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Thread: River Phoenix - Warning Dead Pic!

  1. #351
    Guest Guest
    Not only that, but he was having seizures, falling down hard on to the table and sliding away beneath it. Even more frightening was the difficulty he had breathing. Even as he passed Johnny playing onstage on his way outside to grab some fresh air with Samantha, leaf and Rain, it was no better. In fact he was now only minutes away from losing his life. he collapsed on to the pavement in a fit of violent twitching and thrashing. According to one photographer outside the club, he looked like 'a fish out of water, flapping around the sidewalk like a guppy'

    The strange thing was that people walked by, no crowd formed and no one stopped to help. It was afterall Halloween when every oddball in the area was on parade....

  2. #352
    Dylgem22 Guest
    That is so sad!! I really was a fan of River!! But, he did that to himself! I wish he hadn't and I still get sad thinking about him not being here, but he made bad choices!! Thanks for sharing those snippets from the book!!

  3. #353
    Guest Guest
    No worries, took a while typing in the dark but I got there in the end lol

    Yeah I think River just got caught up in the celeb world and made a very bad decision

    I don't like how Joaquin keeps getting compared to and asked about his brother like in 'walk the line' he talks about his brother dying and in an interview he was asked if that brought back memories of River. I wish ppl would leave him alone about that.
    Last edited by Guest; 06-13-2008 at 11:05 PM.

  4. #354
    Dylgem22 Guest
    I agree!! Joaquin has made a very good name for himself and pretty much kept out of trouble .. he did (not sure if he is still battling it) have a problem with alcohol not too long ago, but I guess a little slip-up is nothing compared to taking every drug under the sun!! I really love Joaquin, not because he is Rivers brother, but I have loved his acting and he is definitely easy on my eyes!!! It must have been a horrible experience to see a brother die right in front of you and not being able to help .. he probably wants to push that memory behind him and people keep on bringing it up .. show him some respect I say!!

  5. #355
    Guest Guest
    I just finished watching Stand by me..... sigh........ I cried several times during the movie....... it seems deeper to me now...... seeing him crying in the scene where he feels like people judge him because of his family....I always loved him, my favorite was his performance in The Last Crusade... it was just a few scenes but he was sooooo cute and charming....... it seems more bittersweet watching him now, knowing what the real ending is for him

  6. #356
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Upstate NY
    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    Look at this one. Creepy shit to the left and front of me.
    Woah! That's a cool pic!! I see the figure slumped down in the foreground and then a face in he door.

    VERY cool pic! (And tat's btw! )

    This thread makes me think I need to break out Stand By Me again...

  7. #357
    Seagorath Guest
    Lost in Hollywood is a wonderful book...I really want to visit the Viper Room...River was one of my heroes as a kid...loved him as Young Indiana Jones...R.I.P. River!

  8. #358
    Seagorath Guest
    Wow! Love your pics...Thanks for sharing!

    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    This is me today, using the very phone Joaquin used

  9. #359
    KarmaKat Guest
    I have heard of many strange photos of the viper room. We travelled to LA about 3 years ago and every pic taken had strange bit in it. Will try and track them down and post.
    Does anyone know if River is haunting the Viper room? Havent heard anything to that affect but you never know?

  10. #360
    Guest Guest
    on a funny note... His real name was River Jude Bottom before the family changed it to Phoenix

  11. #361
    Guest Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica Rabbit View Post
    on a funny note... His real name was River Jude Bottom before the family changed it to Phoenix
    I shouldn't laugh at that but I can't help it lol

  12. #362
    princess_oasis Guest
    Here's my little bit of info regarding the drugs that killed him. It's rumoured that it was John Frusciante from RHCP who gave him the drugs. Now just after River died, John went on a serious bender and left RHCP for a while. In the book " Scar Tissue " by Anthony Kiedes, the chapter about Rivers death is very short and he doesnt give out any info about his death in the fear of upsetting the Phoenix family, he almost skips past the incident.

    That kinda makes sense if it was John who gave him the drugs.

    Also, apparantly Rivers dad has said that he knows who gave River the drugs but he's keeping quiet about it because it wont bring his son back or help " the dealer " if he names them.

  13. #363
    southerngothic Guest
    This was touched on a bit, but River's family was a member of the children of god:
    from when he was about 2 until about 8.
    Remember this is the same cult that Ricky Rodriguez (discussed in another thread)was raised in:
    River said he "lost his virginity" at age 4. I seriously believe that he probably endured alot of sexual abuse during his time in the cult. This cult is famous for child molestation.
    Needless to say, that could really mess someone up and could possibly be what drove him to drugs. Not to say all child victims are destined to be addicts, but you know what I mean.

  14. #364
    riverchick23 Guest

    so strange

    Wow, I can't believe I found a "fresh" River post after all of these years!! Amazing and so timely. I have been in love with River since I was 11, after seeing him in Stand By Me like everyone else. He has been the love of my life, no other way to put it. Anyone who knows me, knows River (whether they like it or not, ha ha). He was everything to me as a pre-teen and teen, and his death crushed me at age 17. I couldn't believe that I would never get to meet him finally. I was always just a little too young and I never got the chance to catch up to him. Weird now that I have totally surpassed him in age...

    The picture from the Viper Room has straight up put a chill through my body. I saw the slumped image right away, but when other people mentioned it, too, I lost it. So amazing and scary. I went to the Viper Room when I lived in L.A. last year, but nothing freaky happened to me. IT was surreal being there, though.

    My River obsession goes in waves. He is always on my mind, but I really only pop in a movie and cry about once every six months or so. I have been married for 8 years and have a full life - River pulled me through SO MANY hard times growing up, but I am now a well-adjusted adult and can handle his death. Or so I thought.

    I have NO IDEA what is going on with me lately, but I almost feel possessed. I am a total death hag (even wrote an article about Old Hollywood, interviewed Scott Michaels and mentioned this site for TAPS Paramagazine a few months ago) and have always felt a connection to the spirt world and the other, darker side. But what I am feeling now with River is really freaking me out.

    My husband and I moved to Central Florida a month ago, and I now live about an hour from Gainesville, where River lived with his family. We have been there a few times, walking around his old haunts. I took a picture and can see River's face in the sky, it looks like a sketch drawing. It is him, as clear as day.

    I have been up for hours each night for the past week, searching for all things River on the Internet. I am sad and depressed. I feel weird and out of it, and think of him constantly. A dog ran up to my husband and I the other day, and it was identical to one of RIver's beloved dogs (see his PETA spot on youtube). Knew it the minute I saw it, it looked familiar. The dog was running towards the busy road and we saved it.

    I am so sad lately. I don't know what is wrong with me, but River is all I can think about lately. My husband is pissed - he knows I am a lifelong fan but now all I talk about is River. I have dreams about River every night, too. Some realistic, some vague. I am sure this has nothing to do with River, but we had a bad storm here yesterday, and when it was over, we looked out of door and saw our neighbor's welcome mat right in front of our door. It was flipped around so "welcome" faced our direction. We thought it was odd that our neighbor had given us this mat. Today, it was back in front of his door - he didn't give it to us and probably thought we stole it! How it got there we have no idea, but it was perfectly in front of our door. Just one of the freaky things happening lately.

    Besides being a death hag, I am a relatively sane person. This is just SO wierd for me - I can't explain how badly I wish River was alive and I feel like he wants to be, too. I almost feel ...haunted. Any thoughts besides I need to go to a mental ward??? I have always had an amazing connection to River, but this is going above and beyond. And that picture just put me over the edge.
    Last edited by riverchick23; 07-01-2008 at 12:13 AM.

  15. #365
    MAMA2AROTT Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by riverchick23 View Post
    Wow, I can't believe I found a "fresh" River post after all of these years!! Amazing and so timely. I have been in love with River since I was 11, after seeing him in Stand By Me like everyone else. He has been the love of my life, no other way to put it. Anyone who knows me, knows River (whether they like it or not, ha ha). He was everything to me as a pre-teen and teen, and his death crushed me at age 17. I couldn't believe that I would never get to meet him finally. I was always just a little too young and I never got the chance to catch up to him. Weird now that I have totally surpassed him in age...

    The picture from the Viper Room has straight up put a chill through my body. I saw the slumped image right away, but when other people mentioned it, too, I lost it. So amazing and scary. I went to the Viper Room when I lived in L.A. last year, but nothing freaky happened to me. IT was surreal being there, though.

    My River obsession goes in waves. He is always on my mind, but I really only pop in a movie and cry about once every six months or so. I have been married for 8 years and have a full life - River pulled me through SO MANY hard times growing up, but I am now a well-adjusted adult and can handle his death. Or so I thought.

    I have NO IDEA what is going on with me lately, but I almost feel possessed. I am a total death hag (even wrote an article about Old Hollywood, interviewed Scott Michaels and mentioned this site for TAPS Paramagazine a few months ago) and have always felt a connection to the spirt world and the other, darker side. But what I am feeling now with River is really freaking me out.

    My husband and I moved to Central Florida a month ago, and I now live about an hour from Gainesville, where River lived with his family. We have been there a few times, walking around his old haunts. I took a picture and can see River's face in the sky, it looks like a sketch drawing. It is him, as clear as day.

    I have been up for hours each night for the past week, searching for all things River on the Internet. I am sad and depressed. I feel weird and out of it, and think of him constantly. A dog ran up to my husband and I the other day, and it was identical to one of RIver's beloved dogs (see his PETA spot on youtube). Knew it the minute I saw it, it looked familiar. The dog was running towards the busy road and we saved it.

    I am so sad lately. I don't know what is wrong with me, but River is all I can think about lately. My husband is pissed - he knows I am a lifelong fan but now all I talk about is River. I have dreams about River every night, too. Some realistic, some vague. I am sure this has nothing to do with River, but we had a bad storm here yesterday, and when it was over, we looked out of door and saw our neighbor's welcome mat right in front of our door. It was flipped around so "welcome" faced our direction. We thought it was odd that our neighbor had given us this mat. Today, it was back in front of his door - he didn't give it to us and probably thought we stole it! How it got there we have no idea, but it was perfectly in front of our door. Just one of the freaky things happening lately.

    Besides being a death hag, I am a relatively sane person. This is just SO wierd for me - I can't explain how badly I wish River was alive and I feel like he wants to be, too. I almost feel ...haunted. Any thoughts besides I need to go to a mental ward??? I have always had an amazing connection to River, but this is going above and beyond. And that picture just put me over the edge.
    I kind of understand with what your going through, I was 17 as well when River died and I couldn't believe it at first, I grew up watching him and had his posters all over the wall it's really sad I always wonder what would have become of him if he had lived.

  16. #366
    Dylgem22 Guest
    ^^ I too was "obsessed" with River growing up .. I was only 15 when he passed, a few years younger than you guys, but I still was devistated .. funny how sometimes people who we never met can affect us in ways, if we let it .. anyways, even years after his death, I was still relatively obsessed .. I watched his movies over and over, etc .. collected all the magazines and pictures from his death .. up until maybe like 5 years ago, I was still "everything River" and then I just got over it .. I know that sounds harsh, but more like I got over the obsession .. I still think about him now and then, and like you, I may pop in one of his movies and watch it and get a good cry .. "Running on Empty" does that for me :-) Anyways, I like this thread because its not too "Obsessive River" like others, but you can still chat about him and say things without feeling like you belong in a mental ward! Hahahaha !! I loved reading your post Riverchick!!

  17. #367
    princess_oasis Guest
    I was 18 when he died, very surreal feeling. I had been at an all night rave and came home, went to sleep and got up the next day and it was on the news, i didnt really believe it for days.

  18. #368
    riverchick23 Guest
    I am glad you guys can understand how I am feeling! It is just so odd, I do go through the phases where I don't think about River much, and at those times he just feels like a part of my past. But he has such an enigmatic soul and personality that it is sooo easy to get sucked back into the obsession. It's true- if we let it take hold, it will. I always think, wow, if I feel this connected to him and haunted by him - how the hell do the people who REALLY knew him feel???

    I just got to thinking about who I would have been without him in my life, and I can honestly say that I don't know. Not to sound cheesy like those other River sites, but he has been in my life for 21 of my 32 years and it is hard to seperate what he brought into my life from what I would have been without loving (as pathetic as that sounds) him. I cared about the environment,eating organically, rainforest destruction, animal rights and a myriad of other things long before it was popular to do so. I am a vegetarian. I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers and I even rocked a few pairs of Converse All Stars growing up. Is all of this due to River's influence on my life?? Would I have been this way/had these interests without him? I really don't know and I guess I will never know. I was 11 when I discovered him and my personality was just starting to come into its own. Anything was possible. The lines are blurred between who I am and who River was.

    I have no idea how someone I didn't even know in person could shape my life and change it forever. Some of my best childhood/teen memories come from someone I had never even met. This man was amazing to have had such an impact on so many people's lives. I really don't care about celebrities at all and don't get star-struck when I run into one, but I have no idea what I would have done if given the opportunity to meet River in person. I guess there is no use in wondering, anyway.

    It feels good to get these feelings off my chest. Sometimes I feel like a pre-teen again, instead of a grown woman, because of these thoughts. I have a feeling that I will be "everything River" until I take my last breath!
    Last edited by riverchick23; 07-01-2008 at 12:21 PM.

  19. #369
    MAMA2AROTT Guest
    You go girl!

  20. #370
    Guest Guest
    My hubby was looking at pics of river and of Joachim and he said they don't look anything alike. Is it possible that they had different fathers because of the whole "children of god" thing?..... I don't want to start a debate because I adore both brothers, but they don't look alike. Or do they both favor a different parent?

  21. #371
    MAMA2AROTT Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica Rabbit View Post
    My hubby was looking at pics of river and of Joachim and he said they don't look anything alike. Is it possible that they had different fathers because of the whole "children of god" thing?..... I don't want to start a debate because I adore both brothers, but they don't look alike. Or do they both favor a different parent?
    They both favor a differnet parent, River, Summer look alot like the Mom as the others I think took after their Father ( I assume) I've never seen a picture of the Father.

  22. #372
    Guest Guest
    I think it's bittersweet how both brothers have been nominated for Oscars..... I can imagine where River would be now

  23. #373
    heartbreakdj00 Guest
    I can only imagine how accomplished River would be by now. This is such a sad story it always makes my heart sigh a little bit.

  24. #374
    Guest Guest
    I know...... I always get kind of meloncholy thinking of him, but am so proud of what Joachim has been able to accomplish

  25. #375
    heartbreakdj00 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica Rabbit View Post
    I know...... I always get kind of meloncholy thinking of him, but am so proud of what Joachim has been able to accomplish
    Yea I know Everytime I watch Signs Im always so proud to see that he has accomplished so much.

  26. #376
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MAMA2AROTT View Post
    They both favor a differnet parent, River, Summer look alot like the Mom as the others I think took after their Father ( I assume) I've never seen a picture of the Father.
    I actually thought they looked alike in certain aspects me I think they have the same shape eyes .. but Joaquin looks just like his dad IMO .. River looked like a cross between his mom and dad .. and yes, Summer looks more like River and Rain and Liberty look like Joaquin to me ..

  27. #377
    Helby Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SheBoss View Post
    Has Depp made a regular movie in years?
    he just wrapped a picture about the life of mobsters back in the 30's. He plays john dillinger. Should be a good movie.

  28. #378
    lil_zino Guest
    Well, this is interesting to say the least

    I've heard rumors about River getting someone pregnant, but this goes real in-depth.

    Oh and I cannot wait til I'm out in California. My husband said one of the first places we can go is the Viper Room. I've always been so fascinated by it's storied history. The building must have a lot of character.

  29. #379
    riverchick23 Guest
    I catch bad and weird vibes from places pretty easily and I can honestly say that as Rivers #1 fan (yeah, I am cheesy like that) that I didn't get any bad vibes from the Viper Room at all. We even spent an entire night there, listening to a horrible singer. My husband used the storied bathroom which freaked me out, though. One time we were walking down Sunset Blvd. and past the Viper and I felt really sad, but I am sure that was just me reacting to what had happened there. Over all, the Viper Room was pretty uneventful for me. It wasn't really exciting to be there at all. But then again, I was a fan during River's life and don't like to dwell on his death at all. That says a lot coming from a death hag!!!

    If you are going to L.A. and are a death hag, I would suggest going by Rebecca Schaeffer's apt. on Sweetzer Ave. in West Hollywood. I caught a bad vibe there that didn't leave me for an entire afternoon. Not exactly fun, but I guess us weirdos like that sort of thing, ha ha. Look up her story on findadeath - SO SAD.

    Going to El Coyote (Sharon Tate's last meal) and then past where her house used to be in Benedict Canyon is kinda cool, too. Rudolph Valentino's Falcon Lair is fun, too. I just don't do River's death... And I know his spirit isn't stuck on Sunset Blvd., if anything, it hangs around Gainesville, FL. And I doubt he has a kid out there...just my two cents.

  30. #380
    Join Date
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    Jumping Into a Space Vortex
    I still wish to see the Viper Room, but I guess it's just not my time yet. Oh well...maybe when I'm old enough.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Didn't know that was a thing...

  31. #381
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by princess_oasis View Post
    I was 18 when he died, very surreal feeling. I had been at an all night rave and came home, went to sleep and got up the next day and it was on the news, i didnt really believe it for days.
    I loved River growing up and like you all,sad when he died. I remember when I first saw that coffin picture of him,freaked me out for days.And when I watched Sneakers after he died,I just cried. Reading these posts,made me dream about him last night.Which I don't mind.

  32. #382
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lil_zino View Post
    Well, this is interesting to say the least

    I've heard rumors about River getting someone pregnant, but this goes real in-depth.
    If thats true then what I don't understand is if the chick found another guy to be the kids father,then why even call River to let him know his son's born and he can't be a part of his life. Thats just mean.Understand what I'm saying?.....I've never heard these rumors.Hopefully its not true.I'll be very jealous if it is,River was suppose to be the father of my child

  33. #383
    lil_zino Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by laynestaleyfan View Post
    If thats true then what I don't understand is if the chick found another guy to be the kids father,then why even call River to let him know his son's born and he can't be a part of his life. Thats just mean.Understand what I'm saying?.....I've never heard these rumors.Hopefully its not true.I'll be very jealous if it is,River was suppose to be the father of my child
    I know it's just an odd story all the way around. So convenient that it falls in the middle of being way too out there to be true. But, just enough info to make one say "Hmmm, that could've been possible". If I come across any more info, I'll post, of course.

    Well, with the magic of Photoshop, you and River could have kids

  34. #384
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lil_zino View Post

    Well, with the magic of Photoshop, you and River could have kids

  35. #385
    riverchick23 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lil_zino View Post
    I know it's just an odd story all the way around. So convenient that it falls in the middle of being way too out there to be true. But, just enough info to make one say "Hmmm, that could've been possible". If I come across any more info, I'll post, of course.

    Well, with the magic of Photoshop, you and River could have kids

    Hmmm, and I could start this process how?? J/K That's too funny.

  36. #386
    princess_oasis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by laynestaleyfan View Post
    I loved River growing up and like you all,sad when he died. I remember when I first saw that coffin picture of him,freaked me out for days.And when I watched Sneakers after he died,I just cried. Reading these posts,made me dream about him last night.Which I don't mind.
    The coffin pic is horrible isn't it ? I'll look at any death pics, they dont bother me at all but Rivers does a little. He just looks so goulish ( i dont know if i spelled that correctly )

  37. #387
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by princess_oasis View Post
    The coffin pic is horrible isn't it ? I'll look at any death pics, they dont bother me at all but Rivers does a little. He just looks so goulish ( i dont know if i spelled that correctly )
    Yeah that is the worst dead picture I've ever seen.For the longest time when I would think of River that picture popped in my head.

  38. #388
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    Cool pics Jefe, thanks for sharing. Is is just me, or does it almost look like the outline of a body trying to sit up at the bottom of the pic? Or maybe like the outline of someone slumped against the wall? Freaky...
    OMFG! It does! Creepy!

  39. #389
    princess_oasis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by laynestaleyfan View Post
    Yeah that is the worst dead picture I've ever seen.For the longest time when I would think of River that picture popped in my head.

    Me too

  40. #390
    Trinityj Guest
    I didn't know much about River when he died, but to see such a tragic death moved me so much, I was pregnant at the time with my son, and I named him Brogan River, in this talented young mans memory. Nice thing is my son is 14 now, and when ever anyone hears his name, they always comment on how gifted River was. useless fact I know, but I just wanted to share it.

  41. #391
    **Jenna** Guest
    Thats a pretty name

  42. #392
    lil_zino Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by princess_oasis View Post
    The coffin pic is horrible isn't it ? I'll look at any death pics, they dont bother me at all but Rivers does a little. He just looks so goulish ( i dont know if i spelled that correctly )
    I have a pretty strong stomach and don't usually let stuff get to me. But yeah, that picture is one of two things that just bothers me when I see it.

  43. #393
    princess_oasis Guest
    He just looks so small and thin. But, all self inflicted i guess.

  44. #394
    Dylgem22 Guest
    I think his face creeps me out in his coffin pic .. just the way he looks like he is not peaceful .. and I know his death was in no way peaceful, but still .. he could have looked a bit nicer .. that is what creeps me out about it .. I still can't bare to look at it ..

  45. #395
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    New Jersey
    River is the reason I came to FAD. I was fan of his from when I was a kid after seeing Stand By Me and Running On Empty but over the years I kind of forgot about him. Then one Sunday I was online and decided to read about him again. Found the coffin pic and his FAD page and was hooked on the site.

    He was such a talented actor and to this day thinking about the late 80s-early 90s is envokes such a bittersweet feeling knowing he was only a few years away from death.

  46. #396
    IrishBabe Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mustang93 View Post
    River is the reason I came to FAD. I was fan of his from when I was a kid after seeing Stand By Me and Running On Empty but over the years I kind of forgot about him. Then one Sunday I was online and decided to read about him again. Found the coffin pic and his FAD page and was hooked on the site.

    He was such a talented actor and to this day thinking about the late 80s-early 90s is envokes such a bittersweet feeling knowing he was only a few years away from death.
    He's the reason I was peeking around in here at first, too.

    I remember finding out when he died. A girlfriend and I were driving back to Cleveland during a snowstorm on the night after, having just spent all night at the Beehive in Pittsburgh at a RHPS Halloween Triple Feature (Rocky Horror, Shock Treatment and Dead Alive), and we were listening to the radio to find out if the weather was going to get any better, when the newswoman announced it. We ended up having to pull over at the next rest stop, we were both so shocked. We were the same age as he was, and it was truly jarring.

  47. #397
    RaRaRamona Guest
    "Claimed he had a vision of his future wife and would meet and marry her in 2002. He carried a composite sketch of what he thought she'd look like."

    Is that true?

  48. #398
    KarmaKat Guest
    Hmmm River having a baby?
    Rumour could be true but highly unlikely.
    Imagine how screwed up the woman would have made the poor kid though? " Oh by the way son your daddy's not really your father, some dead famous guy you have probably not even heard of is." Instant mind F#&* right there

  49. #399
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    "Claimed he had a vision of his future wife and would meet and marry her in 2002. He carried a composite sketch of what he thought she'd look like."

    Is that true?
    If it is I would LOVE to see the sketch!! Wonder what he thought she would look like .. but then again, if he had a vision of meeting her in 2002, and he died in 1993, that really doesn't make sense .. because it was in no way going to happen .. LOL but still, I would love to see it!!

  50. #400
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    If it is I would LOVE to see the sketch!! Wonder what he thought she would look like .. but then again, if he had a vision of meeting her in 2002, and he died in 1993, that really doesn't make sense .. because it was in no way going to happen .. LOL but still, I would love to see it!!
    He didn't pan to die though. It's probably just one of those romanticized ideas someone came up with.

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