So what is her side of the story supposed to be?
So what is her side of the story supposed to be?
I didn't even read all the comments - some ppl go nuts.
Who knows what Yolanda's story is...
Ha Ha yeah...
the killer is staying in jail
I just saw the episode of "Snapped" last week about the case. Pretty good - even had scenes from the hotel of her blood everywhere, and also showed her in her open casket. I burned it to disc. It makes a nice "supplement" to her movie. I put it in the DVD case with it.
Has anyone read the book "Selena's Secret"? I was thinking it would be all BS, but then I thought if it was you know "Big Daddy" woulda stopped that shit before it ever got out - or sued the hell out of the writer... Just curious before I trcked it down on Amazon.
My Posse's On Broadway
20 years...Rest in Peace, Selena.
Last edited by Zoe_Zeppelin; 03-31-2015 at 04:23 PM. Reason: added pic
Such a loss... Imagine everything she could've accomplished!
I saw it on the news, I have to agree with many of the comments on the link you posted. I think it's exploitation, and of course it's about making money.
Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness.
What??!? This Selena? How is that, when she's gone? I haven't followed MAC for a while, I used to be a HUGE junkie, knew every collection coming out months ahead of time. I usually associate these collections with a person who somehow collaborates with them, but I guess they had a Barbie collection and it's not like they collaborated with a doll. But still, that's weird. Do that many people remember her after all this time that it's going to sell a collection? I mean Barbie is a classic, and others they have done collections/colors with are people like Lady Gaga, and Nicki Minaj, who were at high points in their fame.... this is just odd.
apparently a lot of people were campaigning MAC for this
For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.
What's so good about goodbye, when the best was yet to come?
This article claims the killer has been found dead in her cell.
Sincerely yours,
watching the Bieber roast re-run somebody on the dais said selena Gomez, sitting in the audience, was the unluckiest singer named selena ever. I think we know who they were referring to.
Knowlege Comes With Deaths release
Heaven's on the pillow,it's Silence competes with Hell
"If you don't go to other peoples' funerals,they won't come to yours."-Yogi Berra
They roasted, Bieber?
Vomit. it must have smelt like burnt douchebag.
Here's the first look at the MAC collection. It hits stores this October.
You never really know someone until they die and the results come back.-pkstracy
Awwww Glowegal I love your signatureOhhh Love the lipstick.
I was trying to not watch the new Yolanda interview show as to not give her the tv ratings (i know, I’m weird), but i broke down and watched it last night. Hubby (who isn’t real familiar with the case) came in about a quarter of the way though and started watching with me. At first when i said “She is a big fat liar” he was like “Why do you say that?!”, but by the end he was totally on board. They tried REALLY hard to make her out to be a victim and make the “It was an accident” thing look legit….
Some of the things i had arguments against hubs was like “I don’t know” and trying to justify it. At the end I said that the biggest thing to me that proves that it wasn’t “an accident” was what she did after the gun went off. If it went off accidentally and “startled” her as she said, human instinct should be to drop/throw the gun and rush to the person (her “good friend” as she says) who got shot and do everything you can to help them. She was obviously doing/saying/acting in a way that made Subpeona run to the lobby scared of being shot again. Even if some of the other things she was saying were true (and some of them MAY be) that, I believe, is the proverbial smoking gun and Hubs agreed.
Anybody else brake down and watch it?
Missing my Pa every day. RIP Daddy ❤️♥️
“Get drunk and sing Elvira”
Yeah, I watched it. While I appreciated the recap of how Selena died, with more details, it did nothing to change my mind, that this was no accident. Yolanda bought the gun not once, but twice. Her reasoning that the gun "accidently" went off, just doesn't fly. The only new information I took away from this series, is just how afraid Yolanda was afraid of Abraham. I do truly belive he was bullying her. Did he cut her brake lines and slash her tires? Not so sure about that. If so, then I think Yolanda would've confronted Abraham with the gun, not Selena.
Would've been nice to hear some of Selena's music in this series. And do we believe if that was Selena's voice on the answering machine's tape?