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Thread: Roman Polanski

  1. #351
    Rosa Moline Guest
    Maybe it's just me, but I think that the adult Samantha Geimer bears more than a passing resemblence to Debra Tate. Bearing in mind that Roman knew her when she was 13 or so (Debra) or is that all too Freudian...?

  2. #352
    Guest Guest
    You mean Sharon's sister? or Sharon? I'm getting confused????

  3. #353
    Aylen Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dearheart View Post
    You mean Sharon's sister? or Sharon? I'm getting confused????
    Debra Tate is Sharon's youngest sister -- if that helps? And Roman would have known Debra as a teenager when he was married to Sharon. Debra was 16 when Sharon passed.

  4. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    Just read that France and Poland are demanding that Polanski be allowed to bail out. Wasn't he out on bail when he fled?
    Ok, Jefe, I know this is serious question, but I am lmao. What a situation.

  5. #355
    Giada Guest
    Wanted and Desired, change of ending do to inaccuracy.,2933,365705,00.html

    Judge Fidler offered him an easy out in 1997, and he still refused to return.

    French government drops its support of Polanski.

  6. #356
    mrnorrischangestrains Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Orleans View Post
    Here's a nice timeline with articles. (Sorry if this has been posted.)
    omg!!!!!! I love you. All this time reading the thread, I kept thinking of Andrew Vachss and what he'd have to say. I've been a fan of his since I read Shella back in 1994. And I remember reading some article or interview about 11 years ago in which one of the Burke series (I think it may have bee Blue Belle) was to be made into a book and one of the directors who wanted to do it was Polanski. To which Vachss' reply was, "sure, come on over (to the U.S.) and we'll discuss it."

    No matter how you spin this whole thing, it's just wrong. He was the adult (and I agree with those who said the same) and he should have taken responsibility. Kids will always try their boundaries, at the same time, they're told to respect their elders. It's the adult's job to control that, to make sure that it doesn't get out of hand (think of how many parents have to tell their kids that what they've chosen to wear, is not appropriate for their age). And how could she say no? She's a small kid, more likely than not told to play along with whatever the adults in her world say and she's all alone with someone she has been told to respect. Add to that the fact that no one talked about these things, he's a big shot even her mother respects (bringing us back to the previous point), and I can see her mother telling her to mind her manners and go along with whatever "Mr. Polanski says". I'm sorry but even with everyone trusting each other (and this was after the Manson murders, so people knew there was danger around), you don't send a 13-year-old kid to someone else's house unsupervised.

    It astounds me to see the ass kissing involved, all these celebrities signing petitions because they hope that they can work with him? Because that's the only way I can explain it. They expect to get something out of him, out of others as well, and so they're kissing up to him. Leading politicians in some countries are jumping on the bandwagon as well, having their own agenda and then lead others to believe that the entire country thinks like that. I mean there's being lenient as in forgiving someone a small lie but how in hell can you even begin to excuse pedophilia or at the very least, sleeping with and drugging a 13-year-old (depending on which stance you take)?

    I would love to see this come to trial and Andrew Vachss come in as prosecutor. And I'm with those who would have loved to have seen Dominic Dunne's column on this.

    Even today, in some countries, (child) sexual abuse is more hushed up and not talked about than in others, leading perhaps to the misconception that in some countries it's "acceptable" to have sex with a minor, even though it's not.

    The sickest thing in this entire affair is that people have their own agenda because it's a high profile case and integrity goes out the window when everyone starts vying for their own 15 minutes of fame, be it a politician, judge, prosecutor, reporter or (wanna-be) public figure.

  7. #357
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    A 13 year old girl can be legally married in New Hampshire right now in 2009.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  8. #358
    Guest Guest

    what does a New Hampshire law in 2009 have to do with a RAPE in Los Angeles in 1977??

    absolutely nothing!

    the man made a plea that plea was accepted by the court, he was facing up to an additional 48 days in jail and he skipped town and did not face his punishment, seems to me the answer is pretty damn simple, bring him back to the states, order him to finish his sentence and then to register as a sex offender for the rest of his days whereever he may live here in the USA...

    I don't agree with under age marriage...but comparing a marriage at 13, which btw would include filing paperwork, getting parental permission as well as permission of a court of law, to a rape of a 13 year old is pretty goes along the lines of Whoopies statement about it not being "rape rape" what is hard to understand about this...she said NO...many times over, he should have never touched her to begin with, but as soon as he did and the word NO came from her mouth he should have stopped! He didn't...I'm having such a hard time with anyone that condones anyone touching anyone regardless of age/situation etc when that person says NO...STOP...DON'T...that's all it should take, I pray that no one that belongs to this forums 13 year old daughter doesn't find herself at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person...especially if your attitude is that what he did wasn't may find it hard to look your child in the eye if you do.

  9. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dearheart View Post

    what does a New Hampshire law in 2009 have to do with a RAPE in Los Angeles in 1977??

    absolutely nothing!

    the man made a plea that plea was accepted by the court, he was facing up to an additional 48 days in jail and he skipped town and did not face his punishment, seems to me the answer is pretty damn simple, bring him back to the states, order him to finish his sentence and then to register as a sex offender for the rest of his days whereever he may live here in the USA...

    I don't agree with under age marriage...but comparing a marriage at 13, which btw would include filing paperwork, getting parental permission as well as permission of a court of law, to a rape of a 13 year old is pretty goes along the lines of Whoopies statement about it not being "rape rape" what is hard to understand about this...she said NO...many times over, he should have never touched her to begin with, but as soon as he did and the word NO came from her mouth he should have stopped! He didn't...I'm having such a hard time with anyone that condones anyone touching anyone regardless of age/situation etc when that person says NO...STOP...DON'T...that's all it should take, I pray that no one that belongs to this forums 13 year old daughter doesn't find herself at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person...especially if your attitude is that what he did wasn't may find it hard to look your child in the eye if you do.
    Not inferring anything just throwing an interesting fact into the debate.
    I havent formed an opinion regarding the issue yet most of my info about this this has come from reading peoples opinions in this thread on this forum. With the limited and biased information Ive gathered Im most likely to condemn him but will reserve that judgement until I learn more about the case if I bother to do so. Your response to my posting a simple factual statement is typical of highly emotive reactionaries that do not pause for consideration of a subject.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  10. #360
    Guest Guest
    I paused for consideration...and yes I responded emotionally...a 13 year old being able to marry in the State of New Hampshire has nothing to do with the rape and the case as it nadda nothing!

    so therefore I don't get why you would bring that into THIS conversation?

    but since you did I will repeat...I don't agree with a law that allows any child in the US to marry before the age of 18, but that's my opinion, fact remains you may have that one state that will allow it to take place but under what circumstances??? The point is, how many states have 13 years of age as the legal age of consent? Let's find that out and then send a shit storm of protests to each one of them to change those it is I'm seriously going to check into this NH law you have brought up, I'm interested to see under what grounds/terms a 13 year old can be married in that state.

  11. #361
    Batmama Guest
    I can't find the link now, but I read that the Governator has said that he will not pardon Polanski.

  12. #362
    STsFirstmate Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Batmama View Post
    I can't find the link now, but I read that the Governator has said that he will not pardon Polanski.
    Good for the Governator! He gave a 13 year old a qualude and (I am choosing my words intentionally here) butt fucked her.
    If he was Joe Smith and not Roman P he would still be in prison somewhere and we would likely have a thread about what a miscarridge of justice it would be to parole him after only 15 years.
    You can be very creative and talented and still commit a crime.
    He needs to face the music and meet his obligations here.
    Kids are kids, even if they provoke (not saying this kid did) they are still a kid and adults by virtue of the fact that they are adults need to not touch the kid. I don't think there should be any free passes for this behavior and I don't think the passage of time and the fact he didn't repeat the act that we are aware of diminishes the crime.

  13. #363
    heaven01uk Guest
    If he was innocent he wouldn't of ran.
    Send him back to America, don't bail him and sentence him.

  14. #364
    mel306 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Batmama View Post
    I can't find the link now, but I read that the Governator has said that he will not pardon Polanski.
    I think it is great that the Governor in this case is an actor too. Good for him for seeing through this.

  15. #365
    Giada Guest
    LA Times ... Steve Lopez

    This is the first time I've read of physical evidence being presented before the Grand Jury.

    Polanski also writes in his auto-biography, of how sorry he is for causing Samantha pain.

    Does not sound like a man who is protesting innocence. He simply believes his behavior with, "young girls," is acceptable.

  16. #366
    stinkythejokedog Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dearheart View Post
    You mean Sharon's sister? or Sharon? I'm getting confused????
    Why did this charmer get banned?

  17. #367
    cachluv Guest
    I am curious as to how an apology sounds like he's not sorry and that he thought his behaviour was appropriate.

    It is never permissable in any fashion to have sex with a 13 year old girl. Ever. Period.

    All rape is wrong. All. Period.

    This having been said, not all rape is the same. Just as not all of any type of crime is the same. There are different levels of murder, etc. As it should be. With any crime, the details and circumstances are different and should all be contributing factors in any decision involving punishment or any other type of retribution.

    This man comes from a place where sex with a 13 year old may not have been the worst thing that could happen. I too come from a place where it was common practice for my 12 and 13 year old cousins to get pregnant and be pregnant alot of the time after that. Yes it's illegal and it gave me the serious creeps as a kid but to these people, it's just how it's done. My parents made sure that neither of their girls would face this problem. But other parents don't. Why the hell was that kid at this party? Wasn't it her Mom who dropped her off? This kid had already had sex by the time Polanski raped her. Twice, by her own admissions. Doesn't change anything. Rape is rape and no is no. I'm trying to say there are factors involved besides

    A--Man gets hardon
    B--Man screws kid

    There's more involved. Much more.

    I don't know whether or not he planned to rape her ahead of time. I do know he drugged and then had sex with a kid. He was at a party where drugs and alcohol were plentiful. Why was that even kid there? AT ALL, okay, but with no chaperone? Don't get me wrong. No means no. I do not "blame" the victim here. He should never have touched her, certainly he should never have drugged her and if she said no he should have stopped. He had plenty of chances to realize what he was doing, and he had plenty of chances to stop it. He chose to go ahead. Certainly he knew he was doing something wrong, even if where he's from it's not that big of a deal, he was living in a country that has a law against it and I'm pretty sure anyone living in America knows not to fuck little kids. Too many people come here with their own set of rules.

    There's a huge difference in someone who kills someone in a traffic accident, someone who snaps from pressure or kills in self-defense, and someone who premeditates murder. All are surely to be accountable crimes. But there's different motives, different circumstances, different intent. The charges are not all the same, and the punishments are not all the same. It's based on the circumstances of the crime itself.
    I doubt Polanski cruised schoolyards looking for little girls. I doubt he collected any kiddy porn. I doubt he was or even considered to be a pervert before all this. Should he be held accountable for the crime AND the for the (quite) separate occurance of his choice to flee to avoid justice afterwards? Absolutely, without a doubt. Should he be registered as a sex offender? I am afraid I believe he should. I'll take this chance to point out, by doing her anally he increased her chances of anal cancer. I don't know if the medical community had shared this information with anyone at that time so I don't know if this is something he would have realized but it should all be taken into consideration.

    My bottom line: he erred. Seriously, and several times over. But I've noticed in murder trials, they usually ask the family how they want plea deals and subsequent sentences to be offered and/or carried out. In this type of case, LE apparently doesn't give a shit that the victim doesn't want any of this to be going on. She got over it and doesn't want to re-live it. She has even forgiven him. He still owes society for his crime. But I fail to see him as a schoolyard rapist. He committed this crime, did not pose any further threat to society and has actually contributed in positive ways to society at this point. I think all this should be taken into consideration. I can't say as I agree with Hollywood's seeming general consensus that this should all be forgotten and let go. But I fail to see him as the evil, soul-less scum that others are painting him out to be either.

    I am a survivor of rape, myself. Two different rapes. Once, by multiple people with no visible injuries. The second time I fought so hard I got beat up pretty bad and spent 6 days in the hospital. I have to admit, part of me wants to shoot Roman Polanski in the head. But rationally speaking, I fail to see him as a threat. IMO, he needs to finish paying for what he did and allow the victim and everyone else to have closure and move the hell on. And I think LE should be assisting him in this as opposed to locking him up until he dies.

  18. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by cachluv View Post
    I am curious as to how an apology sounds like he's not sorry and that he thought his behaviour was appropriate.

    It is never permissable in any fashion to have sex with a 13 year old girl. Ever. Period.

    All rape is wrong. All. Period.

    This having been said, not all rape is the same. Just as not all of any type of crime is the same. There are different levels of murder, etc. As it should be. With any crime, the details and circumstances are different and should all be contributing factors in any decision involving punishment or any other type of retribution.

    This man comes from a place where sex with a 13 year old may not have been the worst thing that could happen. I too come from a place where it was common practice for my 12 and 13 year old cousins to get pregnant and be pregnant alot of the time after that. Yes it's illegal and it gave me the serious creeps as a kid but to these people, it's just how it's done. My parents made sure that neither of their girls would face this problem. But other parents don't. Why the hell was that kid at this party? Wasn't it her Mom who dropped her off? This kid had already had sex by the time Polanski raped her. Twice, by her own admissions. Doesn't change anything. Rape is rape and no is no. I'm trying to say there are factors involved besides

    A--Man gets hardon
    B--Man screws kid

    There's more involved. Much more.

    I don't know whether or not he planned to rape her ahead of time. I do know he drugged and then had sex with a kid. He was at a party where drugs and alcohol were plentiful. Why was that even kid there? AT ALL, okay, but with no chaperone? Don't get me wrong. No means no. I do not "blame" the victim here. He should never have touched her, certainly he should never have drugged her and if she said no he should have stopped. He had plenty of chances to realize what he was doing, and he had plenty of chances to stop it. He chose to go ahead. Certainly he knew he was doing something wrong, even if where he's from it's not that big of a deal, he was living in a country that has a law against it and I'm pretty sure anyone living in America knows not to fuck little kids. Too many people come here with their own set of rules.

    There's a huge difference in someone who kills someone in a traffic accident, someone who snaps from pressure or kills in self-defense, and someone who premeditates murder. All are surely to be accountable crimes. But there's different motives, different circumstances, different intent. The charges are not all the same, and the punishments are not all the same. It's based on the circumstances of the crime itself.
    I doubt Polanski cruised schoolyards looking for little girls. I doubt he collected any kiddy porn. I doubt he was or even considered to be a pervert before all this. Should he be held accountable for the crime AND the for the (quite) separate occurance of his choice to flee to avoid justice afterwards? Absolutely, without a doubt. Should he be registered as a sex offender? I am afraid I believe he should. I'll take this chance to point out, by doing her anally he increased her chances of anal cancer. I don't know if the medical community had shared this information with anyone at that time so I don't know if this is something he would have realized but it should all be taken into consideration.

    My bottom line: he erred. Seriously, and several times over. But I've noticed in murder trials, they usually ask the family how they want plea deals and subsequent sentences to be offered and/or carried out. In this type of case, LE apparently doesn't give a shit that the victim doesn't want any of this to be going on. She got over it and doesn't want to re-live it. She has even forgiven him. He still owes society for his crime. But I fail to see him as a schoolyard rapist. He committed this crime, did not pose any further threat to society and has actually contributed in positive ways to society at this point. I think all this should be taken into consideration. I can't say as I agree with Hollywood's seeming general consensus that this should all be forgotten and let go. But I fail to see him as the evil, soul-less scum that others are painting him out to be either.

    I am a survivor of rape, myself. Two different rapes. Once, by multiple people with no visible injuries. The second time I fought so hard I got beat up pretty bad and spent 6 days in the hospital. I have to admit, part of me wants to shoot Roman Polanski in the head. But rationally speaking, I fail to see him as a threat. IMO, he needs to finish paying for what he did and allow the victim and everyone else to have closure and move the hell on. And I think LE should be assisting him in this as opposed to locking him up until he dies.
    This is the most intelligent and rational response Ive seen in this thread.
    Thank you for posting it.
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

  19. #369
    cachluv Guest
    I'm truly flattered, Ix. Thanks.

  20. #370
    mel306 Guest
    In case you want to boycotts the signers of the petition, here is the list.

  21. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by ichabodius View Post
    A 13 year old girl can be legally married in New Hampshire right now in 2009.
    *LOL* thanks for the tidbit ich. Ill be sure to travel to New Hampshire the next time I'm looking to marry at 13 year old.

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  22. #372
    STsFirstmate Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Miho View Post
    *LOL* thanks for the tidbit ich. Ill be sure to travel to New Hampshire the next time I'm looking to marry at 13 year old.
    LOL And maybe you could have a Hannah Montanna wedding dress and a Hello Kitty wedding cake.
    I can't imagine that sort of relationship with a 13 year old... shuddering and gagging.

  23. #373
    Giada Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by mel306 View Post
    In case you want to boycotts the signers of the petition, here is the list.
    It looks like Jack Nicholson and Angelica Huston are missing.

    Nicholson has a teen aged daughter, possibly not in his best interest to sign.

    I wonder how Polanski's teen daughter feels about her father and his rape of a 13 year old and is now sitting in prison.

  24. #374
    Jack'sGirl Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RubySlippers View Post
    serious. who the FUCK gives a shit about what Woody has to say?! UHG.
    No kidding. I sure as hell don't.

  25. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by cachluv View Post
    I don't think RP is a rapist. I think he had sex with a 13 year old ....
    he had sex with a 13 year old who said, "no. stop it. I want to go home."

  26. #376
    Giada Guest
    "I have a penchant for young girls," Roman Polanski

    By not remaining in California and facing sentencing Polanski further punishes those he claims to love. Daddy Dearest is not only married but has a 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son.

    Swiss have denied Polanski's release on bail, considering him a flight risk.

  27. #377
    cachluv Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Finnegan View Post
    he had sex with a 13 year old who said, "no. stop it. I want to go home."
    ---With much love, that's not fair, Finny. You can't select a few words and tack them together in any type of fair representation of an entire message.

    The entire gist of my post above was to agree with you.

    Here is my post:

    "I don't think RP is a rapist. I think he had sex with a 13 year old and that is a crime against society and the girl. But he currently poses no threat to society and has contributed to society since his crime.

    I think he should pay for his crime. And I definitely think LE and the other key players in this case have a HUGE 32 year old, self-serving hard-ons for this case."

    No one has said the girl never said 'no' or 'stop' or anything else. No one has said he's done nothing wrong. I agree with most everything here. He's been nabbed now. He's going to pay.

  28. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by cachluv View Post
    ---With much love, that's not fair, Finny. You can't select a few words and tack them together in any type of fair representation of an entire message.

    The entire gist of my post above was to agree with you.

    Here is my post:

    "I don't think RP is a rapist. I think he had sex with a 13 year old and that is a crime against society and the girl. But he currently poses no threat to society and has contributed to society since his crime.

    I think he should pay for his crime. And I definitely think LE and the other key players in this case have a HUGE 32 year old, self-serving hard-ons for this case."

    No one has said the girl never said 'no' or 'stop' or anything else. No one has said he's done nothing wrong. I agree with most everything here. He's been nabbed now. He's going to pay.
    it's fair to pick the part I was replying to, cach. but I'll post your whole quote this time.
    I don't like rape being called having sex with someone. Having sex with someone is a different thing, as I don't have to tell you.
    I just wanted to point out he didn't have sex with her. She said no. so it's rape, not sex.
    I agree with you that he should pay for his crime.

  29. #379
    bluebird14 Guest
    did the rape happen before or after the death of Sharon tate? i was just wondering because I have a theory.

    Could it be possible that he might have lost his mind after the brutal murders of his wife and baby, decided he had nothing to live for and then rape a child? I think maybe he wanted to get caught, but someone told him to run. People who commit rape love to be in control. if he lost control of his life, he might try and take if from someone else.

    I'm not defending him, but I know I would go crazy if my husband and child were murdered. I think he should have been punished by the law a LONG time ago and then maybe we could learn why he did it. After all these years, he might have pushed that into denial.

  30. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by RubySlippers View Post
    serious. who the FUCK gives a shit about what Woody has to say?! UHG.

    "What's the problem? It's not like she was his step-daughter or something."

  31. #381
    cachluv Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Finnegan View Post
    it's fair to pick the part I was replying to, cach. but I'll post your whole quote this time.
    I don't like rape being called having sex with someone. Having sex with someone is a different thing, as I don't have to tell you.
    I just wanted to point out he didn't have sex with her. She said no. so it's rape, not sex.
    I agree with you that he should pay for his crime.
    ---Finnegan, my darling, I never said it wasn't rape. I said I don't think he's isn't a rapist.

    In my lengthy post after that one, I also said rape it rape and no is no. I never said he didn't do anything wrong. Please read that subsequent lengthy post to see where my opinions really do lie on this. It's not as you are representing. The only way I've differed from most here is that I think there are factors involved besides a cut-and-dry issue of rape. It's still rape. But there are other factors involved, this is all I've said.

  32. #382
    Giada Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bluebird14 View Post
    did the rape happen before or after the death of Sharon tate? i was just wondering because I have a theory.

    Could it be possible that he might have lost his mind after the brutal murders of his wife and baby, decided he had nothing to live for and then rape a child? I think maybe he wanted to get caught, but someone told him to run. People who commit rape love to be in control. if he lost control of his life, he might try and take if from someone else.

    I'm not defending him, but I know I would go crazy if my husband and child were murdered. I think he should have been punished by the law a LONG time ago and then maybe we could learn why he did it. After all these years, he might have pushed that into denial.
    Polanski had a long history of seducing young women, before and after Sharon Tate. I'ts a behavior he refuses to recognize as destructive to others.

    I fully understand feelings of compassion toward another's pain, but Polanski not only committed a criminal act, but had the means to undergo counseling.

  33. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluebird14 View Post
    did the rape happen before or after the death of Sharon tate? i was just wondering because I have a theory.

    Could it be possible that he might have lost his mind after the brutal murders of his wife and baby, decided he had nothing to live for and then rape a child? I think maybe he wanted to get caught, but someone told him to run. People who commit rape love to be in control. if he lost control of his life, he might try and take if from someone else.

    I'm not defending him, but I know I would go crazy if my husband and child were murdered. I think he should have been punished by the law a LONG time ago and then maybe we could learn why he did it. After all these years, he might have pushed that into denial.

    Happened after her murder. I always thought the same thing. People can do stupid things in their grief.

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  34. #384
    Harrietd Guest
    So is he romping around Europe having sex with 13 year old girls?

    Ok, not right this minute, he's not, but was he?

  35. #385
    Desertrose Guest
    The rape happened 8 years after Sharon's death, so I don't think Polanski could use grief as an excuse. He was 31 years older than Samantha. And, Samantha was only 5 years old when Sharon died.

  36. #386
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    Im sorry but if you drug a 13 year old girl while she is saying no and she wants to go home but instead of doing so, you butt fuck her, you are a rapist. There is no fine line there. Its pretty cut and dry. To do that to a 13 year old just shows depravity.

  37. #387
    bluebird14 Guest
    I wasnt defending him or anything, but when things like this happen, I try to understand why they happen. Why in the world would Roman rape a little girl? What was going through his mind?

    I just dont understand.

  38. #388
    cachluv Guest
    I wish he would just come back and face the music. It's time to finish paying for what he did.

  39. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluebird14 View Post
    I wasnt defending him or anything, but when things like this happen, I try to understand why they happen. Why in the world would Roman rape a little girl? What was going through his mind?

    I just dont understand.
    He was a horny pedo. What's to understand?

  40. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desertrose View Post
    The rape happened 8 years after Sharon's death, so I don't think Polanski could use grief as an excuse. He was 31 years older than Samantha. And, Samantha was only 5 years old when Sharon died.

    As someone who works with secondary homicide survivors eight years is nothing. Those who have to lose a loved one at the hands of another person.. there is no comparison to "natural" death. The grief never ever goes away... and on average 3-5 years to just get your life "back on track."

    Not defending him.. just want to throw that out there.

    "I will be buried in a spring loaded casket filled with confetti, and a future archaeologist will have one awesome day at work."

  41. #391
    Desertrose Guest
    I still don't buy the "grief". She was only 13. I still blame her mother for leaving her there alone. It is the adult's responsibility to protect the children. Wonder how Nicholson feels about this since it happened at his house. I did see him giving Roman a standing ovation when Roman won his Oscar - bet they are still buds.

  42. #392
    John Connor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Desertrose View Post
    I still don't buy the "grief". She was only 13. I still blame her mother for leaving her there alone. It is the adult's responsibility to protect the children. Wonder how Nicholson feels about this since it happened at his house. I did see him giving Roman a standing ovation when Roman won his Oscar - bet they are still buds.

    He's into kids as well. The model Tara Shannon said she and another girl when over to Nicholson's place when they were about 19. The place was filled with stoned 14 year old girls lying around in various states of undress. Jack was very pleased with himself. The dude is so gross.

  43. #393
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I just read that Roman has been released from prison to receive medical attention. He is depressed. WTF!!!

  44. #394
    punklove Guest
    Polanski's victim says she wants to be left alone
    By ANTHONY McCARTNEY (AP) – 2 hours ago

    LOS ANGELES — Roman Polanski's arrest has caused his victim health problems and job worries, and she just wants to be left alone, her attorney wrote in a court filing.

    Attorney Lawrence Silver urged a California appeals court to dismiss the criminal case against the "Chinatown" director.
    The filing with the Second District Court of Appeal on Friday said Samantha Geimer and Silver have received nearly 500 media calls seeking comment since Polanski was arrested in Switzerland on Sept. 26.

    Geimer, who long ago identified herself publicly, and her family have to contend with such pressure whenever Polanski is in the news, the six-page filing said.
    Geimer, who lives in Hawaii, is being stalked by journalists from numerous international news outlets and has received interview requests from Larry King and Oprah Winfrey, the filing said. The Associated Press has also requested interviews with Geimer and Silver.

    "The pursuit has caused her to have health-related issues," it said. "The pursuit has caused her performance at her job to be interfered with and has caused the understandable displeasure of her employer and the real possibility that Samantha could lose her job."

    The filing seeks dismissal of the case against Polanski and ends with a request: "Leave her alone."

    Geimer has frequently lobbied for an end to the case.

    Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley has said the charges can't be dropped because the law requires a conclusion to the court process. His office is merely trying to resolve the case, not persecute the director, he said.

    The latest request by Geimer was made to the appeals court, which is being asked by Polanski's attorney to order a lower court to rule on a motion to dismiss the charges.

    The Academy Award-winning director is resisting efforts to return him to Los Angeles.

    Geimer was 13 when she met Polanski, who was accused of raping her after plying her with champagne and part of a Quaalude pill during a modeling shoot in 1977. He was initially indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molesting and sodomy.

    Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse, and a judge sent him to prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation. He was released after 42 days by an evaluator who deemed him mentally sound and unlikely to offend again.

    The judge responded by saying he was going to send Polanski back to jail for the remainder of the 90 days and that afterward he would ask Polanski to agree to a voluntary deportation. Polanski fled the country the night before he was scheduled to be sentenced in 1978.

    Geimer sued Polanski in 1988 when she was 25. Polanski agreed to pay her $500,000, but it's unclear if she ever received the full amount.

  45. #395
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JefeStone View Post
    I just read that Roman has been released from prison to receive medical attention. He is depressed. WTF!!!
    Aww, poor baby.

  46. #396
    TIMB1967 Guest
    I don't know what to make of all this. I didn't realize until reading about it that Polanski had settled with the victim for .5 milllion...goodness...

  47. #397
    james1977 Guest

    No . Polanski Is Too Tight

    It says 500,000 Dollars. He probably payed 340 thousand. It looks like Cooley just wants to be re-elected or perhaps he has pursuits to a higher office. Mayor or Governor? It's just an ego trip. Cooley wants to get his man. But not everyone knew that Roman had anal intercourse with her. That really upset a lot of people. I mean you aren't suppose to have sex with a 13 Year Old girl and you sure aren't suppose to have Anal Sex. I still believe Cooley is on an ego trip. I would always want to do what the victim wants. I mean this case is a 31 year old case. If it was within 4 years. Yes, it's statutory. But, 31 Years have passed. She wants it to end. Cooley doesn't get it. Ego Trip

  48. #398
    cachluv Guest
    James, I think alot of people don't get it. Nobody cares what the victim wants.

    I just wish Polanski would nut up on this. Come back, face the music. Finish it. That's the only way this is going away. I feel badly for Ms Geimer, it's just never going to end.

  49. #399
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    Oct 2007
    Wellll, if she lose's her job - sue his sorry ass again! He needs to pay the freakin piper!
    My Posse's On Broadway

  50. #400
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Georgia
    Author Gore Vidal: Thirteen-year-old Roman Polanski rape victim was a 'hooker':


    A 13-year old hooker!? What a kook!!!!!

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