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Thread: River Phoenix - Warning Dead Pic!

  1. #101
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamma View Post
    Wow, there's so much open for discussion here. My problem with Phoenix is that not only did he go out of his way to tak about his pure lifestyle and vegan diet, he made it an exempliary likestyle, "Be just like me" in his PSA's. Obviously, he was living two different lives. But what really chafes my ass, is that River, his money, his fame, ALL of these things were an open door to any rehab across the globe. With his fame, and literal small fortune, he could have afforded a nice stint in a rehab of his choice.

    But for most people, rehab and medical insurance is a luxury for the rich alone. Medical care is getting tougher and tougher to come by. I've met addicts who will tell you it is cheaper to stay on drugs, than lose their home and what little belongings they have, just to afford rehab. I doubt I would "judge" River so much if not for his PSA's, and his constant preaching on the polllutants of the world that are slowly killing us. I would have preferred he be up front and honest (a la Robert Downey Jr.) and I'd probably have a ton more respect for him.

    But anyhoo, yeah, its tough seeing addicts lose everything, their kids, goin to jail etc., because of addiction, while celebrities throw it all away while being able to afford rehab a hundred times over .

    Everybody has hidden demons and skeletons in the closet, I can dig that. But that being the case, they shouldn't walk around like their perfect, pure, advising others how to live a pure lifestyle, etc. That's always kinda stuck with me. Of course River is not the only one who lived a double lifestyle, but it's apparent he's taking the fall for most . And for that, i really do feel bad for him.

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Excellent post Mamma!
    Last edited by cjw; 01-19-2008 at 12:29 PM. Reason: To give credit to Mamma.

  3. #103
    Mamma Guest
    Why thanky! He was a good kid I believe, and extremely talented obviously. But it's this "vortex" that seems to suck young people in in Hollywood, chew them up and spit them out. While some actors appear to have everything under control, others get lost within it. Also, that should have been a rhetorical question that I referred to above. In that, I saw River was living a double lifestyle. But then again, maybe not? He was acting. And isn't that what actors do? He acted like he was clean and pure, but obviously he wasn't. He was acting, and acting came natural to him. He was always good at it. So my question actually answered itself. Just sad all the way around.

  4. #104
    magblax Guest
    Just bumping up the River thread since Heath's has taken on a life of it's own. Wonder how this one would have read if this board were here when River died?

  5. #105
    Join Date
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    If it's not Heath... it's not important, get back to business.

  6. #106
    magblax Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jason8478 View Post
    If it's not Heath... it's not important, get back to business.

    Whose business...yours or mine?

  7. #107
    Mamma Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by magblax View Post
    Just bumping up the River thread since Heath's has taken on a life of it's own. Wonder how this one would have read if this board were here when River died?
    Would have hit the motherload .... caused a rolling black out, earthquakes in China and Russians in Afghanistan. I've read some of those River sites ~ they are fierce and still convinced that someone spiked River's drink. Talk about Dream On!

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by magblax View Post
    Whose business...yours or mine?
    THE Business... the royal WE!!!

    btw Heath killed Rivers, pass it on.

  9. #109
    magblax Guest
    The rumor was River got hooked on heroine and drugs while getting into character for his part in My Own Private Idaho. Heath was said to be troubled by the role in the upcoming Batman (got too into the character). Interesting parallels.

    Oh. Sorry Jason...back to business.

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Thank you Mag!!!

  11. #111
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by magblax View Post
    The rumor was River got hooked on heroine and drugs while getting into character for his part in My Own Private Idaho.
    I've heard the, too. It reminds me of a story about Dustin Hoffman and Sir Laurence Olivier on the set of Marathon Man.

    During the shooting of the bathtub torture scene, to achieve a truly haggard look, method actor Dustin stayed awake for three days. Upon hearing this, Sir Larry told Dustin "You should try acting, dear boy. It's much easier."

  12. #112
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Fool Moon View Post
    Sir Larry told Dustin "You should try acting, dear boy. It's much easier."
    Wise words.

  13. #113
    Dylgem22 Guest
    I was a huge fan of River ever since I saw Stand by Me as a kid .. I was only 15 when he died, but his death had a huge impact on me, because I had "crushed" on him since I was about 11 .. and he was the only person I had pictures of up around my room, etc .. so anyways, I really hated he was taken from us so soon, he had a lot of potential, but he messed that up himself by taking drugs .. I know some people take drugs and do things, addictions, to ease pain, or forget things, or just plain peer pressure, but no matter .. its still sad .. and I love reading everyone opinions on these matters!! I know I come in late on these threads too since I am a "newbie" ..

    Oh, BTW, my favorite River movies are Stand by Me, Running on Empty and Dogfight ..

  14. #114
    Join Date
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    On this forum, obviously!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamma View Post
    Wow, there's so much open for discussion here. My problem with Phoenix is that not only did he go out of his way to tak about his pure lifestyle and vegan diet, he made it an exempliary likestyle, "Be just like me" in his PSA's. Obviously, he was living two different lives. But what really chafes my ass, is that River, his money, his fame, ALL of these things were an open door to any rehab across the globe. With his fame, and literal small fortune, he could have afforded a nice stint in a rehab of his choice.

    But for most people, rehab and medical insurance is a luxury for the rich alone. Medical care is getting tougher and tougher to come by. I've met addicts who will tell you it is cheaper to stay on drugs, than lose their home and what little belongings they have, just to afford rehab. I doubt I would "judge" River so much if not for his PSA's, and his constant preaching on the polllutants of the world that are slowly killing us. I would have preferred he be up front and honest (a la Robert Downey Jr.) and I'd probably have a ton more respect for him.

    But anyhoo, yeah, its tough seeing addicts lose everything, their kids, goin to jail etc., because of addiction, while celebrities throw it all away while being able to afford rehab a hundred times over .

    Everybody has hidden demons and skeletons in the closet, I can dig that. But that being the case, they shouldn't walk around like their perfect, pure, advising others how to live a pure lifestyle, etc. That's always kinda stuck with me. Of course River is not the only one who lived a double lifestyle, but it's apparent he's taking the fall for most . And for that, i really do feel bad for him.
    *high five* Preach it, Mamma! You're right on!
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  15. #115
    PvN73 Guest
    I still miss River, he was such a beautiful actor.

    Though if you play with fire you are going to get burned.

  16. #116
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PvN73 View Post
    I still miss River, he was such a beautiful actor.

    Though if you play with fire you are going to get burned.
    That's what I think every time I look at his brother.

  17. #117
    PvN73 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    That's what I think every time I look at his brother.
    Ohhh Joaquin, isnt he just the SHIZ!! he is so georgeous, and a great actor.

  18. #118
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Joaquin is quite the looker...And he is, indeed, a fabulous actor...

    I remember noticing him as a kid in "Space Camp"...I believe he was actually still going by "Leaf" in that one.

    But, despite his looks and his obvious talent...there is just something "not right" about that boy...He comes off very...Peculiar in interviews.

  19. #119
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxofpandoraz View Post
    Joaquin is quite the looker...And he is, indeed, a fabulous actor...

    I remember noticing him as a kid in "Space Camp"...I believe he was actually still going by "Leaf" in that one.

    But, despite his looks and his obvious talent...there is just something "not right" about that boy...He comes off very...Peculiar in interviews.
    I've never seen him in an interview. Something always happens - like the other day he was on Regis & I was getting ready for work; I heard his name so I ran out to the bedroom to see....and the picture had gone out. I had sound but no picture. So weird! I was seriously in a hurry so I didn't go to another tv. I just listened.

  20. #120
    Boxofpandoraz Guest

  21. #121
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxofpandoraz View Post
    LOL no the link doesn't work.

  22. #122
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Okay I searched youtube & found him on R&K. I also saw the People's Choice...why did he spell his own name wrong?

  23. #123
    Boxofpandoraz Guest

    There is definitely some greater force at work who does not want you to see Joaquin Phoenix give an interview...

    It's almost creepy!

    EDIT: The forces decided to back down for once...good on them.

    I haven't seen him on People's Choice...Other than his movies I really don't pay a lot of attention to him because he kinda weirds me out, to be honest.

    I can't wait to see "We Own the Night" though...Joaquin and Mark Wahlberg together sounds like my kinda party.
    Last edited by Boxofpandoraz; 01-24-2008 at 10:49 PM.

  24. #124
    RaRaRamona Guest
    I KNOW! The link I found isn't even an interview - he doesn't really talk. WHAT on earth??

  25. #125
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Maybe there is some reason Joaquin wants you to believe he's a mime...

  26. #126
    RaRaRamona Guest
    LOL like what? I am so LOL right now.

  27. #127
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Like...hell, I don't know...why would a MIME want people to think he was a mime!?

  28. #128
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxofpandoraz View Post
    Like...hell, I don't know...why would a MIME want people to think he was a mime!?
    Oh no he's a freakin mime I'll have to watch him trying in vain to escape that a wind storm...kind cute, really.

  29. #129
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Which leads me to the question...

    If a tree fell in the forest...Onto Joaquin Phoenix...And Ramona was the only one around...

    Would he make a sound?

  30. #130
    RaRaRamona Guest
    lmbo you wicked thing. I'm giggling & piddling like MbalmR.

  31. #131
    PvN73 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxofpandoraz View Post
    Which leads me to the question...

    If a tree fell in the forest...Onto Joaquin Phoenix...And Ramona was the only one around...

    Would he make a sound?
    Bahhaaaa, that was GOLD!

  32. #132
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    I'm still laughing at the idea of him suddenly falling silent when he subconciously knows you're watching...

  33. #133
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PvN73 View Post
    Bahhaaaa, that was GOLD!
    Why...Thank you!

  34. #134
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    Should probably throw this puppy back on topic before I get in trouble...heehee.

    I posted this in another thread already, but my question remains, and after mention of MbalmR perhaps she might shed light on it at some point...

    In his casket photo, I've always thought that River looked very much UN-worked on...

    Given the "earthy" way his family lived...Is it possible he looked as creepy as he did in that photo because he WASN'T embalmed?

  35. #135
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I'm pretty sure she (or someone else around here in that field), said somewhere that he was embalmed. Hopefully she'll see this and pop an answer to you.

  36. #136
    quki Guest
    i just love River Phoenix. He was wonderful. i still am so sad over his death.

  37. #137
    NOVSTORM Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tigerlily View Post
    So halogirl, do you think a young girl with anorexia is being selfish? How about an alcoholic? Someone addicted to sex or gambling? These things are all the same as using drugs. They are addictions. People do them to kill the pain (maybe you're so shallow and lacking in depth you've never felt pain), except with drugs the addiction becomes PHYSICAL. Withdrawal is very painful. You don't say where you're from on your profile - but I'm willing to bet you've never been out of your narrow minded small town.
    I don't know about the rest of the people in here but I think this is a personal attack.
    I for one do not think being a sex addict is the same as sticking a needle in your arm. There are many type of addictions but drugs is the killer one along with alcohol.
    Having lost someone who did drugs and destroyed their body from them I can say how I feel about it. I too have heard about doing it because they cannot face reality or deal with something intheir past. Well that is what doctors are for. Not heroin or smack or cocaine or whatever else you can ingest.
    These people leave behind children that have to suffer from the pain of losing aparent or a sibling or a child. They never think about the pain they are causing people that love them. So that does make them selfish.
    I never met a drug user or a drunk that wasn't hooked on self pity.
    No one gets up in the morning and decides to be an addict. They do it themselves. THEY stick that needle in their arm and THey take the drink and THey snort the stuff. Too bad about the people that they are helping to destroy after all it is all about them.
    I don't think forone minute that it was a personal attack on you. The other person who said how she felt was doing the same as I am. Voicing an opinion on how they feel about drug use. I don't think she is narrow minded. Maybe she has been thru this with someone close?????
    I don't know but I feel the same way because I am one of those that were left behind to clean up the mess and try to fix broken hearts.
    Now raising children that were the victims.

  38. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOVSTORM View Post
    I don't know about the rest of the people in here but I think this is a personal attack.
    I for one do not think being a sex addict is the same as sticking a needle in your arm. There are many type of addictions but drugs is the killer one along with alcohol.
    Having lost someone who did drugs and destroyed their body from them I can say how I feel about it. I too have heard about doing it because they cannot face reality or deal with something intheir past. Well that is what doctors are for. Not heroin or smack or cocaine or whatever else you can ingest.
    These people leave behind children that have to suffer from the pain of losing aparent or a sibling or a child. They never think about the pain they are causing people that love them. So that does make them selfish.
    I never met a drug user or a drunk that wasn't hooked on self pity.
    No one gets up in the morning and decides to be an addict. They do it themselves. THEY stick that needle in their arm and THey take the drink and THey snort the stuff. Too bad about the people that they are helping to destroy after all it is all about them.
    I don't think forone minute that it was a personal attack on you. The other person who said how she felt was doing the same as I am. Voicing an opinion on how they feel about drug use. I don't think she is narrow minded. Maybe she has been thru this with someone close?????
    I don't know but I feel the same way because I am one of those that were left behind to clean up the mess and try to fix broken hearts.
    Now raising children that were the victims.
    You are absolutely right. I know, because my mother was a drunk and my baby sister is a drunk and a junkie (She claims to be clean sober for the last 10 months or so, but I wouldn't know, for I have had absolutely nothing to do with her for almost two years, and my mom has been dead for about that long.) Both of them wallowed in self pity, and when something bad happened they would ask "What did I ever do to deserve this?" They both pitched fits, could be two of the meanest people you ever want to not meet. Both of them were selfish and whenever something bad happened to someone else they acted out to swing attention onto themself.

    I do not pity people who make bad choices and then boohoo when their life unravels.

  39. #139
    RaRaRamona Guest
    While looking for Sean Young on the Joan Rivers Show I found this one of River...

  40. #140
    Jack Raines Guest
    In the new issue of National Enquirer, Merv Griffin's personal psychic and supposedly close friend, claims that Merv got River drunk and had sex with him at a party in 1991. I posted more about this in the Merv Griffin thread...

  41. #141
    Join Date
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    In the new issue of National Enquirer, Merv Griffin's personal psychic and supposedly close friend, claims that Merv got River drunk and had sex with him at a party in 1991. I posted more about this in the Merv Griffin thread...
    Yummo! Now thats a celebrity sex tape I'd buy. NOT! Imagine receiving a tongue bath from this:
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  42. #142
    Mamma Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Raines View Post
    In the new issue of National Enquirer, Merv Griffin's personal psychic and supposedly close friend, claims that Merv got River drunk and had sex with him at a party in 1991. I posted more about this in the Merv Griffin thread...
    Merve? barrrffffffffffffff

  43. #143
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ichabodius View Post
    Yummo! Now thats a celebrity sex tape I'd buy. NOT! Imagine receiving a tongue bath from this:
    While I agree Merv was no prize in his later years, just keep in mind folks, we ALL get old and unattractive, and you too could end up looking like the LAST person someone would want to touch with a 10-foot pole!

    But I too just read the write up on Merv and River. Sad that Merv had to get River pretty drunk just to be able to come near him.

  44. #144
    Join Date
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    Yeah Merv wasnt actually so bad in his earlier years. Egads, I do not look forward to becoming old and unattractive. I;m already 36, so thats right around the corner for me. Maybe I should just die young and leave a semi-attractive looking corpse.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  45. #145
    RaRaRamona Guest
    That's awful. That's such a sleazy thing to do. So River was bi? I never even heard that.

  46. #146
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxofpandoraz View Post
    Should probably throw this puppy back on topic before I get in trouble...heehee.

    I posted this in another thread already, but my question remains, and after mention of MbalmR perhaps she might shed light on it at some point...

    In his casket photo, I've always thought that River looked very much UN-worked on...

    Given the "earthy" way his family lived...Is it possible he looked as creepy as he did in that photo because he WASN'T embalmed?

    "River Pheonix' family elected not to embalm him or apply any makeup whatsoever, which is why his mouth is slightly open also. They wanted him to be as natural as possible. The T-shirt was a fave of his."

    From a post by Noor 7ayaty.

  47. #147
    dirk diggler Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by fanable View Post
    Same here...great movie, and so sad when you think that that 12/13 year old had no idea how he would end up dying a few short years later.
    Come to think of it doesn't River's Character get killed as Richard Dreyfuss's narration points out each of the boys as adults?
    Nice little tribute song

  48. #148
    cherryghost Guest
    It would be good to have seen him grow!

  49. #149
    Flowergrrl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dirk diggler View Post
    Come to think of it doesn't River's Character get killed as Richard Dreyfuss's narration points out each of the boys as adults?
    Yes. Says he becomes a lawyer and while trying to stop a fight he was stabbed.

    I remember when he died. It was the worst ever, I liked him so much. It was such a shock... Especially how he died.

    I hope his brother (who I adore) doesn't end up the same.

  50. #150
    kaylie Guest

    he is why i do drugs

    his death is why i started drugs..hehee....i want to 34 and as michael hutchence would say...
    dont want to live to be 40

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