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Thread: 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Their Aftermath

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The whole "Let's Roll" thing seemed to me as simply an attempt by Lisa to have her husband not be forgotten. To have him kept alive in some way.

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    On this forum, obviously!
    Quote Originally Posted by SueWahoo View Post
    Dear God, that's horrible. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face right now. It's Jan 2008 and it seems like just yesterday.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  3. #103
    Katie Guest
    I just listened to it again. I heard him this time ask "what the hell happened" I wonder if they even knew the plane had hit. Did anyone else hear that?

  4. #104
    don't_axe_me Guest
    I just watched it, no sound, and was very affected. I can only I can't....listening to it.

  5. #105
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    On this forum, obviously!
    I remember that I was at work when my mom's best friend called with the news. She was at home and watching CNN. has video streaming going by then and we all tuned in via our computers. I remember her calling again and telling me that the 1st tower had collapsed (we were still trying to do a little work). When I told my boss, he said that there was no way. The towers were built to withstand anything. Was he ever wrong.

    Just so everyone doesn't think that I'm a callous pig for keeping my folks here working, I own (not in 2001) a fire equipment store in Mississippi. We were gathering up all of our inventory to ship to a FD in New Jersey - this was the "home base" for the Fire Departments working the trade center.

    I work with firemen day in and day out. I don't think anyone ever gave them the credit they deserve for being the true heroes that they are. People look at them differently now. If one good thing can be said about this tragedy, I guess it would be that they are now recognized as the heroes of this country.
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

  6. #106
    motherogod Guest
    Man, this is amazing to read all of these posts-- I guess after all these years I'm still in disbelief that it all happened.

    I just remember having a late day, and not having to report to work until around noon. I drove my son to school and as he got out of the car, the radio morning dudes were talking about a plane hitting the tower. I'll never forget the guy saying, "you know what happened, don't ya? The pilot went to turn up the radio and his lady went (gasp!)" At the time it was funny then they discovered it wasn't a tiny plane and patched in to NBC news. THEN as I'm about home the 2nd plane hit. Just like others on here, it dawned on me that it wasn't an accident but an attack. I hauled chili home to watch Today's coverage and about vomited when I saw the scene.

    THEN I was ironing when the plane hit the pentagon. I was PISSED! So my denial/hopes that it was just an attack on the twin towers was shattered.

    I stopped at a friend's work to do the typical "did you hear..." chit chat and on her radion they said the tower(s) were falling. Since there was no TV I just assumed the floors above the impact spot had collapsed.

    THEN as I rounded into the parking lot at work (couldn't stay home any longer), news of the plane in PA slamming to the ground. I just knew that Chicago or LA would be next.

    November 2002 we went to NYC and saw them still bringing rock and concrete out of a huge hole where one of the buildings stood. Very surreal to look up toward the windows facing that hole-- I tried to put myself in that situation and think about what I would have done had I worked in one of those buildings or even one of the towers. I like to think I'd have told security to screw themselves if they told us to stay at our desks, but you don't know unless you're there.

    I also remember thinking when the 2nd plane hit that I was glad Timothy McVeigh was dead. I pictured his scummy ass hi-fiving a random person I still can't describe. Motherfucker.
    Last edited by motherogod; 01-07-2008 at 03:01 PM.

  7. #107
    Join Date
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    CUMberland, Maryland
    Quote Originally Posted by SomeChick View Post
    The whole "Let's Roll" thing seemed to me as simply an attempt by Lisa to have her husband not be forgotten. To have him kept alive in some way.
    I believe it was the case at first but later on Lisa did get involved with James Dobson ( Focus on the Family ) and I believe it was they who more or less made it seemed that Todd Beamer acted alone in taking back flight 93. Considering that among the other people who worked with Todd Beamer in trying to take the plane back from the hijackers included a gay rugby player and a member of the church of Latter Day Saints, well we all know how Focus feels about those kinds of people. As if they should be erased.

    Myself, there are far better ways to have someone remembered than to go out and copyright some words and words that have been used for years before either Beamer was born. Does imply that someone is greedy even if their intentions were good.

  8. #108
    fanable Guest
    I had to be at a training session for work that morning (I worked as a teller at a bank), and didn't have time to watch any TV before my husband drove me to work around 7:45 (CDT). I remember not having the radio on on the way, which is extremely unusual when we're in the car. So, I hadn't heard anything before I walked into the conference room.

    I'd been sitting in the conference room for about 5 minutes when one of the trainers came in, totally white-faced, and asked if we'd heard about the plane hitting the WTC. I figured it was probably some accident, and felt bad for the people that had been killed, but didn't think much more about it. Then the other trainer came in and told us about the second plane hitting. I started feeling a little uneasy. Then someone came in and told us about the Pentagon. I was definitely nervous.

    But it wasn't until the president/CEO of the bank came downstairs and told us we wouldn't be closing that day but added that the trainers should let us all call home that I felt a knot of dread in my stomach. He just never did stuff like that, and his character was very much subdued.

    When my husband picked me up that afternoon we drove past a lot of gas stations with people lined up around the block. As soon as I got home I ran in and stood in front of the TV in total shock (remember, up til that point I'd seen absolutely nothing). My legs gave out and I just sat down with my hand over my mouth.

    I have never been so scared in all my life. For the rest of the night we watched TV and every time I thought I heard the emergency sirens start up I'd totally freak out.

    Such a sad day

  9. #109
    Katie Guest
    How many of you held your loved ones a little tighter that day?

  10. #110
    MegantheMonster Guest


    I remember that day as clear as if were yesterday. I was still high school. I was in my second class of the day - art class. Another teacher came in and said that a plane had struck the towers. At first, we all thought it was an accident then we found out that two had actually hit the towers. All hell broke loose. School had just started so we weren't completely settled and my next class was gym. I turned on my Radio/CD Player and did the best I could to get a radio station. While passing on the information to other people, I discovered a young girl in my class, her father worked there. Next thing I knew I was being taken home from school by my brother because my mother was scared. I sat there with my brother watching in awe. I got home just in time to see the first tower fall. It was horrible. I just remeber being so scared.

    I stood at my door and I could see the smoke rising above the tree line. I live in Jersey on the shore just about 40 minutes from the city. I can see the city skyline from the beach a walks away from my door. Everyone traveled to that beach to that night and lit candles, prayed and just watched as if something was going to happen. Then the smell hit. It wasn't a horrible smell but it wasn't pleasent considering we all knew what it was from. It was thick and smelt of burning, melting metal and paper.

    I remember being so screwed up for a few days after. I couldn't stop listening to the radio and I failed my english class because of it. I just didn't care and I couldn't part with the local radio station's DJs comforting me. Everyone tried to move on, keep going but I just didn't want to. Oh, it was just a horrible issue for me. Then, I got over it. I cried one night and that was that.

    But still, everyday on my way home from work I travel over a bridge that gives me an awesome view of the skyline. I look over and still to this day, I always think about it. There is just something missing.

    BTW, I remember hearing something about the big movie studios removing the towers from the backgrounds of movies for some odd reason. I don't think they ever did it but still, stupid.

    Either way, still breaks my heart. I do know that one of the writers/producers of Fraiser was killed on the planes along with I think a news writer or anchor - can't remember exactly now.

    Just sad, just really sad... Still to this day, considering the person we was behind all of this still hasn't been caught.

    Megan <3

  11. #111
    Daphne Guest
    My memories of that day:

    I was driving to work after dropping kidsters off at school - I turned on the radio and this was all over the news, I thought for whatever reason this was a gag, then realized after a few minutes it was not. I called my exhusband, and my childrens school and panically asked if my chldren were alive and ok... My dad had just woken up and not heard of it yet.. I told him..I got to work and nobody was paying attention to work, everyone had the CNN feeds on their systems watching in disbelief.. I am in a call center, and for fuck's sakes I think we had 2 clients calling in to us just do discuss the bombings.. I worried about my children all day long, though they were on the west coast with me. I conrinue to work with the same peoples I worked with on that day, and we have annually had an impromptu memorial, as well as a ton of security people be at the office (telecommunictions/internet hothouse) each anniversary.

  12. #112
    djdeath-hag Guest
    (((Daphne))) and for everyone else who has posted on this thread. What we've been through is not terribly different from my our (well, at least my) parents endured during WWII. The big difference is that we (most of us, anyway) watched this horrible national tragedy unfold. Fortunately (and who else could call it a fortutitous thing) I had experienced a very personal "epiphany" in '97, when I had undergone my 1st "grand opening" as well as the trauma of my eldest brother's suicide in 2000. I'd become MUCH more aware of the importance of saying "I LOVE YOU" before 9/11. If anyone on this planet can learn ANYTHING at all from such a catastrophic lesson, that would be to value the time we have left & to embrace every single moment that we have to LOVE the people who matter the most in our lives.

  13. #113
    Join Date
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    Tokyo, Japan

    not holding loved ones works too...

    My sister's wedding was the weekend before 9/11. I had planned to go, but decided against it; long irrelevant story there. Had I gone, I would have been in Manhattan (tho not at WTC) when the attacks occurred.

    I live in Tokyo. We had taken some visiting Americans out for a business dinner, then I came home at 10pm to watch NHK news. The first tower had been hit, then as I watched the second one was hit. I immediately called the American fellow I'd had dinner with, and we kinda watched in disbelief.

    The weirdest part was living here, and not being able to return to the US--it was just for a few days, but it was very very strange to think I couldn't return to my home country.

    I visited Ground Zero several weeks later with some people from work; I don't know why, but they were letting people in at night. The fires were still burning. I'll never forget it.

    For years after, I'd cry as the plane/taxi left or approached JFK, and the skyline would be so empty.

    Another memory: I dubbed into Japanese a film made by some Japanese journalists of people after the attacks. I remember the staff saying to me, "it seems like Americans think they get unbiased news, but often they are told very little of the facts." I think they were referring to Fox News coverage.

    Reading the stories here tonight has been heartbreaking. I was affected only tangentially; I can't begin to comprehend the horrors others have lived through. 

  14. #114
    SlippyInvader Guest
    Did they ever identify who the falling man was in the end? I know a few people came forward claiming he was their relative but I don't think anyone was 100% sure who he was.

  15. #115
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by SlippyInvader View Post
    Did they ever identify who the falling man was in the end? I know a few people came forward claiming he was their relative but I don't think anyone was 100&#37; sure who he was.
    Yes and no. If you do a google search along the lines of 9/11 falling man or 9/11 jumper, you will come across a huge amount of material on the subject. For a long time, they thought it was a food service worker (a pastry chef, I believe) at Windows of the World restaurant, but then there was some evidence that came to light that proved it wasn't him.

    What I have always wondered about is the conditions of the remains after sustaining a fall like that. Whould they even be recognizable after falling 100+ floors?
    Last edited by geekygirl; 01-08-2008 at 07:04 PM. Reason: Freudian Slip... wrote Widows of the World instead of Windows of the World.
    Any day above ground is a good day.

  16. #116
    RaRaRamona Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MegantheMonster View Post

    BTW, I remember hearing something about the big movie studios removing the towers from the backgrounds of movies for some odd reason. I don't think they ever did it but still, stupid.

    Megan <3
    Thanks for sharing that. I think Sex & The City changed some scene didn't they? There were some album covers that changed, & does anyone remember the radio "don't play list/" I'm sorry but that was just funny. Even then it was one thing we could all laugh about.

  17. #117
    Daphne Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by djdeath-hag View Post
    (((Daphne))) and for everyone else who has posted on this thread. What we've been through is not terribly different from my our (well, at least my) parents endured during WWII. The big difference is that we (most of us, anyway) watched this horrible national tragedy unfold. Fortunately (and who else could call it a fortutitous thing) I had experienced a very personal "epiphany" in '97, when I had undergone my 1st "grand opening" as well as the trauma of my eldest brother's suicide in 2000. I'd become MUCH more aware of the importance of saying "I LOVE YOU" before 9/11. If anyone on this planet can learn ANYTHING at all from such a catastrophic lesson, that would be to value the time we have left & to embrace every single moment that we have to LOVE the people who matter the most in our lives.
    Incredibly, beautifully and well said. I have learned this as well .. DJ you are wonderful, thank you!

  18. #118
    Irishlass Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    Thanks for sharing that. I think Sex & The City changed some scene didn't they? There were some album covers that changed, & does anyone remember the radio "don't play list/" I'm sorry but that was just funny. Even then it was one thing we could all laugh about.

    i heard several tv shows where asked to as well

  19. #119
    death hag dee Guest
    I was a voulenteer ems at that time in sussex county. When it happened we all went to our station, grabbed our hazmat gear and went....The 2 most horrific things I will remember and this may sound weird (luckily I did not go in and do search/rescue like my Dad who was a fire capt, and said that digging through the smolderding ruble reminded himof vietnam) was going down an empty route 3 and seeing the changed skyscrape for the 1st time in my ENTIRE life (my mothers family lived in Lyndhurst so I was on route 3 almost every weekend as a child)
    and sitting in the parking lot wondering if we were going to go and looking at the smokes at dusk, and the way that the sun hit it it was the most god awful red I have ever seen in my life

  20. #120
    towser Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    Thanks for taking a valid mourning & sharing of memories & making it political.
    I'm not the one that made 9/11 a political issue. Bush and the republicans have. I'm standing up against that, since I believe that using that tragedy to foster an agenda that allows warrantless wiretapping, erodes personal liberties, institutes the suspension of habeas corpus, etc is the most vile thing a human being could do. But what do I know, you're standards are higher than mine because you don't use the word cunt.

  21. #121
    towser Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by RaRaRamona View Post
    I didn't say anything about the opinion they voiced, what I object to is bringing politics into this particular discussion. I really can't see how I was being disrespectful. As you can see already there are a few response posts, & they're getting ugly. Now that politics have introduced to this sweet thread it's gonna get ugly...unless we can agree to not mention it again. See where I'm coming from? Not everything has be about that.

    Of course you don't see how you were being disrespectful. It's clear from your posts on this whole forum that you are always right and anyone who thinks differently than you do, or who says something in a way you disapprove of is always wrong. You may not be this way in real life, but you come across as incredibly high & mighty on this forum.

  22. #122
    towser Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Katie View Post
    Call me a dumb ass all you want.
    Actually, I think naive is more fitting.

  23. #123
    RoRo Guest
    I think this day is one that really gets to people BUT I also feel that attacking others for their opinion is out of line ( Hello Towser!)....The facts are that it was tragic and both political parties have used could they not?
    The most important fact to remember is that too many people of all nationalities, religions, poltical parties, genders, races lost their lives that day....they are who should be remembered NOT political ideals! I have my opinions about politics but this is NOT the thread to voice them in.......the victims and their loved ones are the ones to think about here...I guarantee they have not forgotten anything that happened that day......America was attacked and Americans mourn together, no matter what you think please no more personal attacks on others ... NO USE OF THE C WORD......Just honor the ones we lost ok!

  24. #124
    cherryghost Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by towser View Post
    I'm not the one that made 9/11 a political issue. Bush and the republicans have. I'm standing up against that, since I believe that using that tragedy to foster an agenda that allows warrantless wiretapping, erodes personal liberties, institutes the suspension of habeas corpus, etc is the most vile thing a human being could do. But what do I know, you're standards are higher than mine because you don't use the word cunt.
    These events set off major political changes propaganda,paranoia and a War! A site called 9/11 will immediately become about a lot of things and quite political realistically!

    Sadly the victims and the identity of these people will be overshadowed by the events they were caught up in! Its up to people to keep their identities alive and humanity seperate from the politics, whatever ways possible!

    It takes effort and a specific site to the memories and identities of the people lost!

    A thread called 9/11 really leaves it very open to people to express in anyway they feel, emotionally,politically or with ignorance. Attempting to tell people how to express themselves on this thread....well some people have a problem with that!
    Last edited by cherryghost; 03-02-2008 at 10:41 PM.

  25. #125
    Katie Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by towser View Post
    Actually, I think naive is more fitting.
    Please explain why you think this?

  26. #126
    SenorMuerto Guest
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mural2.jpg 
Views:	89 
Size:	40.0 KB 
ID:	3861

    This mural was unfurled overlooking Ground Zero.

    It was the work of...

    ...wait for it...
's not a joke...

    ...he is really the artist...

    ...a little more scrolling...

're not gonna believe this...


    It's true!

  27. #127
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Middle Earth
    What a country..........
    Stay in Drugs. Eat your School. Don't do Vegetables.

  28. #128
    Pryncis Guest
    My father and I watched "Ghostbusters" a few nights ago. There was one scene where they are driving over a bridge into the city and the camera pans out and you see the skyline. My first thought was "Well, you don't see those anymore." I say it without even thinking most of the time. I have that reaction whenever I do see the towers in a movie or on an old TV show. It was my friend's 21st birthday and we had been planning on going out to celebrate. We finally decided to go out a few days later. While we were at Applebee's (They had the bar TV on CNN) the broke in with the news of the Empire State Building being evacuated? and something about a bomb threat or some type of threat, but they had the camera focused on the building for the whole time we were there...

    Just as an aside, the principal of the elementary school where Bush was visiting that morning just recently passed away. I believe it was sometime just after the first of the year...

  29. #129
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    I was at home on IM with my oldest friend. She lived in NE Philly and told me. She had the morning news on and we were both in disbelief. We thought it was a joke, George Orwell or something. My house was being remodeled at the time and was in total disarray and we didn't even have a TV, most of our stuff was boxed up in our barn. I ended up getting the tiny black and white battery operated TV out of our fifth wheel to watch the news. Of course, the batteries were dead. I couldn't get my husband on the phone, I kept getting the all circuts busy message so I kept trying to email him and I kept losing the connection. We lived in the boonies then and had dial-up. He finally came home from work (made 45 miles in horrendous traffic in about 40 minutes). His boss, who was flying from the NJ office to the Detroit office that day, was lost for hours en route. The boss lived in PA but flew out of whichever airport he could get a flight on short notice, JFK, Newark, Phila, etc. He hadn't even told his wife which one he was going to, which was SOP, he traveled all the time, but then, it was really scary. My husband's team finally found the boss, he'd been in the air over Ohio when it was happening and ended up stranded because there were no rental cars at Detroit Metro. That whole mess diverted me for a while, trying to help find him, which was good, I was a wreck. I thought this was it, we were all going to die.

    Detroit got locked down pretty well, and I'm about an hour from there, so that was scary, too. Big Middle Eastern population in the area, too. Our neighbors were a Muslim couple, both doctors, and they barely left their house for the next month, they were so afraid of backlash. They were both about as scary and militant as a batch of kittens.

    We ended up going to my in-laws and spent the evening with them. They are Brits and had lived through the Blitz and IRA stuff when my husband was a kid, so they were saddened and shocked, but much calmer than us young uns. My FIL was the first on his street to hang the flag at half-staff, something that really sticks with me. This grumpy old British guy getting out his flag and putting it up.

    As I said, we lived in the boonies then. There was a busy train track on the back border of our property and it was really strange, no planes overhead and no trains for weeks afterward. It was really really quiet.

  30. #130
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    I think it's Home Alone: Lost in New York where the kid (McCauley Culkin) goes all the way to the viewing platform of the World Trade Center and looks down at the city. This is one of those videos that my kids have watched a gazillion times over, but the first time I saw that scene after 9/11, it just HAUNTED me. Watching that scene it just seems impossible that it ever happened.
    Any day above ground is a good day.

  31. #131
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    The Sticks
    I tuned in just after the first plane hit the, then the second one hit. I thought at first it was a movie, then when I realized it was real, I could not believe my eyes; my jaw dropped to my lap. And I started crying, called my mama, and they were crying. Then it dawned on me that my bff's son worked for the fedural courts in Manhattan. And I couldn't get in touch with her because she and her husband were vacationing in Kentucky. I was just a mess, devastated over all those deaths and about her son. It was the end of the week before I found out he was ok. He was in that crowd of walkers who had to walk home. It took him something like 6 to 8 hours to walk from Manhattan to his apartment in Brooklyn.

  32. #132
    I was engaged at the time to my now-husband, and he was in power school, training for his Nuclear Enginer job in the Navy. My mother and I had been up early that day, because we were going to go out and buy birthday presents for him since his birthday is on September 17.

    I remember watching the news as we got ready, and they reported "breaking news", and my mother goes, "Oh, if it's about Michael Jordan again, I'm going to puke." The night before, we had been watching something on CNN and they interupted the story with news that Jordan was either retiring or coming out of retirement...whichever it was. I forget.

    Of course, it was about the first plane hitting the tower. We thought it was an accident at first, but as we watched, we saw an explosion on the second tower. Whatever news station we were watching didn't have the camera view set to see the plane, so all we saw was a big fireball and couldn't understand what had just happened until reports trickled in that there was another plane. Then of course, we watched as the pentagon was reported as hit, then as the plane in PA went down in the field. Needless to say, we didn't go out that day.

    I was terrified about my husband(then fiancee), of course. He was able to call later on and tell me he was alright and they had locked down the school, but the worry was still there. He didn't get to watch TV at all during the whole event, and didn't see the footage until a few days later. He kept asking me that day,..."what's it like? What are you seeing?" I told him he couldn't even imagine, that it was better off not to watch this happen. This was when they were still showing the people jumping from the towers.

    Strangely enough, the anthrax scares that ran rampant after 9/11 hit my town I was living in at the time. Right before Halloween, the post office in town closed because they found a mysertious white powder...which turned out to be from a broken floresent lightbulb. But that wasn't known for a few days, and Halloween night, we only got two trick-o-treaters because everyone was so convinced our town was being attacked and poisoned.

    "Death doesn't really worry me that much, I'm not frightened about it... I just don't want to be there when it happens."

  33. #133
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs. Watson View Post
    As I said, we lived in the boonies then. There was a busy train track on the back border of our property and it was really strange, no planes overhead and no trains for weeks afterward. It was really really quiet.
    I know exactly what you mean. My husband and I lived in a little rural oasis at the edge of town; railroad tracks visiable to the north, and an airport about 15 miles east. We were used to seeing airplanes coming and going. But after 9/ll nothing. It was so very strange. And then weeks later, we were standing in the front yard and a plane went over, and we were like "A plane! A plane!"

  34. #134
    Mrs. Watson Guest
    We did the same things when the trains started again. I was sitting on the deck when one went finally went by again and my husband was inside and we both ran into the middle of the back yard staring at it.

  35. #135
    shoganc Guest
    I'm almost as far away from NYC as you can get on the continent...BC, Canada, but it rocked me too. I was almost 8 months preggers and had decided to stay home from work - and having amazing benefits at the time too! - so I was sleeping in. Then my hubby woke me up and said something about a movie - surely it was a movie? - on TV. I went back to sleep. Then he came back in and woke me up AGAIN - bastard. And said, "It's not a movie! The US is being attacked!" so I waddled out of bed and there we sat for about 6 hours, crying and mad that this happened. Then we took our 3 and 4 year olds to the park and my oldest fell backwards off the jungle gym. I would have forgotten it if it weren't for the towers.

    The Falling Man is an amazing documentary - politics and the media aside - just for the sheer humanity of it. My grandfather was in the RCAF and talked about pilots and crew in the old air force planes either being "burners" or "jumpers". When I was little, it was kinda creepy to speculate which one I'd be.

    The notion presented that these people took control of their lives back after it had been ripped away from them and they ended it on their terms resonated with me very deeply. I highly recommend the movie.

  36. #136
    Guest Guest
    that morning I was barely awake nursing my 6 day old son when the phone was my mother hysterical..."turn on the tv!! oh god we're being attacked!!!!" I scrambled for the remote and flipped it on just as the second plane calmed her the best I could...asked where my father was...he worked for the immigration department at the time...told her I was on my way...I packed up the baby's things while I called his father to come and get us...I come from a long line of military men and I knew what could be expected and wanted to be with my I get a hold of his daddy and wake him...I say "John do not panic..but we are currently under attack...WTC's 1 and 2 have been hit by planes...I need you to wake up now and come get us and take us to my parents...he was there within 10 minutes..still wearing his jammies! He couldn't stay with us...he worked in mental health at the time and sorry to say this...but the residents were going "nuts" so we get to my parents and my dad is rushing out the door...he was the hospital administrator at the detention center and a bunch of detainees were being combative and celebrating..they were linked to al Queda...he was gone for a solid 3 anyway about a half an hour after I arrived my brother shows in uniform...he was in the national guard and was called in...he hands me a gun with 3 clips and tells me if anyone you do not know shows at the door...shoot that may seem a bit extreme but at this point no one knows one knows if people will use the panic to take to the streets to riot etc...thankfully there was no need for the gun that day but I was still relieved to have it especially early on when no one knew exactly what the hell was 4 days go by and I find out that a good friend of the family was in tower 1 when it collapsed...he was trying to help people out...Joe's one of my hero's...within a month of the attacks I'm told my father has terminal colon cancer and on the one year anniversary of 9/11 my father died in his home with me holding his hand

    I am currently reading a book called Middletown America by Gail is about Middletown New Jersey and surrounding counties that lost a huge number of citizens on 9/'s the story of the survivors and very emotional...and forthright about their recovery and how this incident in history affects all of also covers a great deal of what failed that day and how those same mistakes can't happen again

    I too have a hard time imagining just poof being gone...the fires burned for months...the recovery workers were absolutely amazing but they suffer PTSD and depression as know that some families only got a part of their loved one and others's only hope is that our country has learned how to prevent this from ever happening again...I sometimes wonder if we have?

  37. #137
    Deat becomesher Guest
    My hubby and I had just been to NY that weekend to visit my sister and her husband. I have alot of family who live in NY. We took my husband on a tour of downtown and that included seeing the towers. So we saw the towers the day before they went down. My husband called me at work to let me know what happened. I saw in shock as we were just there. I was working for the government and we were in like a Lock Down no one in , no one out situation. I called my sister right away to make sure she was ok. She was frantic because they didnt know if they were under attack or what was going on. Her husband and a cousin of ours works in law enforcement were at the site for the clean up. It was horrible. My BIL got a plaque for the work he did and he has a picture of him cleaning up at the site.

    Another cousin of mine who works in Manhattan was late for work that day. His office was in the 1st tower that went down. Thank God he was late for work that day. When I finally got a hold of him to see if he was ok. He said he ran for his life as the streets were clouded with smoke and everything else. He said people were in such a panic that day. It was horrific. He quit his job and never went back to that area. He said he had nightmares for months after that. I didnt lose anyone but it affected my family. I am grateful we lost no one in our family. I am sorry for the families who did that day.

  38. #138
    RoRo Guest
    I was taking care of a lady who lived right in the flight path of the airport in Nashville...I woke up and was watching the Today show and was just in shock..I had a dear friend in the Air Force and I remember the lady's son asking me why I was so upset..He could be a real jerk and I told him I was worried about Joe and all those people in the towers getting out. Then when they fell I just couldn't take it in. The lady I took care of was 98 years old and had dementia..she rarely talked and she looked at me and said did they get the United Nations bldg, I said no and she said well theres going to be a big war. I was stunned that she was that coherent!
    It was really eerie with the days without planes....I remember Trace Adkins ( country singer ) ecently said he took his little girl who was 3 or 4 at the time and was talking to her about there being no planes. I have several books about 9/11, One of my favorites is called A Widow's Walk and then I have the New Yok Times hardback of all the victim's profiles from the's about 2 inches thick and so sad to read.
    For all those who lost someone, friend or family, that day my heart goes out to you!

  39. #139
    bobfather99 Guest
    I live in Northwest Indiana, along a major flightpath for planes landing at Ohare in Chicago. Ill never forget the quietness of not having any planes in the sky. People seemed to walk around in a daze, too, public places seemed to be "emptier".

    Ill also never forget those horribly sad images of loved ones walking around with pictures of missing loved ones.

  40. #140
    Kugmu Guest

    She won us over with her beauty and her acting chops, and we fell in love with her all over again during the Oscars. But now, thanks to a recently â?? surfaced year â?? old interview, our impression of Marion Cotillard may be about to change.
    The actress made comments questioning government â?? issued reports regarding the September 11th attacks and Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong's history â?? making moon landing during an interview with the French Paris Premiere â?? Paris Derniere (Paris First â?? Paris Last) which aired about a year ago. Yesterday, the interview reappeared on a French website, theTelegraph reports.
    What she said, after the jump.

    "I think we're lied to about a number of things," the Oscar winning French actress said of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the newspaper reports. "We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes, are they burned? There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."
    And she said this of the twin towers: "It was a money â?? sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re â?? cable all that, to bring up to date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them."

    And that's not all this Oscar winner questions.
    "Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I donâ??t believe all they tell me, thatâ??s for sure," Marion said of the famous 1969 moon walk, according to WENN.

  41. #141
    Guest Guest
    huh? she said all of that huh?

    well Frenchy better just remember if it wasn't for the U S of A she'd be speaking GERMAN!

  42. #142
    cindyk Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SueWahoo View Post
    WHY WHY WHY did i listen to that?? i was doing good but of course curiousity killed the cat. i will never get that out of my head. EVER. i see that some haven't listened to it and unless you can stomach that kind of stuff, DON'T. (especially not the last seconds). now i know that i can listen to 911 calls, but NOT 9/11 calls.

  43. #143
    cherryghost Guest
    Frenchy might have been speaking Russian as they were a mighty force in the end too but it never happened !

    Really I think thats a misinterpretation taken out of context for the actress, or after all she is an actress, and it just comes out after she wins an academy award!

    I reread the comment and Im not sure what she is really talking about! Sounds like she is being set up or she is talking about towers in general. Because she is French maybe someone wants to make her appear anti US.Who is behind this crap?

    She is being very french and quite subliminal! I think its a setup! Or was she talking about the financial district of NY and the theory there of why it was hit!

    Life is full of questions not answers!

    Nicole Kidman says incredibly stupid things all the time but I dont think anyone listens to her!
    Last edited by cherryghost; 03-09-2008 at 06:37 AM.

  44. #144
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by cherryghost View Post
    Frenchy might have been speaking Russian as they were a mighty force in the end too but it never happened !

    Really I think thats a misinterpretation taken out of context for the actress, or after all she is an actress, and it just comes out after she wins an academy award!

    I reread the comment and Im not sure what she is really talking about! Sounds like she is being set up or she is talking about towers in general. Because she is French maybe someone wants to make her appear anti US.Who is behind this crap?

    She is being very french and quite subliminal! I think its a setup! Or was she talking about the financial district of NY and the theory there of why it was hit!

    Life is full of questions not answers!

    Nicole Kidman says incredibly stupid things all the time but I dont think anyone listens to her!
    What drives me nuts is when actors/actresses/singers/models spout off on some subject like politics, global warming, Darfur, 9/11, you name it. They do not have advanced degrees in Political Science, Environmental Studies or Structural Engineering, yet they feel they know enough to make an educated statement. I remember one time when I worked downtown in the early '90's, there was a "Green" rally on Earth Day where there were all these movie stars talking about the evils of oil-based energy. After the rally, I saw them all drive away in their limos, Mercedes, Bentleys, etc. If they had come to town via bicycle or hang glider, I would have had so much respect for them!
    Any day above ground is a good day.

  45. #145
    weight loss Guest

    List of songs deemed inappropriate after 9/11

  46. #146
    mel306 Guest
    This list is insane. We were playing certain songs on here purposely, such as New York, New York.

    This reminds me of a TV reporter, I forgot her name, who went on Letterman, I think, soon after he came back on. She was wearing a huge eagle pin on her lapel. She explained that she and everyone at her network were instructed not to wear American flag pins, because it might be seen as too controversial at the time. She wore the next best symbol of American and made sure everyone knew why.

    I cannot stand it when people try to be politically correct in ridiculous ways.

  47. #147
    mel306 Guest
    It was Cokie Roberts. Found an article link.

  48. #148
    mstee2u1972 Guest
    Every time I hear "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day, I can't help but to think of 9/11. It seems like that whole time period went by as if in slow motion and we were all spectators. A very strange and sad time indeed.

  49. #149
    TNpuck Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by geekygirl View Post
    What drives me nuts is when actors/actresses/singers/models spout off on some subject like politics, global warming, Darfur, 9/11, you name it. They do not have advanced degrees in Political Science, Environmental Studies or Structural Engineering, yet they feel they know enough to make an educated statement. I remember one time when I worked downtown in the early '90's, there was a "Green" rally on Earth Day where there were all these movie stars talking about the evils of oil-based energy. After the rally, I saw them all drive away in their limos, Mercedes, Bentleys, etc. If they had come to town via bicycle or hang glider, I would have had so much respect for them!
    It's called freedom of speech, and it does not require a degree or for anyone to be an authority on a subject. If it did, you wouldn't be here posting.

  50. #150
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Uptown Whittier
    I remember the first plane hitting, not knowing for sure it was an attack but thinking it might be. I picked up my carpooler, and we drove to work, at our office - very near Los Angeles International Airport. About the time we arrived, it came out that both Towers and the Pentagon were hit, and it was obviously a well planned terrorist attack. We kept waiting for someone in charge at work to tell us to go home. Having Aerospace companies and the airport very close by, we felt vulnerable. When we saw the FBI with bomb sniffing dogs making the rounds of ours and other local parking lots, got really freaked and finally, we just decided to leave. We were given, via a mass voice mail, the next day off. I was in such shock, and so disgusted by Bush, and his lack of action even though he'd been given memos warning of such possibilities by Clinton = yet he chose ignore the threat and go on his many vacations, and even when he found out what was happening in REAL TIME, he sat in that Florida classroom attempting to read 'My Pet Goat', which should be the only thing in his Presidential Library, or in his case, his "LIE-bary". He looked like a sedated monkey sitting for 8 minutes not knowing what to do because nobody told him what to do. He still doesn't "think much about Bin Laden" (paraphrasing his words) after he flew the Bin Laden family out of the US, when all other planes were grounded. They are friends, you see. He used the Twin Towers to attack the wrong country for the wrong reasons. Mission Accomplished yet George, you moron? Sorry, I know we aren't to share political views here, but I'm just saying... I stayed in shock until the following Friday. That day, our CEO had all of us come down to our company park, a big grassy area outside our 15 floor tower, hold hands and pray. I'm not one for praying, but I'm an empathic person, and the combined sadness of everyone around me and the realization of what had happened, the sadness of the families who lost loved ones, and the people who chose to jump rather than burn...finally hit me very hard, and I cried and cried. I have tears in my eyes now.

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