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Thread: River Phoenix - Warning Dead Pic!

  1. #51
    Ruffian Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cash View Post
    i always thought Shatner was involved in her death. It all seemed a bit convenient. he seemed to mourn for about 10 minutes.
    I searched for a thread about this, but couldn't find one. Probably because I don't know Shatner's wife's name. But anyway...I'm glad you posted that you thought Shatner had something to do with it. I always did, too. From somewhat personal experience (and I'm not sure if I can say the circumstances of how I know this), he went on and on at the time how he was so trying to help her with her alcohol problem, blah blah blah. I didn't buy it and other than the mourning for ten minutes, that jumped out at me.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laura1020 View Post
    What a tragic end to such a gifted actor who had a brilliant future ahead of him. Did you guys know that Joaquin never speaks about his brother in interviews? Can't say I blame him. I love that Joaquin has become one of Hollywood's hottest actors. If you ask me, he was jipped out of that Oscar in 2005.
    In this months issue of Playboy (thanks to my dad, I read it every month now), they ask him about the 911 call. I can't remember verbatum what he says, but he does speak of it. They asked him if he thinks the media coverage and exploitation would be worse if it had happened more recently. His answer is most definately.

  3. #53
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    Help! When I google Linda Davis (as I am prone to do when I can't place a face) all I get is that country music star. I know that can't be her, right? Can someone post a link or picture?

  4. #54
    hoxharding Guest
    Joaquin was in an interview about the photo of River in the coffin. If he knew who did it, he didn't say. He just voiced his(understandable)anger toward the person who did it(and The National Enquirer)

  5. #55
    RoRo Guest
    I saw them film part of Thing Called Love here in Nashville...never was that taken with River but was interested in films. I remember thinking it was ironic he overdosed when he was so into vegetarianism. I'd rather have a big ass steak than put drugs in my body like that

  6. #56
    pinkrose35 Guest
    I watched the Last 24 about River also, what really got to me was after they cremated him, I believe it was his manager who took the urn with his ashes in it to his mother, she started to cry and cradled the urn in her arms like a baby, I almost lost it when I heard that story.

  7. #57
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    Thanks Serendipity!

    Do you by chance have a link for any info on her? Also, what was the deal with her and Shatner that folks above post were referring to?

    edited to add: I googled again and she must have been a M-list celebrity. IDBC had a page (barely) on her with no pictures and 4 or so films.
    Last edited by SheBoss; 11-06-2007 at 01:28 PM.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysticakasha View Post
    I woke up on that morning after in 93 and i just knew someone famous had died (i sometimes get that feeling never lets me down) and sure enough when i put my tv on it was River, i was so sad he had so much more to give, i also remember buying The Enquirer when there was the pic of him in the coffin, maybe that's when i became a death hag lol
    yeah, my first coffin pic on FAD was Rivers... definetly helped spark the interest for me

    and I am about to google the Judy Davis/Bill Shitner hoopla everyone speaks of.
    Last edited by Jason; 11-06-2007 at 01:31 PM.

  9. #59
    Kathyf Guest
    I found this statement that Joaquin phoenix made to someone just recently:
    “When my brother passed it was toward the end of an era. If it had happened much later, it would have been on a lot of f**king blogs. The amount of information flying back and forth now has just gone beyond comprehension… In some ways it’s hard to swallow. It makes you feel sick about yourself and about human beings. You look at yourself and say, ‘When have I exploited others and been voyeuristic?’
    The thing we should be discussing in the news, what the media should be going after in a heartless way, isn’t the family of somebody who has passed away, but instead - oh, I don’t know - how about a president who’s lying? That’s not to say my brother’s life didn’t have value, but it certainly did not deserve to be covered more than world politics and other important issues, particularly when death happens every day to millions of people all over the world and we don’t seem to give a f**k about that.”
    -Joaquin Phoenix is thankful his older brother, River Phoenix, died before the celebrity media frenzy of today

  10. #60
    Kellycatt1 Guest
    Here is the link with the whole 911 call. At least it is if I can figure out how to do this. I hope that it works for you.

  11. #61
    halogirl5 Guest

    river phoenix

    If you take drugs, and you die of an overdose, that is entirely your fault and you should not be pitied. no one forces anyone to take drugs, ever.

    Sorry to be so black and white, and I feel sorry for Joaquin of course, but I hate people squandering and toying with the gift of life.
    Death comes to everyone, and the interest in that is what connects us, but anyone who plays with life by taking drugs is just saying a massive 'F@@@ you' to their loved ones.

  12. #62
    tensecondstolove Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by halogirl5 View Post
    If you take drugs, and you die of an overdose, that is entirely your fault and you should not be pitied. no one forces anyone to take drugs, ever.

    Sorry to be so black and white, and I feel sorry for Joaquin of course, but I hate people squandering and toying with the gift of life.
    Death comes to everyone, and the interest in that is what connects us, but anyone who plays with life by taking drugs is just saying a massive 'F@@@ you' to their loved ones.
    Shame on you. Everybody makes mistakes. Who are YOU to judge? Get over yourself, kthx.

  13. #63
    halogirl5 Guest


    I'm sorry I stand by what I said. Of course we all make mistakes, but habitually abusing class A drugs knowing their possible effects, is rank stupidity and selfish to those who love you.
    That is merely my opinion. I don't need to 'get over myself'. I don't consider my opinion any better or worse than yours.

  14. #64
    tensecondstolove Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by halogirl5 View Post
    I'm sorry I stand by what I said. Of course we all make mistakes, but habitually abusing class A drugs knowing their possible effects, is rank stupidity and selfish to those who love you.
    That is merely my opinion. I don't need to 'get over myself'. I don't consider my opinion any better or worse than yours.
    Well, I guess you're better than everybody.

  15. #65
    halogirl5 Guest

    Smile opinionz

    Of course not. A mere mortal, cocooned in flesh, short is my time, and short is my rhyme

  16. #66
    tensecondstolove Guest
    You don't need to speak ill of someone who died tragically. It may have been his choice to take the drugs, but he doesn't need to be judged for it. Sheesh.

  17. #67
    halogirl5 Guest

    Speaking 'ill' of the dead

    So nobody should say they thought someone like Kurt was selfish because he left a two year old daughter behind? (If indeed it was suicide)
    I would expect at least someone to have strong opinions of me if I did that, and left my brother with memories of that.
    Chill. I'm just saying that I think if you choose drugs, then you are selfish. Whatever I think today doesn't change the good things about him, or the fact that he is gone. I'm just saying it's a selfish path to choose, and I think I have the right to say that, Part of this forum is surely helping people to mull over death, and ultimately, how it relates to them.

  18. #68
    tensecondstolove Guest
    First of all, I don't think he realized the consequences of what he was doing, so no, he was not being selfish.

    I can appreciate a difference of opinion, I just happen to think that you are being insensitive.

  19. #69
    halogirl5 Guest


    No! Never insensitive! If that was the case, I wouldn't be able to empathise with his family left behind.
    (Just to play devil's advocate, how do you feel about people posting death photos? Do you deem them insensitive by going 'that bit too far' into it?)
    Nor do I deny that he might have been very depressed and that it was a waste of a young life. Just think that class A drugs are the total wrong and thoughtless way to deal with it.
    Anyway, thanks for the exchange of views.
    Here is a hug, most people would have just blasted my opionion ineloquently, but you didn't {{{ }}}

  20. #70
    epicentre Guest
    Tried in vain to find a documentary on YouTube, which I forwarded onto Scott a while back (may have been the one mentioned above). Anyway, it talks about the final roll of film River ever shot. It reacreates the scene where, only after River died, was it discovered that he just stood in shot after the take ended and the lights were out. Only candles could be visible in the background and River was immersed in sillouhette. This is where it got freaky.

    He just stood there for ages, then slowly he walked up to the camera in shadow. Never forget that. Unfortunatetly, they only recreated the scene rather than showing the actual footage

  21. #71
    Kathyf Guest
    I went there (the Viper Room) when I was in California. It has live bands and is very dark you can hardly see.

  22. #72
    Harrietd Guest
    The photo of River in his coffin is nasty, but definantly a good poster for an anti-drug campaign. I read on Scott's site that River had be imbalmed. If he had, they didn't do a very good make up job. I wonder if they was a viewing and that was his parent's intention, as in 'take a good look at this.'

  23. #73
    Kathyf Guest
    I'm not sure i never heard maybe we could search and see what we find.

  24. #74
    tigerlily Guest
    So halogirl, do you think a young girl with anorexia is being selfish? How about an alcoholic? Someone addicted to sex or gambling? These things are all the same as using drugs. They are addictions. People do them to kill the pain (maybe you're so shallow and lacking in depth you've never felt pain), except with drugs the addiction becomes PHYSICAL. Withdrawal is very painful. You don't say where you're from on your profile - but I'm willing to bet you've never been out of your narrow minded small town.

  25. #75
    tigerlily Guest
    Harrietd, I think there was a viewing. Apparently 60 people or so showed up. Joaquin later said he was sickened by the sight of "teenage girls falling into his grave"; since River was cremated, maybe he meant "coffin" instead of "grave"? The viewing was in LA, followed by a memorial service; then he was cremated and his ashes brought to his mother in Gainesville, Florida, where, apparently, she scattered them over the family ranch.

  26. #76
    MorbidMolly Guest
    I know I am seriously late on this thread, but just watched the Final 24 on River last favorite part was when at the end of his last scene, he is just standing there, candles glowing behind him....he turns and slowly walks towards the one realized the camera was still that`s footage I`d love to surreal, but beautiful at the same time....I think between Judy the cunt Davis, and going to the Viper Room and being told he wasn `t gonna jam with Flea and all the rest, solidified his decision to use.....he knew he was in trouble the minute he snorted that 8 ball..." Too much too much " is all he kept saying.....but yet an hour goes by before any really becomes concerned enough to take him outside and " get some air "......he didn`t bang any drugs, he snorted....the Pathologist said the cocaine in his system was 8 times the lethal limit....quite frankly, I don`t know how he didn`t drop immeadiately afterwards....and any addiction is a disease...doesn`t make it right, but that`s a fact....

  27. #77
    Lucy Furr Guest
    I looove him in My Own Private Idaho! It's a shame to have lost someone with that much talent so young.

  28. #78
    halogirl5 Guest

    river phoenix

    Well thank you for that unprovoked attack, Tiger Lily. Dear God, does nobody have opinions any more and are those who have them destined to be punished for them?
    To answer your rather aggressive questions,
    Yes of course I have felt pain (i feel a lot of pain that you have not got a smile on your beautiful face right now)
    Since when has my location got to do with anything? You know nothing about me. I stand by my opinion without resulting to personal insults about yourself. If and when you reply to this, you might like to bear that in mind.

  29. #79
    Lucy Furr Guest
    After re-reading that bit on River in Find A Death I realized that no one mentioned that he received that "high grade persian brown" from Flea of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yes, suprising as it may seem, the grandaddy of coke himself wasn't just there for moral support.

  30. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucy Furr View Post
    After re-reading that bit on River in Find A Death I realized that no one mentioned that he received that "high grade persian brown" from Flea of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Yes, suprising as it may seem, the grandaddy of coke himself wasn't just there for moral support.
    Actually Lucy,

    I've always heard the John Fuentes (I have no idea how to spell his name) of the RHCP gave him the goods. I don't think Flea took drugs, did he?
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  31. #81
    LabActor Guest
    I just found this quote from Samantha Mathis:

    "I think, you just changes you (the drug overdose of River Phoenix), I know for me it was never an issue, about that lifestyle. I learned relationships aren't very important, or worth it, I mean even River wasn't worth my time. I've grown, I'm not 23 anymore and he'll always be "Forever Young". It goes down to priorities. I didn't need that hassle." - on moving on and what is meaningful to her. A British Interview 1996.

    I was curious because it almost sounds negative towards River in a way, especially about River not being worth her time, but I remember reading other quotes about him that were nicer. What do you guys think about this one. Why would she say something so...I don't know. Mean sounding?

  32. #82
    mac_lorre Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SheBoss View Post
    Actually Lucy,

    I've always heard the John Fuentes (I have no idea how to spell his name) of the RHCP gave him the goods. I don't think Flea took drugs, did he?
    John Frusciante.

  33. #83
    Jenny Mulhenny Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LabActor View Post
    What do you guys think about this one. Why would she say something so...I don't know. Mean sounding?
    Because she was all of 26 when she said it. Nobody who has to say "I've grown" has actually grown.

    Or maybe she was in the anger stage. I'm still in the denial stage about him; I still can't believe it. I was twelve when Stand By Me came out so I felt like I grew up with him. Anyway, thank God for film because in a sense he will live forever.

  34. #84
    Doug81506 Guest
    It's amazing how, at 51, my awarenss of celebrities differs from the younger posters. I had heard of River Phoenix, but I had to Google him to learn his story. He was very accomplished for such a young man. It's a shame how many younger performers mess up their lives with drugs and alcohol. Substance abuse has always been around yet it seems previous generations were able to (I am grasping for a term and will no doubt fail) incorporate drugs and alcohol into their lives least they didn't abuse to the point of death.

    I wonder what is lacking in lives today that make so many turn to drugs. I came from a small town in Colorado which, like so many rural communities, is awash with meth. There are crimes in that peaceful valley today that rival those of major cities. I work in the business end of mental health and alcohol abuse and see what it does to the lives of the users and their families. It is all such a waste and so sad.

  35. #85
    skafius Guest

    This is a link I have, and it's heartbreaking to listen too :-(

  36. #86
    knothere Guest

  37. #87
    Mamma Guest
    Just giving the thread a bump. I noticed The Thing Called Love is on one of the movie channels, so yes, I'm watching it.

    And Phoenix just looks so awful .

    I've read biographies that movie producers/execs knew he was high for the most part during filming, but wanted filming completed so it was never halted to get himself cleaned up I've read.

    Getting a better look at him now in this film all these years later, he's pretty bad off in a Mackenzie Philips sorta way. Bad skin, eyes sunken in, and even with the country accent he's basically drooling over his own words. They are all strung together. Just observing.

    Don't know how long after filming was completed that Phoenix overdosed, but I recall clearly this film was released after he died.

  38. #88
    Mrs F Guest
    Poor River. His death happened when I was a teenager and I had a delirious crush on him. I remember being devastated. There have been a lot of stories and quotes over the last 14 years, the one that always pissed me off was the story of Christina Applegate, who saw River go down, making fun of him in the parking lot with her friends.

  39. #89
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs F View Post
    Poor River. His death happened when I was a teenager and I had a delirious crush on him. I remember being devastated. There have been a lot of stories and quotes over the last 14 years, the one that always pissed me off was the story of Christina Applegate, who saw River go down, making fun of him in the parking lot with her friends.
    I never heard about that. I've only ever heard that she was upset by it & she never did drugs b/c she witnessed him die.

  40. #90
    knothere Guest
    applegate did a danse impersination of him dying on the sidewalk at sum thing that actors do

  41. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mamma View Post
    Just giving the thread a bump. I noticed The Thing Called Love is on one of the movie channels, so yes, I'm watching it.

    And Phoenix just looks so awful .
    I have that movie on DVD and yes, he looks pitiful. You can easily see the crash and burn that's coming. I have only watched it once, because it's just too sad to see a great little actor like that churn out the kind of crap that is "A Thing Called Love". It kinda takes me back to the "Jimmy Reardon" days.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  42. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by halogirl5 View Post
    If you take drugs, and you die of an overdose, that is entirely your fault and you should not be pitied. no one forces anyone to take drugs, ever.

    Sorry to be so black and white, and I feel sorry for Joaquin of course, but I hate people squandering and toying with the gift of life.
    Death comes to everyone, and the interest in that is what connects us, but anyone who plays with life by taking drugs is just saying a massive 'F@@@ you' to their loved ones.
    I so agree with you. River had everything going for him--beauty, talent, money--and he just gobbled, snorted, snifed, and injected it away.

    I have no pity for anyone who abuses drugs or booze. Life is about choices. And River made the choice to take drugs.

  43. #93
    lisalouver Guest
    Loved him in Stand by me, of course. But My Own Private Idaho is by far brillant and his best performance, IMO.

  44. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisalouver View Post
    Loved him in Stand by me, of course. But My Own Private Idaho is by far brillant and his best performance, IMO.
    I agree - that's also the performance that got him (supposedly) hooked on all the drugs. He took them to learn how to act (like a druggie) for that movie.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  45. #95
    leevancleef Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cindyt View Post
    I so agree with you. River had everything going for him--beauty, talent, money--and he just gobbled, snorted, snifed, and injected it away.

    I have no pity for anyone who abuses drugs or booze. Life is about choices. And River made the choice to take drugs.
    in my opinion not everything in this life is black or white...theres grey in between... For some people is not a choice, for some people is a "i cant help it" kind of thing going on....Usually, the hipersensitive people are the ones who get caught in that "trap".

  46. #96
    lisalouver Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SheBoss View Post
    I agree - that's also the performance that got him (supposedly) hooked on all the drugs. He took them to learn how to act (like a druggie) for that movie.
    I did not know that! Thanks for that tidbit. That makes sense too. How sad.

  47. #97
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SheBoss View Post
    I agree - that's also the performance that got him (supposedly) hooked on all the drugs. He took them to learn how to act (like a druggie) for that movie.
    Apparently his brother is the same way - method actor. That must be scary, considering some of the parts he's played.

  48. #98
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    Yep - from my (very limited) understanding, hardly any actor does that anymore, just because of things like this. I can't remember what they call the acting they do now. Man, I'm getting old!

    It reminds me of the undercover cop on "Oz" taking the drugs to prove is wasn't undercover. He got hooked and "fell" down an elevator shaft.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  49. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by leevancleef View Post
    in my opinion not everything in this life is black or white...theres grey in between... For some people is not a choice, for some people is a "i cant help it" kind of thing going on....Usually, the hipersensitive people are the ones who get caught in that "trap".
    I am sure that there are people with such demons on their back that they do turn to drugs and booze to ease their pain, and once they fall into that trap, they can't help themselves--or think they can't. And also there are those, like Judy Garland, who were pushed into it in that era by the studios.

    I also read that River began taking drugs to better portray a junkie in My Own Private Idaho. Like many, he probably thought he could escape addiction, but he couldn't and maybe you're right, maybe after that he couldn't help himself. But, I still say he and others like him had a choice. He could have observed junkies instead of becoming one. Judy could have said no. However, as I alluded to above, her case and others like her was far different in that the studio thought she was too fat (I have always wondered what role her mom played in that too).

  50. #100
    Mamma Guest
    Wow, there's so much open for discussion here. My problem with Phoenix is that not only did he go out of his way to tak about his pure lifestyle and vegan diet, he made it an exempliary likestyle, "Be just like me" in his PSA's. Obviously, he was living two different lives. But what really chafes my ass, is that River, his money, his fame, ALL of these things were an open door to any rehab across the globe. With his fame, and literal small fortune, he could have afforded a nice stint in a rehab of his choice.

    But for most people, rehab and medical insurance is a luxury for the rich alone. Medical care is getting tougher and tougher to come by. I've met addicts who will tell you it is cheaper to stay on drugs, than lose their home and what little belongings they have, just to afford rehab. I doubt I would "judge" River so much if not for his PSA's, and his constant preaching on the polllutants of the world that are slowly killing us. I would have preferred he be up front and honest (a la Robert Downey Jr.) and I'd probably have a ton more respect for him.

    But anyhoo, yeah, its tough seeing addicts lose everything, their kids, goin to jail etc., because of addiction, while celebrities throw it all away while being able to afford rehab a hundred times over .

    Everybody has hidden demons and skeletons in the closet, I can dig that. But that being the case, they shouldn't walk around like their perfect, pure, advising others how to live a pure lifestyle, etc. That's always kinda stuck with me. Of course River is not the only one who lived a double lifestyle, but it's apparent he's taking the fall for most . And for that, i really do feel bad for him.

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