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Thread: Marilyn Harris

  1. #1
    Danny62 Guest

    Marilyn Harris

    Fondly remembered for her role as little Maria the flower girl who befriends Frankenstein.

    Frankenstein thinking she can float throws her in.

    In reading an old Filmfax she didn't have a nice mother...she would hold Marilyns hand over a hot stove for punishment!!!

    Aug 19, 1924-Dec 1, 1999.

    Died of heart failure and cancer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Towson, Maryland
    [SIZE=3]Danny[/SIZE]- I remember reading that the mother was a monster as well. MARILYN had very strong feelings about what she endured as a child, as well she should have. Sad. I recall seeing a picture of her as a middle aged woman. I might be wrong, but I think that she may have been one of the bios in one of those
    [SIZE=3]Whatever Became Of ............? ?[/SIZE] books by RICHARD LAMPARSKI.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I never got to see the edited part when she gets thrown in the drink. Is it online anywhere?

  4. #4
    SistaSara Guest
    Made her way into film history as the little girl accidentally drowned by the Frankenstein monster (as played by Boris Karloff) in the 1931 film "Frankenstein".
    After several takes of Harris's being thrown into the water by the monster in "Frankenstein," it was discovered that one last take was necessary, and director James Whale promised Marilyn, a good swimmer, anything she wanted if she would do the take one more time. She asked for her favorite snack: one dozen hard-boiled eggs. Whale gave her two dozen.

  5. #5
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    I never got to see the edited part when she gets thrown in the drink. Is it online anywhere?
    You could try youtube? I believe its been edited back into all the current releases of Frankenstein. I still have an old VCR copy which I haven't watched in years...seems like it was in that copy!!

    But I can't be sure!! Both Frankenstein and Dracula were heavily edited on there release and both have been fully restored!! I am sure the DVD's are complete!

  6. #6
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    I just seen it. I think he throws her in then it shows him running from the water.

  7. #7
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    When I was a kid I seen a movie called. Frankenstein-The true story. I think the monster looks normal for awhile then he starts rotting.Then he rips off the brides head at a wedding or something. Its been over 20 years since I seen it.

  8. #8
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    danny, you rock, i love your putting in obscure actors/actresses whom we remember as having contributed to the success and the interest of a movie or program! i shall endeavour to do the same!!!! that particular part in the movie is still shocking!!! little maria!!!!!
    pull the string!

  9. #9
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    The monster comes stumbling out of the woods. The little girl by the lake is initially startled, but then goes up to the giant and says, "Who are you? I'm Maria. Will you play with me?"----1931 version of Frankenstein with Boris Karloff

    Harris decided to grant an exclusive interview to share her recollections and put her impressions on record.
    Marilyn Harris: This is difficult for me because for years I have tried to repress everything, not just Frankenstein but everything about this period of my life. I tried not to think about it, but, of course, it is still there. You see, I was adopted when I was about one month old. About one month after that, I started in movies. My first one was as a baby in a Rin Tin Tin film. This was in 1924. I was one of two babies used in the part. I hear that when my mother came to pick me up, Rin Tin Tin would growl at her. There was something about her that the dog didn't like.

  10. #10
    Jack-O-Lantern Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    When I was a kid I seen a movie called. Frankenstein-The true story. I think the monster looks normal for awhile then he starts rotting.Then he rips off the brides head at a wedding or something. Its been over 20 years since I seen it.
    I just saw it's STILL a good movie.

  11. #11
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
    I just saw it's STILL a good movie.
    No doubt Boris would not be impressed. In the interview I heard of him he really hated the late 60's when the shows were all about the "shock" value.

    And tearing peoples heads off...does it actually show it?

  12. #12
    Jack-O-Lantern Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan7962 View Post
    No doubt Boris would not be impressed. In the interview I heard of him he really hated the late 60's when the shows were all about the "shock" value.

    And tearing peoples heads off...does it actually show it?
    Yes, the monster rips the head off the "bride" of Frankenstein (which has just been sewn on), destroying her because she rejects him due to his rotting visage. And this was in a 1973 TV movie!!! Things have changed, eh?

    Also, check out Kenneth Branaugh's version from the late 90s: "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein."

    There's a head-tearing in that version too, as well as an even more disgusting scene wherein Victor's wife's beating heart is ripped out by the monster! Also much closer in tone to the original novel than the Karloff version.
    Last edited by Jack-O-Lantern; 04-29-2008 at 09:52 PM.

  13. #13
    Danny62 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
    Yes, the monster rips the head off the "bride" of Frankenstein (which has just been sewn on), destroying her because she rejects him due to his rotting visage. Also, earlier in the film, the monster plunges his hand into Victor's wife's chest (that would be the lovely Jane Seymour) and rips her beating heart out! And this was all in a 1973 TV movie!!! Things have changed, eh?

    Now...believe it or not, these scenes are in Mary Shelley's original novel...NOT in the "Hollywoodized" version with Karloff. That version is probably the LEAST faithful to Shelley's original novel. The novel was intensely violent--the 1931 movie with Karloff was toned WAY down.

    Also, check out Kenneth Branaugh's version from the late 90s: "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Also much closer in tone to the original novel than the Karloff version.
    Would not see that on network TV these days. LOL

    I guess I need to check that one out. I am all for blood and gore. I read
    part of the novel years ago but hever finished it.

    Now in one of the last scenes of Frankenstein with Boris Karloff Mae Clarke was so terrified of Boris as the monster she could not do the last seen where he is attacking her.

    So Boris suggested she look up camera where his hand would be seen off Camera, and he would be wiggling his pinky finger to let her know it was Boris in makeup.

    He did it and they finally got the shot!

  14. #14
    Jazbabee Guest
    Thanks for the post Danny - I love seeing these types of posts.....actors/actresses that we most likely know, but hadn't thought about.

  15. #15
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    new zealand
    After several takes of Harris's being thrown into the water by the monster in "Frankenstein," it was discovered that one last take was necessary, and director James Whale promised Marilyn, a good swimmer, anything she wanted if she would do the take one more time. She asked for her favorite snack: one dozen hard-boiled eggs. Whale gave her two dozen.

    Personal Quotes

    Boris Karloff was a very sweet, wonderful man, and I just loved him. Immediately, from being on the lot, and taking his hand, I just loved him. I had no fear of him, whatsoever. We seemed to have a rapport together-and it was like magic.
    pull the string!

  16. #16
    Gorey Guest
    The movie"Frankenstein-the True Story- starred Micheal Sarazen (sp) as the monster. It had nothing to do with the Frankenstein movie or book except the name, they also change all the names of the characters too. I heard too the Boris hated this version, didn't quite care for it my self but mom had me watch it with her when it premiered on TV b/c she liked Micheal Sarazen.That was 100 years ago in the '70's I can still remember bits and peices of it. It wasn't that good IMO.

  17. #17
    NOVSTORM Guest
    I have tried to find more about her and can't. Did she ever write a book about her life???

  18. #18
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    I have the Frankenstein DVD-set. Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein have audio commentary. The commentary mentions in detail how Whale was loyal to his friends and didn't forget them. His lover's relatives were given roles in the movie and appeared in several crowd scenes. Marilyn Harris appears in the scene where the girls (all dressed in white) are coming out of the church/chapel - little Freida is missing, her mom asks where she is and Marilyn is the girl who says "Oh, Look!" at which point all the girls scream at the sight of dead Freida. Whale purposely wanted her to have that role because it was a speaking role - she had dialogue, it meant she got paid more money, and during the Depression every dollar counted.
    I read that rare interview she gave, her adopted mom was an evil witch, purposely underfeeding the kid so she'd stay waif-like and childlike longer, so she could continue to put the kid to work longer than expected in movies.

  19. #19
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    The scene in that movie is very touching, by all accounts Karloff was a kind and gentle man. I still watch The Grinch every year, just to hear that voice !
    Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.

  20. #20

    Don't ask me how I happen to have this......


  21. #21
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    S.E. Pennsylvania, USA
    Happy 100th Birthday to "Little Maria"!

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