the photo of Dean being loaded into the ambulance was his...but he never released the photos of Dean's body in the car as they were so graphic...He kept the negatives in a locked draw in his house and after his death his widow burnt them...
I just thought i would add a bit to this by saying that the story of the death photos started with Bill Hickman. He was a friend of Jimmys who was following along with Sandford Roth in Deans Ford station wagon. He stated that when they arrived upon the scene he jumped out of the car and rushed over to cradle Jimmy who was still trapped in the Porsche. As Jimmy was gasping for his last breath Roth was snapping photos. Hickman angered at this told Roth to put the camera away or he would hit him. Other then that the storys of the photos has never been proven. Also, as a side point someone stated that in one of the pictures they had seen what looks like a head looking up off the ground at the crash scene. The guy on the ground was Deans mechanic Rolf Wutherich who was in the car when the accident happened and was ejected out on impact. Fate claimed him though in 1980 in a drunk driving accident. As a side note Bill Hickman was a famous Hollywood stunt driver who later did some car chase scenes in movies like Bullitt and The French Connection.
James Franco is one actor who has played him that actually does look like him.
I think my all-time favorite Jimmy is Stephen McHattie (James Dean, 1976). I still get goosebumps seeing the elderly McHattie simply because the resemblance is still so uncanny.
Roth seemed to haunted from all I read after the accident and I thought it may have been because he did take the photos, I also read he left instructions after he died for the photos. Wow did he instruct his widow to destroy them, why didnt he do so himself! His widow doing so seems strange! Thats if the photos exist!
James Dean is one of those I wonder what his career would have been like had he not died so young. Something tells me he wouldn't be nearly as well known now had he not died.
The films he did do were great but those kind of flicks died out in the 60s. I really believe he would have quit Hollywood to do something else.
I havn´t seen a dead pic of him, but I have seen his death mask. I´m reading a book about how celebrities died and it said that Jimmy was almost decapitated, but that the cause of death was a broken neck.
Id like to see his death mask, I have never heard on one before!
The mask was not a true death mask, but rather a mold of Deans face taken for the aging that was done in Giant. Something i would love to get ahold of is a piece of his porsche the " Little Bastard".
I think that when you watch that first James Dean movie you should try to forget all the hype and really just focus on the acting. The hype all started with his abilty to act, to become the character. Remember that any movie that has Dean in it is atleast 55yrs old and shot in a time where method acting was just starting to take over how actors acted. I think if one wants a true glimpse of Dean watch EAST OF EDEN. The reason i say this is because you are not only watching James Dean the actor, but also you see what i think the true Jimmy Dean was like. Also lets not forget that Dean was only 24 years old when he died, and made all three of these movies within the year he passed. This guy MORE THAN LIKELY never even say himself on the big screen. Someone said that two actors were lost at Cholame that day, the first was James Dean and the second was Marlon Brando because with Dean dead Brando knew that he had no more compation and made only s**t movies after that. I believe thats true, so go and get a movie with James Dean in it and have your perspective of acting changed forever.
Well said.
divaghosty, may I also suggest watching EAST OF EDEN, that was Jimmy's first movie and to me his best. Yes, REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE is perhaps his most well known but East of Eden is just something else.
Here is perhaps the most powerful scene of East of Eden and my favorite:
This is the rejection of a father. When you watch this it's important to know that Jimmy improvised the ending....
This scene always gets to me....
Last edited by Mrs. James Dean; 02-10-2008 at 09:02 PM.