Happy 82nd BirthdayYou'd still be as hot
Happy 82nd BirthdayYou'd still be as hot
Scott posted this on FB, and I thought it was pretty cool.
Hi, just thought I'd share my latest drawing. The scan don't do the drawing justice! I am selling this one, so if anybody is interested make me an offer by email.
At Shannonlee1956@yahoo.com
Last edited by Shannon; 03-23-2013 at 01:39 PM.
I did a search, I didn't see the name so I started one.
It's been long rumored he liked kinky sex and was called The Human Ashtray. Has anyone seen the full autopsy report on him? Does it make anymention of the scars?
Check out Scott's "James Dean Crash" road trip episode!!!
It's awesome! Share it if you like it. Spread the love.
I like the story about his cursed car personally. Here's a quick copy paste from snopes:
At 5:45 p.m. on 30 September 1955, film icon James Dean was killed in a car accident when his new Porsche Spyder crashed head on into another car. Rolf Wutherich, Dean's friend and mechanic (who had been riding with the movie star) was thrown from the Spyder and survived the wreck, but Dean was pinned inside, his neck broken. Donald Turnupseed, the driver of the other car, suffered only relatively minor injuries.
After the accident, many fans refused to believe Dean was dead. A story circulated that he was still alive although terribly disfigured, and in true urban legend fashion this tale took on a life of its own.
Eerily, only a short while before his death, Dean had appeared in a car safety television spot, admonishing young people not to speed because "The life you might save might be mine."
I won't go into all the James Dean as a cult idol stuff except to say his mystique has staying power. For example, his tombstone was stolen twice in 1983, and in 1985 had to be replaced because of damage done to it by fans. Seems he was still the popular fella despite having been dead for three decades.
Back to the "haunted" Porsche. The following "information" comes from a newspaper article. Make of it what you will:
After the accident the Porsche was sold to a second-hand car dealer who put it on public view (supposedly in support of a campaign for road safety). He charged viewers twenty-five cents each to look at it.
Car designer George Barris next bought the car and planned to sell it for parts. When the car was delivered to his yard, it rolled back off the truckand broke a mechanic's legs.
Troy McHenry, a Beverly Hills doctor, bought the Dean engine and used it to replace the engine in his Porsche. The doctor was killed in a crash the first time he took the car out.
(Troy McHenry died on 22 October 1956 during a automobile race at the Pomona Fairground near Los Angeles. He was driving a Porsche Spyder, but I've yet to determine if Dean's engine was in that car.)
Another unnamed doctor bought the Dean transmission. He too was later seriously injured in a car crash.
An unnamed New Yorker bought two of the Dean tires. His car crashed when both tires mysteriously blew out at the same time.
The shell of the Dean car was being transported to a road safety exhibition in Salinas when the truck skidded and crashed. The driver was killed.
Stolen from the scene of that fatal accident was the shell of James Dean's car. It's never been recovered.
Another version of the disappearance of the shell was reported in a Los Angeles Times article on 30 October 1989. George Barris (the guy who sold the car for parts) was quoted as saying the last time he saw the shell was when he exhibited it in Florida in 1958. The car was loaded on a truck afterwards, but eight days later when the truck arrived at its destination, the car wasn't there. No mention of an accident.
Someone obviously stole the car ...no real mystery other than what they really did with it.....
photo.JPG Midnight. Looking for James Dean. Then the cop shows up. Mintgiver and her husband had to do some talking. The spooky-ish picture is worth it, though! Can you see something in the mist of the photo? It was really odd/cool in the cemetery.
That damn car is somewhere. My Dad told my Mom he saw the damn car in a garage. Thought nothing of it. Never cared for JD but the car is a mystery.
The Human Ashtray rumours weren't true. From memory he made a sculpture of a person whose legs encircle an ashtray, but that's the extent of it.
heres a picture angle I hadnt seen before of the survivor of the crash:
Cool find
Isn't it crazy how Jimmy and Rolf were so sitting right next to each other in that tiny little car, but Rolf was in good enough shape that he could chill out there on the ground like that, and JD was killed instantly?
Missing my Pa every day. RIP Daddy ❤️♥️
“Get drunk and sing Elvira”
Wow, nice find.
Well, I believe that Rolf's back was broken, so he is likely waiting for EMS. James Dean was in an open, low car that hit the side of a larger car on his side.. His head made direct impact with the front of the other car. It is no wonder that he died. I believe he sustained such an impact that his body pushed Rolf out of the car, and Dean was found in the passenger seat. If I remember correctly (50/50 today, you know?) there were a few questions at first about who was driving. The cop that I talked with told me that there was nothing left to view, but I am not sure how much of that was "touristy."but Rolf was in good enough shape that he could chill out there on the ground like that, and JD was killed instantly?
There were a lot of cars that toured the country billed as James Dean's death car. Back in 1957, a newspaper reporter in Richmond, Virginia noticed that exhibitors were showing off one car as Dean's death car in Richmond while another was being shown at the same time in Lima, Ohio. He started tracking the story down and found that there were at least four cars traveling around billed as the death car and 3 of them weren't even Porsche 550 Spyders!
The real Dean car wound up in the hands of Dean Jeffries, a stunt coordinator and custom car builder who knew James Dean and painted "Little Bastard" on the car for the actor. Dean Jeffries said the Death Car was destroyed in a garage fire in 1966.
Yeah I also remember that there was a whole debate on whether or not James Dean was driving.
Just had to give a little love to James Dean on his deathaversary. I think I'll re-watch DDTV's special tonight.
Archer Fact: You canâ??t tourniquet the taint. (Source: Ray Gillette)
58 years...Still a legend. Rest in peace Jimmy.
RIP James
What I wouldn't give for a time machine![]()
Missing my Pa every day. RIP Daddy ❤️♥️
“Get drunk and sing Elvira”
new pics of Jimmy and the rest of he cast and crew on the set of East of Eden![]()
Missing my Pa every day. RIP Daddy ❤️♥️
“Get drunk and sing Elvira”
Great photos Sassy!
Dean was a hottie, but he probably reeked of cigarette smoke, even considering it was the 50's
His girlfriend, Pier Angelli, always regretted she let her mother talk her out of marrying Dean. Supposedly she never got over it and that it was a factor in her suicide.
60 years ago today the world lost James Dean. RIP#RememberingJamesDean
Happy death day, baby.
Wow this is my first time logging in for three years! I've been so neglectful! Hehe. Anyway I was on Scott's James Dean page again earlier today and was looking up the locations mentioned on StreetView. I'm gutted to see that the gas station where he last filled up and where the last photo of him taken in LA was looks like it's going to be demolished... it might even be already, as the StreetView image is from June this year. Am so sad... It was another spot I'd hoped to visit... that's history right there. Why can't places be left be?
Last edited by modette; 08-26-2016 at 04:40 PM.
I want to see the road where it was at when I'm on my next vacation in Long Beach/L.A
Get some photos if you can Tiffany :-)
Had he lived, James Dean would have been a guest star in a Love Boat episode, a supporting star in Dynasty, would have given an inspiring (did the word exist back then?) speech at the 1980 democrat convention and in 2021 would tell the young that saving the planet is important (or racism is bad) and the kids would be so moved by this guy with the chiclet teeth.
Last edited by J from Paris; 05-21-2021 at 01:24 PM. Reason: moved by, not moved at
J from Paris, are you talking to yourself again ?
Yep, seems like it, pal.
No, you aren't. I've read every one of your posts. I'm just not a Dean fan. It takes time for the ice to break. A good start would be for you to reply to other members posts. That's what I did when I joined almost 14 years ago. And even today, people ignore me. Big deal. Just jump in, be friendly, and don't give up.
Actually, I wasn't complaining about myself, but a warm welcome in return is always good for the taking. I was rather noticing that the forum(s) seem kind of dormant, in addition to the lack of real novelties on findadeath.com , which is a shame because both the forum and the site are real fun, althouth not the same kind of fun.![]()
I did welcome you J, awhile back and more people will open up once you reply to others posts, let's get back to talking about James, as for me I don't and didn't ever see the appeal in him, didn't really like him or his movies.
Hi J! Go back and read every single entry on every single dead person on the main site; they are all good. But beware that you could lose a weekend or a week that way. Start with Steve Allen! Or Divine. Or Bea Arthur.
Pecunia Loquitur Taurus Cacas Ambulat
Can anyone recommend an accurate biography of James Dean? Or better yet, can anyone advise what biographies to avoid? I've saved one article on Dean for future reference - it mentioned his various biographers, including one man who never met Dean but claimed to have been his lover. The man in question (who wrote a book about his "relationship" with James) was in high school when Dean died. As far as I've read, James didn't hang out with (much less have sex with) underage people.
The only time I've seen anything about James and anyone underage was when I read the Hollywood Bablylon books by Kenneth Danger. In them, he claimed James had a thing for kids as well as the fact he and nearly every actor was gay but hid it. He also had an obsession about the sizes of the actors trouser departments as well for some reason....anyways, over the years, nearly every claim he made in the books have been debunked.
Most entries in Kenneth Anger's books have been false. I think he liked to stir the pot just for fun. As for Dean I would say he was bisexual at least. These so called "girlfriends" were probably studio hookups to keep the public from finding out. Tab Hunter said the lengths they went to to keep the public at bay was ridiculous. Natalie Wood knew Tab was gay but she went along with it. Looking back on Dean's films I really don't think he was that good, overwrought and over acted.
Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.
In this interview (link above) Maila Nurmi aka Vampira rips apart the author I was referring to: John Gilmore's Live Fast, Die Young: Remembering the Short Life of James Dean. If you see this book anywhere, don't walk - run in the opposite direction. He comes across as yet another all-knowing-because-I-was-part-of-it-all bullshitter.
Maila described him as follows: [John] never knew him, never met him, and wrote a whole book about their supposed sexual relationship, books and books. John Gilmore was about 17 years old and going to Hollywood High one week before Jimmy died. In September 1955, he decided he had a crush on Jimmy Dean. He was a homosexual whore. When he was in high school, he was already hanging around on Sunset Strip looking for rich men, while he was living in the valley with his mother and going to Hollywood High. And one week before Jimmy died, he came to Googie’s looking for him. He had heard Jimmy hangs out at Googie’s. He was a pretty blond by some people’s standards, and Jack Simmons found him and was hot for him and took him on as a trick and said, “Yes, I’ll lead you to Jimmy Dean,” but then Jack immediately hid Jimmy. Jack wanted Jimmy all for himself.
John Gilmore never got to meet Jimmy Dean, but now he writes books about how he and Jimmy lived together in New York, when the kid would have been nine years old at the time. But he’s a very good writer and he’s a very good researcher. He researches and reads everything, everything that’s ever been written, and then he writes the scene the way it really existed: the time, the place and all the characters. He takes out one character and puts himself in — writes it with himself. Like he’s taken me, I’m out of the scene and he’s there.
He's also written about knowing Marilyn Monroe (from the book's description on Amazon): From Hollywood to New York and back, spanning over a decade, Monroe’s role in Gilmore’s life climaxed when they were about to star in a movie together before tragedy struck in Marilyn's life. On IMDB he's Jonathan Gilmore with nine roles, three of them uncredited. He was an untested unknown, approx. nine years younger than Marilyn, making it unlikely any studio would've "starred " him in any film, much less with Marilyn. More likely he would've been an extra on Something's Got To Give.
He died in 2016, so we're spared any more bullshit from him.
Reminds me of someone on Youtube who was in Paris and got access to Marlene Dietrich's personal book collection. Showed one of her books on camera. Eddie Fisher wrote in his autobio that he had an "unusual" sexual relationship with Marlene. In her copy of that book next to the "unusual relationship" reference she wrote "“You said it, kid. We never met.”
Vampira with fake James Dean.jpg
Vampira with the real James Dean.jpg
The premiere of Giant took place at the Roxy Theater, NYC, 10/10/56. Youtube footage shows the proceedings before the melee, and I’ve been unable to find any photos of the event. The Hollywood premiere (at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre) took place eight days later; apparently there was no repeat of rioting.
James had been dead for thirteen months, but there were those who believed he was still alive – it was all just an elaborate publicity stunt! They were convinced James would attend the premiere. I’ve also read that some people believed that he survived the car accident but was hideously disfigured. Would’ve loved to have heard the arguments between those two lunatic fringe-elements of fans! He’s alive but not disfigured versus he’s alive but he’s disfigured and living in seclusion, etc. As an example, I've attached a photo of Vampira with a man dressed as "bandaged James Dean", complete with Dean's trademark glasses.
Carroll Baker in Baby Doll gives a vivid description of the events of the NYC premiere. Incredibly, in spite of what happened, the spirits of those who were assaulted weren’t dampened. I read the book specifically to find out about James, but Carroll wrote a very interesting autobio.
Accounts were circulating of a weird cult who worshipped James Dean, believing that he was still alive. A group of these fanatics had been camped outside the Roxy Theatre, expecting to see Jimmy arrive at the Giant Premiere. Two hours before we were due to leave for the theatre, George Stevens had a reception for the cast in his hotel suite. The head of Warner’s publicity department gave a speech in which he advised us that was some concern for our safety. The New York Police Department believed that they were well-prepared, that the wooden barriers would hold back the crowds, and as long as nothing sparked off a riot, our entrance into the theatre should go smoothly. We were instructed not to go into the crowd or reply to any inflammatory shouts. The press would be permitted to photograph us entering the theatre, but in case of a warning from the police chief, we were to calmly but steadily file past the press and into the auditorium……
There was an enormous crowd outside the Roxy, stretching for blocks in every direction and ten deep. They cheered and waved and leaned over the police barricades to peer into the limos. They seemed excited but friendly….
[Carroll’s husband] Jack and I stepped out of our limo and onto the sidewalk immediately behind Elizabeth [Taylor] and Mike Todd. A loud roar went up from the crowd. I had expected applause and cheers for Elizabeth, but something was terribly wrong in the sound of that grating and discordant roar. Having been first in line, the fanatic Dean cult were nearest the red-carpet aisle leading into the entrance. Those closest to us were thrashing against the barriers, letting out menacing eerie cries; they had red, distorted, lunatic-like faces. The sight of them filled me with revulsion a moment before the premonition of danger gripped me. Jack held my arm tightly. “Carroll, I don’t like the look of this. Let’s try and get into the lobby.”
But the path of entry was narrow and clogged by reporters and photographers who had no intention of giving way. Mike Todd also sensed danger. He turned over his shoulder to Jack and me, observed the hysterical, pushing crowd, and shouted “You better think about that baby [Carroll was pregnant] and get inside away from this. I’m going to have to shove the photographers aside and get Elizabeth to safety.” As Mike began to tunnel his way through the first group of cameramen, there was an explosion of human bodies across the barricades and a stampede of howling maniacs trampled each other and rushed the actors. Cameras flew in the air along with notepads, policemen’s caps, and ladies’ handbags. Jane Withers fell to her knees. Millions of hands were tearing at us, our gowns, our jewelry, our hair. Jack threw his arm around me to protect our baby. I could feel the hammering on his back and arms. His pleas of “Stop! Stop! My wife is pregnant!” were drowned in a cacophony of wild, furious raving.
Three girls were hanging on Elizabeth’s hair and forcing her into a backbend. Mike threw his body weight against them to dislodge them, and then, putting his arms around Elizabeth, seemed to protectively tuck her head under his and onto his chest. Elizabeth was screaming, “My earring, I’ve lost one of my ten-thousand-dollar earrings!” [A recent present from Mike Todd, this was the first time Elizabeth was wearing them.] ……
The police were regaining their footing and struggling to throw their bodies around us in a cordon. The photographers also backed up against the crowd and gave us enough of an opening to dart into the safety of the lobby.
The actors who had arrived first and missed the rioting were already in their seats. Those of us who been in the thick of it were ushered into the manager’s office and given large brandies. Everyone’s first thought was for my baby. George Stevens wanted to call a doctor, but I assured him that physically I felt fine. Jack had protected me by taking all the knocks himself…..
We were all very disheveled and a bit bruised, but no one was seriously injured. Jane Withers looked as if she had taken the worst punishment. She had raw, skinned knees and a hopelessly torn evening gown. Rock [Hudson] was bending over her. He had lost his bow tie, his shirt front was ripped open, and one cuff danged over his hand where the cuff link had fallen out. Jane was forever jolly, and Rock always had a twinkle in his eyes, so they looked as though they’d been costumed for a one-reel black-and-white comedy.
“Oh, your poor knees!” Elizabeth squealed. Turning to the manager, she told him to find a first-aid kit…
Jane protested good-naturedly. “Naw, don’t worry about me, Liz, I been livin’ on a ranch. I’m used to a few scratches.”
But Elizabeth was insistent. “No, Jane, they must at least be cleaned.” Then she held up her remaining earring. “What am I going to do with one earring?”…
The policy kept filing into the office with a squashed handbag, or a bent comb, or a cracked compact, or a mangled set of keys, until the manager’s desk had a heaped pile of jumbled personal belongings. Every time they came in, Elizabeth would ask “Well, did you find my ten-thousand-dollar earring?” …
The manager returned with the first-aid kit and said rather timidly, “The audience is just about all seated.” Everyone ignored him because a delivery boy had followed him in with a box containing a couple dozen corned beef sandwiches [ordered by Mike once they reached the safety of that office]. Surprisingly enough, we were all hungry and dug into the sandwich box; and the manager, whose office was well stocked with booze, produced several more bottles of brandy.
Rock handed Jane the Mercurochrome, saying, “I’d put this on for you, but I go wild for knees!”
Jane pulled one of her famous mugs and chuckled, “Stay where you are, boy, we don’t want you getting’ all hot under the collar.”
Rock pointed to his gaping shirt. “Do I still have a collar?” And we all broke into laughter.
Elizabeth gave a loud squawk. “I know what I’ll do with this one. I’ll have them make me a matching brooch!” [Mike had just called the jeweler and arranged for new earrings to be delivered the next morning.]
Her earring problem solved, Liz remembered that her head was sore where her hair had been tugged. When the manager, who had been mumbling under his breath, “I believe the audience must be in by now”, produced a bottle of aspirin from his desk drawer, Rock took the bottle. He dangled it in front of Elizabeth and teased, “Come on, Elizabeth, give the aspirin to the real victim, the wig.”
Elizabeth began to giggle, unpinned her supplementary “fall”, which was heaped upon her own ample head of hair, held the wig on her upper lip, and bending her knees, slouched around the room in a Groucho Marx imitation.
The manager waited for a lull in the laughter, and clearing his throat, offered apologetically, “Perhaps we should go in now.”
Now that we had regained our composure, we repaired ourselves the best we could and finally entered the auditorium.
No, had he lived -- and presuming he could attain the same preternatural emotional maturity -- James Dean would have been Paul Newman. It was Newman who was runner-up for East of Eden, and it was Dean who was slated for the lead in Newman's Somebody Up There Likes Me at the time of his death. I've often speculated about some whack alternate dimension wherein the equally race-crazy Newman dies tragically young in a car crash and James Dean goes on to become a much-lauded elder statesman of film. Maybe I can't see James Dean as Butch Cassidy (although he did always want to play Billy the Kid), but I sure as hell can see him as Fast Eddie Felson, Cool Hand Luke, Brick Pollitt, Hud Bannon...hell, maybe even Doc Hudson.