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Thread: River Phoenix - Warning Dead Pic!

  1. #251
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SheBoss View Post
    LOVE that movie! And, I might be able to see what you're seeing here - if I squint and cock my head 41.6 degrees to the left.
    LMAO!!! I may be wrong... actually when I watch him in interviews he doesn't come across as feminine as he does in his movies. Maybe that was his style of acting? who knows.

  2. #252
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    actually I've never seen it, I think he was gay based on my own observations actually. As I mentioned, the movie "I love you to death" you can really see what I am talking about.
    Oh me I have never seen that either.. I wouldnt be watching that sorta of thing I think I was watching the game and having a beer the day it was on. I just thought he was queer in that so maybe he was well you know queer in life
    I aint never saw I love you to death I will look at it sometime.

  3. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Oh me I have never seen that either.. I wouldnt be watching that sorta of thing I think I was watching the game and having a beer the day it was on. I just thought he was queer in that so maybe he was well you know queer in life
    I aint never saw I love you to death I will look at it sometime.

    hmm.... interesting.

  4. #254
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    hmm.... interesting.
    LOL that was my reaction too

  5. #255
    KarmaKat Guest
    Jason I think you may be thinking he was gay due to his eyes (lol I know that sounds strange). He had the same effiminate / emotional eyes that James Dean (same rumours went around about him) had and they can come off as quite effiminate especially on film. Also he always seemed to look more relaxed in the company of other men both on and off screen. But this may have something to do with his upbringing. It would'nt surprise me if he had or would have been going to experiment with bi sexuality.

  6. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by KarmaKat View Post
    Jason I think you may be thinking he was gay due to his eyes (lol I know that sounds strange). He had the same effiminate / emotional eyes that James Dean (same rumours went around about him) had and they can come off as quite effiminate especially on film. Also he always seemed to look more relaxed in the company of other men both on and off screen. But this may have something to do with his upbringing. It would'nt surprise me if he had or would have been going to experiment with bi sexuality.
    Yeah, I think he had that "free spirit" thing about him, maybe that came across as a little feminine to me... Who knows. The important thing is that he was a talented kid and left behind some good stuff (not all great, but mostly good... imo).

  7. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Oh me I have never seen that either.. I wouldnt be watching that sorta of thing I think I was watching the game and having a beer the day it was on. I just thought he was queer in that so maybe he was well you know queer in life
    I aint never saw I love you to death I will look at it sometime.

    It's actually a really funny movie - try to watch it sometime!
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  8. #258
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Oh well you know I usually dont have time to watch tv programmes but I will one day I am sure. Thanks for the information.

  9. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Oh well you know I usually dont have time to watch tv programmes but I will one day I am sure. Thanks for the information.
    The invention of TV actually doesn't exist anymore, now we have chips that are installed in our brains and can summon any program we would like to see. You should really go look into that... it will make it much easier for you to catch up on programs you may have missed and learn about all the celebrities you didn't realize were dead.

  10. #260
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Ha .. I never really thought River was gay, but that was because at the time is was infatuated with him!! My dad used to joke around and say he was just to get me mad and it worked .. I was 15 at the time River died .. But now, when I watch some movies, I do see how people could assume he was, and he may have experimented, but that still doesn't mean he was gay .. "My Own Private Idaho" would definitely put that rumor a' buzzing!! But then again, he was "acting" so who knows!! All I know is I miss what he could have done had he still been with us!

    RIP River!!

  11. #261
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    The invention of TV actually doesn't exist anymore, now we have chips that are installed in our brains and can summon any program we would like to see. You should really go look into that... it will make it much easier for you to catch up on programs you may have missed and learn about all the celebrities you didn't realize were dead.

    Oh the only chips I know anything about are Doritos and Lays. I was wondering why it was so hard to find Beta movies for my player.
    You know I knew they would eventually come up with something like that. The world is such an amazing place isnā??t it.
    Pretty soon we wont even need movies because we will soon be able to look into each others brains and private lives
    24 hrs a day on the interweb. We all will be stars. Wow. What a concept. I enjoy evolution. Its just amazing.

  12. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Oh the only chips I know anything about are Doritos and Lays. I was wondering why it was so hard to find Beta movies for my player.
    You know I knew they would eventually come up with something like that. The world is such an amazing place isnā??t it.
    Pretty soon we wont even need movies because we will soon be able to look into each others brains and private lives
    24 hrs a day on the interweb. We all will be stars. Wow. What a concept. I enjoy evolution. Its just amazing.
    Just imagine the world looking into a Death Hag's brain. We'd all be in prison!
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  13. #263
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Not to get off topic here but i was thinking how many serial killers are members here. I mean they are obsessed with death. Wouldnt that be nutty.
    To be chatting with someone who is talking to you on here with a dead body by his/her feet or in his basement. Crazy.

  14. #264
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Not to get off topic here but i was thinking how many serial killers are members here. I mean they are obsessed with death. Wouldnt that be nutty.
    To be chatting with someone who is talking to you on here with a dead body by his/her feet or in his basement. Crazy.
    Hahaha I have one in my garage

  15. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Not to get off topic here but i was thinking how many serial killers are members here. I mean they are obsessed with death. Wouldnt that be nutty.
    To be chatting with someone who is talking to you on here with a dead body by his/her feet or in his basement. Crazy.
    I chat with you while I'm naked... I believe anything is possible.

  16. #266
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Oh dear god. Well anyways.. I have to go and mow the lawn or something yall be good now ya hear?

  17. #267
    Join Date
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    did i miss something

  18. #268
    spoiledkitty Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by skafius View Post

    This is a link I have, and it's heartbreaking to listen too :-(
    aawww how heartbreaking to listen to....You can hear the desperation in his brothers voice.

  19. #269
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Yeah it does sound really bad. I hope hes ok.

  20. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevyheaven View Post
    Yeah it does sound really bad. I hope hes ok.
    oh he's fine... the brother was just over reacting, Rivers actually just got up and told his bro he was break dancing and they both had a coke

  21. #271
    Chevyheaven Guest
    Oh see all that for nothing.. Well thats good to hear. Kids today can be very overdramatic.
    Thanks for the update.

  22. #272
    Ruffian Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    actually I've never seen it, I think he was gay based on my own observations actually. As I mentioned, the movie "I love you to death" you can really see what I am talking about.
    Ah! So you DID finally watch it! You said you were going to let me know if you liked it or not.

  23. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruffian View Post
    Ah! So you DID finally watch it! You said you were going to let me know if you liked it or not.
    I'm sorry, I thought I got back to you on that (my bad ). You know as I was watching I realized I saw bits of it when it was on pay per view back in the 90's. I loved Kevin Kline in that movie but Rivers bugged the hell out of me. His acting was terrible (imo) and as I mentioned the crush he had on Tracy Ullman's character was totally non-believable to me.

  24. #274
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    .. "My Own Private Idaho" would definitely put that rumor a' buzzing!! But then again, he was "acting" so who knows!!
    Well he was a method actor...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    I chat with you while I'm naked... I believe anything is possible.
    ...and on the throne.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    oh he's fine... the brother was just over reacting, Rivers actually just got up and told his bro he was break dancing and they both had a coke

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    Ithe crush he had on Tracy Ullman's character was totally non-believable to me.
    How could it be???

  25. #275
    interrestedintn Guest
    I remember when River was on the cover of every issue of Bop or Tiger Beat magazine out there. Used to annoy me because I was a Johnny Depp woman. That's a laugh.....I must've been 11 maybe 12 years old. lol
    Anyway, I saw feminine characteristics in him as well. I can't understand how no one seemed to think he would do drugs. He was the perfect candidate. He just had that hippieish, care free, tree hugger attitude about him. (not to offend any tree huggers out there or hippies for that matter, I've been called both myself in my day. It's not a bad thing). Anyway, usually people who grow up with that sort of mentality are not always the squeaky clean things that people imagine. They are very likely to experiment in different areas of life. Sexuality is one as well as mind stimulation. I still thought he was talented but, I really hated the types of movies he had started doing. I've always liked artsy movies but not the type he was in to. What the heck was that one movie he did? It was one of his last ones. Where he had taken an indian wife and she'd died but he wouldn't let go of her corpse. He had a dad who was trying to persuade him to leave the corpse. The corpse was haunting him in his mind, he could see her and she wouldn't let him let her go. The corpse had a sister who did something....I don't remember but he ended up throwing the corpse in the fire. I don't was really weird and I had to watch it twice to understand it then, I regretted watching it at all. It sucked. Does anyone remember that one?

  26. #276
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    Oh yeah, that was Silent Tongue - the last movie he ever finished. Yep, it was weird.

    It seems that many male actors do this - Depp, Phoenix, and Ledger for example. Has Depp made a regular movie in years? Ledger was starting to go into weird movies (the Bob Dylan one was pitiful IMO) when he died. And River was going the same way. It's like they have to prove they aren't good looking or something. They hide behind strange characters...
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  27. #277
    **Jenna** Guest
    I saw part of that movie, it was weird.I didn't watch all of it. I had those Bop magazines along with teen beat,tigerbeat and I think 16 magazine. My sister and I shared a room so on my side from ceiling to bottom of the walls was covered with pictures of River and sisters side was Corey Haim. We had to put them on the ceilings too so when we went to sleep we could still look at them. My mom was so mad though cause we used thumbtacks to put up the pictures. So needless to say there were tons of little holes in our walls. I never thought to use tape.

  28. #278
    interrestedintn Guest
    Oh I did even better than that, I used ELMER's GLUE! I thought they would kill me. I kept it hidden til' we sold the house and I had to leave little bits of my Depp posters behind. At my new house, I had all Depp posters with rounded corners. LOL
    I kind of outgrew them though before I actually had walls to put them on. I didn't even have a room when we moved in so I had to wait til they built it.
    I think that Johnny Depp is just strange. I think he really enjoys those weird movies. Of course I've studied him a lot in my younger years......I think he is just really eccentric and could've gone box office a long time before Pirates. River was a bit artsy and was flirting with strangeness and experimentation. I think that Ledger just really loved acting and didn't want to miss out on any aspect of it.
    Corey Haim.....well, he just experimented with everything besides serious acting right? LOL

  29. #279
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by interrestedintn View Post
    Oh I did even better than that, I used ELMER's GLUE! I thought they would kill me. I kept it hidden til' we sold the house and I had to leave little bits of my Depp posters behind. At my new house, I had all Depp posters with rounded corners. LOL
    I kind of outgrew them though before I actually had walls to put them on. I didn't even have a room when we moved in so I had to wait til they built it.
    I think that Johnny Depp is just strange. I think he really enjoys those weird movies. Of course I've studied him a lot in my younger years......I think he is just really eccentric and could've gone box office a long time before Pirates. River was a bit artsy and was flirting with strangeness and experimentation. I think that Ledger just really loved acting and didn't want to miss out on any aspect of it.
    Corey Haim.....well, he just experimented with everything besides serious acting right? LOL
    Hahaha, I never would have thought of using glue. That is so funny! Corey Haim was in some goofy movies. Dream a little Dream, really don't like that one.

  30. #280
    interrestedintn Guest
    I guess Lost Boys was my favorite Haim flick. He was never my type but I always thought he was cuter than Feldman then, I saw a pic of Feldman where he was actually hot. So then I decided there was a certain sexiness about Feldman until I saw what a crybaby he was on Surreal Life. Then I found out he's a tiny man too. Yuck!

  31. #281
    **Jenna** Guest
    Feldman's a tiny man huh,haha. Lucas and Lost Boys are my favorite Corey Haim movies. I tried watching The Two Coreys last season or whenever it was on. Corey Haim needs to grow up. Both Coreys were cute though......Oh Wait did you mean tiny as in short or he has a little you know what?

  32. #282
    interrestedintn Guest
    Oh......I don't know about his "little Corey." lol....I'm always open to learning though. Everyone wants to know what the stars are packing.
    I just meant that he's just tiny in general. I like a manly man.
    I think that's what turned me off of Johnny Depp. I'm pretty tall so I outgrew him around my freshman year of high school. LMAO He's still hot though.
    I tried watching the two coreys too but, I thought it was all too scripted. I actually liked Haim better than Feldman because at least he has a sense of humor even if he is a complete idiot. Remember when he tried to sell his tooth on ebay? What a dork.

  33. #283
    **Jenna** Guest
    Wonder if anyone did buy Haim's tooth. Ick. I don't want to touch anyone's tooth, even my little boy's. That's just gross! I'm short, but don't like short really skinny men. I like men with meat on their bones.
    Last edited by **Jenna**; 04-12-2008 at 05:10 PM.

  34. #284
    interrestedintn Guest
    Me too....and no, no one bought it. People were bidding before the ebay mods caught it and booted him. You're not allowed to sell body parts on ebay.....not even a tooth. How embarrassing was that for Haim?

  35. #285
    **Jenna** Guest
    That would be embarrassing. Wonder how much the price was up to. I watched some clips of Silent Tongue on youtube.River looked so cute. Still think that show is weird.

  36. #286
    interrestedintn Guest
    It was weird. You know, when I was younger I never thought he was cute. Now that I'm older though, I can see that he was actually beautiful wasn't he? Peoples tastes change as they get older. How weird was I anyway? When all my friends were crushing on Kirk Cameron and all those teenage boys, I was in love with Johnny Depp. LOL
    I was fascinated by the fact that he is from Kentucky and at the time, that's where I lived but nowhere near his home town.

  37. #287
    interrestedintn Guest
    Well, Brad could make up for all the ones who aren't from there right? Brad Renfro was from close to here. He's probably the closest to home...acting wise. We get a lot of country singers from here. He's not famous anymore but Dean Dillon is from my home town.

  38. #288
    RaRaRamona Guest
    I keep reading thinking there's a post about River. Haha silly

  39. #289
    interrestedintn Guest
    I didn't know much about River before reading these posts. I didn't know his name was River funny? I didn't know that his sis married Casey Affleck...I just watched him in The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford..good movie, he's a good actor. I can see why she married him. He's pretty hot even with his little crackly voice. Joaquin has really done well too. I loved Stand By Me and all but Joaquin has really passed River up in the acting department in my book. He made me hate him in Gladiator, love him in Inventing The Abbotts and, feel so sorry for him in Return to Paradise. I liked Buffalo Soldiers too and who else could've played Johnny Cash that well? I think big bro would be proud. Too bad he didn't get the chance to do all the things Joaquin has. Imagine how big he would've been by now. They must all be very talented.

  40. #290
    *racheal* Guest
    I had a funny thing happen I was watching "That thing called Love" on HBO one night and was thinking about how sad it was to loose such a beautiful actor at such a young age. Well the next day the new of Heath Leager was all over the news. It kinda sacred me to think that i was just thinking about River and the next day we loose Heath. Freaked me out.

  41. #291
    Lily_Aleister Guest
    Just an FYI ... tonight at 8 pm pacific time they are airing the Final 24 of River Phoenix on the Biography channel.

  42. #292
    **Jenna** Guest
    Do they ever show Sneakers on any of the movie channels?Its been about 10 years since I've seen it,is it on dvd?

  43. #293
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by laynestaleyfan View Post
    Do they ever show Sneakers on any of the movie channels?Its been about 10 years since I've seen it,is it on dvd?

    I think I saw it at WalMart. I love that movie.

  44. #294
    sunshine74137 Guest
    I know his coffin pic was icky, but did anyone find the crap,cheap carnations,beads in poor taste.

  45. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunshine74137 View Post
    I know his coffin pic was icky, but did anyone find the crap,cheap carnations,beads in poor taste.
    Oh yes, they were in bad taste. The only thing I "kind of" liked was the Aleka's Attic t-shirt.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Didn't know that was a thing...

  46. #296
    JanGirl Guest

    River/Joaquin Phoenix 911 call

    Has anybody got a link to the full 911 call Joaquin made on the night that River Phoenix died? i can find clips but i'd like to hear the full call..

  47. #297
    #1 Death Hag Guest - I found this one its about 42 seconds long. Hope it helps. I will try to see if I can get on TMZ - maybe they might have a link for it.

  48. #298
    JanGirl Guest
    thanks for that, i've heard some of that before its still heartbreaking though

  49. #299
    #1 Death Hag Guest
    yeah it is heartbreaking to listen to it ;( i've checked on the internet and i've found this

    i think this is most complete one. That was from morbidly hollywood. They had a segment on River Phoenix. It had a pic of him in his coffin. I clicked onto it and scrolled down to see the pic but i couldn't bring myself to look at it. I have seen it before but something stopped me from looking at it. Hes so scary in it. Poor Joaquin. He never talks about that night. If any journalist is brave enough to ask him about it he just freezes them out. Its bad enough losing your brother like that but in the public eye is a lot worse.

  50. #300
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    For some reason, I can't get that link to play the 911 call. Altho that's a good website - lots of good stuff!

    I've seen the River casket photo - it was in the National Enquirer, and I clipped out and now in my death hag collection!

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