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Thread: River Phoenix - Warning Dead Pic!

  1. #451
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    I know .. I get sad too .. I always get weepy at the end of Stand By Me .. when his character, Chris, says to Gordie "Not if I see you first .." and he turns to walk away .. and then just fades away .. gets me everytime because you know the tragic ending of River .. oh, and Running on Empty does it to me too when he has to say goodbye to Lorna (Martha Plimpton) and starts to cry .. I like the mushy stuff .. what can I say!! LOL
    I know what ya mean about the ending of Stand By Me. Wonder why him and Martha Plimpton broke up. She was odd lookin but i thought they made a cute couple. Well so did him and Samantha,so never mind.

  2. #452
    Dylgem22 Guest
    I always liked Martha ... she was my favorite character on The Goonies .. LOL and I loved her on The Mosquito Coast with River too .. I can't recall why they actually broke up, but I think I remember reading somewhere they stayed really good friends .. and talked all the time .. he would call her up when he was having "girl" issues, etc ..

  3. #453
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    I always liked Martha ... she was my favorite character on The Goonies .. LOL and I loved her on The Mosquito Coast with River too .. I can't recall why they actually broke up, but I think I remember reading somewhere they stayed really good friends .. and talked all the time .. he would call her up when he was having "girl" issues, etc ..
    Did she ever speak about River's death?

  4. #454
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Hmmmm .. good question .. I used to spend a lot of time at the River site "Rios Attic" a while back, but I never came across anything .. that place just got way too weird for me though .. I will have to look up some stuff now!! I am curious .. I just know she had said stuff like that about how they were still close up until he died .. I bet Martha was heartbroken just the same!!

  5. #455
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Ah ha .. this was on Wiki about Martha and River:

    "Their relationship later ended due to Plimpton's objection to his recreational drug use, which claimed his life in 1993."

  6. #456
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    Ah ha .. this was on Wiki about Martha and River:

    "Their relationship later ended due to Plimpton's objection to his recreational drug use, which claimed his life in 1993."

  7. #457
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by LSF View Post
    Thankyou! Thats what i was thinking,wasn't sure. I tried watching Silent Tongue very weird and even watched some clips off youtube,still weird. Wonder how much more was left to film off Dark Blood? Too bad we'll never get to see any of it.
    Per imdb, he died 11 days before filming was completed, but apparently there was still a lot of missing footage and the movie was scrapped. The director owns the footage and said he might one day use it to do a documentary on River. There are some short clips from the movie on youtube, but I haven't seen them and I'm not sure where they came from.

  8. #458
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by betsy View Post
    Per imdb, he died 11 days before filming was completed, but apparently there was still a lot of missing footage and the movie was scrapped. The director owns the footage and said he might one day use it to do a documentary on River. There are some short clips from the movie on youtube, but I haven't seen them and I'm not sure where they came from.
    I hope the director does do a documentary.

  9. #459
    riverchick23 Guest
    I went to Gainesville again this weekend and got another picture with what I think is River's ghost. This one was outside of a bar that his band used to play at - it has a different name now, but is the same building. I had a feeling I would capture something here, and I did. It isn't an orb or is a real image. I will try to post it if I can - but it has to magnified a little or you can't really see the image. Freaky. The last ghost picture I got of him was totally recognizable...both my sister and my mom saw his image in the pic right away. Which is awesome because I thought I was losing my mind at first! I wasn't sure if I should share because the pictures are extremely special to me, but I am just really excited.

  10. #460
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by riverchick23 View Post
    I went to Gainesville again this weekend and got another picture with what I think is River's ghost. This one was outside of a bar that his band used to play at - it has a different name now, but is the same building. I had a feeling I would capture something here, and I did. It isn't an orb or is a real image. I will try to post it if I can - but it has to magnified a little or you can't really see the image. Freaky. The last ghost picture I got of him was totally recognizable...both my sister and my mom saw his image in the pic right away. Which is awesome because I thought I was losing my mind at first! I wasn't sure if I should share because the pictures are extremely special to me, but I am just really excited.
    Wow! I'd like to see those pictures! That would be so awesome!

  11. #461
    riverchick23 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LSF View Post
    Wow! I'd like to see those pictures! That would be so awesome!
    One was on my phone so I have to figure out how to get it on here, and I just tried to upload the one from this past weekend,but it doesn't work because it needs to be blown up a lot. It just looks grainy and pixel-y when I try to make it bigger. If I upload it as a regular size picture you guys won't see the image since it is in the background. I am bad with all of this uploading stuff, maybe my husband can help me or something!
    Last edited by riverchick23; 08-11-2008 at 06:33 PM.

  12. #462
    Seagorath Guest
    Was Al Jourgensen and Flea in River's company at the Viper Room?

  13. #463
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    Hmmmm .. good question .. I used to spend a lot of time at the River site "Rios Attic" a while back, but I never came across anything .. that place just got way too weird for me though .. I will have to look up some stuff now!! I am curious .. I just know she had said stuff like that about how they were still close up until he died .. I bet Martha was heartbroken just the same!!
    If it's the same site I used to visit, it was once called Alecka's Attic and it was awesome, but now it's the pits. Weird, as you say. It even has River's linage on a historic timeline.

  14. #464
    Flowergrrl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    I don't know if you should be happy or sad about that!! LOL I guess a little of both?! Interesting find if it's true about that pic !!

    Oh, and something I was thinking of the other day .. is it "odd" that I am 30 years old and still watch "Stand by Me" and think River was a cutie? I mean, I was 10 when I first saw that movie and had a crush on him then .. and I still watch his movies when he was young and think what a hottie!! LOL Just don't want people thinking I have any weird Pedo tendancies!! LMAO!! I know I am not the only one who thinks this way, just thought it was funny!! Okay, I'll shut up now!!
    I watched it recently and still think he's hot in it. I watched part of some stupid movie Christian Bale was in when he was a teenager and was thinking the same thing... lol. Both are (would be) older than me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seagorath View Post
    Was Al Jourgensen and Flea in River's company at the Viper Room?
    Flea was, don't know about Al. I thought the rumor was that Flea sold him the shit that killed him.

  15. #465
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cindyt View Post
    If it's the same site I used to visit, it was once called Alecka's Attic and it was awesome, but now it's the pits. Weird, as you say. It even has River's linage on a historic timeline.
    Cindy, that could be the one .. I just thought it was Rio's Attic .. I know his band was Alecka's Attic .. but I could be wrong! And yes, it was weird .. talk about really overly obsessed people, but to each his own!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ratgrrl View Post
    I watched it recently and still think he's hot in it. I watched part of some stupid movie Christian Bale was in when he was a teenager and was thinking the same thing... lol. Both are (would be) older than me.

    Flea was, don't know about Al. I thought the rumor was that Flea sold him the shit that killed him.

    Hahahahaha .. I think the same thing too about Christian Bale .. I was 13 when I saw "Empire of the Sun" and that's when I became a CB fan!! And I still think he is a cutie when I watch that movie (even though he is 13 in it.. LOL) but thats how old he was when I first saw him, so the memory stays!

    And I do think Flea was there .. I don't remember hearing about Al though ..

    PS .. I just figured out how to multi-quote!! Go me!! LOL

  16. #466
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by riverchick23 View Post
    I went to Gainesville again this weekend and got another picture with what I think is River's ghost. This one was outside of a bar that his band used to play at - it has a different name now, but is the same building. I had a feeling I would capture something here, and I did. It isn't an orb or is a real image. I will try to post it if I can - but it has to magnified a little or you can't really see the image. Freaky. The last ghost picture I got of him was totally recognizable...both my sister and my mom saw his image in the pic right away. Which is awesome because I thought I was losing my mind at first! I wasn't sure if I should share because the pictures are extremely special to me, but I am just really excited.

    Oh, and I would love to see the pictures too if possible!! I know when I have photos on my phone, I just send them to my email, instead of a text message and then save them to my computer! Those pictures must be something!

  17. #467
    **Jenna** Guest
    River's birthday is coming up this weekend. How sad.Wonder what he would look like.

  18. #468
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Yep!! The 23rd .. I always remember that day .. I do wonder what he would look like .. BTW, did Riverchick ever post any of those pics she took of his "ghost"??

  19. #469
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dylgem22 View Post
    Yep!! The 23rd .. I always remember that day .. I do wonder what he would look like .. BTW, did Riverchick ever post any of those pics she took of his "ghost"??
    No she didn't

  20. #470
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Las Vegas, Nevada


    Quote Originally Posted by Serendipity09 View Post
    River Phoenix
    Let's keep this about River on this thread.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    I cried for shoes .... til I met a man with no feet.


  21. #471
    RaRaRamona Guest
    A better scolding would be for folks to read an entire thread before posting. This thread hasn't been off topic in months.

  22. #472
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Pammijo View Post
    Let's keep this about River on this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    A better scolding would be for folks to read an entire thread before posting. This thread hasn't been off topic in months.
    I'm confused Its been a very long time since i've gotten off topic on this thread

  23. #473
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LSF View Post
    I'm confused Its been a very long time since i've gotten off topic on this thread
    I don't know why she said that, just carry on.

  24. #474
    *racheal* Guest
    God I miss him. I too wonder what he would be like today!

  25. #475
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    A better scolding would be for folks to read an entire thread before posting. This thread hasn't been off topic in months.

    Yeah! I think LSF and I have done a great job at doing that!! LOL ..

    So, staying on the topic of River, and sorry if this has been discussed before, what are some favorite lines from movies, or scenes?

    Oh, I have tons .. but I think my favorites are:

    Running on Empty - I love the part when he goes to Lorna's (Martha Plimpton) bedroom to wake her up to spill his secret .. and then just how sweet he sounds and when he tells her he loves her .. and then the "get it on" .. LOL

    Stand by Me - I love, love, love the look on his face and the way he says, "Not if I see you first" at the end before he fades away .. *tear* ..

  26. #476
    Seagorath Guest
    Essential reading for you all...

  27. #477
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Seagorath View Post
    Essential reading for you all...

    I'd love to read that book.

  28. #478
    MorbidMolly Guest

  29. #479
    Lily_Aleister Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Seagorath View Post
    Essential reading for you all...

    Read it when I was 12.. I love the part at the end when his family is reminiscing about him and something falls over and breaks, they knew it was River.

  30. #480
    riverchick23 Guest
    Happy early birthday, River!!! I love you, angel. It's almost unreal.

    Maybe I can get one of the pictures that I have up on his b-day. I am still skeptical about putting it all out there, though. They just mean so much to me and I don't know if I want them floating around the internet, know what I mean? I just want you guys to know that I'm not full of crap about these pics, they are just very special to me.
    Last edited by riverchick23; 08-22-2008 at 11:06 AM.

  31. #481
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidMolly View Post
    Thats neat,I scored 17/20

  32. #482
    riverchick23 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidMolly View Post
    20/20...I need a life. Ha, ha.

  33. #483
    **Jenna** Guest
    Happy Birthday River.

  34. #484
    Lily_Aleister Guest
    he would have been 38 tomorrow.

  35. #485
    Join Date
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    Jumping Into a Space Vortex
    Happy "38th" birthday, River!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Didn't know that was a thing...

  36. #486
    Dylgem22 Guest
    Happy Birthday River!! We miss you!!

  37. #487
    **Jenna** Guest
    I've been thinking about you all day River. Can't believe you'd be 38.

  38. #488
    girlnamedfaerie Guest
    In celebration of River's birthday....

    Here is a link to Aleka's Attic myspace page:

  39. #489
    Join Date
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    Happy Birthday River! You are greatly missed..... I still think about you often...

  40. #490
    **Jenna** Guest Here's a clip from the movie Silent Tongue

  41. #491
    Join Date
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    Broomfield,Colorado. Originally from Meriden, CT.
    For those of you who get HBO, they will be showing "The Thing Called Love" at various times, today. (August 29th.)
    "So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes, I'm afraid it's time for Goodbye again. "

  42. #492
    ByrdSar Guest
    I miss River Phoenix. I thought he was very talented. I've seen Stand By Me and The Thing Called Love, but I haven't seen any of his other films. Joaquin has made a big name for himself. I'm sure his brother would be proud.

  43. #493
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    I especially enjoyed Running on Empty. He was so gorgeous and such a talent, it's sad he wasted his short life on drugs. I hate it so, I do. I hate drugs and I hate the people who sell them (I'm not talking about weed here.) It's the hard stuff. Sell it and you are selling misery and death.
    Last edited by cindyt; 08-29-2008 at 01:41 PM.

  44. #494
    Boxofpandoraz Guest
    All of River's movies are painfully hard for me to watch.

    But particularly The Thing Called Love.

    Hearing him sing with that wonderful voice he had breaks my heart.

  45. #495
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    He looks nothing like Joaquin. Do they have different fathers?
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  46. #496
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ichabodius View Post
    He looks nothing like Joaquin. Do they have different fathers?
    Nope. They have the same parents. River looks more to me like his mom and Joaquin favors his dad.

  47. #497
    Mach2 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cindyt View Post
    I especially enjoyed Running on Empty. He was so gorgeous and such a talent, it's sad he wasted his short life on drugs. I hate it so, I do. I hate drugs and I hate the people who sell them (I'm not talking about weed here.) It's the hard stuff. Sell it and you are selling misery and death.
    Having money is a death sentence for many people because all it means is they can purchase unlimited quantities of drugs.

  48. #498
    **Jenna** Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mach2 View Post
    Having money is a death sentence for many people because all it means is they can purchase unlimited quantities of drugs.
    I can see how that can happen. If I had tons of money,i'd be very tempted to spend it all on blow or cute little puppies

  49. #499
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    it wasnt unlimited quantities of drugs that did him in it was one potent fix.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  50. #500
    **Jenna** Guest
    I don't understand,people know that a speedball can kill you,so why do they try it?

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