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Thread: Selena aka Subpoena

  1. #1
    leppchic Guest

    Selena aka Subpoena

    I know there has been alot of todo about these pics being put up and taken down and put up and taken down. I for one would love to see them. They are of her autopsy or after being shot I am not real sure but I know they are out there somewhere, if anyone could give me a link or email them to me I would be eternally grateful!

  2. #2
    djdeath-hag Guest
    Leppchic!!! How COULD you????? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!!) You know you meant to type Subpoena!!!

  3. #3
    leppchic Guest
    Oh my lord you are so right. I have always had such horrid spelling. Subpoena is what I meant of course

  4. #4
    Guest Guest
    I have looked too......and had no luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Only one I've seen of her after she died was in her casket.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I've seen the morgue pics. One, on her side from the back, showing the small entrance wound. One from the front showing the larger exit wound around her collarbone. No blood. Not gruesome.

  7. #7
    kelbons Guest
    I've seen them, but it was in the tabloid when they first ran. They were autopsy photos...

  8. #8
    firegilnotguns Guest
    Yeah, weren't they the ones that Scott originally had on his site? (You know, before the whole legal shit went down?)

  9. #9
    epicentre Guest
    That whole episode just makes me want to put the world to rights. Where on earth do you begin? S-E-L-E-N-A. Sue me. Just in case the lawyers are watching, I'm not Scott, there's something called Freedom of Speech, and for all you can prove I thought this thread was talking about the villain in Supergirl.....

  10. #10
    leppchic Guest
    Well if they sue you epic I am sure my ass will be on the court docs with ya. I have been looking everywhere for these pics. I probably won't stop till I see 'em either

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I saw the one in the Enquirer - of her in her casket. Thank God for The Globe and the Enquirer for having the balls to put dead celebs in their magazines!

    I clip them all out! I even got the River Phoenix one from way back when!

  12. #12
    leppchic Guest
    Aries! Why are you holding out on us?! Post those bad boys or email them to me I would looooove to see them both!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    You can do a search in google images for Selena if you type in "Selena funeral" and one of her in her casket will show up on the first or second page I believe. And River in his is on FAD.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  14. #14
    emeslovesheppy Guest

    Question Selena

    Does Anyone know where I can find pictures of Selena in the morgue or pictures of the crime scene where she was murdered? I'm trying to create a Selena scrapbook and was wondering where I might find some. Thanks for your help!

  15. #15
    candleinthewind Guest
    Scott had them posted but the family had a fit. The photos were originally posted in the Globe it believe. I'm sure the family has pulled all the internet links but probably someone on the forum could send them to you or find access.

  16. #16
    emeslovesheppy Guest


    Thanks for the tip. If anyone has pictures of selena in the morgue or pictures of the crime scene, Please email them to me. Thanks for your help! Scott is there any possibility that you might still have them? Please let me know!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    new zealand
    hi, just as long as you refer to her as 'subpoena' lol

  18. #18
    Jack Raines Guest
    Hey emeslovesheppy, I'm not trying to be a dick, but theres already a Selena thread here:

    And I'm sending you a PM about the pics you request.

  19. #19
    Darrianne Guest

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Is that a morgue photo or a funeral one?
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  21. #21
    Jack Raines Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by norah View Post
    Is that a morgue photo or a funeral one?
    Thats her funeral pic.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ah ok, thanks. I figured it was, but I wanted to make sure before clicking.
    Kind of a fan of hers; don't know if I could see any morgue photos.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  23. #23
    SanDiegodeathhag19 Guest has pictures of s*****. i believe you ca ndo a search.

  24. #24
    Jack Raines Guest
    I could post the morgue pics here but I don't want to cause Scott any trouble with Selena's estate...

  25. #25
    SanDiegodeathhag19 Guest

    search for ... you know!

  26. #26
    motherogod Guest
    Drag... is "under construction." Subpoena's family must have gotten their attorneys on it as well.

  27. #27
    motherogod Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Raines View Post
    I could post the morgue pics here but I don't want to cause Scott any trouble with Selena's estate...
    WELL, PM some of us and we'll hand out our emails so you can SHARE!! All about Subpoena living on...

  28. #28
    Scott Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by SanDiegodeathhag19 View Post has pictures of s*****. i believe you ca ndo a search.
    It is and it looks like all of her pictures except the one in the casket have been removed

  29. #29
    SanDiegodeathhag19 Guest
    sorry about that!

  30. #30
    Jack Raines Guest
    *cough-the-pics-are-here* *cough*

  31. #31
    motherogod Guest
    Thanks, Jack! Not gory in the least but definitely the artist formerly known as selena.

  32. #32
    OutFeetFirst Guest
    She's alive n kicking and staying in my guest room!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Sunny skeggy
    Thanks Jack for the link i've only found a few crappy ones with her face censored.

  34. #34
    WendyK Guest
    I have the autopsy pics of Supeona I saved them to my computer before Scott was made to take them down

  35. #35
    kelbons Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by WendyK View Post
    I have the autopsy pics of Supeona I saved them to my computer before Scott was made to take them down
    Ooh! e-mail them!

  36. #36
    SEL2323 Guest
    the thing about the Selena photo's is that her family could just come upon them in a search and they are still pretty scarred by this. from what i can tell, so i guess i can understand them taking them down whenever possible. plus they were taken illegally as well and they had court orders keeping them from the public. but i agree they could be a little nicer about asking people to take them down. instead of sueing everybody - just ask nicely im sure nobody would mind taking them down when asked nicely by the family. its when the law gets involved that it gets pretty stupid!

  37. #37
    WendyK Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kelbons View Post
    Ooh! e-mail them!
    They are the same pic's that Jack Raines posted the link to. Nothing new to attribute sorry.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Not at all gruesome, but very sad.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SEL2323 View Post
    but i agree they could be a little nicer about asking people to take them down. instead of sueing everybody - just ask nicely im sure nobody would mind taking them down when asked nicely by the family. its when the law gets involved that it gets pretty stupid!
    Why do I get the feeling that the family is trying to squeeze out as much as much money as they can out of this poor girl - as she was alive and in death?

  40. #40
    WendyK Guest
    That's the impression I got too.That's so sad they are still living off their daughter in death as they did in life.

  41. #41
    SEL2323 Guest
    well, you can look at it in two ways - they are living off their daughter or they are keeping he memory alive for her fans. of which i am one. but the lawsuits get crazy!

  42. #42
    kelbons Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Raines View Post
    Yep! Those are the ones I remember! It's so sad because it's only one wound, but she bled to death.

  43. #43
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    I hate how how depressing it is yet I couldn't look away once I clicked. Such a horrible shame.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  44. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Also, does anyone know if these were taken before or after they gave her an autopsy?
    I'm guessing before since she appears to look very decent, but you never know.
    ??If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.? - Michael Jackson

  45. #45
    Armcast Guest
    I live in the South Texas where S****a was enormously popular...The days and weeks following her death were astounding to me as I saw people in real grief as if someone close had died. There were people who set up shrines with candles and flowers where people would leave notes, etc expressing their love for her. I even saw a report on the local news of several folks painting their cars with a huge portrait of S****a.

    I also remember people being upset at Howard Stern because he had parodied a song of hers where he simulated gunshots at a certain point in the song. A lot of folks even called for a boycott of Howard's advertisers.

    And yes, it does look like the family (especially her father) are doing their best to squeeze as much money as they can now that she's gone. There are a lot of people who have worked with the family who have said that very same thing. They also say that while she was alive, her father was very controlling of everything and was a negative force. The movie about her life was sickening to say the least. It portrayed the father as a hero and the voice of reason.

    That's why I don't like J-Lo!

  46. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SanDiegodeathhag19 View Post

    search for ... you know!
    That link takes you to a page that says it's "under construction" - got another one??

  47. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Armcast View Post
    The movie about her life was sickening to say the least. It portrayed the father as a hero and the voice of reason.

    That's why I don't like J-Lo!
    What's J-Lo have to do with how Selena's father was portrayed in movie? You know it was the family that made sure it came out the way it did.

    I thought it was an "okay" movie and J-Lo did a hell of a job as Selena.

    I say the movie was "okay", since it sort of came across as being almost made like a Lifetime channel TV movie and a bit too on the "sugary" side for me.

  48. #48
    Laura1020 Guest
    I agree with Aries. The Selena movie is the reason I LIKE Jennifer Lopez! Go figure.

  49. #49
    Zeenie Guest has what you seek.

  50. #50
    emeslovesheppy Guest

    Selena Movie

    One reason why I don't like J-Lo is because she doesn't give enough credit to Selena. Selena was the reason why J-Lo's career took off and she doesn't recognize that. In an interview that I read she said that she would sing some of Selena's songs at one of her own concerts but, she never did that. That is one reason why i don't like her.

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