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Thread: Selena aka Subpoena

  1. #351
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyMonkey719 View Post
    This is the song written and performed by Chris Perez, Selenas husband, for her. It really is a very beautiful song!

    I know he has remarried and I think had a kid or maybe two. Can you imagine how strong of a woman that his wife has to be? Especially when she hear's songs like that? I mean I know her loves his wife, but he didn't choose to leave Selena, she was taken and he will always have that love there for her. I kinda relate it to Priscilla & Elvis, but no, that's not really good cause she left him before he died, but can you imagine being the man who has to fill Elvis's shoes? I guess thats what I relate to Chris and his new wife, does she feel like she has to fill Selena's shoes? Does anyone know anything about his new wife or family?
    My Posse's On Broadway

  2. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shejay View Post
    I know he has remarried and I think had a kid or maybe two. Can you imagine how strong of a woman that his wife has to be? Especially when she hear's songs like that? I mean I know her loves his wife, but he didn't choose to leave Selena, she was taken and he will always have that love there for her. I kinda relate it to Priscilla & Elvis, but no, that's not really good cause she left him before he died, but can you imagine being the man who has to fill Elvis's shoes? I guess thats what I relate to Chris and his new wife, does she feel like she has to fill Selena's shoes? Does anyone know anything about his new wife or family?

    i found this website with links to a bunch of pictures of him and his family members (some of the pictures didn't come up for me though...) i found this article about them getting a divorce. I includeds a family picture
    and another article from the same website with some more interesting information.
    Last edited by SassyMonkey719; 04-07-2009 at 06:34 AM. Reason: forgot to add link...oops...

  3. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyMonkey719 View Post
    i found this website with links to a bunch of pictures of him and his family members (some of the pictures didn't come up for me though...) i found this article about them getting a divorce. I includeds a family picture
    and another article from the same website with some more interesting information.
    Hey thank you so much for the links!! That is the first time I have ever seen her, she does kinda look like Selena.... I was reading some of the comments from the people and they were brutal!! Man, you don't know who to believe. I still think it would be hard to live under Selena's shadow, but that's just me. If he wasn't "ready" to marry and be a father, he should not have done it, now the kids will pay the price. I am saying that just from the comments I read, regarding his drug use and not having a clear head when he met her, not sure how true it is. I kinda thought I heard tha Chris & the Q Family were not so friendly anymore, can't remember where I heard that, but that's what I got from it.
    My Posse's On Broadway

  4. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyMonkey719 View Post
    i found this website with links to a bunch of pictures of him and his family members (some of the pictures didn't come up for me though...) i found this article about them getting a divorce. I includeds a family picture
    and another article from the same website with some more interesting information.
    I didn't know Chris got married. I heard he had a child with some woman (I'm assuming it's the same woman he's about to divorce), but not much else. Reading the comments on that blog have been...enlightening. I guess Chris had/has a drug problem? Can't say I blame the guy if it's true. The love of his life was killed AND he has a shitty father in law. I always felt especially sorry for him. I remember Subpoena's sister or someone like that saying shortly after the murders that at night, everyone got to go home to someone yet Chris had to go home without Subpoena.

    As for the movie with J-Lo, I saw that thing a million billion times and it always left a bad taste in my mouth. Something about it just screams cash in. I'm glad that people outside of the Spanish speaking world got to know her story, but the movie itself was just, I don't know, shallow. At least the father was accurately portrayed as a controlling asswipe!
    Last edited by MagneticElectric; 04-10-2009 at 02:50 AM.
    "You live alone, creating your life as you go." - Edie Sedgwick

  5. #355
    Join Date
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    To day is Selena's birthday she would have been 38..and today is my birthday as well

    RIP Selena
    always in our hearts

  6. #356
    FiestyGal Guest
    Happy Birthday to both of you

    Wish she was still here.. so young, so talented.

  7. #357
    Maruz83 Guest
    I wonder what she would have done.... maybe by now she would ahve retired and had a couple kids.....

  8. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEL2323 View Post
    the thing about the Selena photo's is that her family could just come upon them in a search and they are still pretty scarred by this. from what i can tell, so i guess i can understand them taking them down whenever possible. plus they were taken illegally as well and they had court orders keeping them from the public. but i agree they could be a little nicer about asking people to take them down. instead of sueing everybody - just ask nicely im sure nobody would mind taking them down when asked nicely by the family. its when the law gets involved that it gets pretty stupid!
    ah her dad is just money hungry and I'll say it SELENA nothing wrong with saying her name feel like freaking part of harry potter when you can't say Voldemort's name .

  9. #359
    Join Date
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    A beautiful girl

  10. #360
    Join Date
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    Hey guys! Don't feed the troll!

  11. #361
    Khaos696 Guest
    Rip Selena

  12. #362
    cynnbox Guest
    Quintanilla family is closing the Selena boutique permanently (in corpus Christi) selena

  13. #363
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    Hmmmmm, I wonder why?
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  14. #364
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    Connecticut, You know home of ESPN
    Can you believe it's been 14 years?

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  15. #365
    cynnbox Guest
    its hard to believe...that it has been 14 years...

  16. #366
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    Yeah, time marches on that's for sure. My daddy has been gone 17 years come October and it seems just like yesterday. Sometimes I wanna dial his phone number and see who answers. That is very hard, I can imagine it is even worse if your family member was a public figure, reminders everywhere.
    My Posse's On Broadway

  17. #367
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    I was just browsing through FAD and came upon "Subpoena's" entry. I am guessing the answer to the reason for alias is somewhere in this thread.....

  18. #368
    Shano Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MagneticElectric View Post
    I didn't know Chris got married. I heard he had a child with some woman (I'm assuming it's the same woman he's about to divorce), but not much else. Reading the comments on that blog have been...enlightening. I guess Chris had/has a drug problem? Can't say I blame the guy if it's true. The love of his life was killed AND he has a shitty father in law. I always felt especially sorry for him. I remember Subpoena's sister or someone like that saying shortly after the murders that at night, everyone got to go home to someone yet Chris had to go home without Subpoena.

    As for the movie with J-Lo, I saw that thing a million billion times and it always left a bad taste in my mouth. Something about it just screams cash in. I'm glad that people outside of the Spanish speaking world got to know her story, but the movie itself was just, I don't know, shallow. At least the father was accurately portrayed as a controlling asswipe!
    Quote Originally Posted by Maruz83 View Post
    I wonder what she would have done.... maybe by now she would ahve retired and had a couple kids.....
    I would agree about feeling a bit sorry for Chris. He had a hard go of it with Selena's family. And then to have the love of his life, the woman he fought so hard to be with taken away so tragically. A shame. I can see where that would turn someone already prone to abuse to drugs and alcohol.

    His soon to be ex wife... I think she is beautiful and looks a little like Selena but I think she was his "rebound". He needed someone to fill the void. I think when he was with Selena they were about ready to start a family. So I wonder if it was just Chris's drug problems that caused him not to be such a great Dad and Husband or was it just the wrong girl to have kids with.

    I wonder too if Selena would have lived... would we have the "wonderful" J. Lo to hear about all of the time. Me thinks not. Selena would have not retired by now I don't think. She would have had kids with Chris and still been singing, designing clothes etc.

  19. #369
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    Aug 2008

    I loved that movie about her life and may she RIP

    And may that bitch that killed her rot in jail for the rest of her miserable life, the scum-sucking turd!

    Here one day, Gone one night, Gone too soon...
    Missing you forever...

  20. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by DivineDeath View Post

    I loved that movie about her life and may she RIP

    And may that bitch that killed her rot in jail for the rest of her miserable life, the scum-sucking turd!

    My Posse's On Broadway

  21. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shejay View Post

    Here one day, Gone one night, Gone too soon...
    Missing you forever...

  22. #372
    wozzy Guest

    Morgue pics

    Found this in another group. *WARNING DEAD PICS*

  23. #373
    bluebird14 Guest
    Oh jeez, she looks like she;s asleep.

    Its crazy to think that a tiny little thing like a bullet could cause soo much damage. I miss her.

  24. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by wozzy View Post
    Found this in another group. *WARNING DEAD PICS*

    LOL! OMG!!! You can have that image printed on a coffee cup, T-shirt, mouse pad, etc???? LOL!! I'm sorry but even for a death hag like me, that is a bit much, but it is funny.... I wonder who has done it?

    I always thought it was so weird how one little bullet hole killed her and you get peeps like 50 Cent who get shot 100 time and pull through. It just almost doesn't seem fair. Not that I want 50 Cent gone, I actually read his book, I like him, it's just a weird comparison....
    My Posse's On Broadway

  25. #375
    Lisa03 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Shejay View Post
    LOL! OMG!!! You can have that image printed on a coffee cup, T-shirt, mouse pad, etc????
    I saw that too. I had clicked on it thinking I could see either more pictures or bigger or something and then it came up on a shirt-- I was like WHAT?, lol

    Glad that I am not the only one that saw that. Was she shot twice?

  26. #376
    RubySlippers Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by wozzy View Post
    Found this in another group. *WARNING DEAD PICS*
    WOW. great find. never seen these. and she was once in the back.

  27. #377
    BooMom Guest
    I'm having a senior moment - if she was already married to Chris, who was according to law her next of kin, why did the Docs follow her dad's wishes that she not be given blood? Anyone?

  28. #378
    RubySlippers Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BooMom View Post
    I'm having a senior moment - if she was already married to Chris, who was according to law her next of kin, why did the Docs follow her dad's wishes that she not be given blood? Anyone?
    i am sure her dad had no problem telling Chris to abide by the "family's" wishes. he was pretty young and her dad was pretty direct.

  29. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by RubySlippers View Post
    i am sure her dad had no problem telling Chris to abide by the "family's" wishes. he was pretty young and her dad was pretty direct.
    Oh, dad was a real ego trip, all right. And still is.

    I saw those pics in The Globe during the day.

  30. #380
    BooMom Guest
    I guess I must be leaning toward atheist - cuz if someone with knowledge and medical training indicated that my child could be saved with a transfusion, I'd be all over that! Hell, there are plenty of other churches/religions one could join that don't require you to "believe" at the cost of your child's life !

  31. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by BooMom View Post
    I guess I must be leaning toward atheist - cuz if someone with knowledge and medical training indicated that my child could be saved with a transfusion, I'd be all over that! Hell, there are plenty of other churches/religions one could join that don't require you to "believe" at the cost of your child's life !
    I would never dis someones religious beliefs, but as far as I go, I would never belong to an organization that didn't believe in medical care or certain treatments of it. Remember that old adage "God helps those who help themself"? Well, by gosh, some people ought to wake up.

  32. #382
    kandykisses Guest
    I don't understand why they don't think God has helped Docs to advance medicine and do things that are modern miracles. I believe God gives Docs the knowledge to help us so we should use it.

    I believe in faith healing too-don't get me wrong but if God is sending a doc to help go for it. It's kind of like the story of the man on the roof with the flood. He ignores 2 rescuers in boats and a helicopter and so when he drowns he says God why didn't you save me. God says, "I sent 2 boats and a helicopter."

  33. #383
    WendyK Guest
    Is it true that she could of been saved by a simple blood tranfusion? Or is their more to it? Religous beliefs or not if that was my child on the slab she would of had every medical procedure offered to keep her alive!

  34. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by WendyK View Post
    Is it true that she could of been saved by a simple blood tranfusion? Or is their more to it? Religous beliefs or not if that was my child on the slab she would of had every medical procedure offered to keep her alive!
    IDK, Wendy. But from what I've read she pretty much bleed out before they could do anything for her. However, everything that could have been done for her should have been done, because you never know.

    They pumped enough blood into Brandon Lee for four grown men, but couldn't save him. However, years ago there was a woman in my area who started bleeding out after giving birth. They gave her Vitiman K, whhich clots blood, and a blood transfusion, something like over a 130 pints, but they saved her life.

  35. #385
    WendyK Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cindyt View Post
    IDK, Wendy. But from what I've read she pretty much bleed out before they could do anything for her. However, everything that could have been done for her should have been done, because you never know.

    They pumped enough blood into Brandon Lee for four grown men, but couldn't save him. However, years ago there was a woman in my area who started bleeding out after giving birth. They gave her Vitiman K, whhich clots blood, and a blood transfusion, something like over a 130 pints, but they saved her life.

    To me the entire situation could of been avoided. If just some blood was the case, IDK. Just a young gorgeous brilliant girl with her life snuffed out makes me sick.I hope to God it was more then that or I blame her family.

  36. #386
    bluebird14 Guest
    i heard she bled out in the ambulance and was basically dead by the time they got to the hospital.

    Still, she was my idol and I miss her greatly.

  37. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by WendyK View Post
    To me the entire situation could of been avoided. If just some blood was the case, IDK. Just a young gorgeous brilliant girl with her life snuffed out makes me sick.I hope to God it was more then that or I blame her family.
    A friend's husband was shot in almost the same spot as Selena and they said even if he had been shot in the ER he would not have made it. The difference between where she was shot and he was shot is he didn't bleed but a drop or two from the wound; he bled out internally.

  38. #388
    Guest Guest
    Must admit I never heard of Selena. Was just browsing the FAD directory, and came across 'Subpoena' with no pics etc! What's the deal with the removals?

  39. #389
    MissJames Guest
    Her father is sue happy...especially with her image, name, al......

  40. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlad View Post
    Must admit I never heard of Selena. Was just browsing the FAD directory, and came across 'Subpoena' with no pics etc! What's the deal with the removals?

    Yep you have to search through this thread. Scott removed his and we hid ours to avoid problems. The pics are around here somewhere....

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  41. #391
    Guest Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MissJames View Post
    Her father is sue happy...especially with her image, name, al......
    Thanks MissJames

  42. #392
    Join Date
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    Famous Crime Scene: Selena ..oops Subpoena is on VH1 now. The re-enactments are pretty interesting. Wow. It just occurred to me that later this month will be the 15th anniversary of her murder. I think a trip to Corpus Christi is in order. I'll be sure to take my Death Hag sticker with me.

  43. #393
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    Sorry, but i dunno where some of you people get your information. She *did* recieve multiple transfusions in an attempt to save her life. Her father and brother were the ones to arrive at the hosptial, her transfusions had already taken place. Her father was rabid over that, but the doctor explained that regardless of religious belief, Selena being 23 years of age, was legally an Adult, and was the only person who could refuse the treatment. *However* she was listed d.o.a. and the doctor explained she was "in no position to refuse treatment." So, it was done.
    My years of research indicated that from what witnesses in the O.R. said, the blood shot out of her chest as fast as they pumped it in. She lost practically all of her blood in the attack, and was given something like 5 pints in the O.R.
    While in the operating room, the attending physician was awaiting a cardiac surgeon, but knew they couldn't wait another moment, so they operated without him. They opened her chest and manually began to massage her heart. This great effort acheived an "erratic heartbeat".. but she only flat-lined again, her death being called at 1:05 pm.

    Sorry, but i loved her, and i don't like reading rude things about her, or seeing misinformation where i can help clear it.

    "Addiction is a snowball-effect. It can grow to the size of Everest, and this summit has the power to crush a thousand men." - Me.

  44. #394
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoe_Zeppelin View Post
    Famous Crime Scene: Selena ..oops Subpoena is on VH1 now. The re-enactments are pretty interesting. Wow. It just occurred to me that later this month will be the 15th anniversary of her murder. I think a trip to Corpus Christi is in order. I'll be sure to take my Death Hag sticker with me.

    Yeah, that was really good - I love that show, I record the series on my DVR. It basically proved that she just bled to to death. The bullet hit just the right, well wrong, but you know what I mean. The graphic showing all of the blood loss between the room and the lobby, made it all too real.
    My Posse's On Broadway

  45. #395
    imadeathhag Guest
    Video of Selena in her coffin. She looked so peaceful. The video is in Spanish just to let you know. It was a news report.

  46. #396
    rjbrasher Guest
    a pic of her in the coffin close up, WARNING DEAD PICTURE

  47. #397
    rjbrasher Guest
    sorry my brain is so cloudy its been years since i read everyone on seeleena (lol) but was there ever an autopsy report leaked out or released?

  48. #398
    melody Guest
    15 years... Hope you're still dancing and singing away

  49. #399
    Join Date
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    Wow - it doesn't seem like it hasa been THAT long. RIP
    My Posse's On Broadway

  50. #400
    trishsixxm Guest
    Selena looked really pretty in her casket. I hope I look that good. My only suggestion is that if I'm going to spend forever is box I want to be comfortable so I want to be buried in pajamas.

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