View Poll Results: What Do You Believe In?

82. You may not vote on this poll
  • God

    54 65.85%
  • Jesus

    47 57.32%
  • heaven/hell

    39 47.56%
  • afterlife

    52 63.41%
  • reincarnation

    28 34.15%
  • ghosts

    51 62.20%
  • aliens

    29 35.37%
  • Bigfoot

    14 17.07%
  • Loch Ness Monster

    16 19.51%
  • I believe in none of the above

    8 9.76%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: What Do You Believe In? - Faith/Religious/Spiritual Issues

  1. #351
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    On this forum, obviously!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack'sGirl View Post
    I can speak from someone who used to believe as Halo did, but I don't think I do anymore. I once thought angels were separate beings, but I have recently had a mind altering event happen in my life and I'm not sure of any of that anymore.

    I didn't mean that to sound negative, I just mean I believe that when we die, we get to come back to help be a guide to those we love. I lost my dad in summer of '06, and I believe he is still with me, visiting me in dreams and watching over me. I feel his presence all the time.

    Do they become angels? I dunno, but it feels like it. The Bible says we have a great cloud of witnesses, who are in that cloud? Angels? Those that have passed on? A little of both?

    I think they can see those things, but I believe they are surrounded with so much love and joy that they don't feel it. Their emotions, their love, etc., is far more evolved than ours is. They can see the whole picture, we can't.

    That's just my dimestore beliefs, take it or leave it, FWIW. YMMV.

    Barbossa, you DEVIL! I know some of those things you want to do!
    Not to disparage you, your beliefs, or your thoughts, but I still have to disagree with you (respectfully). Why did God destroy the earth in Noah's day? Because the humans and angels were having "relations". The angels were ruining human nature. Humans were no longer being purely human and angels were no longer being purely angels. I think they are 2 separate entities and cannot be intermingled or exchanged. I do believe there are guardian angels to watch over you. Could they take the shape of a loved one? I don't know, but it's possible.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  2. #352
    Guest Guest
    When I die, I would like to be an angel version of The Terminator I would fly round the earth with razor sharp wings and nuke anybody who hurts the vunerable! What fun that would be
    I was brought up a catholic, am now an agnostic who doesn't believe in hell. The Bible was written many moons after the events it tells. Some see it as a comfort, which I can understand, I see it as a cosy story. I like the idea of Heaven and could never totally disbelieve in it, as it is a sign of hope and a chance for peace from this bad world when one finally passes away

  3. #353
    atlantis Guest

    Need guidance in a bad way. Are prayers answered?

    Here's a loaded question...if God is real, why doesn't he answer prayers?

    My life is crap right now due to a variety of reasons. I have cried and begged and prayed to be shown the path I should be on. Now, I'm NOT a religious person, but I am very spiritual and DO believe in God.

    Yet, even though I've made my pain and desperation known...nothing....not one thing.

    My beloved 4 year old previously healthy sweet, precious angel dog dropped dead in our floor Father's Day. We have no idea what happened and we can't afford an autopsy. Poisoning has been ruled out.

    That has devastated me, to a point where I have a hard time simply doing normal everyday tasks. It's affected my work (I work in retail). I have begged "God" to take some of the pain away so I can half-way function again. But...nothing.

    I believe in God, but what am I supposed to think? I deserve all the shit I'm getting? That I'm not worth "God's" time?

    I'm sorry, guys. I feel I'm at some sort of crossroads in my life and I'm clueless.

  4. #354
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North Carolina
    this makes me think of Garth Brooks - Unanswered prayers

  5. #355
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by atlantis View Post
    Here's a loaded question...if God is real, why doesn't he answer prayers?
    How long is a length of string?
    I am a sick puppy....woof woof!!!
    Carping the living shit out of the Diem. - Me!!

  6. #356
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by neilmpenny View Post
    How long is a length of string?

  7. #357
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by findadeathaddict View Post
    this makes me think of Garth Brooks - Unanswered prayers
    Yes, I know that song it, too. I could lean toward that theory if things weren't so painful.

  8. #358
    cubbiecatz Guest
    Maybe you aren't seeing clearly the signs he is giving you? I think your comment about you aren't worth God's time shows you are having serious doubts about God. We all go thru hard times, some will be worse than others. It doesn't mean God isn't there for you.

  9. #359
    djdeath-hag Guest
    I'm very & genuinely sorry for the loss of you furbaby. I've been there and will, undoubtably be there again. (Casey is showing significant signs of aging, dimished vision, hearing & occasional limping.) I also totally understand how you seem to be feeling in terms of your faith. Since last fall, when my 20 yr. old nephew died, after 11 days in a coma, I've come to doubt many aspects of my faith. Did we not pray hard enough? I'm still, like most folks, a work in progress. I'd like to believe that God doesn't control everything, much is left up to fate. I guess that I'd prefer to believe in an all loving deity than an all powerful one, who sometimes elects to not use said powers. I doubt that this makes any sense whatsoever....but my intentions are the best. HagHugs....and hang in there.

  10. #360
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Midland, Texas
    Oh honey, I'm sorry. I have been where you are ... I think we all have. Give your anger, frustration and doubt to God - he can handle it. Psalm 34:18 says 'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed'. I am no 'holy roller' but I think God hears us in our distress. He may not answer us in the way we like, or fast enough, but he does answer. I will pray for healing and strength for you and that happiness comes back into your life.

  11. #361
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by djdeath-hag View Post
    I'm very & genuinely sorry for the loss of you furbaby. I've been there and will, undoubtably be there again. (Casey is showing significant signs of aging, dimished vision, hearing & occasional limping.) I also totally understand how you seem to be feeling in terms of your faith. Since last fall, when my 20 yr. old nephew died, after 11 days in a coma, I've come to doubt many aspects of my faith. Did we not pray hard enough? I'm still, like most folks, a work in progress. I'd like to believe that God doesn't control everything, much is left up to fate. I guess that I'd prefer to believe in an all loving deity than an all powerful one, who sometimes elects to not use said powers. I doubt that this makes any sense whatsoever....but my intentions are the best. HagHugs....and hang in there.
    And a big hag hug to you....

    So sorry to hear about your sick baby. All of the pain associated with that is so not fair.

    And I understand about the loss of your loved one. My stepdad passed and I had these thoughts then. You have a very loving attitude towards it all. I need to be more grateful and loving, too. Oh, and it made total sense!

  12. #362
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by michihunt View Post
    Oh honey, I'm sorry. I have been where you are ... I think we all have. Give your anger, frustration and doubt to God - he can handle it. Psalm 34:18 says 'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed'. I am no 'holy roller' but I think God hears us in our distress. He may not answer us in the way we like, or fast enough, but he does answer. I will pray for healing and strength for you and that happiness comes back into your life.
    You are too kind. Thank you in advance for your prayers for me. I feel I need them so badly. I loved the bible felt comforting. And I desperately hope he hears our SOS...

  13. #363
    atlantis Guest
    I must tell you...earlier, I was writing a post about God and my doubts and whatnot and right when I was about to post it, my computer cut off. It wouldn't cut back on for a while. Hmmmm......

  14. #364
    bluebird14 Guest
    This is going to sound corny, but God does answer prayers. He just doesnt do it the way you want him to.

    For example: I lost my grandmother a few years ago, and it was a horrible time in my life. However, the death brought me closer to my family AND now my grandmother watches over me as an angel.

    I try to find the positive stuff because the world is negative enough. I hope this helps!

  15. #365
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I don't know why we suffer. I don't know.... I know sometimes I learn something from suffering, but I can also learn things from not suffering. I don't know why He allows it? Maybe it is some sort of of way to change....a metamorphosis.

  16. #366
    Jaxxx Guest
    I don't have any answers, or words of wisdom...........I care and pray you'll find relief

  17. #367
    TallulahDahling Guest
    What have we done to please God? Maybe we all need to ask ourselves that question.

  18. #368
    choochie Guest
    I know about the torment and God does seem more distant these days. I'm sorry about your baby.

  19. #369
    MoonRabbit Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cubbiecatz View Post
    Maybe you aren't seeing clearly the signs he is giving you? I think your comment about you aren't worth God's time shows you are having serious doubts about God. We all go thru hard times, some will be worse than others. It doesn't mean God isn't there for you.
    I agree with cubbiecatz.

    The story of JOB is one good story to read. Job's world was falling apart
    at the seams and he was once a very wealthy and successful man. Job suddenly begain having all sorts of horrific luck and even his health was lost. He was reduced to sitting in the street covered with sores
    and stray dogs would come by and lick his open sores!
    Job couldn't understand why he was having so many problems and losing
    Job's friends and even his wife told JOB to curse God and die as he was so
    Job refused to curse God as he thought that maybe it wasn't God causing his problems.
    And all along it was Satan causing all his problems!
    Satan picked on Job to prove to God that humans will curse God if things
    go wrong in their lives. Satan was trying to humiliate God by using Job.
    Only it didn't work.

    It's an interesting story anyway.

  20. #370
    I think alot of what we suffer is from our own choosing. But then again, alot is also stuff that just happens out of our control. I know in my own life that God has brought heartache, only for me later, to say that He had brought me through it and when I look back, even though it was painful for me, it made me grow. I've been through so much stuff, that I can honestly say that it ONLY could have been God that worked that mess out---if I was patient and I trusted Him. He can AND does turn it around. A situation that you can find yourself in and you think that there is no way out...He WILL make a way!

  21. #371
    Nicksmorbidfascination Guest
    It depends where you're looking for God...I've had a rough trot too and still am...
    I've found God in the people around me, finally after realising that God was not to blame for the death of my much loved little brother...
    Hugs to you, on the loss of your furbabyxxxx

  22. #372
    betwixed Guest
    All said with love-

    You are begging God to show Himself in YOUR way and YOUR time.
    You beg Him to take away your pain because you dont want to feel it, and question Him being there because He wont take it from you.

    There is that saying about the single thread being unable to see its place in the whole tapestry. God doesnt consider you too insignificant to deal with, but He sees the whole tapestry while we can only see the thread.
    We can ask why all we want and may never see the answer- doesnt mean we dont *get* the result. This is where true faith steps in.

    Stop asking why. Stop begging for Him to do things YOUR way. Ask humbly for strength to get through this. Ask for the wisdom to see any doors/paths He may be opening to you. Then, let go and give it to Him.
    Stop fighting and searching and rest in Him and His timing. Give your pain and confusion to Him. Far easier said than done I know, but the peace you will receive makes it worth it 10 times over.

  23. #373
    tarsier Guest
    I am not a Christian but believe stongly an a benevolent universal sentience that you refer to as God. You do seem to be limiting this force with your expectations. The answers are there if you can let yourself accept them.

  24. #374
    secretsquirrel13 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TallulahDahling View Post
    What have we done to please God? Maybe we all need to ask ourselves that question.
    I was thinking the same thing. Alot of times we ignore God for the most part, then when we need Him we complain that He is not there...a relationship with Him is like any other goes both ways.

    That said...I have concluded that all I go thru in my life is part of a huge puzzle. Everything, every smile and every tear, is a piece of that puzzle. Sometimes I think it's all pointless and useless, but, looking back, I begin to see the picture the puzzle is making. And if one piece had not been placed, the picture would be completely different. Alot of very bad things have happened to me that past 2 1/2 years, catastrophic things. But, if one thing had been different, I would not be where I am right now. With my beautiful daughter. She was a product of a desperate situation.
    Things in my life are still not good, but I have learned to be thankful, even in times of sorrow, because I know things will change, and the puzzle becomes more complete.

  25. #375
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tarsier View Post
    I am not a Christian but believe stongly an a benevolent universal sentience that you refer to as God. You do seem to be limiting this force with your expectations. The answers are there if you can let yourself accept them.
    I like your description. That's more of the way I think of "God". I'm do you think I'm limiting this force with my expectations? I'm not being a smartass, I geniunely want to know.

    And I will ponder on that last sentence you wrote..."the answers are there if you can let yourself accept them".

    I am not a religious person, not in the least. I believe in a higher power but I also believe in aliens, Atlantis and parellel universes so go figure. So the bible stories are kind of over my head but I apprciate all of you taking the time to write them!

    Someone asked what I had done for God lately....I try and live as I know I was born to, I give to many charities, I'm a good, caring soul, I help anyone anyway I can, I forgive a million times over (usually the same relative), I am short, I don't believe I'm a shitty person by God's standards.

    So, I'm back at square one, but I'm armed with a little more knowledge thanks to you guys! I need a little more introspection, I think. When life is painful, it's usually a sign that change is needed.

    Thank you for all your kind words.

  26. #376
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Murphy, North Carolina (USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by cubbiecatz View Post
    Maybe you aren't seeing clearly the signs he is giving you? I think your comment about you aren't worth God's time shows you are having serious doubts about God. We all go thru hard times, some will be worse than others. It doesn't mean God isn't there for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by michihunt View Post
    Oh honey, I'm sorry. I have been where you are ... I think we all have. Give your anger, frustration and doubt to God - he can handle it. Psalm 34:18 says 'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed'. I am no 'holy roller' but I think God hears us in our distress. He may not answer us in the way we like, or fast enough, but he does answer. I will pray for healing and strength for you and that happiness comes back into your life.
    Quote Originally Posted by bluebird14 View Post
    This is going to sound corny, but God does answer prayers. He just doesnt do it the way you want him to.

    For example: I lost my grandmother a few years ago, and it was a horrible time in my life. However, the death brought me closer to my family AND now my grandmother watches over me as an angel.

    I try to find the positive stuff because the world is negative enough. I hope this helps!
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonRabbit View Post
    I agree with cubbiecatz.

    The story of JOB is one good story to read. Job's world was falling apart
    at the seams and he was once a very wealthy and successful man. Job suddenly begain having all sorts of horrific luck and even his health was lost. He was reduced to sitting in the street covered with sores
    and stray dogs would come by and lick his open sores!
    Job couldn't understand why he was having so many problems and losing
    Job's friends and even his wife told JOB to curse God and die as he was so
    Job refused to curse God as he thought that maybe it wasn't God causing his problems.
    And all along it was Satan causing all his problems!
    Satan picked on Job to prove to God that humans will curse God if things
    go wrong in their lives. Satan was trying to humiliate God by using Job.
    Only it didn't work.

    It's an interesting story anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by betwixed View Post
    All said with love-

    You are begging God to show Himself in YOUR way and YOUR time.
    You beg Him to take away your pain because you dont want to feel it, and question Him being there because He wont take it from you.

    There is that saying about the single thread being unable to see its place in the whole tapestry. God doesnt consider you too insignificant to deal with, but He sees the whole tapestry while we can only see the thread.
    We can ask why all we want and may never see the answer- doesnt mean we dont *get* the result. This is where true faith steps in.

    Stop asking why. Stop begging for Him to do things YOUR way. Ask humbly for strength to get through this. Ask for the wisdom to see any doors/paths He may be opening to you. Then, let go and give it to Him.
    Stop fighting and searching and rest in Him and His timing. Give your pain and confusion to Him. Far easier said than done I know, but the peace you will receive makes it worth it 10 times over.
    Quote Originally Posted by secretsquirrel13 View Post
    I was thinking the same thing. Alot of times we ignore God for the most part, then when we need Him we complain that He is not there...a relationship with Him is like any other goes both ways.

    That said...I have concluded that all I go thru in my life is part of a huge puzzle. Everything, every smile and every tear, is a piece of that puzzle. Sometimes I think it's all pointless and useless, but, looking back, I begin to see the picture the puzzle is making. And if one piece had not been placed, the picture would be completely different. Alot of very bad things have happened to me that past 2 1/2 years, catastrophic things. But, if one thing had been different, I would not be where I am right now. With my beautiful daughter. She was a product of a desperate situation.
    Things in my life are still not good, but I have learned to be thankful, even in times of sorrow, because I know things will change, and the puzzle becomes more complete.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. When God seems like a million miles away, that's usually when He's closest to you. I will say a prayer for you.

    *HAG HUGS*
    "Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's Heaven on Earth" - Mark Twain

  27. #377
    tarsier Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by atlantis View Post
    I like your description. That's more of the way I think of "God". I'm do you think I'm limiting this force with my expectations? I'm not being a smartass, I geniunely want to know.

    And I will ponder on that last sentence you wrote..."the answers are there if you can let yourself accept them".

    I am not a religious person, not in the least. I believe in a higher power but I also believe in aliens, Atlantis and parellel universes so go figure. So the bible stories are kind of over my head but I apprciate all of you taking the time to write them!

    Someone asked what I had done for God lately....I try and live as I know I was born to, I give to many charities, I'm a good, caring soul, I help anyone anyway I can, I forgive a million times over (usually the same relative), I am short, I don't believe I'm a shitty person by God's standards.

    So, I'm back at square one, but I'm armed with a little more knowledge thanks to you guys! I need a little more introspection, I think. When life is painful, it's usually a sign that change is needed.

    Thank you for all your kind words.
    Christians close keep their diety in a binding when the devine is infinite and can speak to us from any source or direction. Answers may come from a song on a radio or in a book/article. We don't always see them because direct answers tend to fall within our daily routines (right in our way) while we see only what we expect to see. Try keeping yourself open to those things hat seem out of place and then follow your first impressions.

  28. #378
    MbalmR Guest
    I am sincerely sorry for your loss. The baffling nature of such loss always brings up many questions.

    This is how I look at your dilemma: when you pray for answers, you are talking TO God, asking Him for something He may not find in your best interest. You're not LISTENING.

    Now, when you meditate, you allow God to speak to YOU. I recommend just giving yourself some time where you can relax and allow God to speak to you. He will calm your soul and help you find direction. The loss of loved ones is not God's way of punishing us. That is not God's plan. We punish ourselves over loss and torment ourselves over unanswered questions.

    You can't change what happened. God won't change it, either. But He can be your advisor during moments when you really let Him in.

    Also, please remember that religion is what we do; spirituality is what we ARE.

    I hope that helps a little???

    I'm off now to hug my baby boy Ollie very tight.

  29. #379
    atlantis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MbalmR View Post
    I am sincerely sorry for your loss. The baffling nature of such loss always brings up many questions.

    This is how I look at your dilemma: when you pray for answers, you are talking TO God, asking Him for something He may not find in your best interest. You're not LISTENING.

    Now, when you meditate, you allow God to speak to YOU. I recommend just giving yourself some time where you can relax and allow God to speak to you. He will calm your soul and help you find direction. The loss of loved ones is not God's way of punishing us. That is not God's plan. We punish ourselves over loss and torment ourselves over unanswered questions.

    You can't change what happened. God won't change it, either. But He can be your advisor during moments when you really let Him in.

    Also, please remember that religion is what we do; spirituality is what we ARE.

    I hope that helps a little???

    I'm off now to hug my baby boy Ollie very tight.
    It helped immensely. You are right. I need to meditate. Thank you.

  30. #380
    Snoopy Guest
    (((Hugs))) Atlantis I tend to believe that God doesn't have control over the bad things in our lives and in fact he doesn't want these things to happen but he does want us to rely on him for strength and guidance.. he is always there for us. I also agree with cubbie..he may be sending you signs but you just haven't figured them out yet. Stay strong and I truly hope you get the answers you're looking for.

  31. #381
    FloridaDeathHag Guest
    I think that He has something extra good planned for you, but maybe you're not ready or don't see it yet.

  32. #382
    Jack'sGirl Guest
    Atlantis, I can't say anything better than what was already said, except something simple I learned.

    Years ago there was a Christian performer I loved. Long story, but I hate to mention his name because he had a big fall, and I was really disappointed when it happend. No, it wasn't Swaggart! LOL! I questioned a lot about God then. And I questioned why his messages touched me when he was a wretched man. I learned that God can bless the message even if the messenger is screwed up. So I was able to keep the lessons I learned.

    But one thing simple story he told was being in the military, and he wasn't a Christian. He had two fellow officers that were, that were always trying to convert him. And it would make him so mad. One day he heard them praying for him, and the prayer was simple. "God, remind Mike today that you love him."

    That was it. And it was perfet. For years when my brother's life was such a mess and I had no idea what to pray for, I would just tell God, "Remind Bill today that you love him."

    That's what I'm going to do when I pray for you. I don't know everything going on in your life right now, but you need evidence that God is still there and still taking care of you, so that simple prayer is perfect.

    "God, show youself to Atlants, and show evidence of your love today."

    I hope you get some answers soon.

  33. #383
    Jack'sGirl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by djdeath-hag View Post
    I also totally understand how you seem to be feeling in terms of your faith. Since last fall, when my 20 yr. old nephew died, after 11 days in a coma, I've come to doubt many aspects of my faith. Did we not pray hard enough? I'm still, like most folks, a work in progress. I'd like to believe that God doesn't control everything, much is left up to fate. I guess that I'd prefer to believe in an all loving deity than an all powerful one, who sometimes elects to not use said powers. I doubt that this makes any sense whatsoever....but my intentions are the best. HagHugs....and hang in there.
    DJ, I'm probably going to tell you something you already know, so just humor me and let me think I helped, okay?

    I think it's 100% normal to question God after a death of a loved one. Believe me, I've done it myself. When my brother died, my sister, who has been a lifelong Christian, said, "Don't talk to me about God right now. I don't want to hear about Him. I'm furious with Him."

    Of course, my uber religious mother was upset by that. How dare she be angry at God? But my dad taught me something else. He said, "It's okay to question God, and it's okay to be mad at Him."

    God made us human, and He knows what we struggle with, in our faith. He knows we get angry, and He understands it. And believe me, He, of all people, can handle our anger.

    I think God can take our times when we lose faith and use them to make us stronger in the end. Somewhere along the way, you, too, will regain the faith you once had. It may change up a bit, but I think you will go back to it eventually. God knows that, too, and He's watching over you while you struggle with the proof of His existence.

    I believe God is a lot smarter than we, as humans, give Him credit for. He made us this way, and He knows we're not perfect. He also knows that if we question things, that's one way we learn. He gets that, for sure.

    You hang in there too, DJ. The answers will come. And we're all a work in progress anyhow. I know I am!

  34. #384
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    God does answer prayers, but in his own time frame.

  35. #385
    Jack'sGirl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ppepper View Post
    God does answer prayers, but in his own time frame.
    I remember always hearing that God answers prayers 3 ways:

    Yes, no and "wait awhile."

  36. #386
    melody Guest
    He definitely answers... maybe not in a way we expect him to or sometimes we might not notice until later...but he does.

  37. #387
    c l p Guest
    are you looking for an answer or are you just thinking about how awful life is? have you let go and let god help you or are you dwelling on your pain and heartache. how do you know god hasnt tried to help you but you just havent seen? i lost someone i love to. i had to put down my beloved purtygirl. when i found her she was toutured and cut up. she had scares all over her. she was starved and beatten.she was also a dog fighter. she had the strength to live. one day she became really sick. she was breathing heavy.and passing out it was tourture. i took her to the vet and theysaid that she was duying her heart was giving out.she was suffering like you dont know.i had her put down and it was heart breaking for me. i asked god to please show me that she was ok and the next day i looked to the sky and there was a heart. i cried i new she was ok. than little things started happening i would find a flower were i walked. or one day i went to were we cremated her and i was taking pictures and in one of the pictures was a rainbow. god answer prayers but are we listening? sometimes he does not answere them how we want but he does answer them. if all you are going to think about is how your life stinks and how misserable you are than that is how you will always be.but if you see the beauty and good things in the world good will come to you. GOD BLESS....AND BLESSED BE

  38. #388
    RoRo Guest
    I have felt this way too, for many years I didn't think God existed, I was going through some really heavy abuse, praying every night for it to end, when it didn't I lost my faith. Things got worse and worse and then one day I said if you are there prove it to me. I swear the next day things stated getting better for me. My life is in the crapper right now but I am holding onto the belief that there is a reason for it and that I will get through it. I will hold you in my prayers!!!

  39. #389
    shellileigh Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack'sGirl View Post
    I remember always hearing that God answers prayers 3 ways:

    Yes, no and "wait awhile."

    exactly...I believe in God, and been a Christian for 15 plus years....
    Were there times, i was questioning God, you bet.
    Were there times I was angry at God, yes!!! Ex: My father death.
    Were there times i prayed for certain things to for the answer to be yes, and wasn't....yes...Ex: Will he live.
    Were there a time I wanted to know why and didn't find out why....Yes
    And there were times when I did get my answers: Because I needed be there for my mom, and I couldn't be 8 month pregant.(i miscarried 1st child)
    I'm a fulltime sinner who needs God's grace and forgiveness everyday....

    so like Jack's girl answer prayer comes answered three different ways: Yes, No, or Now right now. I know you want your answers now, but sometimes God has a way of giving them to you eventually.

  40. #390
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Disgusting state of NJ
    JacksGirl as many know the absolute lve of my lfe teenage daughter lost her battle with Leukemia in April. Talk about being angry at God, I wrote the text book.
    When she went into remission late last year it was one of the happiest times of my life and then she relapsed and never came home again.
    I prayed her treatment would work God answered NO.
    I prayed her 2nd and 3rd treatment would work. Her 3rd treatment worked for a little and yet again she relapsed.
    When the Dr called us into that room and told us she was going to die I prayed for a miracle.
    I am mad at him that he took one of the sweetest kids on the planet and I got very mad at him for making me watch her get worse and worse on a daily basis.
    On top of all this I've been out of work for 15 months no prospects in sight.
    I pray I wouldn't get grief from certain people about me not being able to find work and once again he answered NO.
    So yes God has answered all my prayers with a big NO.
    See that and you don't thing God answers prayers.

  41. #391
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    NoHo Arts District-L.A.
    If it's in HIS will, prayers will be answered.

  42. #392
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    God is there. It is hard, but please hold tight and keep the faith.

  43. #393
    halogirl5 Guest
    I am kind of with Jack's girl on this.

  44. #394
    Jack'sGirl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseysucks View Post
    JacksGirl as many know the absolute lve of my lfe teenage daughter lost her battle with Leukemia in April. Talk about being angry at God, I wrote the text book.
    First, let me send you a hug. I wish there was something magical I could say to ease your heartache and bring your precious daughter back to you.

    I went through some of that with my brother. Bill was always the black sheep of the family. We all prayed for him for so many years, hoping he would straighten himself out. My mom spent probably 30 years on her knees for him. She also spent those 30 years chasing after him, and him running away from her.

    When he went into the hospital for the last time, with multi organ failure from so many years of alcohol abuse, I was most worried about my mother. Bill was her one weakness, her 30 year worry, and her 30 year heartache. I prayed fervently for God to spare her son. Please, give her that one gift. She has been a faithful Christian all her life. And she has been to church every time the doors are open and has held every position imaginable there. When there was no one else to do something, mom was the one to do it.

    Surely God could answer this one prayer for her. Surely he would reward her 73 years of true faith. If anyone deserved to have their prayer answered, she did.

    But it didn't work. We lost my brother anyhow. Granted, we were lucky that he got his life straightened out before he died, we have that one gift to hold onto, we believe he went to heaven. But beyond that, a year and a half later, mom still doesn't have her son back.

    Why? Yeah, I've asked that a million times myself. Why did someone with so much faith lose her husband and son within 18 months of each other? And then break her ankle later on that same year (her very first bone break, and it was severe enough for emergency surgery.) On top of that, she lost her nephew, and a very close friendship dissolved over something stupid that was out of her control. Why did it seem like God was punishing her, one of His most faithful followers?

    Sometimes there are no clear answers. I know it's hard to believe, but God doesn't say "no" just to be cruel. He doesn't sit back and laugh at our misery. God can see the whole picture at once. He knows what is right for each of us, and will give it to us when the time is right, if we have faith.

    Jerseysucks, I wish I knew why God chose to take your daughter to heaven when you weren't done loving her yet. Even though you can't see the reasons yet, they're there, and you will discover them when the time comes. And I'm not giving a pat answer, I believe that.

    I went through hell when my brother died. I know, it's a million times different than losing a child, yet the death of a sibling can be like someone pulled the carpet out from under you. I was upside down for a long time, and I wondered if I would ever be the same again. And I'm not. My belief system has changed. Not the basic beliefs, but things have shifted dramatically for me. I'm now working through things I believe in that I didn't before. It's been quite a journey, to say the least.

    But something miraculous has happened. I joined a support group for people that lost siblings. And over time I have had others tell me I helped them through some of their darkest hours, because I had been through it too, and had survived it. This last Thanksgiving a coworker had a sister that committed suicide. She came to me to talk, because I had lost my brother. Now we have chats every so often, because we get each other, like no one else does.

    Just a couple of months ago, my SIL called me. Her own sister is struggling with substance abuse, and they are so afraid they will lose her. She came to me because I had just lost Bill the same way. I talked to her, told her what I went through, and she went through a lot of soul searching and a lot of tissue boxes, working through her own childhood issues that led her sister to become an addict. She feels safe to talk to me about her feelings, because I understand.

    Mom finally said, "Well, maybe God is using you to help others that have been there." Maybe so. If that's the case, then so be it. I'm one that will help most anyone, if I can.

    Jersey, maybe God has something in store for you down the road. Maybe you can help someone else through the same thing you lived through. They can see that you survived it, and maybe they can too.

    Would I change it all to bring my brother back? You're damned right I would. Hell, I'd rather not be an expert in this field, thankyouverymuch. I'm sure you'd trade it all to have your beautiful daughter back. I have said many times I never asked to be a member of a sibling grief club, I don't want the job. But life dealt me lemons, so I'm doing the best I can to make lemonade with them, and then offer a drink to someone else who's thirsty, and traveling the same journey I am.

    God hath not promised skies always blue,
    Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
    God hath not promised sun without rain,
    Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

    But God hath promised strength for the day,
    Rest for the labor, light for the way,
    Grace for the trials, help from above,
    Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

  45. #395
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN
    ((((Hag Hugs))))

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  46. #396
    the corpse bride Guest
    SHort answer and all I can give is that Maybe the answer to the prayer is one
    you haven't thought of.

    Example:I lost my grandpa when I was 15 and this devastated me for many years.I talked one day to a cousin and told her I didn't understand why God would take my grandpa whom I needed. Her answer was simple:Your grandpa couldn't handle the death of Grandma first, so God knowing this, took him first. She also said to me that my grandparents would never permitted me to date, so both of them gone by the time I was 17, meant that I met and married my first husband. You might not know why something happens, but God sure knows why. Sorry if this is confusing, and I can't say this better.

  47. #397
    Impatience Guest
    maybe your beloved puppy was being saved from something really horrific happening to him/her later on.

  48. #398
    Sam Guest
    Many of us here on FAD have gone through some tough times, and are experiencing them right now.
    I spend last week at my parents doing things that would have never have been done if I hadn't gone down there. I spent two days cleaning out a storage unit full of nothing but worthless junk my father had collected like particle board, plastic furniture, bags and boxes of cables and wire. It took the rental of a U-Haul truck and three trips to the city dump to get rid of all the worthless shit, but I did find two boxes of family photographs that had been lost for years, a brand new western belt buckle I gave my father for Christmas 1996 thrown in with boxes of junk buckles and pocket knives he'd bought at flea markets. (I kept it.) I also found my mother's baby blanket from 1936, my sister's from 1968, and my nephew's from 1993. All were mixed in with junk. It was so hot my mother and my sister stayed in the car most of the time with the AC running.
    Then I helped my mother hang art and drapes in the house they just bought and spent an entire day detailing their 2 year old Ford mini van that my father had filled up with trash, batteries, tools thrown everywhere, and spilled coffee all over the carpet. I even replaced the tail light he broke towing his "Sanford & Son" home made trailer. Fixing everything he's ruined and torn up cost my my mother over $600.00 and he was pissed off and mad at us the whole time. He started blasting car salesmen as liars, thieves, and losers, so I reminded him I'd made a damn good living as an honest car salesman most of my life and he said, "Oh? Is that why you're unemployed and cleaning other people's cars? My mother went ballistic on him, but it still hurt my feelings a lot. My mother was very grateful to me and gave me $200.00 to buy groceries. I left last Sunday morning before my father got up, and I cried on the way home.
    I myself had a rough night after two promising job interviews this week, returned calls, etc.
    I must say that I think God led me to this thread this morning because all the things people have posted have helped me feel better.
    Just remember, no matter how you feel, NEVER quit and NEVER give up!

  49. #399
    Impatience Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    Many of us here on FAD have gone through some tough times, and are experiencing them right now.
    I spend last week at my parents doing things that would have never have been done if I hadn't gone down there. I spent two days cleaning out a storage unit full of nothing but worthless junk my father had collected like particle board, plastic furniture, bags and boxes of cables and wire. It took the rental of a U-Haul truck and three trips to the city dump to get rid of all the worthless shit, but I did find two boxes of family photographs that had been lost for years, a brand new western belt buckle I gave my father for Christmas 1996 thrown in with boxes of junk buckles and pocket knives he'd bought at flea markets. (I kept it.) I also found my mother's baby blanket from 1936, my sister's from 1968, and my nephew's from 1993. All were mixed in with junk. It was so hot my mother and my sister stayed in the car most of the time with the AC running.
    Then I helped my mother hang art and drapes in the house they just bought and spent an entire day detailing their 2 year old Ford mini van that my father had filled up with trash, batteries, tools thrown everywhere, and spilled coffee all over the carpet. I even replaced the tail light he broke towing his "Sanford & Son" home made trailer. Fixing everything he's ruined and torn up cost my my mother over $600.00 and he was pissed off and mad at us the whole time. He started blasting car salesmen as liars, thieves, and losers, so I reminded him I'd made a damn good living as an honest car salesman most of my life and he said, "Oh? Is that why you're unemployed and cleaning other people's cars? My mother went ballistic on him, but it still hurt my feelings a lot. My mother was very grateful to me and gave me $200.00 to buy groceries. I left last Sunday morning before my father got up, and I cried on the way home.
    I myself had a rough night after two promising job interviews this week, returned calls, etc.
    I must say that I think God led me to this thread this morning because all the things people have posted have helped me feel better.
    Just remember, no matter how you feel, NEVER quit and NEVER give up!
    awwww.... sam that was really nice of you to go help your parents out. your father sounds a lot like my paternal grandmother. we've always joked that she had every sears catalog ever put out. and god help you if you ever tried to touch the mountains of junk she had collected.

    if you lived in atlanta (instead of texas, right?) i could probably get you a job. i worked in the car business for years and still have a lot of contacts. i'm not looking for a job myself right now (of which i continue to be eternally grateful) but i've gotten three of my former co-workers jobs with said contacts. I had been pretty high up in the business deveopment side of the biggest dealer group in atlanta. wish you lived closer, i could help you out .

  50. #400
    Sam Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Impatience View Post
    awwww.... sam that was really nice of you to go help your parents out. your father sounds a lot like my paternal grandmother. we've always joked that she had every sears catalog ever put out. and god help you if you ever tried to touch the mountains of junk she had collected.

    if you lived in atlanta (instead of texas, right?) i could probably get you a job. i worked in the car business for years and still have a lot of contacts. i'm not looking for a job myself right now (of which i continue to be eternally grateful) but i've gotten three of my former co-workers jobs with said contacts. I had been pretty high up in the business deveopment side of the biggest dealer group in atlanta. wish you lived closer, i could help you out .
    Thanks! There are plenty of dealerships I could go to work for, but no one is making any money right now.

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